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PPU: SendViewToPPU

[NES version, Bank 3]

Name: SendViewToPPU [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: PPU Summary: Configure the PPU for the view type in QQ11 Deep dive: Views and view types in NES Elite
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SendViewToPPU_b3 calls SendViewToPPU
.SendViewToPPU JSR WaitForNMI ; Wait until the next NMI interrupt has passed (i.e. the ; next VBlank) LDA ppuCtrlCopy ; Store the value of ppuCtrlCopy on the stack so we can PHA ; restore it at the end of the subroutine LDA #%00000000 ; Set A to use as the new value for PPU_CTRL below STA ppuCtrlCopy ; Store the new value of PPU_CTRL in ppuCtrlCopy so we ; can check its value without having to access the PPU STA PPU_CTRL ; Configure the PPU by setting PPU_CTRL as follows: ; ; * Bits 0-1 = base nametable address %00 ($2000) ; * Bit 2 clear = increment PPU_ADDR by 1 each time ; * Bit 3 clear = sprite pattern table is at $0000 ; * Bit 4 clear = background pattern table is at $0000 ; * Bit 5 clear = sprites are 8x8 pixels ; * Bit 6 clear = use PPU 0 (the only option on a NES) ; * Bit 7 clear = disable VBlank NMI generation STA setupPPUForIconBar ; Clear bit 7 of setupPPUForIconBar so we do nothing ; when the PPU starts drawing the icon bar LDA #%00000000 ; Configure the PPU by setting PPU_MASK as follows: STA PPU_MASK ; ; * Bit 0 clear = normal colour (not monochrome) ; * Bit 1 clear = hide leftmost 8 pixels of background ; * Bit 2 clear = hide sprites in leftmost 8 pixels ; * Bit 3 clear = hide background ; * Bit 4 clear = hide sprites ; * Bit 5 clear = do not intensify greens ; * Bit 6 clear = do not intensify blues ; * Bit 7 clear = do not intensify reds LDA QQ11 ; If the view type in QQ11 is not $B9 (Equip Ship), CMP #$B9 ; jump to svip1 to keep checking for view types BNE svip1 JMP svip7 ; Jump to svip7 to set up the Equip Ship screen .svip1 CMP #$9D ; If the view type in QQ11 is $9D (Long-range Chart with BEQ svip6 ; the normal font loaded), jump to svip6 CMP #$DF ; If the view type in QQ11 is $DF (Start screen with the BEQ svip6 ; normal font loaded), jump to svip6 CMP #$96 ; If the view type in QQ11 is not $96 (Data on System), BNE svip2 ; jump to svip2 to keep checking for view types ; If we get here then this is the Data on System screen JSR GetSystemImage_b5 ; This is the Data on System view, so fetch the ; background image and foreground sprite for the current ; system image and send them to the pattern buffers and ; PPU JMP svip10 ; Jump to svip10 to finish off setting up the view .svip2 CMP #$98 ; If the view type in QQ11 is not $98 (Status Mode), BNE svip3 ; jump to svip3 to keep checking for view types ; If we get here then this is the Status Mode screen JSR GetCmdrImage_b4 ; This is the Status Mode view, so fetch the headshot ; image for the commander and store it in the pattern ; buffers, and send the face and glasses images to the ; PPU JMP svip10 ; Jump to svip10 to finish off setting up the view .svip3 CMP #$BA ; If the view type in QQ11 is not $BA (Market Price), BNE svip4 ; jump to svip4 to keep checking for view types ; If we get here then this is the Market Price screen LDA #HI(16*69) ; Set PPU_ADDR to the address of pattern 69 in pattern STA PPU_ADDR ; table 0, so we load the missile image here LDA #LO(16*69) STA PPU_ADDR LDA #HI(inventoryIcon) ; Set SC(1 0) = inventoryIcon so we send the inventory STA SC+1 ; icon bar image to the PPU LDA #LO(inventoryIcon) STA SC LDA #245 ; Set imageSentToPPU = 245 to denote that we have sent STA imageSentToPPU ; the inventory icon image to the PPU LDX #4 ; Set X = 4 so we send four batches of 16 bytes to the ; PPU in the call to SendInventoryToPPU below JMP svip9 ; Jump to svip9 to send the missile image to the PPU and ; finish off setting up the view .svip4 CMP #$BB ; If the view type in QQ11 is not $BB (Save and load BNE svip5 ; with the normal and highlight fonts loaded), jump to ; svip5 to keep checking for view types ; If we get here then this is the Save and Load screen ; with the normal and highlight fonts loaded LDA #HI(16*69) ; Set PPU_ADDR to the address of pattern 69 in pattern STA PPU_ADDR ; table 0, so we load the small logo image here LDA #LO(16*69) STA PPU_ADDR LDA #HI(smallLogoImage) ; Set V(1 0) = smallLogoImage STA V+1 ; LDA #LO(smallLogoImage) ; So we can unpack the image data for the small STA V ; Elite logo into pattern 69 onwards in pattern ; table 0 LDA #3 ; Set A = 3 so we only unpack the image data below when ; imageSentToPPU does not equal 3 (i.e. if we haven't ; already sent the small logo image to the PPU) BNE svip8 ; Jump to svip8 to unpack the image data (this BNE is ; effectively a JMP as A is never zero) .svip5 ; If we get here then this not one of these views: ; ; * Equip Ship ; * Long-range Chart with the normal font loaded ; * Start screen with the normal font loaded ; * Data on System ; * Status Mode ; * Market Price ; * Save and load with normal and highlight fonts ; loaded ; ; so now we load the dashboard image, if we haven't ; already LDA #0 ; Set A = 0 to set as the new value of imageSentToPPU ; below CMP imageSentToPPU ; If imageSentToPPU = 0 then we have already sent the BEQ svip10 ; dashboard image to the PPU, so jump to svip10 to ; finish off setting up the view without sending the ; dashboard image again STA imageSentToPPU ; Set imageSentToPPU = 0 to denote that we have sent the ; dashboard image to the PPU JSR SendDashImageToPPU ; Unpack the dashboard image and send it to patterns 69 ; to 255 in pattern table 0 in the PPU JMP svip10 ; Jump to svip10 to finish off setting up the view .svip6 ; If we get here then QQ11 is $9D (Long-range Chart with ; the normal font loaded) or $DF (Start screen with ; the normal font loaded), so now we load the font ; images, starting at pattern 68 in the PPU LDA #36 ; Set asciiToPattern = 36, so we add 36 to an ASCII code STA asciiToPattern ; in the CHPR routine to get the pattern number in the ; PPU of the corresponding character image (as we are ; about to load the font at pattern 68, and the font ; starts with a space character, which is ASCII 32, and ; 32 + 36 = 68) LDA #1 ; Set A = 1 to set as the new value of imageSentToPPU ; below CMP imageSentToPPU ; If imageSentToPPU = 1 then we have already sent the BEQ svip10 ; font image to the PPU, so jump to svip10 to finish off ; setting up the view without sending the font image ; again STA imageSentToPPU ; Set imageSentToPPU = 1 to denote that we have sent the ; font image to the PPU LDA #HI(16*68) ; Set PPU_ADDR to the address of pattern 68 in pattern STA PPU_ADDR ; table 0 LDA #LO(16*68) STA PPU_ADDR LDX #95 ; Set X = 95 so the call to SendFontImageToPPU sends 95 ; font patterns to the PPU as a colour 1 font on a black ; background (though the 95th character is full of ; random junk, so it never gets used) LDA #HI(fontImage) ; Set SC(1 0) = fontImage so we send the font image in STA SC+1 ; the call to SendFontImageToPPU LDA #LO(fontImage) STA SC JSR SendFontImageToPPU ; Send the 95 font patterns to the PPU as a colour 1 ; font on a black background LDA QQ11 ; If the view type in QQ11 is not $DF (Start screen with CMP #$DF ; the normal font loaded), then jump to svip10 to BNE svip10 ; finish off setting up the view without loading the ; logo ball image LDA #HI(16*227) ; Set PPU_ADDR to the address of pattern 227 in pattern STA PPU_ADDR ; table 0 LDA #LO(16*227) STA PPU_ADDR LDA #HI(logoBallImage) ; Set V(1 0) = logoBallImage STA V+1 ; LDA #LO(logoBallImage) ; So we can unpack the image data for the ball at the STA V ; bottom of the big Elite logo into pattern 227 onwards ; in pattern table 0 JSR UnpackToPPU ; Unpack the image data to the PPU JMP svip10 ; Jump to svip10 to finish off setting up the view .svip7 ; If we get here then this is the Equip Ship screen LDA #HI(16*69) ; Set PPU_ADDR to the address of pattern 69 in pattern STA PPU_ADDR ; table 0 LDA #LO(16*69) STA PPU_ADDR LDA #HI(cobraImage) ; Set V(1 0) = cobraImage STA V+1 ; LDA #LO(cobraImage) ; So we can unpack the image data for the Cobra Mk III STA V ; image into pattern 69 onwards in pattern table 0 LDA #2 ; Set A = 2 so we only unpack the image data when ; imageSentToPPU does not equal 2, i.e. if we have not ; already sent the Cobra image to the PPU .svip8 ; If we get here then A determines which image we should ; be loading (the Cobra Mk III image when A = 2, or the ; small logo image when A = 3) CMP imageSentToPPU ; If imageSentToPPU = A then we have already sent the BEQ svip10 ; image specified in A to the PPU STA imageSentToPPU ; Set imageSentToPPU = A to denote that we have sent the ; relevant image to the PPU JSR UnpackToPPU ; Unpack the image data to the PPU JMP svip10 ; Jump to svip10 to finish off setting up the view .svip9 JSR SendInventoryToPPU ; Send X batches of 16 bytes from SC(1 0) to the PPU ; ; We only get here with the following values: ; ; SC(1 0) = inventoryIcon ; ; X = 4 ; ; So this sends 16 * 4 = 64 bytes from inventoryIcon to ; the PPU, which sends the inventory icon bar image .svip10 ; We have finished setting up any view-specific images ; and settings, so now we finish off with some settings ; that apply to all views JSR SetupSprite0 ; Set the coordinates of sprite 0 so we can detect when ; the PPU starts to draw the icon bar ; We now send patterns 0 to 4 to the PPU, which contain ; the box edges LDA #HI(PPU_PATT_1+16*0) ; Set PPU_ADDR to the address of pattern 0 in STA PPU_ADDR ; pattern table 1 LDA #LO(PPU_PATT_1+16*0) STA PPU_ADDR LDY #0 ; We are about to send a batch of bytes to the PPU, so ; set an index counter in Y LDX #80 ; There are 80 bytes of pattern data in the five tile ; patterns (5 * 16 bytes), so set a byte counter in X .svip11 LDA boxEdgeImages,Y ; Send the Y-th byte from boxEdgeImages to the PPU STA PPU_DATA INY ; Increment the index counter in Y DEX ; Decrement the byte counter in X BNE svip11 ; Loop back until we have sent all 80 bytes to the PPU ; We now zero pattern 255 in pattern table 1 so it is ; a full block of background colour LDA #HI(PPU_PATT_1+16*255) ; Set PPU_ADDR to the address of pattern 255 in STA PPU_ADDR ; pattern table 1 LDA #LO(PPU_PATT_1+16*255) STA PPU_ADDR LDA #0 ; We are going to zero the pattern, so set A = 0 to send ; to the PPU LDX #16 ; There are 16 bytes in a pattern, so set a byte counter ; in X .svip12 STA PPU_DATA ; Send a zero to the PPU DEX ; Decrement the byte counter in X BNE svip12 ; Loop back until we have sent all 16 zeroes to the PPU JSR MakeSoundsAtVBlank ; Wait for the next VBlank and make the current sounds ; (music and sound effects) LDX #0 ; Configure bitplane 0 to be sent to the PPU in the NMI, JSR SendBitplaneToPPU ; so the patterns and nametables will be sent to the PPU ; during the next few VBlanks LDX #1 ; Configure bitplane 1 to be sent to the PPU in the NMI JSR SendBitplaneToPPU ; so the patterns and nametables will be sent to the PPU ; during the next few VBlanks LDX #0 ; Hide bitplane 0, so: STX hiddenBitplane ; ; * Colour %01 (1) is the hidden colour (black) ; * Colour %10 (2) is the visible colour (cyan) STX nmiBitplane ; Set nmiBitplane = 0 so bitplane 0 is the first to be ; sent in the NMI handler JSR SetDrawingBitplane ; Set the drawing bitplane to bitplane 0 JSR MakeSoundsAtVBlank ; Wait for the next VBlank and make the current sounds ; (music and sound effects) LDA QQ11 ; Set the old view type in QQ11a to the new view type in STA QQ11a ; QQ11, to denote that we have now changed view to the ; view in QQ11 AND #%01000000 ; If bit 6 of the view type is clear, then there is an BEQ svip13 ; icon bar, so jump to svip13 to set showUserInterface ; to denote there is a user interface LDA QQ11 ; If the view type in QQ11 is $DF (Start screen with CMP #$DF ; the normal font loaded), jump to svip13 to set bit 7 BEQ svip13 ; of showUserInterface so that the nametable and palette ; table get set to 0 when sprite 0 is drawn, even though ; there is no icon bar (this ensures that the part of ; the Start screen below x-coordinate 166 is always ; drawn using nametable 0, which covers the interface ; part of the screen where the language gets chosen) ; If we get here then there is no user interface and ; and this is not the Start screen with the normal font ; loaded LDA #0 ; Clear bit 7 of A so we can set showUserInterface to BEQ svip14 ; denote that there is no user interface, and jump ; to svip14 to set the value (this BEQ is effectively ; a JMP as A is always zero) .svip13 LDA #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of A so we can set showUserInterface to ; denote that there is a user interface .svip14 STA showUserInterface ; Set showUserInterface to the value of A that we just ; set for the view PLA ; Restore the copy of ppuCtrlCopy that we put on the STA ppuCtrlCopy ; stack so it's preserved across the call to the ; subroutine STA PPU_CTRL ; Set PPU_CTRL to the copy we made, so it's also ; preserved across the call JMP FadeToColour_b3 ; Reverse-fade the screen from black to full colour over ; the next four VBlanks, returning from the subroutine ; using a tail call