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Copy protection: CHECKER

[BBC Micro cassette version, Loader]

Name: CHECKER [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Copy protection Summary: Run checksum checks on tokens, loader and tape block count
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Elite loader (Part 5 of 6) calls CHECKER * BLOCK calls via ENDBLOCK * Elite loader (Part 4 of 6) calls via ENDBLOCK * Elite loader (Part 5 of 6) calls via ENDBLOCK

This routine runs checksum checks on the recursive token table and the loader code at the start of the main game code file, to prevent tampering with these areas of memory. It also runs a check on the tape loading block count.
Other entry points: ENDBLOCK Denotes the end of the encrypted code that starts at BLOCK
.CHECKER \ First we check the MAINSUM+1 checksum for the \ recursive token table from &0400 to &07FF LDY #0 \ Set Y = 0 to count through each byte within each page LDX #4 \ We are going to checksum 4 pages from &0400 to &07FF \ so set a page counter in X STX ZP+1 \ Set ZP(1 0) = &0400, to point to the start of the code STY ZP \ we want to checksum TYA \ Set A = 0 for building the checksum .CHKq CLC \ Add the Y-th byte of this page of the token table to A ADC (ZP),Y INY \ Increment the counter for this page BNE CHKq \ Loop back for the next byte until we have finished \ adding up this page INC ZP+1 \ Increment the high byte of ZP(1 0) to point to the \ next page DEX \ Decrement the page counter we set in X BNE CHKq \ Loop back to add up the next page until we have done \ them all CMP MAINSUM+1 \ Compare the result to the contents of MAINSUM+1, which \ contains the checksum for the table (this gets set by \ IF _REMOVE_CHECKSUMS NOP \ If we have disabled checksums, do nothing NOP ELSE BNE nononono \ If the checksum we just calculated does not match the \ contents of MAINSUM+1, jump to nononono to reset the \ machine ENDIF \ Next, we check the LBL routine in the header that's \ appended to the main game code in elite-bcfs.asm, and \ which is currently loaded at LOAD% (which contains the \ load address of the main game code file) TYA \ Set A = 0 for building the checksum (as Y is still 0 \ from the above checksum loop) .CHKb CLC \ Add the Y-th byte of LOAD% to A ADC LOAD%,Y INY \ Increment the counter CPY #40 \ There are 40 bytes in the loader, so loop back until BNE CHKb \ we have added them all CMP MAINSUM \ Compare the result to the contents of MAINSUM, which \ contains the checksum for loader code IF _REMOVE_CHECKSUMS NOP \ If we have disabled checksums, do nothing NOP ELSE BNE nononono \ If the checksum we just calculated does not match the \ contents of MAINSUM, jump to nononono to reset the \ machine ENDIF \ Finally, we check the block count from the tape \ loading code in the IRQ1 routine, which counts the \ number of blocks in the main game code IF PROT AND NOT(DISC) LDA BLCNT \ If the tape protection is enabled and we are loading CMP #&4F \ from tape (as opposed to disc), check that the block BCC nononono \ count in BLCNT is &4F, and if it isn't, jump to \ nononono to reset the machine ENDIF IF _REMOVE_CHECKSUMS RTS \ If we have disabled checksums, return from the NOP \ subroutine NOP ELSE JMP (CHECKV) \ Call the LBL routine in the header (whose address is \ in CHECKV). This routine is inserted before the main \ game code by elite-bcfs.asm, and it checks the \ validity of the first two pages of the UU% routine, \ which was copied to LE% above, and which contains a \ checksum byte in CHECKbyt. We then return from the \ subroutine using a tail call ENDIF .ENDBLOCK