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Drawing circles: CIRCLE2

[NES version, Bank 1]

Name: CIRCLE2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing circles Summary: Draw a circle (for the planet or chart) Deep dive: Drawing circles
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * CIRCLE2_b1 calls CIRCLE2

Draw a circle with the centre at (K3, K4) and radius K. Used to draw the planet and the chart circles.
Arguments: STP The step size for the circle K The circle's radius K3(1 0) Pixel x-coordinate of the centre of the circle K4(1 0) Pixel y-coordinate of the centre of the circle
Returns: C flag The C flag is cleared
.CIRCLE2 LDX #$FF ; Set FLAG = $FF to reset the ball line heap in the call STX FLAG ; to the BLINE routine below INX ; Set CNT = 0, our counter that goes up to 64, counting STX CNT ; segments in our circle .PLL3 LDA CNT ; Set A = CNT JSR FMLTU2 ; Call FMLTU2 to calculate: ; ; A = K * sin(A) ; = K * sin(CNT) LDX #0 ; Set T = 0, so we have the following: STX T ; ; (T A) = K * sin(CNT) ; ; which is the x-coordinate of the circle for this count LDX CNT ; If CNT < 33 then jump to PL37, as this is the right CPX #33 ; half of the circle and the sign of the x-coordinate is BCC PL37 ; correct EOR #%11111111 ; This is the left half of the circle, so we want to ADC #0 ; flip the sign of the x-coordinate in (T A) using two's TAX ; complement, so we start with the low byte and store it ; in X (the ADC adds 1 as we know the C flag is set) LDA #$FF ; And then we flip the high byte in T ADC #0 STA T TXA ; Finally, we restore the low byte from X, so we have ; now negated the x-coordinate in (T A) CLC ; Clear the C flag so we can do some more addition below .PL37 ADC K3 ; We now calculate the following: STA K6 ; ; K6(1 0) = (T A) + K3(1 0) ; ; to add the coordinates of the centre to our circle ; point, starting with the low bytes LDA K3+1 ; And then doing the high bytes, so we now have: ADC T ; STA K6+1 ; K6(1 0) = K * sin(CNT) + K3(1 0) ; ; which is the result we want for the x-coordinate LDA CNT ; Set A = CNT + 16 CLC ADC #16 JSR FMLTU2 ; Call FMLTU2 to calculate: ; ; A = K * sin(A) ; = K * sin(CNT + 16) ; = K * cos(CNT) TAX ; Set X = A ; = K * cos(CNT) LDA #0 ; Set T = 0, so we have the following: STA T ; ; (T X) = K * cos(CNT) ; ; which is the y-coordinate of the circle for this count LDA CNT ; Set A = (CNT + 15) mod 64 CLC ADC #15 AND #63 CMP #33 ; If A < 33 (i.e. CNT is 0-16 or 48-64) then jump to BCC PL38 ; PL38, as this is the bottom half of the circle and the ; sign of the y-coordinate is correct TXA ; This is the top half of the circle, so we want to EOR #%11111111 ; flip the sign of the y-coordinate in (T X) using two's ADC #0 ; complement, so we start with the low byte in X (the TAX ; ADC adds 1 as we know the C flag is set) LDA #$FF ; And then we flip the high byte in T, so we have ADC #0 ; now negated the y-coordinate in (T X) STA T CLC ; Clear the C flag so the addition at the start of BLINE ; will work .PL38 JSR BLINE ; Call BLINE to draw this segment, which also increases ; CNT by STP, the step size CMP #65 ; If CNT >= 65 then skip the next instruction BCS P%+5 JMP PLL3 ; Jump back for the next segment CLC ; Clear the C flag to indicate success RTS ; Return from the subroutine