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Version analysis of JMTB

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: JMTB Type: Variable Category: Text Summary: The extended token table for jump tokens 1-32 (DETOK) Deep dive: Extended text tokens
.JMTB EQUW MT1 \ Token 1: Switch to ALL CAPS EQUW MT2 \ Token 2: Switch to Sentence Case EQUW TT27 \ Token 3: Print the selected system name EQUW TT27 \ Token 4: Print the commander's name EQUW MT5 \ Token 5: Switch to extended tokens EQUW MT6 \ Token 6: Switch to standard tokens, in Sentence Case EQUW DASC \ Token 7: Beep EQUW MT8 \ Token 8: Tab to column 6 EQUW MT9 \ Token 9: Clear screen, tab to column 1, view type = 1 EQUW DASC \ Token 10: Line feed EQUW NLIN4 \ Token 11: Draw box around title (line at pixel row 19) EQUW DASC \ Token 12: Carriage return EQUW MT13 \ Token 13: Switch to lower case EQUW MT14 \ Token 14: Switch to justified text EQUW MT15 \ Token 15: Switch to left-aligned text EQUW MT16 \ Token 16: Print the character in DTW7 (drive number) EQUW MT17 \ Token 17: Print system name adjective in Sentence Case EQUW MT18 \ Token 18: Randomly print 1 to 4 two-letter tokens EQUW MT19 \ Token 19: Capitalise first letter of next word only EQUW DASC \ Token 20: Unused EQUW CLYNS \ Token 21: Clear the bottom few lines of the space view EQUW PAUSE \ Token 22: Display ship and wait for key press EQUW MT23 \ Token 23: Move to row 10, white text, set lower case EQUW PAUSE2 \ Token 24: Wait for a key press EQUW BRIS \ Token 25: Show incoming message screen, wait 2 seconds EQUW MT26 \ Token 26: Fetch line input from keyboard (filename) EQUW MT27 \ Token 27: Print mission captain's name (217-219) EQUW MT28 \ Token 28: Print mission 1 location hint (220-221) EQUW MT29 \ Token 29: Column 6, white text, lower case in words

Code variation 1 of 2Related to an advanced feature

The 6502SP version has an extended jump token for switching to white text, while the Master version uses the same token for displaying the currently selected file system (though this token isn't actually used in the Master version, as this is unused code from the Commodore 64 version).

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

EQUW DASC \ Token 30: Unused
EQUW FILEPR \ Token 30: Display currently selected media (disk/tape)
EQUW WHITETEXT \ Token 30: White text

Code variation 2 of 2Related to the Master version

The Master version has an extended jump token for displaying the non-selected file system, though this token isn't actually used as the file system can't be changed from disc.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

EQUW DASC \ Token 31: Unused
EQUW OTHERFILEPR \ Token 31: Display the non-selected media (disk/tape)
 EQUW DASC              \ Token 32: Unused