acorn Demo |
- The opening scroll text in the Executive version's demo says "PIZZASOFT PRESENTS" instead of "ACORNSOFT PRESENTS".
BELL Sound |
- If speech is enabled in the Executive version, only the BELL routine makes a standard system beep (the CHPR routine no longer does).
BR1 (Part 1 of 2) Start and end |
- If speech is enabled on the Executive version, it will say "Elite" when the title screen is displayed.
- Pressing TAB in the title screen of the 6502SP version will start the demo.
CHK Save and load |
- The Executive version contains a maxed-out default commander, which has a different checksum.
CHK2 Save and load |
- The Executive version contains a maxed-out default commander, which has a different second checksum byte.
CHPR Text |
- If speech is enabled in the Executive version, the main character routine at CHPR doesn't make standard system beeps any more (though the BELL routine still does).
DEMON Demo |
- The demo in the Executive version shows an extra bit of scroll text before the authors' names: "THE EXECUTIVE VERSION".
DK4 Keyboard |
- The Executive version supports two new configuration keys when paused: "@" toggles infinite jump range, while ":" toggles speech.
- The 6502SP version lets you take screenshots, by pressing "D" when the game is paused.
E% Drawing ships |
- The 6502SP version stores the Elite logo as a ship, with its own NEWB flags (none of which are set).
EQSHP Equipment |
- In the 6502SP version, you can send the Equip Ship screen to the printer by pressing CTRL-f3.
executive Demo |
- The Executive version's demo includes an extra bit of text: "THE EXECUTIVE VERSION".
Firebird Copy protection |
- The Executive version contains an extra string, "Firebird", buried in the code, though it isn't used anywhere.
FONT% Text |
- The Executive version uses a unique font, which is based on the 1960s Westminster font (it's similar to the machine-readable font on cheques - "retro-futuristic" is probably what we'd call it these days).
hyp Flight |
- If infinite jump range is enabled in the Executive version, you can jump to anywhere in the entire galaxy.
K% Workspaces |
- The Executive version has a different memory map to the other 6502SP versions, with the K% workspace at &8500 instead of &8200.
LP Demo |
- The Executive version has a different memory map to the other 6502SP versions, with the LP workspace at &8900 instead of &8600.
Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16) Main loop |
- If speech is enabled on the Executive version, it will say "Energy low" every time the "ENERGY LOW,SIR" message flashes on-screen.
Main game loop (Part 5 of 6) Main loop |
- The 6502SP version supports a printer (holding CTRL when pressing a red function key will send that screen to the printer). As part of this, the code sends line feeds, which is mainly notable for using the longest label name in the entire source code: dontdolinefeedontheprinternow.
MJP Flight |
- If speech is enabled on the Executive version, it will say "Oh shit, it's a mis-jump" when we mis-jump into witchspace (this happens with both accidental and manually triggered mis-jumps).
NA% / NA2% Save and load |
- The Executive version contains a maxed-out default commander, with a different name: Firebud instead of Jameson (the name is presumably a seven-character riff on "Firebird", the publishers of the non-Acorn versions of Elite).
- The Executive version has bit 7 of the COK competition flags set, to indicate that this commander file has been tampered with (which it has, of course).
Parasite variables Workspaces |
- The Executive version has two extra variables for storing the new configuration options.
QQ18 Text |
- The Executive version displays distances in the Status and galaxy charts as "L.Y." rather than "LIGHT YEARS" (this saves space in the token table so "SIR" can be added to the tokens for low low and incoming missiles).
- When energy is low in the Executive version, it shows the in-flight message "ENERGY LOW,SIR", rather than just showing "ENERGY LOW".
- If you have bought an energy unit, then most versions will show it on the Inventory screen as "Energy Unit", but in the source disc variant of the 6502SP version, it is shown as "Extra Energy Unit" (though it's still "Energy Unit" in the Acornsoft SNG45 release of the game).
- When missiles are being fired at us in the Executive version, it shows the in-flight message "INCOMING MISSILE,SIR", rather than just showing "INCOMING MISSILE".
RUTOK Text |
- The Executive version has an extra token for overriding the system description for Riedquat: "Only this executive version has the @ toggle".
SFRMIS Tactics |
- If speech is enabled on the Executive version, it will say "Incoming missile" every time the "INCOMING MISSILE,SIR" message flashes on-screen.
SP2 Dashboard |
- The compass on the cassette, disc and Master version uses yellow when the target is in front of us, while the 6502SP version uses white (and so does the Electron version, but only because it's monochrome).
SPEECH Sound |
- The Executive version supports speech, and the four phrases are stored in the table at SPEECH.
- The Executive version support speech via the Watford Electronics Beeb Speech Synthesiser, which attaches to the user port, so unlike the other versions, the loader doesn't disable the 6522 User VIA.
- The 6502SP version implements a hook that enables you to add arbitrary code to the start-up process. The code needs to be inserted at location &0B00 in the I/O processor, and it needs to start with the characters "TINA".
STATUS Status |
- In the 6502SP version, you can send the Status Mode screen to the printer by pressing CTRL-f8.
TALK Sound |
- The Executive version supports speech, via the TALK routine. Speech will work only if you have a Watford Electronics Beeb Speech Synthesiser fitted and enable speech in the configuration options.
TITLE Start and end |
- The 6502SP version adds two loop counters to the title screen so we can start the demo after a certain period on the title screen.
- The 6502SP version only scans for key presses every four iterations on the title screen (as opposed to every iteration in the other versions), so you have to hold down "Y", "N" or Space for noticeably longer to load a commander or start the game.
TRADEMODE Drawing the screen |
- The 6502SP version implements printable trade screens by checking whether CTRL is being pressed before displaying the relevant screen.
true3 Demo |
- The Executive version's demo contains the scroll text "CONGRATULATIONS ON OBTAINING A COPY OF THIS ELUSIVE PRODUCT.", which is shown in place of the "GALAXY IS IN TURMOIL" text.
TT167 Market |
- In the 6502SP version, you can send the Market Price screen to the printer by pressing CTRL-f7.
TT170 Start and end |
- The Executive version immediately starts the demo once the game has loaded (though just like the other 6502SP versions, you can still bring it up manually using TAB from the title screen, and it will automatically start after a period of inactivity).
TT18 Flight |
- If infinite jump range is enabled in the Executive version, no fuel is used for jumping.
TT208 Market |
- In the 6502SP version, you can send the Sell Cargo screen to the printer by pressing CTRL-f2.
TT213 Market |
- In the 6502SP version, you can send the Inventory screen to the printer by pressing CTRL-f9.
TT219 Market |
- In the 6502SP version, you can send the Buy Cargo screen to the printer by pressing CTRL-f1.
TT25 Universe |
- In the 6502SP version, you can send the Data on System screen to the printer by pressing CTRL-f6.
XX21 Drawing ships |
- The 6502SP version has an extra ship definition for the Elite logo that appears in the demo, but it doesn't turn up in-game, not surprisingly.