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Version analysis of NO3

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: NO3 Type: Subroutine Category: Sound Summary: Make a sound from a prepared sound block
Make a sound from a prepared sound block in XX16 (if sound is enabled). See routine NOS1 for details of preparing the XX16 sound block.
.NO3 LDX DNOIZ \ Set X to the DNOIZ configuration setting

Code variation 1 of 2A variation in the labels only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

BNE NO1 \ If DNOIZ is non-zero, then sound is disabled, so \ return from the subroutine (as NO1 contains an RTS)
BNE KYTB \ If DNOIZ is non-zero, then sound is disabled, so \ return from the subroutine (as KYTB contains an RTS)
BNE ECMOF-1 \ If DNOIZ is non-zero, then sound is disabled, so \ return from the subroutine (as ECMOF-1 contains an \ RTS)

Code variation 2 of 2Related to the Electron version

Because the Electron only has two sound channels (one noise and one tone), each sound is allocated a priority and a minimum duration, so higher priority sounds take predence over lower priority sounds, but only for their minimum duration.

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), Disc (docked) and 6502 Second Processor versions.

LDA XX16 \ Set X = to bit 0 of the first SOUND parameter, so AND #&01 \ that's the channel number (as the channel is either TAX \ 0 or 1) LDY XX16+8 \ We stored the sound number (0, 8, 16 etc.) in XX16+8 \ back in NOS1, so fetch it into Y LDA SFX2,Y \ Fetch this sound's byte from SFX2 into A \ \ (This seems wrong. Y is a multiple of 8 (0, 8 ... 72) \ rather than the actual sound number (0-9), and there \ are only 10 bytes at SFX2, so this doesn't feel \ correct - surely Y should be divided by 8 before \ fetching the relevant SFX2 byte?) CMP SFXPR,X \ If the new sound's SFX2 byte is less than the current BCC ECMOF-1 \ channel's SFXPR value, return from the subroutine as \ the current sound has a higher priority than the new \ one (as ECMOF-1 contains an RTS) STA SFXPR,X \ Otherwise the new sound is a higher priority sound, so \ store the new sound's SFX2 byte as the channel's new \ SFXPR priority AND #%00001111 \ And store the low nibble of the SFX2 byte in the STA SFXDU,X \ channel's new SFXDU duration
 LDX #LO(XX16)          \ Otherwise set (Y X) to point to the sound block in
 LDY #HI(XX16)          \ XX16

 LDA #7                 \ Call OSWORD 7 to makes the sound, as described in the
 JMP OSWORD             \ documentation for variable SFX, and return from the
                        \ subroutine using a tail call