.LFT LDA SWAP ; If SWAP = 0 then we didn't swap the coordinates above, BEQ LI18 ; so jump down to LI18 to skip plotting the first pixel DEX ; Decrement the counter in X because we're about to plot ; the first pixel .LIL6 LDA R ; Fetch the pixel byte from R EOR (SC),Y ; Store R into screen memory at SC(1 0), using EOR STA (SC),Y ; logic so it merges with whatever is already on-screen .LI18 DEC T2 ; Decrement the pixel row counter within the character ; block, which is in T2 BMI LI23 ; If T2 is negative then the counter just ran down and ; we are no longer within the same character block, so ; jump to LI23 to move to the bottom pixel row in the ; character row above ; We now need to move up into the pixel row above LDA SC+1 ; Subtract 4 from the high byte of SC(1 0), so this does SBC #3 ; the following: STA SC+1 ; ; SC(1 0) = SC(1 0) - $400 ; ; The SBC works because we cleared the C flag above ; ; So this sets SC(1 0) to the address of the pixel row ; above the one we just drew in, as each pixel row ; within the character row is spaced out by $400 bytes ; in screen memory CLC ; Clear the C flag again, as it will have been set by ; the subtraction .LI19 LDA S ; Set S = S + P to update the slope error ADC P STA S BCC LIC6 ; If the addition didn't overflow, jump to LIC6 LSR R ; Shift the single pixel in R to the right to step along ; the x-axis, so the next pixel we plot will be at the ; previous x-coordinate to the left (we shift right ; because the pixels in the high-resolution screen are ; the opposite way around than the bits in the pixel ; byte) BCC LIC6 ; If the pixel didn't fall out of the right end of the ; pixel bits in R into the C flag, then jump to LIC6 LDA #%01000000 ; Otherwise we need to move left to the next character STA R ; block, so set R = %01000000 to move the pixel to the ; right end of the next pixel byte, skipping bit 7 as ; that's reserved for the colour palette bit DEY ; And decrement Y to move on to the next character block ; along to the left CLC ; Clear the C flag so it doesn't affect the additions ; if we loop back .LIC6 DEX ; Decrement the counter in X BNE LIL6 ; If we haven't yet reached the left end of the line, ; loop back to LIL6 to plot the next pixel along LDY YSAV ; Restore Y from YSAV, so that it's preserved .HL6 RTS ; Return from the subroutine .LI23 ; If we get here then we need to move up into the bottom ; pixel row in the character block above LDA #7 ; Set the pixel line number within the character row STA T2 ; (which we store in T2) to 7, which is the bottom pixel ; row of the character block above STX T ; Store the current character row number in T, so we can ; restore it below LDX T1 ; Decrement the number of the character row in T1, as we DEX ; are moving up a row STX T1 LDA SCTBL,X ; Set SC(1 0) to the X-th entry from (SCTBH2 SCTBL), so STA SC ; it contains the address of the start of the bottom LDA SCTBH2,X ; pixel row in character row X in screen memory (so ; that's the bottom pixel row in the character row we ; just moved up into) ; ; We set the high byte below (though there's no reason ; why it isn't done here) LDX T ; Restore the value of X that we stored, so X contains ; the previous character row number, from before we ; moved up a row (we need to do this as the following ; jump returns us to a point where the previous row ; number is still in X) STA SC+1 ; Set the high byte of SC(1 0) as above JMP LI19 ; Jump back to keep drawing the lineName: LOIN (Part 7 of 7) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Draw a steep line going up and right or down and left Deep dive: Bresenham's line algorithm Drawing pixels in the Apple II versionContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HLOIN calls via HL6
This routine draws a line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y2). It has multiple stages. If we get here, then: * The line is going up and right (no swap) or down and left (swap) * X1 >= X2 and Y1 >= Y2 * Draw from (X1, Y1) at bottom left to (X2, Y2) at top right, omitting the first pixel
Other entry points: HL6 Contains an RTS
Label LI18 is local to this routine
Label LI19 is local to this routine
Label LI23 is local to this routine
Label LIC6 is local to this routine
Label LIL6 is local to this routine
Variable SCTBH2 (category: Drawing the screen)
Lookup table for converting a character row number to the address of the bottom pixel line in that character row (high byte)
Variable SCTBL (category: Drawing the screen)
Lookup table for converting a character row number to the address of the top or bottom pixel line in that character row (low byte)