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Version analysis of hyp1

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: hyp1 Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Process a jump to the system closest to (QQ9, QQ10)
Do a hyperspace jump to the system closest to galactic coordinates (QQ9, QQ10), and set up the current system's state to those of the new system.
Returns: (QQ0, QQ1) The galactic coordinates of the new system QQ2 to QQ2+6 The seeds of the new system EV Set to 0 QQ28 The new system's economy tek The new system's tech level gov The new system's government
Other entry points: hyp1+3 Jump straight to the system at (QQ9, QQ10) without first calculating which system is closest. We do this if we already know that (QQ9, QQ10) points to a system
.hyp1 JSR TT111 \ Select the system closest to galactic coordinates \ (QQ9, QQ10) JSR jmp \ Set the current system to the selected system LDX #5 \ We now want to copy the seeds for the selected system \ in QQ15 into QQ2, where we store the seeds for the \ current system, so set up a counter in X for copying \ 6 bytes (for three 16-bit seeds) .TT112

Code variation 1 of 2Other (e.g. bug fix, optimisation)

The main bug fix for the "hyperspace while docking" bug, which affects the cassette, disc and Electron versions. Without the fix, if your hyperspace counter hits 0 just as you're docking, then you will magically appear in the station in your hyperspace destination, without having to go to the effort of actually flying there.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA QQ15,X \ Copy the X-th byte in QQ15 to the X-th byte in QQ2, to STA QQ2,X \ update the selected system to the new one. Note that \ this approach has a minor bug associated with it: if \ your hyperspace counter hits 0 just as you're docking, \ then you will magically appear in the station in your \ hyperspace destination, without having to go to the \ effort of actually flying there. This bug was fixed in \ later versions by saving the destination seeds in a \ separate location called safehouse, and using those \ instead... but that isn't the case in this version
LDA safehouse,X \ Copy the X-th byte in safehouse to the X-th byte in STA QQ2,X \ QQ2
 DEX                    \ Decrement the counter

 BPL TT112              \ Loop back to TT112 if we still have more bytes to
                        \ copy

 INX                    \ Set X = 0 (as we ended the above loop with X = &FF)

 STX EV                 \ Set EV, the extra vessels spawning counter, to 0, as
                        \ we are entering a new system with no extra vessels
                        \ spawned

 LDA QQ3                \ Set the current system's economy in QQ28 to the
 STA QQ28               \ selected system's economy from QQ3

 LDA QQ5                \ Set the current system's tech level in tek to the
 STA tek                \ selected system's economy from QQ5

 LDA QQ4                \ Set the current system's government in gov to the
 STA gov                \ selected system's government from QQ4

Code variation 2 of 2Minor and very low-impact

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

RTS \ Return from the subroutine
\ Fall through into GVL to calculate the availability of \ market items in the new system