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Version analysis of antilog / alogh

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Code variation 1 of 2A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

Name: alogh
Name: antilog
Type: Variable Category: Maths (Arithmetic) Summary: Binary antilogarithm table
At byte n, the table contains: 2^((n / 2 + 128) / 16) / 256 which equals: 2^(n / 32 + 8) / 256

Code variation 2 of 2A variation in the labels only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

 FOR I%, 0, 255

  EQUB HI(INT(2^((I% / 2 + 128) / 16) + 0.5))