.TT100 DEC DLY \ Decrement the delay counter in DLY, so any in-flight \ messages get removed once the counter reaches zero BEQ me2 \ If DLY is now 0, jump to me2 to remove any in-flight \ message from the space view, and once done, return to \ me3 below, skipping the following two instructions BPL me3 \ If DLY is positive, jump to me3 to skip the next \ instruction INC DLY \ If we get here, DLY is negative, so we have gone too \ and need to increment DLY back to 0 .me3 DEC MCNT \ Decrement the main loop counter in MCNT \ --- Mod: Code removed for Elite-A: ------------------> \BEQ P%+5 \ If the counter has reached zero, which it will do \ \ every 256 main loops, skip the next JMP instruction \ \ (or to put it another way, if the counter hasn't \ \ reached zero, jump down to MLOOP, skipping all the \ \ following checks) \ \.ytq \ \JMP MLOOP \ Jump down to MLOOP to do some end-of-loop tidying and \ \ restart the main loop \ \ \ We only get here once every 256 iterations of the \ \ main loop. If we aren't in witchspace and don't \ \ already have 3 or more asteroids in our local bubble, \ \ then this section has a 13% chance of spawning \ \ something benign (the other 87% of the time we jump \ \ down to consider spawning cops, pirates and bounty \ \ hunters) \ \ \ \ If we are in that 13%, then 50% of the time this will \ \ be a Cobra Mk III trader, and the other 50% of the \ \ time it will either be an asteroid (98.5% chance) or, \ \ very rarely, a cargo canister (1.5% chance) \ \LDA MJ \ If we are in witchspace following a mis-jump, skip the \BNE ytq \ following by jumping down to MLOOP (via ytq above) \ \JSR DORND \ Set A and X to random numbers \ \CMP #35 \ If A >= 35 (87% chance), jump down to MLOOP to skip \BCS MLOOP \ the following \ \LDA MANY+AST \ If we already have 3 or more asteroids in the local \CMP #3 \ bubble, jump down to MLOOP to skip the following \BCS MLOOP \ \JSR ZINF \ Call ZINF to reset the INWK ship workspace \ \LDA #38 \ Set z_hi = 38 (far away) \STA INWK+7 \ \JSR DORND \ Set A, X and C flag to random numbers \ \STA INWK \ Set x_lo = random \ \STX INWK+3 \ Set y_lo = random \ \ \ \ Note that because we use the value of X returned by \ \ DORND, and X contains the value of A returned by the \ \ previous call to DORND, this does not set the new ship \ \ to a totally random location \ \AND #%10000000 \ Set x_sign = bit 7 of x_lo \STA INWK+2 \ \TXA \ Set y_sign = bit 7 of y_lo \AND #%10000000 \STA INWK+5 \ \ROL INWK+1 \ Set bit 1 of x_hi to the C flag, which is random, so \ROL INWK+1 \ this randomly moves us off-centre by 512 (as if x_hi \ \ is %00000010, then (x_hi x_lo) is 512 + x_lo) \ --- End of removed code -----------------------------> \ Fall through into part 5 (parts 3 and 4 are not \ required when we are docked)Name: Main game loop (Part 2 of 6) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Update the main loop counters Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Ship data blocks Fixing ship positionsContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main game loop (Part 6 of 6) calls via TT100 * me2 calls via me3
In the docked code, we start the main game loop at part 2 and then jump straight to part 5, as parts 1, 3 and 4 are not required when we are docked. This section covers the following: * Update the main loop counters
Other entry points: TT100 The entry point for the start of the main game loop, which calls the main flight loop and the moves into the spawning routine me3 Used by me2 to jump back into the main game loop after printing an in-flight message
Subroutine me2 (category: Flight)
Remove an in-flight message from the space view
Entry point me3 in subroutine Main game loop (Part 2 of 6) (category: Main loop)
Used by me2 to jump back into the main game loop after printing an in-flight message