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Encyclopedia: sidewinder

[Elite-A, Encyclopedia]

Name: sidewinder [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Encyclopedia Summary: Ship card data for the encyclopedia entry for the Sidewinder Deep dive: The Encyclopedia Galactica
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * card_addr uses sidewinder
\ --- Mod: Code added for Elite-A: --------------------> .sidewinder EQUB 1 \ 1: Inservice date: "2982 ({single cap}ONRIRA EQUS "2982" \ ORBITAL)" CTOK 85 \ ETWO 'O', 'N' \ Encoded as: "2982[85]<223>ri<248> <253>b<219> EQUS "ri" \ <228>)" ETWO 'R', 'A' EQUS " " ETWO 'O', 'R' EQUS "b" ETWO 'I', 'T' ETWO 'A', 'L' EQUS ")" EQUB 0 EQUB 2 \ 2: Combat factor: "9" EQUS "9" \ EQUB 0 \ Encoded as: "9" EQUB 3 \ 3: Dimensions: "35/15/65FT" EQUS "35/15/65" \ CTOK 42 \ Encoded as: "35/15/65[42]" EQUB 0 EQUB 4 \ 4: Speed: "0.37{all caps}LM{sentence case}" EQUS "0.37" \ CTOK 64 \ Encoded as: "0.37[64]" EQUB 0 EQUB 5 \ 5: Crew: "1" EQUS "1" \ EQUB 0 \ Encoded as: "1" EQUB 8 \ 8: Armaments: "DUAL 22-18 LASER" EQUS "Du" \ ETWO 'A', 'L' \ Encoded as: "Du<228> 22-18[49]" EQUS " 22-18" CTOK 49 EQUB 0 \EQUB 0, 9 \ This data is commented out in the original source \EQUA "3|!R" EQUB 10 \ 10: Drive motors: "DE{single cap}LACY SPIN{single CTOK 71 \ cap}IONIC {all caps}MV{sentence EQUS " Sp" \ case}" ETWO 'I', 'N' \ CTOK 78 \ Encoded as: "[71] Sp<240>[78] {all caps}MV EQUS " " \ {sentence case}" EJMP 1 EQUS "MV" EJMP 2 EQUB 0 EQUB 0 \ --- End of added code ------------------------------->