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Version analysis of TT105

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: TT105 Type: Subroutine Category: Charts Summary: Draw crosshairs on the Short-range Chart, with clipping
Check whether the crosshairs are close enough to the current system to appear on the Short-range Chart, and if so, draw them.
.TT105 LDA QQ9 \ Set A = QQ9 - QQ0, the horizontal distance between the SEC \ crosshairs (QQ9) and the current system (QQ0) SBC QQ0

Code variation 1 of 5Related to the Master version

In most versions the Short-range Chart crosshairs can be moved to the right edge of the screen, but in the Master version they disappear before they get to the edge.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

CMP #38 \ If the horizontal distance in A < 38, then the BCC TT179 \ crosshairs are close enough to the current system to \ appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT179 to \ check the vertical distance CMP #230 \ If the horizontal distance in A < -26, then the BCC TT180 \ crosshairs are too far from the current system to \ appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT180 to \ return from the subroutine (as TT180 contains an RTS)
BCS P%+6 \ If the subtraction didn't underflow, skip the next two \ instructions EOR #&FF \ The subtraction underflowed, so negate the result ADC #1 \ using two's complement so that it is positive, i.e. \ A = |QQ9 - QQ0|, the absolute horizontal distance CMP #29 \ If the absolute horizontal distance in A >= 29, then BCS TT180 \ the crosshairs are too far from the current system to \ appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT180 to \ return from the subroutine (as TT180 contains an RTS) LDA QQ9 \ Set A = QQ9 - QQ0, the horizontal distance between the SEC \ crosshairs (QQ9) and the current system (QQ0) SBC QQ0 BPL TT179 \ If the horizontal distance in A is positive, then skip \ the next two instructions CMP #233 \ If the horizontal distance in A < -23, then the BCC TT180 \ crosshairs are too far from the current system to \ appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT180 to \ return from the subroutine (as TT180 contains an RTS)

Code variation 2 of 5Related to the Master version

The Master version contains code to scale the chart views, though it has no effect in this version. The code is left over from the Apple II version, which uses a different scale.

See below for more variations related to this code.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

ASL A \ Set QQ19 = 104 + A * 4 ASL A \ CLC \ 104 is the x-coordinate of the centre of the chart, ADC #104 \ so this sets QQ19 to the screen pixel x-coordinate STA QQ19 \ of the crosshairs
ASL A \ Set QQ19 = 104 + A * 4 ASL A \ CLC \ 104 is the x-coordinate of the centre of the chart, ADC #104 \ so this sets QQ19 to the screen pixel x-coordinate JSR SCALEY2 \ STA QQ19 \ The call to SCALEY2 has no effect as it only contains \ an RTS, but having this call instruction here would \ enable different scaling to be applied by altering \ the SCALE routines \ \ This code is left over from the Apple II version, \ where the scale factor is different
 LDA QQ10               \ Set A = QQ10 - QQ1, the vertical distance between the
 SEC                    \ crosshairs (QQ10) and the current system (QQ1)

Code variation 3 of 5Related to the Master version

In most versions the Short-range Chart crosshairs can be moved close to the bottom edge of the screen, but in the Master version they disappear before they get quite as far.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

CMP #38 \ If the vertical distance in A is < 38, then the BCC P%+6 \ crosshairs are close enough to the current system to \ appear in the Short-range Chart, so skip the next two \ instructions CMP #220 \ If the horizontal distance in A is < -36, then the BCC TT180 \ crosshairs are too far from the current system to \ appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT180 to \ return from the subroutine (as TT180 contains an RTS)
BCS P%+6 \ If the subtraction didn't underflow, skip the next two \ instructions EOR #&FF \ The subtraction underflowed, so negate the result ADC #1 \ using two's complement so that it is positive, i.e. \ A = |QQ10 - QQ0|, the absolute vertical distance CMP #35 \ If the absolute vertical distance in A >= 35, then BCS TT180 \ the crosshairs are too far from the current system to \ appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT180 to \ return from the subroutine (as TT180 contains an RTS) LDA QQ10 \ Set A = QQ10 - QQ1, the vertical distance between the SEC \ crosshairs (QQ10) and the current system (QQ1) SBC QQ1

Code variation 4 of 5Related to the Master version

See variation 2 above for details.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

ASL A \ Set QQ19+1 = 90 + A * 2 CLC \ ADC #90 \ 90 is the y-coordinate of the centre of the chart, STA QQ19+1 \ so this sets QQ19+1 to the screen pixel x-coordinate \ of the crosshairs
ASL A \ Set QQ19+1 = 90 + A * 2 CLC \ ADC #90 \ 90 is the y-coordinate of the centre of the chart, JSR SCALEY2 \ so this sets QQ19+1 to the screen pixel x-coordinate STA QQ19+1 \ of the crosshairs \ \ The call to SCALEY2 has no effect as it only contains \ an RTS, but having this call instruction here would \ enable different scaling to be applied by altering \ the SCALE routines \ \ This code is left over from the Apple II version, \ where the scale factor is different
 LDA #8                 \ Set QQ19+2 to 8 denote crosshairs of size 8
 STA QQ19+2

Code variation 5 of 5Related to the Master version

The moveable chart crosshairs in the Master version are drawn with white/yellow vertical stripes (with the exception of the static crosshairs on the Long-range Chart, which are white). All crosshairs are white in the other versions.

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked), 6502 Second Processor and Electron versions.

LDA #GREEN \ Switch to stripe 3-1-3-1, which is white/yellow in the STA COL \ chart view
 JMP TT15               \ Jump to TT15 to draw crosshairs of size 8 at the
                        \ crosshairs coordinates, returning from the subroutine
                        \ using a tail call