.YESNO LDA fontStyle ; Store the current font style on the stack, so we can PHA ; restore it when we return from the subroutine LDA #2 ; Set the font style to print in the highlight font STA fontStyle LDA #1 ; Push a value of 1 onto the stack, so the following PHA ; prints extended token 1 ("YES") .yeno1 JSR CLYNS ; Clear the bottom two text rows of the upper screen, ; and move the text cursor to the first cleared row LDA #15 ; Move the text cursor to column 15 STA XC PLA ; Print the extended token whose number is on the stack, PHA ; so this will be "YES" (token 1) or "NO" (token 2) JSR DETOK_b2 JSR DrawMessageInNMI ; Configure the NMI to display the YES/NO message that ; we just printed LDA controller1A ; If the A button is being pressed on the controller, BMI yeno3 ; jump to yeno3 to record the choice LDA controller1Up ; If neither the up nor down arrow is being pressed on ORA controller1Down ; the controller, jump to yeno2 to pause and loop back BPL yeno2 ; to keep waiting for a choice to be made ; If we get here then either the up or down arrow is ; being pressed, so we toggle the on-screen choice ; between "YES" and "NO" PLA ; Flip the value on the top of the stack between 1 and 2 EOR #3 ; by EOR'ing with 3, which toggles the token between PHA ; "YES" and "NO" .yeno2 LDY #8 ; Wait until eight NMI interrupts have passed (i.e. the JSR DELAY ; next eight VBlanks) JMP yeno1 ; Loop back to print "YES" or NO" and wait for a choice .yeno3 LDA #0 ; Reset the key logger entry for the icon bar button STA iconBarKeyPress ; choice to clear any icon bar choices that might have ; been processed in the background (via the pause menu, ; for example) STA controller1A ; Reset the key logger for the A button as we have ; consumed the button press PLA ; Set X to the value from the top of the stack, which TAX ; will be 1 for "YES" or 2 for "NO", giving us our ; result to return PLA ; Restore the font style that we stored on the stack STA fontStyle ; so it's unchanged by the routine TXA ; Copy X to A, so we return the result in both A and X RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: YESNO [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Controllers Summary: Display "YES" or "NO" and wait until one is chosenContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TBRIEF calls YESNO
This routine does a similar job to the routine of the same name in the BBC Master version of Elite, but the code is significantly different.
Returns: A The result: * 1 if "YES" was chosen * 2 if "NO" was chosen
Subroutine CLYNS (category: Drawing the screen)
Clear the bottom two text rows of the visible screen
Subroutine DELAY (category: Utility routines)
Wait until a specified number of NMI interrupts have passed (i.e. a specified number of VBlanks)
Subroutine DETOK_b2 (category: Text)
Call the DETOK routine in ROM bank 2
Subroutine DrawMessageInNMI (category: Drawing the screen)
Configure the NMI to send the portion of the screen that contains the in-flight message to the PPU (i.e. tile rows 22 to 24)
Variable controller1A in workspace WP
A shift register for recording presses of the A button on controller 1
Variable controller1Down in workspace WP
A shift register for recording presses of the down button on controller 1
Variable controller1Up in workspace WP
A shift register for recording presses of the up button on controller 1
Variable iconBarKeyPress in workspace ZP
The button number of an icon bar button if an icon bar button has been chosen
Label yeno1 is local to this routine
Label yeno2 is local to this routine
Label yeno3 is local to this routine