.HLOIN STY YSAV ; Store Y into YSAV, so we can preserve it across the ; call to this subroutine ; We are going to draw the line like this: ; ; * Draw the byte containing the start of the line ; (and if it also happens to contain the end of the ; line, draw both ends in one byte and terminate) ; ; * Draw any full bytes in the middle of the line ; ; * Draw the byte containing the end of the line, plus ; one more pixel (which may spill over into the next ; pixel byte) ; ; We draw the end cap with an extra pixel to ensure that ; there is room for a full two-bit colour number in the ; last byte (i.e. %00 for two black pixels, %11 for two ; white pixels, %01 or %10 for two coloured pixels) ; ; To facilitate this approach, we need to make sure the ; start and end x-coordinates are both even, so the ; two-bit colour numbers start on even pixel numbers LDA X1 ; Round the x-coordinate in X1 down to the nearest even AND #%11111110 ; coordinate, so we can draw the line in two-pixel steps STA X1 TAX ; Set X to the rounded x-coordinate in X1 LDA X2 ; Round the x-coordinate in X2 down to the nearest even AND #%11111110 ; coordinate, setting A to the rounded coordinate in X2 STA X2 ; in the process, so we can draw the line in two-pixel ; steps CMP X1 ; If X1 = X2 then the start and end points are the same, BEQ HL6 ; so return from the subroutine (as HL6 contains an RTS) BCS HL5 ; If X1 < X2, jump to HL5 to skip the following code, as ; (X1, Y1) is already the left point STX X2 ; Swap the values of X1 and X2 (in X and X2), so we know TAX ; that (X1, Y1) is on the left and (X2, Y1) is on the ; right ; ; This does not update X1, but we don't use it in the ; following (we use X instead) .HL5 LDA Y1 ; Set A to the y-coordinate in Y1 LSR A ; Set A = A >> 3 LSR A ; = y div 8 LSR A ; ; So A now contains the number of the character row ; that will contain our horizontal line TAY ; Set the low byte of SC(1 0) to the Y-th entry from LDA SCTBL,Y ; SCTBL, which contains the low byte of the address of STA SC ; the start of character row Y in screen memory LDA Y1 ; Set A = Y1 mod 8, which is the pixel row within the AND #7 ; character block at which we want to draw our line (as ; each character block has 8 rows) ASL A ; Set the high byte of SC(1 0) as follows: ASL A ; ADC SCTBH,Y ; SC+1 = SCBTH for row Y + pixel row * 4 STA SC+1 ; ; Because this is the high byte, and because we already ; set the low byte in SC to the Y-th entry from SCTBL, ; this is the same as the following: ; ; SC(1 0) = (SCBTH SCTBL) for row Y + pixel row * $400 ; ; So SC(1 0) contains the address in screen memory of ; the pixel row containing the pixel we want to draw, as ; (SCBTH SCTBL) gives us the address of the start of the ; character row, and each pixel row within the character ; row is offset by $400 bytes LDA SCTBX2,X ; Using the lookup table at SCTBX2, set A to the byte ; number within the pixel row that contains the pixel we ; want to draw (as X contains the x-coordinate of the ; start of the line) AND #1 ; Set Y to the colour in COL, plus 1 if the byte number ORA COL ; within the pixel row is odd TAY ; ; We can use this to fetch the correct pixel bytes from ; MASKT that we can poke into screen memory to draw a ; continuous line of the relevant colour ; ; Bytes #0 and #1 of the relevant entry in MASKT contain ; the bit pattern for when the first byte is placed in ; an even-numbered pixel byte (counting along the pixel ; row), while bytes #1 and #2 contain the bit pattern ; for when the first byte is placed in an odd-numbered ; pixel byte ; ; So Y now points to the correct MASKT entry for the ; start of the line, because it points to byte #0 in ; offset COL if the byte number within the pixel row is ; even, or byte #1 in offset COL if the byte number ; within the pixel row is odd LDA MASKT,Y ; Set T1 and T2 to the correct pixel bytes for drawing a STA T1 ; continuous line in colour COL into the pixel byte that LDA MASKT+1,Y ; contains the pixel we want to draw STA T2 ; So T1 contains the pattern for the byte at the start ; of the line, and T2 contains the pattern for the next ; byte along, and T1 contains the pattern for the byte ; after that, and so on ; ; In other words, we alternate between the patterns in ; T1 and T2 as we work our way along the line, one byte ; at a time .HL1 LDY X2 ; Using the lookup table at SCTBX2, set A to the byte LDA SCTBX2-2,Y ; number within the pixel row that contains the pixel ; at X2 - 2, so we omit the last pixel (we subtract 2 ; as we draw the end of the line with an extra pixel) LDY SCTBX1,X ; Using the lookup table at SCTBX1, set Y to the bit ; number within the pixel byte that corresponds to the ; pixel at the start of the line (as X contains the ; x-coordinate of the start of the line) SEC ; SCTBX2,X is the byte number within the pixel row that SBC SCTBX2,X ; contains the pixel at X, which is at the start of the STA R ; line, so this calculation: ; ; R = A - SCTBX2,X ; ; sets R to the number of pixel bytes between the start ; and the end of the line LDA TWFR,Y ; Fetch a ready-made byte with Y pixels filled in at the ; right end of the byte (so the filled pixels start at ; point Y and go all the way to the end of the byte), ; which is the shape we want for the left end of the ; line AND T1 ; Apply the pixel mask in A to the continuous block of ; coloured pixels in T1, so we now know which bits to ; set in screen memory to paint the relevant pixels in ; the required colour for the pixel byte at the start ; of the line LDY SCTBX2,X ; Set Y to the byte number within the pixel row that ; contains the pixel at X, which is at the start of the ; line LDX R ; Set X = R, so X contains the number of pixel bytes ; between the start and end of the line ; ; We use X as a counter in the following to ensure we ; draw the correct number of bytes for the line BEQ HL3 ; If X = 0 then there are no pixel bytes between the ; start and end, which means the line starts and ends ; within the same pixel byte, so jump to HL3 to draw ; this single-byte line ; Otherwise we need to draw the pixel byte containing ; the left end of the line STA T4 ; Store the pixel pattern for the left end of the line ; in T4 LDA (SC),Y ; Draw the pixel pattern in T4 into the Y-th pixel byte AND #%01111111 ; on the line's pixel row, using EOR logic to merge the EOR T4 ; pattern with whatever is already on-screen, and using STA (SC),Y ; AND to set the colour palette in bit 7 to that in T4 INY ; Increment Y to move to the next pixel byte to the ; right DEX ; Decrement the byte counter in X as we just drew the ; first pixel byte, so X now contains the number of ; bytes left before we reach the pixel byte containing ; the end of the line BEQ HL4 ; If X = 0 then there are no more pixel bytes before we ; reach the end of the line, so jump to HL4 to skip ; drawing any pixel bytes between the start and end ; bytes (as there aren't any) ; Otherwise we now loop through all the pixel bytes in ; the line between the start byte and the end byte, ; using the counter in X to draw the correct number of ; bytes ; ; We draw the bytes in the middle of the line two at a ; time, using pattern T2 for the first byte, then T1 ; for the next, and then T2 again, and so on ; ; If we reach the end of the middle section having just ; drawn a T2 byte, we jump to HL8 to make sure we draw ; the end of the line using pattern T1, otherwise we ; fall through into HL4 to draw it using pattern T2 .HLL1 LDA (SC),Y ; Draw the pixel pattern in T2 into the Y-th pixel byte AND #%01111111 ; on the line's pixel row, using EOR logic to merge the EOR T2 ; pattern with whatever is already on-screen, and using STA (SC),Y ; AND to set the colour palette in bit 7 to that in T2 INY ; Increment Y to move to the next pixel byte to the ; right DEX ; Decrement the byte counter in X as we just drew the ; first pixel byte BEQ HL8 ; If X = 0 then we have drawn all the bytes between the ; start and end bytes, so jump to HL8 to draw the byte ; at the end of line using pattern T1 LDA (SC),Y ; Draw the pixel pattern in T1 into the Y-th pixel byte AND #%01111111 ; on the line's pixel row, using EOR logic to merge the EOR T1 ; pattern with whatever is already on-screen, and using STA (SC),Y ; AND to set the colour palette in bit 7 to that in T1 INY ; Increment Y to move to the next pixel byte to the ; right DEX ; Decrement the byte counter in X as we just drew the ; first pixel byte BNE HLL1 ; Loop back until we have drawn all X bytes ; We have finished drawing the middle of the line, so ; fall through into HL4 to draw the end of the line ; using the pattern in T2 .HL4 ; If we reach here then we only have one more pixel byte ; to draw, the one for the end of the line LDA T2 ; Set A to the pattern in T2, as we only get here if we ; have just drawn a pixel byte with the pattern in T1 .HL2 LDX X2 ; Set X to the x-coordinate of the end of the line LDY SCTBX1-2,X ; Using the lookup table at SCTBX1, set Y to the bit ; number within the pixel byte that corresponds to the ; pixel at x-coordinate X2 - 2, so we omit the last ; pixel (we subtract 2 as we draw the end of the line ; with an extra pixel) CPY #6 ; If Y < 6 then clear the C flag, so we can use this to ; check whether we need to spill into the next pixel ; byte to draw the end of the line properly AND TWFL,Y ; Apply the pixel pattern in A to a ready-made byte with ; Y + 1 pixels filled in at the left end of the byte (so ; the filled pixels start at the left edge and go up to ; point Y + 1), which is the shape we want for the right ; end of the line ; ; Note that unlike TWFR, the minimum cap size is two ; pixels, so it can take a full two-bit colour number ; even if we only really need one pixel in the end cap LDY SCTBX2-2,X ; Using the lookup table at SCTBX2, set Y to the byte ; number within the pixel row that contains the pixel ; at X2 - 2, so we omit the last pixel (we subtract 2 ; as we draw the end of the line with an extra pixel) STA T4 ; Store the pixel pattern for the right end of the line ; in T4 LDA (SC),Y ; Draw the pixel pattern in T4 into the Y-th pixel byte AND #%01111111 ; on the line's pixel row, using EOR logic to merge the EOR T4 ; pattern with whatever is already on-screen, and using STA (SC),Y ; AND to set the colour palette in bit 7 to that in T4 BCC HL7 ; If the C flag is clear then the bit number for the ; pixel at the end of the line is less than 6, so jump ; to HL7 as the end of the line is not spilling into the ; next pixel byte ; If we get here then the last pixel in the line is at ; bit number 6, so we need to spill over by one bit into ; the next pixel byte, as the colour of a pixel is ; defined by a two-bit sequence LDA #%10000001 ; We only want to draw one bit into the next pixel byte, AND T1 ; and the bit we need to set is bit 0, as this is the ; leftmost pixel in the pixel byte, so we take the pixel ; pattern from T1 and extract just bits 0 (for the ; overspill) and bit 7 (for the colour palette) to leave ; the correct pixel byte for the overspill in A INY ; Increment Y to move to the next pixel byte to the ; right, which is where we need to poke the overspill STA T4 ; Store the pixel pattern for the overspill in T4 LDA (SC),Y ; Draw the pixel pattern in T4 into the Y-th pixel byte AND #%01111111 ; on the line's pixel row, using EOR logic to merge the EOR T4 ; pattern with whatever is already on-screen, and using STA (SC),Y ; AND to set the colour palette in bit 7 to that in T4 .HL7 LDY YSAV ; Restore Y from YSAV, so that it's preserved RTS ; Return from the subroutine .HL8 ; If we get here then we just finished drawing the ; middle section of the line using pattern T2, so we ; need to draw the end of the line using pattern T1 LDA T1 ; Set A to the colour pattern in T1, to use for the ; last pixel byte at the end of the line .HL3 ; If we jump directly here from above, then the line ; starts and ends within the same pixel byte, and A ; contains the pixel pattern for the left end of the ; line, so we keep that pattern in A before jumping to ; HL2 ; ; This means that when we apply the pattern in A to the ; end of the line, we end up with a single-byte pixel ; pattern that contains both ends of the line LDX T2 ; Set T1 = T2 STX T1 ; ; We do this because the routine at HL2 draws the pixel ; byte for the end of the line using the pattern in A, ; which will either be T1 (if we got here via HL8 above) ; or the single-byte pixel pattern that's based on T1 ; (if we got here by jumping to HL3) ; ; In both cases the pattern of the next byte along after ; the end of the line should therefore be in pattern T2, ; and the code at HL2 uses the pattern in T1 to draw any ; overspill after the byte containing the end of the ; line, so this ensures that any overspill uses the ; pattern in T2, rather than T1 JMP HL2 ; Jump to HL2 to draw the last pixel byte of the line ; using the pixel pattern in AName: HLOIN [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Draw a horizontal line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y1) Deep dive: Drawing pixels in the Apple II versionContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HLOIN2 calls HLOIN * NLIN2 calls HLOIN * SUN (Part 3 of 4) calls HLOIN * TT15 calls HLOIN * TT22 calls HLOIN * TTX66K calls HLOIN
We do not draw a pixel at the right end of the line.
Arguments: COL The line colour, as an offset into the MASKT table
Returns: Y Y is preserved
Label HL2 is local to this routine
Label HL3 is local to this routine
Label HL4 is local to this routine
Label HL5 is local to this routine
Entry point HL6 in subroutine LOIN (Part 7 of 7) (category: Drawing lines)
Contains an RTS
Label HL7 is local to this routine
Label HL8 is local to this routine
Label HLL1 is local to this routine
Variable MASKT (category: Drawing lines)
High-resolution pixel bytes for drawing continuous lines of solid colour
Variable SCTBH (category: Drawing the screen)
Lookup table for converting a character row number to the address of the top pixel line in that character row (high byte)
Variable SCTBL (category: Drawing the screen)
Lookup table for converting a character row number to the address of the top or bottom pixel line in that character row (low byte)
Variable SCTBX1 (category: Drawing the screen)
Lookup table for converting a pixel x-coordinate to the bit number within the pixel row byte that corresponds to this pixel
Variable SCTBX2 (category: Drawing the screen)
Lookup table for converting a pixel x-coordinate to the byte number in the pixel row that corresponds to this pixel
Variable TWFL (category: Drawing lines)
Ready-made pixel bytes for the left end of a horizontal line
Variable TWFR (category: Drawing lines)
Ready-made character rows for the right end of a horizontal line in the space view