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Version analysis of SCAN

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: SCAN Type: Subroutine Category: Dashboard Summary: Display the current ship on the scanner Deep dive: The 3D scanner
This is used both to display a ship on the scanner, and to erase it again.
Arguments: INWK The ship's data block

Code variation 1 of 24Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.

.SCR1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine

 LDA INWK+31            \ Fetch the ship's scanner flag from byte #31

Code variation 2 of 24Minor and very low-impact

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

AND #%00010000 \ If bit 4 is clear then the ship should not be shown BEQ SC5 \ on the scanner, so return from the subroutine (as SC5 \ contains an RTS) LDA TYPE \ Fetch the ship's type from TYPE into A
AND #%00010000 \ If bit 4 is clear then the ship should not be shown BEQ SCR1 \ on the scanner, so return from the subroutine (as SCR1 \ contains an RTS) LDX TYPE \ Fetch the ship's type from TYPE into X
AND #%00010000 \ If bit 4 is clear then the ship should not be shown BEQ SC5 \ on the scanner, so return from the subroutine (as SC5 \ contains an RTS) LDX TYPE \ Fetch the ship's type from TYPE into X

Code variation 3 of 24A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

BMI SC5 \ If this is the planet or the sun, then the type will \ have bit 7 set and we don't want to display it on the \ scanner, so return from the subroutine (as SC5 \ contains an RTS)
BMI SCR1 \ If this is the planet or the sun, then the type will \ have bit 7 set and we don't want to display it on the \ scanner, so return from the subroutine (as SCR1 \ contains an RTS)
BMI SC5 \ If this is the planet, then the type will have bit 7 \ set and we don't want to display it on the scanner, \ so return from the subroutine (as SC5 contains an RTS)

Code variation 4 of 24Related to an advanced feature

In the original versions, ships are shown on the scanner with a green stick, while missiles are shown in yellow (if an escape pod is fitted, they are shown in cyan and white respectively). In the advanced versions, each ship has its own colour for when it is shown on the scanner, as defined in the scacol table.

This variation is blank in the Electron version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDX #&FF \ Set X to the default scanner colour of green/cyan \ (a four-pixel mode 5 byte in colour 3) \CMP #TGL \ These instructions are commented out in the original \BEQ SC49 \ source. Along with the block just below, they would \ set X to colour 1 (red) for asteroids, cargo canisters \ and escape pods, rather than green/cyan. Presumably \ they decided it didn't work that well against the red \ ellipse and took this code out for release CMP #MSL \ If this is not a missile, skip the following BNE P%+4 \ instruction LDX #&F0 \ This is a missile, so set X to colour 2 (yellow/white) \CMP #AST \ These instructions are commented out in the original \BCC P%+4 \ source. See above for an explanation of what they do \ \LDX #&0F \ \.SC49 STX COL \ Store X, the colour of this ship on the scanner, in \ COL
IF _STH_DISC OR _IB_DISC LDX #&FF \ Set X to the default scanner colour of green/cyan \ (a four-pixel mode 5 byte in colour 3) CMP #MSL \ If this is not a missile, skip the following BNE P%+4 \ instruction LDX #&F0 \ This is a missile, so set X to colour 2 (yellow/white) ELIF _SRAM_DISC JSR SCANCOL \ Call SCANCOL to set the correct colour on the scanner \ for the current ship type NOP \ Pad out the code so it takes up the same amount of NOP \ space as in the original version NOP NOP NOP ENDIF STX COL \ Store X, the colour of this ship on the scanner, in \ COL
LDA scacol,X \ Set A to the scanner colour for this ship type from \ the X-th entry in the scacol table STA COL \ Store the scanner colour in COL so it can be used to \ draw this ship in the correct colour
LDA scacol,X \ Set A to the scanner colour for this ship type from \ the X-th entry in the scacol table STA SCANcol \ Store the scanner colour in SCANcol so it can be sent \ to the I/O processor with the #onescan command

Code variation 5 of 24A variation in the labels only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA INWK+1 \ If any of x_hi, y_hi and z_hi have a 1 in bit 6 or 7, ORA INWK+4 \ then the ship is too far away to be shown on the ORA INWK+7 \ scanner, so return from the subroutine (as SC5 AND #%11000000 \ contains an RTS) BNE SC5
LDA INWK+1 \ If any of x_hi, y_hi and z_hi have a 1 in bit 6 or 7, ORA INWK+4 \ then the ship is too far away to be shown on the ORA INWK+7 \ scanner, so return from the subroutine (as SCR1 AND #%11000000 \ contains an RTS) BNE SCR1
                        \ If we get here, we know x_hi, y_hi and z_hi are all
                        \ 63 (%00111111) or less

                        \ Now, we convert the x_hi coordinate of the ship into
                        \ the screen x-coordinate of the dot on the scanner,
                        \ using the following:
                        \   X1 = 123 + (x_sign x_hi)

 LDA INWK+1             \ Set A = x_hi

 CLC                    \ Clear the C flag so we can do addition below

 LDX INWK+2             \ Set X = x_sign

 BPL SC2                \ If x_sign is positive, skip the following

 EOR #%11111111         \ x_sign is negative, so flip the bits in A and add 1
 ADC #1                 \ to make it a negative number (bit 7 will now be set
                        \ as we confirmed above that bits 6 and 7 are clear). So
                        \ this gives A the sign of x_sign and gives it a value
                        \ range of -63 (%11000001) to 0

Code variation 6 of 24Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.

CLC \ Clear the C flag so we can do addition below

Code variation 7 of 24Related to the Master version

In most versions, ships that are exactly ahead of us or behind us are shown on the 3D scanner so the stick goes from the dot onto the centre line of the ellipse, but in the Master version the dot is moved over to the right so the stick goes from the dot just to the right of the centre line.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

ADC #123 \ Set X1 = 123 + (x_sign x_hi) STA X1
ADC #125 \ Set X1 = 125 + (x_sign x_hi) AND #%11111110 \ STA X1 \ and if the result is odd, subtract 1 to make it even TAX \ Set X = X1 - 2 DEX \ DEX \ So X contains the x-coordinate that's two pixels to \ left of the top of the stick, so we can draw the dot \ at the end of the stick by simply drawing a dot at \ x-coordinate X at the correct end of the stick
ADC #123 \ Set A = 123 + (x_sign x_hi) STA SCANx1 \ Store the x-coordinate in SCANx1 so it can be sent \ to the I/O processor with the #onescan command
                        \ Next, we convert the z_hi coordinate of the ship into
                        \ the y-coordinate of the base of the ship's stick,
                        \ like this:
                        \   SC = 220 - (z_sign z_hi) / 4
                        \ though the following code actually does it like this:
                        \   SC = 255 - (35 + z_hi / 4)

 LDA INWK+7             \ Set A = z_hi / 4
 LSR A                  \
 LSR A                  \ So A is in the range 0-15

 CLC                    \ Clear the C flag for the addition below

Code variation 8 of 24Minor and very low-impact

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDX INWK+8 \ Set X = z_sign
LDY INWK+8 \ Set Y = z_sign
 BPL SC3                \ If z_sign is positive, skip the following

 EOR #%11111111         \ z_sign is negative, so flip the bits in A and set the
 SEC                    \ C flag. As above, this makes A negative, this time
                        \ with a range of -16 (%11110000) to -1 (%11111111). And
                        \ as we are about to do an ADC, the SEC effectively adds
                        \ another 1 to that value, giving a range of -15 to 0


 ADC #35                \ Set A = 35 + A to give a number in the range 20 to 50

Code variation 9 of 24Minor and very low-impact

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

EOR #%11111111 \ Flip all the bits and store in SC, so SC is in the STA SC \ range 205 to 235, with a higher z_hi giving a lower SC
EOR #%11111111 \ Flip all the bits and store in Y2, so Y2 is in the STA Y2 \ range 205 to 235, with a higher z_hi giving a lower Y2
                        \ Now for the stick height, which we calculate using the
                        \ following:
                        \ A = - (y_sign y_hi) / 2

 LDA INWK+4             \ Set A = y_hi / 2

 CLC                    \ Clear the C flag

Code variation 10 of 24Minor and very low-impact

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDX INWK+5 \ Set X = y_sign
LDY INWK+5 \ Set Y = y_sign
 BMI SCD6               \ If y_sign is negative, skip the following, as we
                        \ already have a positive value in A

 EOR #%11111111         \ y_sign is positive, so flip the bits in A and set the
 SEC                    \ C flag. This makes A negative, and as we are about to
                        \ do an ADC below, the SEC effectively adds another 1 to
                        \ that value to implement two's complement negation, so
                        \ we don't need to add another 1 here


                        \ We now have all the information we need to draw this
                        \ ship on the scanner, namely:
                        \   X1 = the screen x-coordinate of the ship's dot
                        \   SC = the screen y-coordinate of the base of the
                        \        stick
                        \   A = the screen height of the ship's stick, with the
                        \       correct sign for adding to the base of the stick
                        \       to get the dot's y-coordinate
                        \ First, though, we have to make sure the dot is inside
                        \ the dashboard, by moving it if necessary

Code variation 11 of 24Minor and very low-impact

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

ADC SC \ Set A = SC + A, so A now contains the y-coordinate of \ the end of the stick, plus the length of the stick, to \ give us the screen y-coordinate of the dot
ADC Y2 \ Set A = Y2 + A, so A now contains the y-coordinate of \ the end of the stick, plus the length of the stick, to \ give us the screen y-coordinate of the dot

Code variation 12 of 24A variation in the labels only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

BPL ld246 \ If the result has bit 0 clear, then the result has \ overflowed and is bigger than 256, so jump to ld246 to \ set A to the maximum allowed value of 246 (this \ instruction isn't required as we test both the maximum \ and minimum below, but it might save a few cycles)
BPL FIXIT \ If the result has bit 0 clear, then the result has \ overflowed and is bigger than 256, so jump to FIXIT to \ set A to the maximum allowed value of 246 (this \ instruction isn't required as we test both the maximum \ and minimum below, but it might save a few cycles)
 CMP #194               \ If A >= 194, skip the following instruction, as 194 is
 BCS P%+4               \ the minimum allowed value of A

 LDA #194               \ A < 194, so set A to 194, the minimum allowed value
                        \ for the y-coordinate of our ship's dot

 CMP #247               \ If A < 247, skip the following instruction, as 246 is
 BCC P%+4               \ the maximum allowed value of A

Code variation 13 of 24A variation in the labels only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

 LDA #246               \ A >= 247, so set A to 246, the maximum allowed value
                        \ for the y-coordinate of our ship's dot

Code variation 14 of 24Related to the Master version

The Master version's 3D scanner draws a dash at the end of each stick (i.e. one pixel high, two pixels wide), while the other versions draw a full dot (i.e. two pixels high, two pixels wide).

See below for more variations related to this code.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

STA Y1 \ Store A in Y1, as it now contains the screen \ y-coordinate for the ship's dot, clipped so that it \ fits within the dashboard
LDY #%00001111 \ Set bits 1 and 2 of the Access Control Register at STY VIA+&34 \ SHEILA &34 to switch screen memory into &3000-&7FFF JSR CPIXK \ Call CPIXK to draw a single-height dash at the \ y-coordinate in A, to draw the ship dot, and return \ the dash's right pixel byte in R, which we use below LDA Y1 \ Fetch the y-coordinate back into A, which was stored \ in Y1 by the call to CPIX2
STA SCANy1 \ Store the y-coordinate in SCANy1 so it can be sent \ to the I/O processor with the #onescan command

Code variation 15 of 24Minor and very low-impact

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

SEC \ Set A = A - SC to get the stick length, by reversing SBC SC \ the ADC SC we did above. This clears the C flag if the
SEC \ Set A = A - Y2 to get the stick length, by reversing SBC Y2 \ the ADC Y2 we did above. This clears the C flag if the
                        \ result is negative (i.e. the stick length is negative)
                        \ and sets it if the result is positive (i.e. the stick
                        \ length is negative)

                        \ So now we have the following:
                        \   X1 = the screen x-coordinate of the ship's dot,
                        \        clipped to fit into the dashboard
                        \   Y1 = the screen y-coordinate of the ship's dot,
                        \        clipped to fit into the dashboard
                        \   SC = the screen y-coordinate of the base of the
                        \        stick
                        \   A = the screen height of the ship's stick, with the
                        \       correct sign for adding to the base of the stick
                        \       to get the dot's y-coordinate
                        \   C = 0 if A is negative, 1 if A is positive
                        \ and we can get on with drawing the dot and stick

Code variation 16 of 24Related to the Master version

See variation 14 above for details.

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

PHP \ Store the flags (specifically the C flag) from the \ above subtraction

Code variation 17 of 24A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor, Master and Electron versions.

\BCS SC48 \ These instructions are commented out in the original \EOR #&FF \ source. They would negate A if the C flag were set, \ADC #1 \ which would reverse the direction of all the sticks, \ so you could turn your joystick around. Perhaps one of \ the authors' test sticks were easier to use upside \ down? Who knows...

Code variation 18 of 24Related to the Master version

See variation 14 above for details.

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

.SC48 PHA \ Store the stick height in A on the stack JSR CPIX4 \ Draw a double-height dot at (X1, Y1). This also leaves \ the following variables set up for the dot's top-right \ pixel, the last pixel to be drawn (as the dot gets \ drawn from the bottom up): \ \ SC(1 0) = screen address of the pixel's character \ block \ \ Y = number of the character row containing the pixel \ \ X = the pixel's number (0-3) in that row \ \ We can use there as the starting point for drawing the \ stick, if there is one

Code variation 19 of 24Related to the Master version

See variation 14 above for details.

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA CTWOS+1,X \ Load the same mode 5 one-pixel byte that we just used AND COL \ for the top-right pixel, and mask it with the same STA X1 \ colour, storing the result in X1, so we can use it as \ the character row byte for the stick PLA \ Restore the stick height from the stack into A
LDA TWOS,X \ Load the same mode 4 one-pixel byte that we just used STA X1 \ for the top-right pixel and store it in X1, so we can \ use it as the character row byte for the stick PLA \ Restore the stick height from the stack into A

Code variation 20 of 24Related to Elite's use of the Tube

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

PLP \ Restore the flags from above, so the C flag once again \ reflects the sign of the stick height TAX \ Copy the stick height into X BEQ RTS \ If the stick height is zero, then there is no stick to \ draw, so return from the subroutine (as RTS contains \ an RTS) BCC RTS+1 \ If the C flag is clear then the stick height in A is \ negative, so jump down to RTS+1 .VLL1 \ If we get here then the stick length is positive (so \ the dot is below the ellipse and the stick is above \ the dot, and we need to draw the stick upwards from \ the dot) DEY \ We want to draw the stick upwards, so decrement the \ pixel row in Y BPL VL1 \ If Y is still positive then it correctly points at the \ line above, so jump to VL1 to skip the following LDY #7 \ We just decremented Y up through the top of the \ character block, so we need to move it to the last row \ in the character above, so set Y to 7, the number of \ the last row

Code variation 21 of 24Related to the screen mode

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

DEC SC+1 \ Decrement the high byte of the screen address to move \ to the character block above
\ We now need to move up into the character block above, \ and each character row in screen memory takes up &140 \ bytes (&100 for the visible part and &20 for each of \ the blank borders on the side of the screen), so \ that's what we need to subtract from SC(1 0) LDA SC \ Set SC(1 0) = SC(1 0) - &140 SEC \ SBC #&40 \ Starting with the low bytes STA SC LDA SC+1 \ And then subtracting the high bytes SBC #&01 STA SC+1

Code variation 22 of 24Related to Elite's use of the Tube

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

.VL1 LDA X1 \ Set A to the character row byte for the stick, which \ we stored in X1 above, and which has the same pixel \ pattern as the bottom-right pixel of the dot (so the \ stick comes out of the right side of the dot)

Code variation 23 of 24Related to Elite's use of the Tube

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the stick on row Y of the character block using STA (SC),Y \ EOR logic DEX \ Decrement the (positive) stick height in X BNE VLL1 \ If we still have more stick to draw, jump up to VLL1 \ to draw the next pixel .RTS RTS \ Return from the subroutine \ If we get here then the stick length is negative (so \ the dot is above the ellipse and the stick is below \ the dot, and we need to draw the stick downwards from \ the dot)

Code variation 24 of 24Related to the Electron version

The dashboard in the Electron version might be monochrome, but it has a higher resolution than the colour versions, so the code to draw ships on the scanner varies accordingly.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

INY \ We want to draw the stick downwards, so we first \ increment the row counter so that it's pointing to the \ bottom-right pixel in the dot (as opposed to the top- \ right pixel that the call to CPIX4 finished on) CPY #8 \ If the row number in Y is less than 8, then it BNE P%+6 \ correctly points at the next line down, so jump to \ VLL2 to skip the following LDY #0 \ We just incremented Y down through the bottom of the \ character block, so we need to move it to the first \ row in the character below, so set Y to 0, the number \ of the first row INC SC+1 \ Increment the high byte of the screen address to move \ to the character block above .VLL2 INY \ We want to draw the stick itself, heading downwards, \ so increment the pixel row in Y CPY #8 \ If the row number in Y is less than 8, then it BNE VL2 \ correctly points at the next line down, so jump to \ VL2 to skip the following LDY #0 \ We just incremented Y down through the bottom of the \ character block, so we need to move it to the first \ row in the character below, so set Y to 0, the number \ of the first row INC SC+1 \ Increment the high byte of the screen address to move \ to the character block above .VL2 LDA X1 \ Set A to the character row byte for the stick, which \ we stored in X1 above, and which has the same pixel \ pattern as the bottom-right pixel of the dot (so the \ stick comes out of the right side of the dot) EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the stick on row Y of the character block using STA (SC),Y \ EOR logic INX \ Increment the (negative) stick height in X BNE VLL2 \ If we still have more stick to draw, jump up to VLL2 \ to draw the next pixel RTS \ Return from the subroutine
BEQ VLO5 \ If the stick height is zero, then there is no stick to \ draw, so return from the subroutine (as VLO5 contains \ an RTS) BCC VLO1 \ If the C flag is clear then the stick height in A is \ negative, so jump down to RTS+1 TAX \ Copy the (positive) stick height into X INX \ Increment the (positive) stick height in X JMP VLO4 \ Jump into the middle of the VLOL1 loop, skipping the \ drawing of first pixel in the stick .VLOL1 LDA R \ The call to CPIX2 above saved the dash's right pixel \ byte in R, so we load this into A (so the stick comes \ out of the right side of the dot) EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the bottom row of the double-height dot using the STA (SC),Y \ same byte as the top row, plotted using EOR logic .VLO4 \ If we get here then the stick length is positive (so \ the dot is below the ellipse and the stick is above \ the dot, and we need to draw the stick upwards from \ the dot) DEY \ We want to draw the stick upwards, so decrement the \ pixel row in Y BPL VLO3 \ If Y is still positive then it correctly points at the \ line above, so jump to VLO3 to skip the following LDA SC+1 \ Subtract 2 from the high byte of the screen address to SBC #2 \ move to the character block above STA SC+1 LDY #7 \ We just decremented Y up through the top of the \ character block, so we need to move it to the last row \ in the character above, so set Y to 7, the number of \ the last row .VLO3 DEX \ Decrement the (positive) stick height in X BNE VLOL1 \ If we still have more stick to draw, jump up to VLOL1 \ to draw the next pixel .VLO5 LDA #%00001001 \ Clear bits 1 and 2 of the Access Control Register at STA VIA+&34 \ SHEILA &34 to switch main memory back into &3000-&7FFF RTS \ Return from the subroutine .VLO1 \ If we get here then the stick length is negative (so \ the dot is above the ellipse and the stick is below \ the dot, and we need to draw the stick downwards from \ the dot) LDA Y2 \ Set A = Y2 - Y1 to get the positive stick height SEC SBC Y1 TAX \ Copy the (positive) stick height into X INX \ Increment the (positive) stick height in X JMP VLO6 \ Jump into the middle of the VLOL2 loop, skipping the \ drawing of first pixel in the stick .VLOL2 LDA R \ The call to CPIX2 above saved the dash's right pixel \ byte in R, so we load this into A (so the stick comes \ out of the right side of the dot) EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the bottom row of the double-height dot using the STA (SC),Y \ same byte as the top row, plotted using EOR logic .VLO6 INY \ We want to draw the stick itself, heading downwards, \ so increment the pixel row in Y CPY #8 \ If the row number in Y is less than 8, then it BNE VLO7 \ correctly points at the next line down, so jump to \ VLO7 to skip the following LDA SC+1 \ We just incremented Y down through the bottom of the ADC #1 \ character block, so increment the high byte of the STA SC+1 \ screen address to move to the character block above LDY #0 \ We need to move to the first row in the character \ below, so set Y to 0, the number of the first row .VLO7 DEX \ Decrement the (positive) stick height in X BNE VLOL2 \ If we still have more stick to draw, jump up to VLOL2 \ to draw the next pixel LDA #%00001001 \ Clear bits 1 and 2 of the Access Control Register at STA VIA+&34 \ SHEILA &34 to switch main memory back into &3000-&7FFF RTS \ Return from the subroutine
STA SCANlen \ Store the stick height in SCANlen so it can be sent \ to the I/O processor with the #onescan command ROR SCANflg \ Rotate the C flag into bit 7 of SCANflg, so bit 7 is \ the sign bit of the stick length .SC48 LDX #LO(SCANpars) \ Set (Y X) to point to the SCANpars parameter block LDY #HI(SCANpars) LDA #onescan \ Send a #onescan command to the I/O processor to draw JMP OSWORD \ the ship on the scanner, returning from the subroutine \ using a tail call
JSR VL2 \ Call VL2 below to increment Y, moving to the next row \ if necessary .VLL2 JSR VL2 \ Call VL2 below to increment Y, moving to the next row \ if necessary LDA X1 \ Set A to the character row byte for the stick, which \ we stored in X1 above, and which has the same pixel \ pattern as the bottom-right pixel of the dot (so the \ stick comes out of the right side of the dot) EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the stick on row Y of the character block using STA (SC),Y \ EOR logic INX \ Increment the (negative) stick height in X BNE VLL2 \ If we still have more stick to draw, jump up to VLL2 \ to draw the next pixel RTS \ Return from the subroutine .VL2 INY \ We want to draw the stick itself, heading downwards, \ so increment the pixel row in Y CPY #8 \ If the row number in Y is less than 8, then it BNE RTS \ correctly points at the next line down, so return from \ the subroutine (as RTS contains an RTS) LDY #0 \ We just incremented Y down through the bottom of the \ character block, so we need to move it to the first \ row in the character below, so set Y to 0, the number \ of the first row \ Fall through into NEXTR to move the address in SC(1 0) \ to the next row and return from the subroutine using a \ tail call