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Encyclopedia: dodecagon

[Elite-A, Parasite]

Name: dodecagon [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Encyclopedia Summary: Ship card data for the encyclopedia entry for the Dodo station Deep dive: The Encyclopedia Galactica
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * card_addr uses dodecagon
.dodecagon EQUB 1 \ 1: Inservice date: "3152 ({single cap}GASEC LABS, EQUS "3152" \ VETITICE)" CTOK 75 \ EQUB 0 \ Encoded as: "3152[75]" EQUB 3 \ 3: Dimensions: "1/1/1km" EQUS "1/1/1km" \ EQUB 0 \ Encoded as: "1/1/1km" EQUB 11 \ 11: Space: "2700 SHIPS" EQUS "2700" \ CTOK 67 \ Encoded as: "2700[67]s" EQUS "s" EQUB 0 EQUB 0