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Version analysis of PIXEL

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: PIXEL Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing pixels

Code variation 1 of 18A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

Summary: Draw a one-pixel dot, two-pixel dash or four-pixel square Deep dive: Drawing monochrome pixels on the BBC Micro
Summary: Draw a one-pixel dot, two-pixel dash or four-pixel square Deep dive: Drawing colour pixels on the BBC Micro
Summary: Implement the OSWORD 241 command (draw space view pixels) Deep dive: Drawing colour pixels on the BBC Micro

Code variation 2 of 18A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

Draw a point at screen coordinate (X, A) with the point size determined by the distance in ZZ. This applies to the top part of the screen (the monochrome mode 4 portion).
Draw a point at screen coordinate (X, A) with the point size determined by the distance in ZZ. This applies to the top part of the screen (the four-colour mode 5 portion).
This routine is run when the parasite sends an OSWORD 241 command with parameters in the block at OSSC(1 0). It draws a dot (or collection of dots) in the space view. It can draw two types of dot, depending on bits 0-2 of the dot's distance: * Draw the dot using the dot's distance to determine both the dot's colour and size. This draws a one-pixel dot, two-pixel dash or four-pixel square in a colour that's determined by the distance (as per the colour table in PXCL). These kinds of dot are sent by the PIXEL3 routine in the parasite, which is used to draw explosion particles. * Draw the dot using the dot's distance to determine the dot's size, either a two-pixel dash or four-pixel square. The dot is always drawn in white (which is actually a cyan/red stripe). These kinds of dot are sent by the PIXEL routine in the parasite, which is used to draw stardust particles and dots on the Long-range Chart. The parameters match those put into the PBUF/pixbl block in the parasite.
Draw a point at screen coordinate (X, A) with the point size determined by the distance in ZZ. This applies to the top part of the screen (the space view).


Code variation 3 of 18A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

X The screen x-coordinate of the point to draw A The screen y-coordinate of the point to draw ZZ The distance of the point, with bigger distances drawing smaller points: * ZZ < 80 Double-height four-pixel square * 80 <= ZZ <= 143 Single-height two-pixel dash * ZZ > 143 Single-height one-pixel dot Returns: Y Y is preserved
OSSC(1 0) A parameter block as follows: * Byte #0 = The size of the pixel buffer being sent * Byte #2 = The distance of the first dot * Bits 0-2 clear = Draw a two-pixel dash or four-pixel square, as determined by the distance, in white (cyan/red) * Any of bits 0-2 set = Draw a one-pixel dot, two-pixel dash or four-pixel square in the correct colour, as determined by the distance * Byte #3 = The x-coordinate of the first dot * Byte #4 = The y-coordinate of the first dot * Byte #5 = The distance of the second dot * Byte #6 = The x-coordinate of the second dot * Byte #7 = The y-coordinate of the second dot and so on

Code variation 4 of 18A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

Other entry points: PX4 Contains an RTS
Other entry points: PXR1 Contains an RTS

Code variation 5 of 18Related to Elite's use of the Tube

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked), Master and Electron versions.

LDY #0 \ Set Q to byte #0 from the block pointed to by OSSC, LDA (OSSC),Y \ which contains the size of the pixel buffer STA Q INY \ Increment Y to 2, so y now points at the data for the INY \ first pixel in the command block .PXLO LDA (OSSC),Y \ Set P to byte #2 from the Y-th pixel block in OSSC, STA P \ which contains the point's distance value (ZZ) AND #7 \ If ZZ is a multiple of 8 (which will be the case for BEQ PX5 \ pixels sent by the parasite's PIXEL routine), jump to \ PX5 to draw stardust particles and dots on the \ Long-range Chart \ Otherwise this pixel was sent by the parasite's PIXEL3 \ routine and will have an odd value of ZZ, and we use \ the distance value to determine the dot's colour and \ size, as this is an explosion particle TAX \ Set S to the ZZ-th value from the PXCL table, to get LDA PXCL,X \ the correct colour byte for this pixel, depending on STA S \ the distance INY \ Increment Y to 3 LDA (OSSC),Y \ Set X to byte #3 from the Y-th pixel block in OSSC, TAX \ which contains the pixel's x-coordinate INY \ Increment Y to 4 LDA (OSSC),Y \ Set Y to byte #4 from the Y-th pixel block in OSSC, STY T1 \ which contains the pixel's y-coordinate, and store Y, TAY \ the index of this pixel's y-coordinate, in T1, so we \ can restore it at the end of the subroutine

Code variation 6 of 18Related to the screen mode

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor version.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

STY T1 \ Store Y in T1 so we can restore it at the end of the \ subroutine TAY \ Copy A into Y, for use later LSR A \ Set SCH = &60 + A >> 3 LSR A LSR A ORA #&60 STA SCH TXA \ Set SC = (X >> 3) * 8 AND #%11111000 STA SC
STY T1 \ Store Y in T1 so we can restore it at the end of the \ subroutine LDY #%00001111 \ Set bits 1 and 2 of the Access Control Register at STY VIA+&34 \ SHEILA &34 to switch screen memory into &3000-&7FFF TAY \ Copy the screen y-coordinate from A into Y
\ We now calculate the address of the character block \ containing the pixel (X1, Y1) and put it in SC(1 0), \ as follows: \ \ SC = &5800 + (Y1 div 8 * 256) + (Y1 div 8 * 64) + 32 STY T1 \ Store Y in T1 so we can restore it at the end of the \ subroutine LDY #128 \ Set SC = 128 for use in the calculation below STY SC TAY \ Copy A into Y, for use later LSR A \ Set A = A >> 3 LSR A \ = y div 8 LSR A \ \ So A now contains the number of the character row \ that will contain the pixel we want to draw STA SC+1 \ Set SC+1 = A, so (SC+1 0) = A * 256 \ = char row * 256 LSR A \ Set (A SC) = (A SC) / 4 ROR SC \ = (4 * ((char row * 64) + 32)) / 4 LSR A \ = char row * 64 + 32 ROR SC ADC SC+1 \ Set SC(1 0) = (A SC) + (SC+1 0) + &5800 ADC #&58 \ = (char row * 64 + 32) STA SC+1 \ + char row * 256 \ + &5800 \ \ which is what we want, so SC(1 0) contains the address \ of the first visible pixel on the character row \ containing the point (x, y) TXA \ Each character block contains 8 pixel rows, so to get AND #%11111000 \ the address of the first byte in the character block \ that we need to draw into, as an offset from the start \ of the row, we clear bits 0-2 ADC SC \ And add the result to SC(1 0) to get the character STA SC \ block on the row we want BCC P%+4 \ If the addition of the low bytes overflowed, increment INC SC+1 \ the high byte \ So SC(1 0) now contains the address of the first pixel \ in the character block containing the (x, y), taking \ the screen borders into consideration

Code variation 7 of 18Other (e.g. bug fix, optimisation)

The Master version doesn't draw single-pixel dots, as it omits the logic to check for distant dots and plot them using one pixel. The Long-range Chart is a good example of this, where the Master version draws a two-pixel yellow dash for every system.

See below for more variations related to this code.

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

TYA \ Set Y = Y mod 8, which is the pixel row within the AND #7 \ character block at which we want to draw our pixel TAY \ (as each character block has 8 rows) TXA \ Set X = X mod 8, which is the horizontal pixel number AND #7 \ within the character block where the pixel lies (as TAX \ each pixel line in the character block is 8 pixels \ wide)

Code variation 8 of 18Related to the Electron version

Dots in the Electron version, such as those shown for stardust particles, are always two pixels wide, while the cassette and disc versions also support one-pixel dots in their monochrome space views.

This variation is blank in the 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA ZZ \ If distance in ZZ >= 144, then this point is a very CMP #144 \ long way away, so jump to PX3 to fetch a one-pixel BCS PX3 \ point from TWOS and EOR it into SC+Y
LDA ZZ \ If distance in ZZ >= 144, then this point is a very CMP #144 \ long way away, so jump to PX14 to fetch a two-pixel BCS PX14 \ dash from TWOS2 and EOR it into SC+Y

Code variation 9 of 18Other (e.g. bug fix, optimisation)

See variation 7 above for details.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA TWOS2,X \ Otherwise fetch a two-pixel dash from TWOS2 and EOR it EOR (SC),Y \ into SC+Y STA (SC),Y LDA ZZ \ If distance in ZZ >= 80, then this point is a medium CMP #80 \ distance away, so jump to PX13 to stop drawing, as a BCS PX13 \ two-pixel dash is enough \ Otherwise we keep going to draw another 2 pixel point \ either above or below the one we just drew, to make a \ four-pixel square DEY \ Reduce Y by 1 to point to the pixel row above the one BPL PX14 \ we just plotted, and if it is still positive, jump to \ PX14 to draw our second two-pixel dash LDY #1 \ Reducing Y by 1 made it negative, which means Y was \ 0 before we did the DEY above, so set Y to 1 to point \ to the pixel row after the one we just plotted .PX14 LDA TWOS2,X \ Fetch a two-pixel dash from TWOS2 and EOR it into this EOR (SC),Y \ second row to make a four-pixel square STA (SC),Y
LDA ylookup,Y \ Look up the page number of the character row that STA SC+1 \ contains the pixel with the y-coordinate in Y, and \ store it in the high byte of SC(1 0) at SC+1 TXA \ Each character block contains 8 pixel rows, so to get AND #%11111100 \ the address of the first byte in the character block ASL A \ that we need to draw into, as an offset from the start \ of the row, we clear bits 0-1 and shift left to double \ it (as each character row contains two pages of bytes, \ or 512 bytes, which cover 256 pixels). This also \ shifts bit 7 of the x-coordinate into the C flag STA SC \ Store the address of the character block in the low \ byte of SC(1 0), so now SC(1 0) points to the \ character block we need to draw into BCC P%+4 \ If the C flag is clear then skip the next instruction INC SC+1 \ The C flag is set, which means bit 7 of X1 was set \ before the ASL above, so the x-coordinate is in the \ right half of the screen (i.e. in the range 128-255). \ Each row takes up two pages in memory, so the right \ half is in the second page but SC+1 contains the value \ we looked up from ylookup, which is the page number of \ the first memory page for the row... so we need to \ increment SC+1 to point to the correct page TYA \ Set Y = Y mod 8, which is the pixel row within the AND #7 \ character block at which we want to draw the pixel TAY \ (as each character block has 8 rows) TXA \ Copy bits 0-1 of the x-coordinate to bits 0-1 of X, AND #%00000011 \ which will now be in the range 0-3, and will contain TAX \ the two pixels to show in the character row

Code variation 10 of 18Other (e.g. bug fix, optimisation)

See variation 7 above for details.

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked) and Electron versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA ZZ \ Set A to the pixel's distance in ZZ
LDA P \ If the pixel's ZZ distance, which we stored in P, is BMI PX3 \ greater than 127, jump to PX3 to plot a one-pixel dot

Code variation 11 of 18A variation in the labels only

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked) and Electron versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

CMP #80 \ If the pixel's ZZ distance is < 80, then the dot is BCC PX2 \ pretty close, so jump to PX2 to draw a four-pixel \ square LDA TWOS2,X \ Fetch a mode 1 two-pixel byte with the pixels set as AND COL \ in X, and AND with the colour byte we fetched into COL \ so that pixel takes on the colour we want to draw \ (i.e. A is acting as a mask on the colour byte)
CMP #80 \ If the pixel's ZZ distance is < 80, then the dot is BCC PX2 \ pretty close, so jump to PX2 to draw a four-pixel \ square LDA TWOS2,X \ Fetch a mode 1 two-pixel byte with the pixels set as AND S \ in X, and AND with the colour byte we fetched into S \ so that pixel takes on the colour we want to draw \ (i.e. A is acting as a mask on the colour byte)

Code variation 12 of 18Related to the screen mode

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked) and Electron versions.

EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the pixel on-screen using EOR logic, so we can STA (SC),Y \ remove it later without ruining the background that's \ already on-screen

Code variation 13 of 18Specific to an individual platform

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

.PX13 LDY T1 \ Restore Y from T1, so Y is preserved by the routine .PX4 RTS \ Return from the subroutine
LDY #%00001001 \ Clear bits 1 and 2 of the Access Control Register at STY VIA+&34 \ SHEILA &34 to switch main memory back into &3000-&7FFF LDY T1 \ Restore Y from T1, so Y is preserved by the routine .PXR1 RTS \ Return from the subroutine .PX2 \ If we get here, we need to plot a four-pixel square in \ in the correct colour for this pixel's distance LDA TWOS2,X \ Fetch a mode 1 two-pixel byte with the pixels set as AND COL \ in X, and AND with the colour byte we fetched into COL \ so that pixel takes on the colour we want to draw \ (i.e. A is acting as a mask on the colour byte)
LDY T1 \ Set Y to the index of this pixel's y-coordinate byte \ in the command block, which we stored in T1 above INY \ Increment Y, so it now points to the first byte of \ the next pixel in the command block CPY Q \ If the index hasn't reached the value in Q (which BNE PXLO \ contains the size of the pixel buffer), loop back to \ PXLO to draw the next pixel in the buffer RTS \ Return from the subroutine .PX2 \ If we get here, we need to plot a four-pixel square in \ in the correct colour for this pixel's distance LDA TWOS2,X \ Fetch a mode 1 two-pixel byte with the pixels set as AND S \ in X, and AND with the colour byte we fetched into S \ so that pixel takes on the colour we want to draw \ (i.e. A is acting as a mask on the colour byte)

Code variation 14 of 18Related to the screen mode

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked) and Electron versions.

EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the pixel on-screen using EOR logic, so we can STA (SC),Y \ remove it later without ruining the background that's \ already on-screen DEY \ Reduce Y by 1 to point to the pixel row above the one BPL P%+4 \ we just plotted, and if it is still positive, skip the \ next instruction LDY #1 \ Reducing Y by 1 made it negative, which means Y was \ 0 before we did the DEY above, so set Y to 1 to point \ to the pixel row after the one we just plotted \ We now draw our second dash

Code variation 15 of 18A variation in the labels only

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked) and Electron versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA TWOS2,X \ Fetch a mode 1 two-pixel byte with the pixels set as AND COL \ in X, and AND with the colour byte we fetched into COL \ so that pixel takes on the colour we want to draw \ (i.e. A is acting as a mask on the colour byte)
LDA TWOS2,X \ Fetch a mode 1 two-pixel byte with the pixels set as AND S \ in X, and AND with the colour byte we fetched into S \ so that pixel takes on the colour we want to draw \ (i.e. A is acting as a mask on the colour byte)

Code variation 16 of 18Related to the screen mode

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked) and Electron versions.

EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the pixel on-screen using EOR logic, so we can STA (SC),Y \ remove it later without ruining the background that's \ already on-screen

Code variation 17 of 18Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked) and Electron versions.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDY #%00001001 \ Clear bits 1 and 2 of the Access Control Register at STY VIA+&34 \ SHEILA &34 to switch main memory back into &3000-&7FFF LDY T1 \ Restore Y from T1, so Y is preserved by the routine RTS \ Return from the subroutine
LDY T1 \ Set Y to the index of this pixel's y-coordinate byte \ in the command block, which we stored in T1 above INY \ Increment Y, so it now points to the first byte of \ the next pixel in the command block CPY Q \ If the index hasn't reached the value in Q (which BNE PXLO \ contains the size of the pixel buffer), loop back to \ PXLO to draw the next pixel in the buffer RTS \ Return from the subroutine

Code variation 18 of 18Specific to an individual platform

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked), Master and Electron versions.

.PX3 \ If we get here, the dot is a long way away (at a \ distance that is > 127), so we want to draw a \ one-pixel dot LDA TWOS,X \ Fetch a mode 1 one-pixel byte with the pixel set as AND S \ in X, and AND with the colour byte we fetched into S \ so that pixel takes on the colour we want to draw \ (i.e. A is acting as a mask on the colour byte) EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the pixel on-screen using EOR logic, so we can STA (SC),Y \ remove it later without ruining the background that's \ already on-screen LDY T1 \ Set Y to the index of this pixel's y-coordinate byte \ in the command block, which we stored in T1 above INY \ Increment Y, so it now points to the first byte of \ the next pixel in the command block CPY Q \ If the index hasn't reached the value in Q (which BNE PXLO \ contains the size of the pixel buffer), loop back to \ PXLO to draw the next pixel in the buffer RTS \ Return from the subroutine .PX5 \ If we get here then the pixel's distance value (ZZ) is \ a multiple of 8, as set by the parasite's PIXEL \ routine INY \ Increment Y to 3 LDA (OSSC),Y \ Set X to byte #3 from the Y-th pixel block in OSSC, TAX \ which contains the pixel's x-coordinate INY \ Increment Y to 4 LDA (OSSC),Y \ Set Y to byte #4 from the Y-th pixel block in OSSC, STY T1 \ which contains the pixel's y-coordinate, and store Y, TAY \ the index of this pixel's y-coordinate, in T1, so we \ can restore it at the end of the subroutine LDA ylookup,Y \ Look up the page number of the character row that STA SC+1 \ contains the pixel with the y-coordinate in Y, and \ store it in the high byte of SC(1 0) at SC+1 TXA \ Each character block contains 8 pixel rows, so to get AND #%11111100 \ the address of the first byte in the character block ASL A \ that we need to draw into, as an offset from the start \ of the row, we clear bits 0-1 and shift left to double \ it (as each character row contains two pages of bytes, \ or 512 bytes, which cover 256 pixels). This also \ shifts bit 7 of the x-coordinate into the C flag STA SC \ Store the address of the character block in the low \ byte of SC(1 0), so now SC(1 0) points to the \ character block we need to draw into BCC P%+4 \ If the C flag is clear then skip the next instruction INC SC+1 \ The C flag is set, which means bit 7 of X1 was set \ before the ASL above, so the x-coordinate is in the \ right half of the screen (i.e. in the range 128-255). \ Each row takes up two pages in memory, so the right \ half is in the second page but SC+1 contains the value \ we looked up from ylookup, which is the page number of \ the first memory page for the row... so we need to \ increment SC+1 to point to the correct page TYA \ Set Y = Y mod 8, which is the pixel row within the AND #7 \ character block at which we want to draw the start of TAY \ our line (as each character block has 8 rows) TXA \ Copy bits 0-1 of the x-coordinate to bits 0-1 of X, AND #%00000011 \ which will now be in the range 0-3, and will contain TAX \ the two pixels to show in the character row LDA P \ Fetch the pixel's distance from P CMP #80 \ If the pixel's ZZ distance is >= 80, then the dot is BCS PX6 \ a medium distance away, so jump to PX6 to draw a \ single pixel LDA TWOS2,X \ Fetch a mode 1 two-pixel byte with the pixels set as AND #WHITE \ in X, and AND with #WHITE to make it white (i.e. \ cyan/red) EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the pixel on-screen using EOR logic, so we can STA (SC),Y \ remove it later without ruining the background that's \ already on-screen DEY \ Reduce Y by 1 to point to the pixel row above the one BPL P%+4 \ we just plotted, and if it is still positive, skip the \ next instruction LDY #1 \ Reducing Y by 1 made it negative, which means Y was \ 0 before we did the DEY above, so set Y to 1 to point \ to the pixel row after the one we just plotted \ We now draw our second dash .PX6 LDA TWOS2,X \ Fetch a mode 1 two-pixel byte with the pixels set as AND #WHITE \ in X, and AND with #WHITE to make it white (i.e. \ cyan/red) EOR (SC),Y \ Draw the pixel on-screen using EOR logic, so we can STA (SC),Y \ remove it later without ruining the background that's \ already on-screen LDY T1 \ Set Y to the index of this pixel's y-coordinate byte \ in the command block, which we stored in T1 above INY \ Increment Y, so it now points to the first byte of \ the next pixel in the command block CPY Q \ If the index has reached the value in Q (which BEQ P%+5 \ contains the size of the pixel buffer), skip the next \ instruction JMP PXLO \ We haven't reached the end of the buffer, so loop back \ to PXLO to draw the next pixel in the buffer RTS \ Return from the subroutine