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Keyboard: b_table

[Elite-A, I/O processor]

Name: b_table [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Keyboard Summary: Lookup table for Delta 14B joystick buttons Deep dive: Delta 14B joystick support
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * b_14 uses b_table

In the following table, which maps buttons on the Delta 14B to the flight controls, the high nibble of the value gives the column: &6 = %110 = left column &5 = %101 = middle column &3 = %011 = right column while the low nibble gives the row: &1 = %0001 = top row &2 = %0010 = second row &4 = %0100 = third row &8 = %1000 = bottom row This results in the following mapping (as the top two fire buttons are treated the same as the top button in the middle row): Fire laser Fire laser Slow down Fire laser Speed up Unarm missile Fire missile Target missile Hyperspace Unit E.C.M. Escape pod Docking computer off In-system jump Docking computer on Note that this is different to the layout in Angus Duggan's documentation, as he has the docking computer buttons the wrong way around in his instructions.
.b_table EQUB &61 \ Left column Top row KYTB+1 Slow down EQUB &31 \ Right column Top row KYTB+2 Speed up EQUB &80 \ - KYTB+3 Roll left EQUB &80 \ - KYTB+4 Roll right EQUB &80 \ - KYTB+5 Pull up EQUB &80 \ - KYTB+6 Pitch down EQUB &51 \ Middle column Top row KYTB+7 Fire lasers EQUB &64 \ Left column Third row KYTB+8 Hyperspace unit EQUB &34 \ Right column Third row KYTB+9 Escape pod EQUB &32 \ Right column Second row KYTB+10 Arm missile EQUB &62 \ Left column Second row KYTB+11 Unarm missile EQUB &52 \ Middle column Second row KYTB+12 Fire missile EQUB &54 \ Middle column Third row KYTB+13 E.C.M. EQUB &58 \ Middle column Bottom row KYTB+14 In-system jump EQUB &38 \ Right column Bottom row KYTB+15 Docking computer EQUB &68 \ Left column Bottom row KYTB+16 Cancel docking