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Encyclopedia: menu_title

[Elite-A, Parasite]

Name: menu_title [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Encyclopedia Summary: Table containing text token numbers for each menu's title Deep dive: The Encyclopedia Galactica
Context: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * menu uses menu_title

Text tokens for the menu system can be found in the msg_3 table. The menus are as follows: 0 = Encyclopedia Galactica 1 = Ships A-G 2 = Ships I-W 3 = Controls 4 = Equipment
.menu_title EQUB 1 \ Menu 0: Title is text token 1: \ \ "ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA" EQUB 2 \ Menu 1: Title is text token 2: \ \ "SHIPS {all caps}A-G{sentence case}" EQUB 3 \ Menu 2: Title is text token 3: \ \ "SHIPS {all caps}I-W{sentence case}" EQUB 5 \ Menu 3: Title is text token 5: \ \ "CONTROLS" EQUB 4 \ Menu 4: Title is text token 4: \ \ "EQUIPMENT"