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Version analysis of MV40

This code appears in the following versions (click to see it in the source code):

Code variations between these versions are shown below.

Name: MV40 Type: Subroutine Category: Moving

Code variation 1 of 5A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

Summary: Rotate the planet or sun's location in space by the amount of pitch and roll of our ship
Summary: Rotate the planet's location in space by the amount of pitch and roll of our ship
Deep dive: Rotating the universe
We implement this using the same equations as in part 5 of MVEIT, where we rotated the current ship's location by our pitch and roll. Specifically, the calculation is as follows: 1. K2 = y - alpha * x 2. z = z + beta * K2 3. y = K2 - beta * z 4. x = x + alpha * y

Code variation 2 of 5A variation in the comments only

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

Arguments: X The type of the planet Other entry points: MV40-1 Contains an RTS

Code variation 3 of 5Related to the Electron version

As the Electron only has planets and no suns, the MV40 routine only moves the planet by our pitch and roll, and does nothing if asked to move the sun.

This variation is blank in the Cassette, Disc (flight), 6502 Second Processor and Master versions.

TXA \ If bit 0 of X is set, then this is 129, which is the LSR A \ placeholder used to denote that there is no space BCS MV40-1 \ station, so return from the subroutine (as MV40-1 \ contains an RTS)
 LDA ALPHA              \ Set Q = -ALPHA, so Q contains the angle we want to
 EOR #%10000000         \ roll the planet through (i.e. in the opposite
 STA Q                  \ direction to our ship's roll angle alpha)

 LDA INWK               \ Set P(1 0) = (x_hi x_lo)
 STA P+1

 LDA INWK+2             \ Set A = x_sign

 JSR MULT3              \ Set K(3 2 1 0) = (A P+1 P) * Q
                        \ which also means:
                        \   K(3 2 1) = (A P+1 P) * Q / 256
                        \            = x * -alpha / 256
                        \            = - alpha * x / 256

 LDX #3                 \ Set K(3 2 1) = (y_sign y_hi y_lo) + K(3 2 1)
 JSR MVT3               \              = y - alpha * x / 256

 LDA K+1                \ Set K2(2 1) = P(1 0) = K(2 1)
 STA K2+1

 LDA K+2                \ Set K2+2 = K+2
 STA K2+2

 STA P+1                \ Set P+1 = K+2

 LDA BETA               \ Set Q = beta, the pitch angle of our ship

 LDA K+3                \ Set K+3 to K2+3, so now we have result 1 above:
 STA K2+3               \
                        \   K2(3 2 1) = K(3 2 1)
                        \             = y - alpha * x / 256

                        \ We also have:
                        \   A = K+3
                        \   P(1 0) = K(2 1)
                        \ so combined, these mean:
                        \   (A P+1 P) = K(3 2 1)
                        \             = K2(3 2 1)

 JSR MULT3              \ Set K(3 2 1 0) = (A P+1 P) * Q
                        \ which also means:
                        \   K(3 2 1) = (A P+1 P) * Q / 256
                        \            = K2(3 2 1) * beta / 256
                        \            = beta * K2 / 256

 LDX #6                 \ K(3 2 1) = (z_sign z_hi z_lo) + K(3 2 1)
 JSR MVT3               \          = z + beta * K2 / 256

 LDA K+1                \ Set P = K+1

 STA INWK+6             \ Set z_lo = K+1

 LDA K+2                \ Set P+1 = K+2
 STA P+1

 STA INWK+7             \ Set z_hi = K+2

 LDA K+3                \ Set A = z_sign = K+3, so now we have:
 STA INWK+8             \
                        \   (z_sign z_hi z_lo) = K(3 2 1)
                        \                      = z + beta * K2 / 256

                        \ So we now have result 2 above:
                        \   z = z + beta * K2

 EOR #%10000000         \ Flip the sign bit of A to give A = -z_sign

 JSR MULT3              \ Set K(3 2 1 0) = (A P+1 P) * Q
                        \                = (-z_sign z_hi z_lo) * beta
                        \                = -z * beta

 LDA K+3                \ Set T to the sign bit of K(3 2 1 0), i.e. to the sign
 AND #%10000000         \ bit of -z * beta

 EOR K2+3               \ If K2(3 2 1 0) has a different sign to K(3 2 1 0),
 BMI MV1                \ then EOR'ing them will produce a 1 in bit 7, so jump
                        \ to MV1 to take this into account

                        \ If we get here, K and K2 have the same sign, so we can
                        \ add them together to get the result we're after, and
                        \ then set the sign afterwards

Code variation 4 of 5Other (e.g. bug fix, optimisation)

A CLC instruction is omitted from the cassette version in the rotation routine in MV40; it isn't needed, so this claws back one precious byte.

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

LDA K \ We now do the following sum: \CLC \ ADC K2 \ (A y_hi y_lo -) = K(3 2 1 0) + K2(3 2 1 0) \ \ starting with the low bytes (which we don't keep) \ \ The CLC instruction is commented out in the original \ source. It isn't needed because MULT3 clears the C \ flag, so this is an example of the authors finding \ one more precious byte to save
LDA K \ We now do the following sum: CLC \ ADC K2 \ (A y_hi y_lo -) = K(3 2 1 0) + K2(3 2 1 0) \ \ starting with the low bytes (which we don't keep) \ \ The CLC has no effect because MULT3 clears the C \ flag, so this instruction could be removed (as it is \ in the cassette version, for example)
LDA K \ We now do the following sum: ADC K2 \ \ (A y_hi y_lo -) = K(3 2 1 0) + K2(3 2 1 0) \ \ starting with the low bytes (which we don't keep) \ \ The addition works because MULT3 clears the C flag
 LDA K+1                \ We then do the middle bytes, which go into y_lo
 ADC K2+1

 LDA K+2                \ And then the high bytes, which go into y_hi
 ADC K2+2

 LDA K+3                \ And then the sign bytes into A, so overall we have the
 ADC K2+3               \ following, if we drop the low bytes from the result:
                        \   (A y_hi y_lo) = (K + K2) / 256

 JMP MV2                \ Jump to MV2 to skip the calculation for when K and K2
                        \ have different signs


 LDA K                  \ If we get here then K2 and K have different signs, so
 SEC                    \ instead of adding, we need to subtract to get the
 SBC K2                 \ result we want, like this:
                        \   (A y_hi y_lo -) = K(3 2 1 0) - K2(3 2 1 0)
                        \ starting with the low bytes (which we don't keep)

 LDA K+1                \ We then do the middle bytes, which go into y_lo
 SBC K2+1

 LDA K+2                \ And then the high bytes, which go into y_hi
 SBC K2+2

 LDA K2+3               \ Now for the sign bytes, so first we extract the sign
 AND #%01111111         \ byte from K2 without the sign bit, so P = |K2+3|

 LDA K+3                \ And then we extract the sign byte from K without the
 AND #%01111111         \ sign bit, so A = |K+3|

 SBC P                  \ And finally we subtract the sign bytes, so P = A - P

                        \ By now we have the following, if we drop the low bytes
                        \ from the result:
                        \   (A y_hi y_lo) = (K - K2) / 256
                        \ so now we just need to make sure the sign of the
                        \ result is correct

 BCS MV2                \ If the C flag is set, then the last subtraction above
                        \ didn't underflow and the result is correct, so jump to
                        \ MV2 as we are done with this particular stage

 LDA #1                 \ Otherwise the subtraction above underflowed, as K2 is
 SBC INWK+3             \ the dominant part of the subtraction, so we need to
 STA INWK+3             \ negate the result using two's complement, starting
                        \ with the low bytes:
                        \   y_lo = 1 - y_lo

 LDA #0                 \ And then the high bytes:
 SBC INWK+4             \
 STA INWK+4             \   y_hi = 0 - y_hi

 LDA #0                 \ And finally the sign bytes:
 SBC P                  \
                        \   A = 0 - P

 ORA #%10000000         \ We now force the sign bit to be negative, so that the
                        \ final result below gets the opposite sign to K, which
                        \ we want as K2 is the dominant part of the sum


 EOR T                  \ T contains the sign bit of K, so if K is negative,
                        \ this flips the sign of A

 STA INWK+5             \ Store A in y_sign

                        \ So we now have result 3 above:
                        \   y = K2 + K
                        \     = K2 - beta * z

 LDA ALPHA              \ Set A = alpha

 LDA INWK+3             \ Set P(1 0) = (y_hi y_lo)
 STA P+1

 LDA INWK+5             \ Set A = y_sign

 JSR MULT3              \ Set K(3 2 1 0) = (A P+1 P) * Q
                        \                = (y_sign y_hi y_lo) * alpha
                        \                = y * alpha

 LDX #0                 \ Set K(3 2 1) = (x_sign x_hi x_lo) + K(3 2 1)
 JSR MVT3               \              = x + y * alpha / 256

 LDA K+1                \ Set (x_sign x_hi x_lo) = K(3 2 1)
 STA INWK               \                        = x + y * alpha / 256
 LDA K+2
 LDA K+3

                        \ So we now have result 4 above:
                        \   x = x + y * alpha

Code variation 5 of 5A variation in the comments only

Tap on a block to expand it, and tap it again to revert.

JMP MV45 \ We have now finished rotating the planet or sun by \ our pitch and roll, so jump back into the MVEIT \ routine at MV45 to apply all the other movements
JMP MV45 \ We have now finished rotating the planet by our pitch \ and roll, so jump back into the MVEIT routine at MV45 \ to apply all the other movements