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Status: fwl

[NES version, Bank 0]

Name: fwl [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Status Summary: Print fuel and cash levels
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * fwls calls fwl * TT213 calls fwl * dn calls via PCASH * PrintCash calls via PCASH

Print control code 5 ("FUEL: ", fuel level, " LIGHT YEARS", newline, "CASH:", control code 0).
Other entry points: PCASH Print the amount of cash only
.fwl LDA languageNumber ; If bit 1 of languageNumber is set then the chosen AND #%00000010 ; language is French, so jump to fuel3 to print the fuel BNE fuel3 ; and cash levels with different indents, to cater for ; the difference in language LDA #105 ; Print recursive token 105 ("FUEL") followed by a JSR TT68 ; colon JSR Print2Spaces ; Print two spaces LDA languageNumber ; If bit 2 of languageNumber is clear then the chosen AND #%00000100 ; language is not French, so jump to fuel1 to skip the BEQ fuel1 ; following JSR Print2Spaces ; Print two spaces .fuel1 LDX QQ14 ; Load the current fuel level from QQ14 SEC ; We want to print the fuel level with a decimal point, ; so set the C flag for pr2 to take as an argument JSR pr2 ; Call pr2, which prints the number in X to a width of ; 3 figures (i.e. in the format x.x, which will always ; be exactly 3 characters as the maximum fuel is 7.0) LDA #195 ; Print recursive token 35 ("LIGHT YEARS") followed by JSR plf ; a newline LDA #197 ; Print recursive token 37 ("CASH") followed by a colon JSR TT68 LDA languageNumber ; If bit 2 of languageNumber is set then the chosen AND #%00000100 ; language is French, so jump to fuel2 to skip the BNE fuel2 ; following two instructions JSR Print2Spaces ; Print two spaces JSR TT162 ; Print a space .fuel2 LDA #0 ; Set A = 0 so we print recursive token 0 at fuel4, ; which prints control code 0 (current amount of cash ; and newline) BEQ fuel4 ; Jump to fuel4 to print the token in A (this BNE is ; effectively a JMP as A is always zero) .fuel3 ; If we get here then the chosen language is French LDA #105 ; Print recursive token 105 ("FUEL") followed by a JSR PrintTokenAndColon ; colon, ensuring that the colon is printed in green ; despite being in a 2x2 attribute block set for white ; text JSR TT162 ; Print a space LDX QQ14 ; Load the current fuel level from QQ14 SEC ; We want to print the fuel level with a decimal point, ; so set the C flag for pr2 to take as an argument JSR pr2 ; Call pr2, which prints the number in X to a width of ; 3 figures (i.e. in the format x.x, which will always ; be exactly 3 characters as the maximum fuel is 7.0) LDA #195 ; Print recursive token 35 ("LIGHT YEARS") followed by JSR plf ; a newline LDA #197 ; Print recursive token 37 ("CASH") followed by a colon JSR TT68 LDA #0 ; Set A = 0 so we print recursive token 0 at fuel4, ; which prints control code 0 (current amount of cash ; and newline) BEQ fuel4 ; Jump to fuel4 to print the token in A (this BNE is ; effectively a JMP as A is always zero) .PCASH LDA #119 ; Set A = 119 so we print recursive token 119 below ; ("CASH:" then control code 0, which prints cash ; levels, then " CR" and newline) .fuel4 JMP spc ; Print the recursive token in A and return from the ; subroutine using a tail call