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Version analysis of LL145 (Part 1 of 4)

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: LL145 (Part 1 of 4) Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Clip line: Work out which end-points are on-screen, if any Deep dive: Line-clipping Extended screen coordinates
This routine clips the line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) so it fits on-screen, or returns an error if it can't be clipped to fit. The arguments are 16-bit coordinates, and the clipped line is returned using 8-bit screen coordinates. This part sets XX13 to reflect which of the two points are on-screen and off-screen.
Arguments: XX15(1 0) x1 as a 16-bit coordinate (x1_hi x1_lo) XX15(3 2) y1 as a 16-bit coordinate (y1_hi y1_lo) XX15(5 4) x2 as a 16-bit coordinate (x2_hi x2_lo) XX12(1 0) y2 as a 16-bit coordinate (y2_hi y2_lo)
Returns: (X1, Y1) Screen coordinate of the start of the clipped line (X2, Y2) Screen coordinate of the end of the clipped line C flag Clear if the clipped line fits on-screen, set if it doesn't XX13 The state of the original coordinates on-screen: * 0 = (x2, y2) on-screen * 95 = (x1, y1) on-screen, (x2, y2) off-screen * 191 = (x1, y1) off-screen, (x2, y2) off-screen So XX13 is non-zero if the end of the line was clipped, meaning the next line sent to BLINE can't join onto the end but has to start a new segment SWAP The swap status of the returned coordinates: * &FF if we swapped the values of (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) as part of the clipping process * 0 if the coordinates are still in the same order Y Y is preserved
Other entry points:

Code variation 1 of 4A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LL147 Don't initialise the values in SWAP or A
CLIP Another name for LL145 CLIP2 Don't initialise the values in SWAP or A

Code variation 2 of 4A variation in the labels only

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.

 LDA #0                 \ Set SWAP = 0

 LDA XX15+5             \ Set A = x2_hi

Code variation 3 of 4A variation in the labels only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

 LDX #Y*2-1             \ Set X = #Y * 2 - 1. The constant #Y is 96, the
                        \ y-coordinate of the mid-point of the space view, so
                        \ this sets Y2 to 191, the y-coordinate of the bottom
                        \ pixel row of the space view

 ORA XX12+1             \ If one or both of x2_hi and y2_hi are non-zero, jump
 BNE LL107              \ to LL107 to skip the following, leaving X at 191

 CPX XX12               \ If y2_lo > the y-coordinate of the bottom of screen
 BCC LL107              \ then (x2, y2) is off the bottom of the screen, so skip
                        \ the following instruction, leaving X at 191

 LDX #0                 \ Set X = 0


 STX XX13               \ Set XX13 = X, so we have:
                        \   * XX13 = 0 if x2_hi = y2_hi = 0, y2_lo is on-screen
                        \   * XX13 = 191 if x2_hi or y2_hi are non-zero or y2_lo
                        \            is off the bottom of the screen
                        \ In other words, XX13 is 191 if (x2, y2) is off-screen,
                        \ otherwise it is 0

 LDA XX15+1             \ If one or both of x1_hi and y1_hi are non-zero, jump
 ORA XX15+3             \ to LL83

 LDA #Y*2-1             \ If y1_lo > the y-coordinate of the bottom of screen
 CMP XX15+2             \ then (x1, y1) is off the bottom of the screen, so jump
 BCC LL83               \ to LL83

                        \ If we get here, (x1, y1) is on-screen

 LDA XX13               \ If XX13 is non-zero, i.e. (x2, y2) is off-screen, jump
 BNE LL108              \ to LL108 to halve it before continuing at LL83

                        \ If we get here, the high bytes are all zero, which
                        \ means the x-coordinates are < 256 and therefore fit on
                        \ screen, and neither coordinate is off the bottom of
                        \ the screen. That means both coordinates are already on
                        \ screen, so we don't need to do any clipping, all we
                        \ need to do is move the low bytes into (X1, Y1) and
                        \ X2, Y2) and return


                        \ If we get here then we have clipped our line to the
                        \ screen edge (if we had to clip it at all), so we move
                        \ the low bytes from (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) into (X1, Y1)
                        \ and (X2, Y2), remembering that they share locations
                        \ with XX15:
                        \   X1 = XX15
                        \   Y1 = XX15+1
                        \   X2 = XX15+2
                        \   Y2 = XX15+3
                        \ X1 already contains x1_lo, so now we do the rest

 LDA XX15+2             \ Set Y1 (aka XX15+1) = y1_lo
 STA XX15+1

 LDA XX15+4             \ Set X2 (aka XX15+2) = x2_lo
 STA XX15+2

 LDA XX12               \ Set Y2 (aka XX15+3) = y2_lo
 STA XX15+3

Code variation 4 of 4Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked), Master and Electron versions.

LDA SWAP \ If SWAP = 0, then we didn't have to swap the line BEQ noswap \ coordinates around during the clipping process, so \ jump to noswap to skip the following swap LDA X1 \ Otherwise the coordinates were swapped above, LDY X2 \ so we swap (X1, Y1) and (X2, Y2) back again STA X2 STY X1 LDA Y1 LDY Y2 STA Y2 STY Y1 .noswap
 CLC                    \ Clear the C flag as the clipped line fits on-screen

 RTS                    \ Return from the subroutine


 SEC                    \ Set the C flag to indicate the clipped line does not
                        \ fit on-screen

 RTS                    \ Return from the subroutine


 LSR XX13               \ If we get here then (x2, y2) is off-screen and XX13 is
                        \ 191, so shift XX13 right to halve it to 95