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Drawing lines: EDGES

[Elite-A, Flight]

Name: EDGES [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Draw a horizontal line given a centre and a half-width
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HLOIN2 calls EDGES * SUN (Part 3 of 4) calls EDGES

Set X1 and X2 to the x-coordinates of the ends of the horizontal line with centre x-coordinate YY(1 0), and length A in either direction from the centre (so a total line length of 2 * A). In other words, this line: X1 YY(1 0) X2 +-----------------+-----------------+ <- A -> <- A -> The resulting line gets clipped to the edges of the screen, if needed. If the calculation doesn't overflow, we return with the C flag clear, otherwise the C flag gets set to indicate failure and the Y-th LSO entry gets set to 0.
Arguments: A The half-length of the line YY(1 0) The centre x-coordinate
Returns: C flag Clear if the line fits on-screen, set if it doesn't X1, X2 The x-coordinates of the clipped line LSO+Y If the line doesn't fit, LSO+Y is set to 0 Y Y is preserved
.EDGES STA T \ Set T to the line's half-length in argument A CLC \ We now calculate: ADC YY \ STA X2 \ (A X2) = YY(1 0) + A \ \ to set X2 to the x-coordinate of the right end of the \ line, starting with the low bytes LDA YY+1 \ And then adding the high bytes ADC #0 BMI ED1 \ If the addition is negative then the calculation has \ overflowed, so jump to ED1 to return a failure BEQ P%+6 \ If the high byte A from the result is 0, skip the \ next two instructions, as the result already fits on \ the screen LDA #254 \ The high byte is positive and non-zero, so we went STA X2 \ past the right edge of the screen, so clip X2 to the \ x-coordinate of the right edge of the screen LDA YY \ We now calculate: SEC \ SBC T \ (A X1) = YY(1 0) - argument A STA X1 \ \ to set X1 to the x-coordinate of the left end of the \ line, starting with the low bytes LDA YY+1 \ And then subtracting the high bytes SBC #0 \ --- Mod: Code removed for Elite-A: ------------------> \BNE ED3 \ If the high byte subtraction is non-zero, then skip \ \ to ED3 \ \CLC \ Otherwise the high byte of the subtraction was zero, \ \ so the line fits on-screen and we clear the C flag to \ \ indicate success \ \RTS \ Return from the subroutine \ \.ED3 \ --- And replaced by: --------------------------------> BEQ P%+8 \ If the high byte of the subtraction is zero, then skip \ the following three instructions, as the line fits \ on-screen and we want to clear the C flag and return \ from the subroutine \ --- End of replacement ------------------------------> BPL ED1 \ If the addition is positive then the calculation has \ underflowed, so jump to ED1 to return a failure LDA #2 \ The high byte is negative and non-zero, so we went STA X1 \ past the left edge of the screen, so clip X1 to the \ x-coordinate of the left edge of the screen CLC \ The line does fit on-screen, so clear the C flag to \ indicate success RTS \ Return from the subroutine .ED1 LDA #0 \ Set the Y-th byte of the LSO block to 0 STA LSO,Y SEC \ The line does not fit on the screen, so set the C flag \ to indicate this result RTS \ Return from the subroutine