.scrollText1_FR IF _NTSC EQUS " NTSC EMULATION " EQUS " --- E L # T E --- " EQUS "(C)BELL & BRABEN 1991" ELIF _PAL EQUS " IMAGINEER PRESENTE " EQUS " --- E L # T E --- " EQUS "(C)BRABEN & BELL 1991" ENDIF EQUS " " EQUS " PREPAREZ-VOUS A LA" EQUS "SIMULATION DU COMBAT!"Name: scrollText1_FR [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Combat demo Summary: Text for the first scroll text in French Deep dive: Multi-language support in NES Elite The NES combat demoContext: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * scrollText1Hi uses scrollText1_FR * scrollText1Lo uses scrollText1_FR