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Version analysis of SVE

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: SVE Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load

Code variation 1 of 20A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Master version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

Summary: Save the commander file
Summary: Display the disc access menu and process saving of commander files

Code variation 2 of 20A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (docked), Master and Electron versions.

Returns: C flag Set if we loaded a new file, clear otherwise

Code variation 3 of 20Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Cassette and Electron versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JSR ZEBC \ Call ZEBC to zero-fill pages &B and &C TSX \ Transfer the stack pointer to X and store it in stack, STX stack \ so we can restore it in the MEBRK routine
TSX \ Transfer the stack pointer to X and store it in STX stackpt \ stackpt, so we can restore it in the NEWBRK routine JSR TRADEMODE2 \ Set the palette for trading screens and switch the \ current colour to white

Code variation 4 of 20Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Master and Electron versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #LO(MEBRK) \ Set BRKV to point to the MEBRK routine, which is the STA BRKV \ BRKV handler for disc access operations, and replaces LDA #HI(MEBRK) \ the standard BRKV handler in BRBR while disc access STA BRKV+1 \ operations are happening
LDA #LO(MEBRK) \ Set BRKV to point to the MEBRK routine, disabling SEI \ interrupts while we make the change and re-enabling STA BRKV \ them once we are done. MEBRK is the BRKV handler for LDA #HI(MEBRK) \ disc access operations, and replaces the standard BRKV STA BRKV+1 \ handler in BRBR while disc access operations are CLI \ happening

Code variation 5 of 20Related to an enhanced feature

The enhanced versions show a disc access menu when the "@" key is pressed, which lets you load and save commanders, catalogue discs and delete files.

See below for more variations related to this code.

This variation is blank in the Cassette and Electron versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #1 \ Print extended token 1, the disc access menu, which JSR DETOK \ presents these options: \ \ 1. Load New Commander \ 2. Save Commander {commander name} \ 3. Catalogue \ 4. Delete A File \ 5. Exit JSR t \ Scan the keyboard until a key is pressed, returning \ the ASCII code in A and X CMP #'1' \ If A < ASCII "1", jump to SVEX to exit as the key BCC SVEX \ press doesn't match a menu option CMP #'4' \ If "4" was pressed, jump to DELT to process option 4 BEQ DELT \ (delete a file) BCS SVEX \ If A >= ASCII "4", jump to SVEX to exit as the key \ press is either option 5 (exit), or it doesn't match a \ menu option (as we already checked for "4" above) CMP #'2' \ If A >= ASCII "2" (i.e. save or catalogue), skip to BCS SV1 \ SV1 JSR GTNMEW \ If we get here then option 1 (load) was chosen, so \ call GTNMEW to fetch the name of the commander file \ to load (including drive number and directory) into \ INWK JSR LOD \ Call LOD to load the commander file JSR TRNME \ Transfer the commander filename from INWK to NA% SEC \ Set the C flag to indicate we loaded a new commander BCS SVEX+1 \ file, and return from the subroutine (as SVEX+1 \ contains an RTS) .SV1 BNE CAT \ We get here following the CMP #'2' above, so this \ jumps to CAT if option 2 was not chosen - in other \ words, if option 3 (catalogue) was chosen
LDA #1 \ Print extended token 1, the disc access menu, which JSR DETOK \ presents these options: \ \ 1. Load New Commander \ 2. Save Commander {commander name} \ 3. Catalogue \ 4. Delete A File \ 5. Default JAMESON \ 6. Exit JSR t \ Scan the keyboard until a key is pressed, returning \ the ASCII code in A and X CMP #'1' \ Option 1 was chosen, so jump to loading to load a new BEQ loading \ commander CMP #'2' \ Option 2 was chosen, so jump to SV1 to save the BEQ SV1 \ current commander CMP #'3' \ Option 3 was chosen, so jump to feb10 to catalogue a BEQ feb10 \ disc CMP #'4' \ If option 4 wasn't chosen, skip the next two BNE jan18 \ instructions JSR DELT \ Option 4 was chosen, so call DELT to delete a file JMP SVE \ Jump to SVE to display the disc access menu again and \ return from the subroutine using a tail call .jan18 CMP #'5' \ If option 5 wasn't chosen, skip to feb13 to exit the BNE feb13 \ menu LDA #224 \ Print extended token 224 ("ARE YOU SURE?") JSR DETOK JSR YESNO \ Call YESNO to wait until either "Y" or "N" is pressed BCC feb13 \ If "N" was pressed, jump to feb13 JSR JAMESON \ Otherwise "Y" was pressed, so call JAMESON to set the \ last saved commander to the default "JAMESON" \ commander JMP DFAULT \ Jump to DFAULT to reset the current commander data \ block to the last saved commander, returning from the \ subroutine using a tail call .feb13 CLC \ Option 5 was chosen, so clear the C flag to indicate \ that nothing was loaded RTS \ Return from the subroutine .feb10 JSR CATS \ Call CATS to ask for a drive number (or a directory \ name on the Master Compact) and catalogue that disc \ or directory JSR t \ Scan the keyboard until a key is pressed, returning \ the ASCII code in A and X JMP SVE \ Jump to SVE to display the disc access menu and return \ from the subroutine using a tail call .loading JSR GTNMEW \ If we get here then option 1 (load) was chosen, so \ call GTNMEW to fetch the name of the commander file \ to load (including drive number and directory) into \ INWK IF _SNG47 JSR GTDRV \ Get an ASCII disc drive number from the keyboard in A, \ setting the C flag if an invalid drive number was \ entered BCS jan2186 \ If the C flag is set, then an invalid drive number was \ entered, so return from the subroutine (as DELT-1 \ contains an RTS) STA lodosc+6 \ Store the ASCII drive number in lodosc+6, which is the \ drive character of the load filename string ":1.E." ENDIF JSR LOD \ Call LOD to load the commander file JSR TRNME \ Transfer the commander filename from INWK to NA% SEC \ Set the C flag to indicate we loaded a new commander .jan2186 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .SV1

Code variation 6 of 20Related to an enhanced feature

See variation 5 above for details.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JSR GTNME \ Clear the screen and ask for the commander filename \ to save, storing the name at INWK
JSR GTNMEW \ If we get here then option 2 (save) was chosen, so \ call GTNMEW to fetch the name of the commander file \ to save (including drive number and directory) into \ INWK
 JSR TRNME              \ Transfer the commander filename from INWK to NA%

Code variation 7 of 20Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Disc (docked), 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

JSR ZERO \ Zero-fill pages &9, &A, &B, &C and &D, which clears \ the ship data blocks, the ship line heap, the ship \ slots for the local bubble of universe, and various \ flight and ship status variables
 LSR SVC                \ Halve the save count value in SVC

Code variation 8 of 20Related to an enhanced feature

In the disc and 6502SP versions, the competition number is labelled as such when saving. In the cassette version, it is just displayed as a standalone number, without any clues as to what it is, while the Master doesn't show the number at all.

This variation is blank in the Cassette and Electron versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #3 \ Print extended token 3 ("COMPETITION NUMBER:") JSR DETOK
LDA #4 \ Print extended token 4, which is blank (this was where JSR DETOK \ the competition number was printed in older versions, \ but the competition was long gone by the time of the \ BBC Master version
 LDX #NT%               \ We now want to copy the current commander data block
                        \ from location TP to the last saved commander block at
                        \ NA%+8, so set a counter in X to copy the NT% bytes in
                        \ the commander data block

Code variation 9 of 20A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Master version.

\ \ We also want to copy the data block to another \ location &0B00, which is normally used for the ship \ lines heap

Code variation 10 of 20Specific to an individual platform

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA TP,X \ Copy the X-th byte of TP to the X-th byte of &0B00 STA &0B00,X \ and NA%+8 STA NA%+8,X
LDA TP,X \ Copy the X-th byte of TP to the X-th byte of NA%+8 \STA &0B00,X \ STA NA%+8,X \ The STA is commented out in the original source
LDA TP,X \ Copy the X-th byte of TP to the X-th byte of &0900 STA &0900,X \ and NA%+8 STA NA%+8,X
 DEX                    \ Decrement the loop counter

 BPL SVL1               \ Loop back until we have copied all the bytes in the
                        \ commander data block

Code variation 11 of 20A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (docked), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.

\JSR CHECK2 \ These instructions are commented out in the original \ \ source \STA CHK3
 JSR CHECK              \ Call CHECK to calculate the checksum for the last
                        \ saved commander and return it in A

 STA CHK                \ Store the checksum in CHK, which is at the end of the
                        \ last saved commander block

 PHA                    \ Store the checksum on the stack

 ORA #%10000000         \ Set K = checksum with bit 7 set

 EOR COK                \ Set K+2 = K EOR COK (the competition flags)
 STA K+2

 EOR CASH+2             \ Set K+1 = K+2 EOR CASH+2 (the third cash byte)
 STA K+1

 EOR #&5A               \ Set K+3 = K+1 EOR &5A EOR TALLY+1 (the high byte of
 EOR TALLY+1            \ the kill tally)
 STA K+3

Code variation 12 of 20Other (e.g. bug fix, optimisation)

This is a bug fix in the enhanced versions to stop the competition code being printed with a decimal point, which can sometimes happen in the cassette and Electron versions.

This variation is blank in the Cassette and Electron versions.

CLC \ Clear the C flag so the call to BPRNT does not include \ a decimal point

Code variation 13 of 20Related to the Master version

The Master version doesn't show the competition number when saving, as the competition closed some time before the Master came on the scene.

This variation is blank in the Master version.

JSR BPRNT \ Print the competition number stored in K to K+3. The \ value of U might affect how this is printed, and as \ it's a temporary variable in zero page that isn't \ reset by ZERO, it might have any value, but as the \ competition code is a 10-digit number, this just means \ it may or may not have an extra space of padding

Code variation 14 of 20Specific to an individual platform

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JSR TT67 \ Call TT67 twice to print two newlines JSR TT67
JSR TT67 \ Print a newline
 PLA                    \ Restore the checksum from the stack

Code variation 15 of 20Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Master version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

STA &0B00+NT% \ Store the checksum in the last byte of the save file \ at &0B00 (the equivalent of CHK in the last saved \ block)
STA &0900+NT% \ Store the checksum in the last byte of the save file \ at &0900 (the equivalent of CHK in the last saved \ block)
 EOR #&A9               \ Store the checksum EOR &A9 in CHK2, the penultimate
 STA CHK2               \ byte of the last saved commander block

Code variation 16 of 20Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Master version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

STA &0AFF+NT% \ Store the checksum EOR &A9 in the penultimate byte of \ the save file at &0B00 (the equivalent of CHK2 in the \ last saved block) LDY #&B \ Set up an OSFILE block at &0C00, containing: STY &0C0B \ INY \ Start address for save = &00000B00 in &0C0A to &0C0D STY &0C0F \ \ End address for save = &00000C00 in &0C0E to &0C11 \ \ Y is left containing &C which we use below
STA &08FF+NT% \ Store the checksum EOR &A9 in the penultimate byte of \ the save file at &0900 (the equivalent of CHK2 in the \ last saved block) LDY #&9 \ Set up an OSFILE block at &0A00, containing: STY &0A0B \ INY \ Start address for save = &00000900 in &0A0A to &0A0D STY &0A0F \ \ End address for save = &00000A00 in &0A0E to &0A11 \ \ Y is left containing &A which we use below

Code variation 17 of 20Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Disc (docked), 6502 Second Processor, Master and Electron versions.

LDA #%10000001 \ Clear 6522 System VIA interrupt enable register IER STA VIA+&4E \ (SHEILA &4E) bit 1 (i.e. enable the CA2 interrupt, \ which comes from the keyboard) INC SVN \ Increment SVN to indicate we are about to start saving

Code variation 18 of 20Specific to an individual platform

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA #0 \ Call QUS1 with A = 0, Y = &C to save the commander JSR QUS1 \ file with the filename we copied to INWK at the start \ of this routine
\ We now copy the current commander data block into the \ TAP% staging area, though this has no effect as we \ then ignore the result (this code is left over from \ the Apple II version) LDY #NT% \ Set a counter in X to copy the NT% bytes in the \ commander data block .copyme2 LDA NA%+8,Y \ Copy the X-th byte of NA% to the X-th byte of TAP% STA TAP%,Y DEY \ Decrement the loop counter BPL copyme2 \ Loop back until we have copied all the bytes in the \ commander data block IF _SNG47 JSR GTDRV \ Get an ASCII disc drive number from the keyboard in A, \ setting the C flag if an invalid drive number was \ entered BCS SVEX9 \ If the C flag is set, then an invalid drive number was \ entered, so skip the next two instructions STA savosc+6 \ Store the ASCII drive number in savosc+6, which is the \ drive character of the save filename string ":1.E." ENDIF JSR wfile \ Call wfile to save the commander file .SVEX9 JSR DFAULT \ Call DFAULT to reset the current commander data \ block to the last saved commander .SVEX CLC \ Clear the C flag to indicate that no new commander \ file was loaded RTS \ Return from the subroutine

Code variation 19 of 20Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Disc (docked) and Master versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDX #0 \ Set X = 0 for storing in SVN below \STX VIA+&4E \ This instruction is commented out in the original \ source. It would affect the 6522 System VIA interrupt \ enable register IER (SHEILA &4E) if any of bits 0-6 \ of X were set, but they aren't, so this instruction \ would have no effect anyway \DEX \ This instruction is commented out in the original \ source. It would end up setting SVN to &FF, which \ affects the logic in the IRQ1 handler STX SVN \ Set SVN to 0 to indicate we are done saving JMP BAY \ Go to the docking bay (i.e. show Status Mode)
IF _SNG45 JSR DFAULT \ Call DFAULT to reset the current commander data block \ to the last saved commander ENDIF
JMP BAY \ Go to the docking bay (i.e. show Status Mode)

Code variation 20 of 20Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Master and Electron versions.

.SVEX CLC \ Clear the C flag to indicate we didn't just load a new \ commander file JMP BRKBK \ Jump to BRKBK to set BRKV back to the standard BRKV \ handler for the game, and return from the subroutine \ using a tail call