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Dashboard: SCANpars

[6502 Second Processor version]

Name: SCANpars [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Dashboard Summary: The scanner buffer to send with the #onescan command
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * SCAN uses SCANpars * SCAN calls via SCANflg * SCAN calls via SCANlen * SCAN calls via SCANcol * SCAN calls via SCANx1 * SCAN calls via SCANy1

Other entry points: SCANflg The sign of the stick height (in bit 7) SCANlen The stick height for the ship on the scanner SCANcol The colour of the ship on the scanner SCANx1 The screen x-coordinate of the dot on the scanner SCANy1 The screen y-coordinate of the dot on the scanner
.SCANpars EQUB 7 \ The number of bytes to transmit with this command EQUB 0 \ The number of bytes to receive with this command .SCANflg EQUB 0 \ The sign of the stick height (in bit 7) .SCANlen EQUB 0 \ The stick height for this ship on the scanner .SCANcol EQUB 0 \ The colour of the ship on the scanner .SCANx1 EQUB 0 \ The screen x-coordinate of the dot on the scanner .SCANy1 EQUB 0 \ The screen y-coordinate of the dot on the scanner