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Version analysis of ARCTAN

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: ARCTAN Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Geometry) Summary: Calculate A = arctan(P / Q) Deep dive: The sine, cosine and arctan tables
Calculate the following: A = arctan(P / Q) In other words, this finds the angle in the right-angled triangle where the opposite side to angle A is length P and the adjacent side to angle A has length Q, so: tan(A) = P / Q The result in A is an integer representing the angle in radians. The routine returns values in the range 0 to 128, which covers 0 to 180 degrees (or 0 to PI radians).

Code variation 1 of 4A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.

Other entry points: ARSR1 Contains an RTS

Code variation 2 of 4A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA P \ Set T1 = P EOR Q, which will have the sign of P * Q EOR Q \ \AND #%10000000 \ The AND is commented out in the original source STA T1
LDA P \ Set T1 = P EOR Q, which will have the sign of P * Q EOR Q STA T1
 LDA Q                  \ If Q = 0, jump to AR2 to return a right angle

 ASL A                  \ Set Q = |Q| * 2 (this is a quick way of clearing the
 STA Q                  \ sign bit, and we don't need to shift right again as we
                        \ only ever use this value in the division with |P| * 2,
                        \ which we set next)

 LDA P                  \ Set A = |P| * 2

 CMP Q                  \ If A >= Q, i.e. |P| > |Q|, jump to AR1 to swap P
 BCS AR1                \ and Q around, so we can still use the lookup table

 JSR ARS1               \ Call ARS1 to set the following from the lookup table:
                        \   A = arctan(A / Q)
                        \     = arctan(|P / Q|)

 SEC                    \ Set the C flag so the SBC instruction in AR3 will be
                        \ correct, should we jump there


 LDX T1                 \ If T1 is negative, i.e. P and Q have different signs,
 BMI AR3                \ jump down to AR3 to return arctan(-|P / Q|)

 RTS                    \ Otherwise P and Q have the same sign, so our result is
                        \ correct and we can return from the subroutine


                        \ We want to calculate arctan(t) where |t| > 1, so we
                        \ can use the calculation described in the documentation
                        \ for the ACT table, i.e. 64 - arctan(1 / t)

 LDX Q                  \ Swap the values in Q and P, using the fact that we
 STA Q                  \ called AR1 with A = P
 STX P                  \
 TXA                    \ This also sets A = P (which now contains the original
                        \ argument |Q|)

 JSR ARS1               \ Call ARS1 to set the following from the lookup table:
                        \   A = arctan(A / Q)
                        \     = arctan(|Q / P|)
                        \     = arctan(1 / |P / Q|)

 STA T                  \ Set T = 64 - T
 LDA #64

 BCS AR4                \ Jump to AR4 to continue the calculation (this BCS is
                        \ effectively a JMP as the subtraction will never
                        \ underflow, as ARS1 returns values in the range 0-31)


                        \ If we get here then Q = 0, so tan(A) = infinity and
                        \ A is a right angle, or 0.25 of a circle. We allocate
                        \ 255 to a full circle, so we should return 63 for a
                        \ right angle

 LDA #63                \ Set A to 63, to represent a right angle

 RTS                    \ Return from the subroutine


                        \ A contains arctan(|P / Q|) but P and Q have different
                        \ signs, so we need to return arctan(-|P / Q|), using
                        \ the calculation described in the documentation for the
                        \ ACT table, i.e. 128 - A

Code variation 3 of 4A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

STA T \ Set A = 128 - A LDA #128 \ \SEC \ The SEC instruction is commented out in the original SBC T \ source, and isn't required as we did a SEC before \ calling AR3
STA T \ Set A = 128 - A LDA #128 \ SBC T \ The subtraction will work because we did a SEC before \ calling AR3
 RTS                    \ Return from the subroutine


                        \ This routine fetches arctan(A / Q) from the ACT table,
                        \ so A will be set to an integer in the range 0 to 31
                        \ that represents an angle from 0 to 45 degrees (or 0 to
                        \ PI / 4 radians)

 JSR LL28               \ Call LL28 to calculate:
                        \   R = 256 * A / Q

 LDA R                  \ Set X = R / 8
 LSR A                  \       = 32 * A / Q
 LSR A                  \
 LSR A                  \ so X has the value t * 32 where t = A / Q, which is
 TAX                    \ what we need to look up values in the ACT table

 LDA ACT,X              \ Fetch ACT+X from the ACT table into A, so now:
                        \   A = value in ACT + X
                        \     = value in ACT + (32 * A / Q)
                        \     = arctan(A / Q)

Code variation 4 of 4A variation in the labels only

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.

 RTS                    \ Return from the subroutine