Name: T% Type: Workspace
ORG &0300 .T% SKIP 0 \ The start of the T% workspace .TP .QQ0 .QQ1 .QQ21 .CASH .QQ14 .COK .GCNT .LASER SKIP 2 \ These bytes appear to be unused (they were originally \ used for up/down lasers, but they were dropped) .CRGO .QQ20 .ECM .BST .BOMB .ENGY .DKCMP .GHYP .ESCP SKIP 4 \ These bytes appear to be unused .NOMSL .FIST .AVL .QQ26 .TALLY .SVC .SX .SXLCategory: Workspaces Summary: Current commander data and stardust data blocks
Contains the current commander data (NT% bytes at location TP), and the stardust data blocks (NOST bytes at location SX)
PRINT "T% workspace from ", ~T%, " to ", ~P%