.DOVIAE STA VIA+&4E \ Store A in SHEILA &4E JMP PUTBACK \ Jump to PUTBACK to restore the USOSWRCH handler and \ return from the subroutine using a tail callName: DOVIAE [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Keyboard Summary: Implement the #VIAE <flag> command (enable/disable interrupts)Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMPTAB calls DOVIAE
This routine is run when the parasite sends a #VIAE <flag> command. It updates the 6522 System VIA interrupt enable register (IER) at SHEILA &4E, which allows us to enable and disable interrupts. It is used for enabling and disabling the keyboard interrupt.
Arguments: A The new value of the interrupt enable register (IER)
Subroutine PUTBACK (category: Tube)
Reset the OSWRCH vector in WRCHV to point to USOSWRCH
Configuration variable VIA = &FE00
Memory-mapped space for accessing internal hardware, such as the video ULA, 6845 CRTC and 6522 VIAs (also known as SHEILA)