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Drawing the screen: TTX66K

[Apple II version]

Name: TTX66K [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Clear the whole screen or just the space view (as appropriate), and draw a border box if required
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TTX66 calls TTX66K * clss calls via cleartext

If this is a high-resolution graphics view, clear the top part of the screen and draw a border box. If this is a text view, clear the screen.
Other entry points: BOX Just draw the border box along the top of the screen (the sides are retained from the loading screen, along with the dashboard) cleartext Clear screen memory for the text screen mode
.TTX66K LDA QQ11 ; If this is the space view, jump to wantgrap to set up BEQ wantgrap ; the high-resolution graphics screen CMP #13 ; If QQ11 = 13 then this is either the title screen or BEQ wantgrap ; the rotating ship screen in the mission 1 briefing, so ; jump to wantgrap to set up the high-resolution ; graphics screen AND #%11000000 ; If either bit 6 or 7 of the view type is set - so BNE wantgrap ; this is either the Short-range or Long-range Chart - ; then jump to wantgrap to set up the high-resolution ; graphics screen JSR cleartext ; This is a text view, so clear screen memory for the ; text screen mode JMP TEXT ; Switch to the text screen mode, returning from the ; subroutine using a tail call .cleartext LDY #0 ; Set Y = 0 to use as a byte counter when clearing ; screen memory for the text mode LDX #4 ; Set X = 4 to use as a page counter when clearing the ; four pages of screen memory from $0400 to $0800 STY SC ; Set SC(1 0) = $0400, which is the address of screen STX SC+1 ; memory for bank 1 of the text screen mode LDA #160 ; Set A to 160, which is the ASCII for a space character ; with bit 7 set, which is a space character in normal ; video ; ; We set bit 7 so it will show as a black block on ; screen when we fill the text mode's screen memory with ; this value, as opposed to a white block if it were in ; inverse video .cleartextl STA (SC),Y ; Blank the Y-th byte of screen memory at SC(1 0) INY ; Increment the byte counter BNE cleartextl ; Loop back until we have cleared a whole page of text ; mode screen memory INC SC+1 ; Increment the high byte of SC(1 0) so it points to ; the next page in screen memory DEX ; Decrement the page counter BNE cleartextl ; Loop back until we have cleared four pages of memory RTS ; Return from the subroutine .wantgrap JSR cleargrap ; This is a high-resolution graphics view, so clear ; screen memory for the top part of the graphics screen ; mode (the space view) JSR BOX ; Call BOX to draw a border box along the top edge of ; the space view (the sides are retained from the ; loading screen, along with the dashboard) JSR HGR ; Switch to the high-resolution graphics screen mode RTS ; Return from the subroutine .BOX LDX #0 ; Set X1 = 0 STX X1 STX Y1 ; Set Y1 = 0 DEX ; Set X2 = 255 STX X2 LDA #BLUE ; Switch to colour blue STA COL JSR HLOIN ; Draw a horizontal line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y1) in ; blue, which will draw a line along the top edge of the ; screen from (0, 0) to (255, 0) LDA #%10101010 ; Draw the top-left corner of the box as a continuous STA SCBASE+1 ; line of blue LDA #%10101010 ; Draw the top-right corner of the box as a continuous STA SCBASE+37 ; line of blue RTS ; Return from the subroutine