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Loader: PROT1

[BBC Micro disc version, Loader 2]

Name: PROT1 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Various copy protection shenanigans in preparation for showing the Acornsoft loading screen
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Elite loader (Part 1 of 2) calls PROT1 * LOADSCR calls PROT1
.PROT1 LDA #&68 \ Poke the following routine into &0100 to &0108: STA &0100 \ STA &0103 \ 0100 : &68 PLA LDA #&85 \ 0101 : &85 &71 STA ZP STA &0101 \ 0103 : &68 PLA STA &0104 \ 0104 : &85 &72 STA ZP+1 LDX #&71 \ 0106 : &6C &71 &00 JMP (ZP) STX &0107 \ STX &0102 \ This routine pulls an address off the stack into a INX \ location in zero page, and then jumps to that address STX &0105 LDA #&6C STA &0106 LDA #&00 STA &0108 .do JSR &0100 \ Call the subroutine at &0100, which does the EQUB 0 \ following: \ \ * The JSR puts the address of the last byte of the \ JSR instruction on the stack (i.e. the address of \ the &01), pushing the high byte first \ \ * It then jumps to &0100, which pulls the address \ off the stack and puts it in ZP(1 0) \ \ * The final instruction of the routine at &0100 \ jumps to the address in ZP(1 0), i.e. it jumps to \ the &01 of the JSR instruction. The &01 byte is \ followed by a &00 byte, and &01 &00 is the opcode \ for ORA (&00,X), which doesn't do anything apart \ from affect the value of the accumulator \ \ In other words, this whole routine is a complicated \ way of pointing ZP(1 0) to the &01 byte in the JSR \ instruction above, i.e. to do + 2 LDA ZP \ Set ZP(1 0) = ZP(1 0) - (2 + do - PROT1) SEC \ = do + 2 - 2 - do + PROT1 SBC #(2 + do - PROT1) \ = PROT1 STA ZP LDA ZP+1 SBC #&00 STA ZP+1 LDY #(TABLE - PROT1) \ We're now going to loop through the words in TABLE, so \ set Y as an index we can add to PROT1 (i.e. ZP) to \ reach TABLE .PROT1a LDA (ZP),Y \ Set SC(1 0) = ZP(1 0) + Y-th word from TABLE CLC \ ADC ZP \ so, for example, the first entry in TABLE does this: STA SC \ INY \ SC(1 0) = ZP + first word from TABLE LDA (ZP),Y \ = PROT1 + jsr1 + 1 - PROT1 ADC ZP+1 \ = jsr1 + 1 STA SC+1 \ \ which is the address of the destination address in the \ JSR instruction at jsr1 LDX #0 \ Add ZP(1 0), i.e. PROT1, to the word at SC(1 0), LDA (SC,X) \ starting with the low bytes CLC ADC ZP STA (SC,X) INC SC \ And then adding the high bytes BNE P%+4 \ INC SC+1 \ So, for example, the first entry in TABLE modifies the LDA (SC,X) \ destination address of the JSR at jsr1 by adding PROT1 ADC ZP+1 \ to it, so the address now points to prstr STA (SC,X) INY \ Increment Y to point to the next word in TABLE CPY #&7D \ Loop until we have done them all BNE PROT1a BEQ LOADSCR \ Jump to LOADSCR (this BEQ is effectively a JMP as we \ didn't take the BNE branch) .TABLE EQUW jsr1 + 1 - PROT1 \ Offsets within PROT1 of JSR destination addresses that EQUW jsr2 + 1 - PROT1 \ we modify with the code above EQUW jsr3 + 1 - PROT1 EQUW jsr4 + 1 - PROT1 EQUW jsr5 + 1 - PROT1 EQUW jsr6 + 1 - PROT1 SKIP 14 \ These bytes appear to be unused