.SPS3 \ --- Mod: Code removed for Elite-A: ------------------> \LDA K%+1,X \ Copy x_hi into K3+X \STA K3,X \ \LDA K%+2,X \ Set A = Y = x_sign \TAY \ --- And replaced by: --------------------------------> LDA K%+1,Y \ Copy x_hi into K3+X STA K3,X LDA K%+2,Y \ Set A = x_sign and store it on the stack PHA \ --- End of replacement ------------------------------> AND #%01111111 \ Set K3+1 = |x_sign| STA K3+1,X \ --- Mod: Code removed for Elite-A: ------------------> \TYA \ Set K3+2 = the sign of x_sign \AND #%10000000 \STA K3+2,X \ --- And replaced by: --------------------------------> PLA \ Set K3+2 = the sign of x_sign AND #%10000000 STA K3+2,X INY \ Increment the value of Y by 3 so the next call to SPS3 INY \ will copy the next coordinate (i.e. x then y then z) INY INX \ Increment the value of X by 3 so the next call to SPS3 INX \ will store the coordinate in the next 24-bit K3 number INX \ --- End of replacement ------------------------------> RTS \ Return from the subroutineName: SPS3 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Geometry) Summary: Copy a space coordinate from the K% block into K3Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SPS1 calls SPS3
Copy one of the space coordinates of the planet, sun or space station into the corresponding location in the temporary variable K3. The high byte and absolute value of the sign byte are copied into the first two K3 bytes, and the sign of the sign byte is copied into the highest K3 byte. The comments below are written for copying the planet's x-coordinate into K3(2 1 0).
Arguments: X Determines where to copy the coordinate to: * X = 0 copies the coordinate into K3(2 1 0) * X = 3 copies the coordinate into K3(5 4 3) * X = 6 copies the coordinate into K3(8 7 6) Y Determines which coordinate to copy: * Y = 0 copies (x_sign, x_hi) of planet * Y = 3 copies (y_sign, y_hi) of planet * Y = 6 copies (z_sign, z_hi) of planet * Y = NI% + 0 copies (x_sign, x_hi) of sun/station * Y = NI% + 3 copies (y_sign, y_hi) of sun/station * Y = NI% + 6 copies (z_sign, z_hi) of sun/station
Returns: X X is incremented by 3 to point to the next coordinate Y Y is incremented by 3 to point to the next coordinate
Workspace K% (category: Workspaces)
Ship data blocks and ship line heaps