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Loader: Elite loader (Part 6 of 6)

[BBC Micro cassette version, Loader]

Name: Elite loader (Part 6 of 6) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Set up interrupt vectors, calculate checksums, run main game code
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * CHECKER calls via nononono

This is the final part of the loader. It sets up some of the main game's interrupt vectors and calculates various checksums, before finally handing over to the main game.
Other entry points: nononono Reset the machine
LDA VIA+&44 \ Read the 6522 System VIA T1C-L timer 1 low-order STA &0001 \ counter (SHEILA &44), which decrements one million \ times a second and will therefore be pretty random, \ and store it in location &0001, which is among the \ main game code's random seeds (so this seeds the \ random number generator for the main game) SEI \ Disable all interrupts LDA #%00111001 \ Set 6522 System VIA interrupt enable register IER STA VIA+&4E \ (SHEILA &4E) bits 0 and 3-5 (i.e. disable the Timer1, \ CB1, CB2 and CA2 interrupts from the System VIA) \LDA #&7F \ These instructions are commented out in the original \STA &FE6E \ source with the comment "already done", which they \LDA IRQ1V \ were, in part 4 \STA VEC \LDA IRQ1V+1 \STA VEC+1 LDA S%+4 \ S% points to the entry point for the main game code, STA IRQ1V \ so this copies the address of the main game's IRQ1 LDA S%+5 \ routine from the start of the main code into IRQ1V STA IRQ1V+1 LDA #VSCAN \ Set 6522 System VIA T1C-L timer 1 high-order counter STA VIA+&45 \ (SHEILA &45) to VSCAN (56) to start the T1 counter \ counting down from 14080 at a rate of 1 MHz (this is \ a different value to the main game code) CLI \ Re-enable interrupts \LDA #129 \ These instructions are commented out in the original \LDY #&FF \ source. They call OSBYTE with A = 129, X = 1 and \LDX #1 \ Y = &FF, which returns the machine type in X, so \JSR OSBYTE \ this code would detect the MOS version \ \TXA \EOR #&FF \STA MOS \ \BMI BLAST LDY #0 \ Call OSBYTE with A = 200, X = 3 and Y = 0 to disable LDA #200 \ the ESCAPE key and clear memory if the BREAK key is LDX #3 \ pressed JSR OSBYTE \ The rest of the routine calculates various checksums \ and makes sure they are correct before proceeding, to \ prevent code tampering. We start by calculating the \ checksum for the main game code from &0F40 to &5540, \ which just adds up every byte and checks it against \ the checksum stored at the end of the main game code .BLAST LDA #HI(S%) \ Set ZP(1 0) = S% STA ZP+1 \ LDA #LO(S%) \ so ZP(1 0) points to the start of the main game code STA ZP LDX #&45 \ We are going to checksum &45 pages from &0F40 to &5540 \ so set a page counter in X LDY #0 \ Set Y to count through each byte within each page TYA \ Set A = 0 for building the checksum .CHK CLC \ Add the Y-th byte of this page of the game code to A ADC (ZP),Y INY \ Increment the counter for this page BNE CHK \ Loop back for the next byte until we have finished \ adding up this page INC ZP+1 \ Increment the high byte of ZP(1 0) to point to the \ next page DEX \ Decrement the page counter we set in X BPL CHK \ Loop back to add up the next page until we have done \ them all IF _REMOVE_CHECKSUMS LDA #0 \ If we have disabled checksums, just set A to 0 so the NOP \ BEQ below jumps to itsOK ELSE CMP D%-1 \ D% is set to the address of the byte after the end of \ the code, so this compares the result to the last byte \ in the main game code at location checksum0 ENDIF BEQ itsOK \ If the checksum we just calculated matches the value \ in location checksum0, jump to itsOK .nononono STA S%+1 \ If we get here then the checksum was wrong, so first \ we store the incorrect checksum value in the low byte \ of the address stored at the start of the main game \ code, which contains the address of TT170, the entry \ point for the main game (so this hides this address \ from prying eyes) LDA #%01111111 \ Set 6522 System VIA interrupt enable register IER STA &FE4E \ (SHEILA &4E) bits 0-6 (i.e. disable all hardware \ interrupts from the System VIA) JMP (&FFFC) \ Jump to the address in &FFFC to reset the machine .itsOK JMP (S%) \ The checksum was correct, so we call the address held \ in the first two bytes of the main game code, which \ point to TT170, the entry point for the main game \ code, so this, finally, is where we hand over to the \ game itself