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Save and load: write

[Apple II version]

Name: write [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Write a sector's worth of data from the buffr2 buffer to the current track and sector Deep dive: File operations with embedded Apple DOS
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * rttrk calls write

This routine is almost identical to the WRITE16 routine in Apple DOS 3.3. There is one instruction missing here that is in the original DOS. For a detailed look at how DOS works, see the book "Beneath Apple DOS" by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner. In particular, see chapter 4 for the layout of the VTOC, catalog sector, file entry and track/sector list. Elite uses different label names to the original DOS 3.3 source, but the code is the same. This code forms part of the RWTS ("read/write track-sector") layer from Apple DOS, which was written by Randy Wigginton and Steve Wozniak. It implements the low-level functions to read and write Apple disks, and is included in Elite so the game can use the memory that's normally allocated to DOS for its own use.
.write SEC ; WRITE16 SEC ANTICIPATE ; WPROT ERR. STX ztemp1 ; STX SLOTZ ; FOR ZERO PAGE ACCESS. ; The following instruction from DOS 3.3 is omitted: ; ; STX SLOTABS ; FOR NON-ZERO PAGE. ; ; This would populate SLOTABS (slot16 in Elite) with X, ; which contains the slot number * 16 ; ; The value of slot16 is set to $60 in the wsect routine ; and is never changed again, so this omission is ; presumably to prevent the slot number from changing LDA Q6H,X ; LDA Q6H,X LDA Q7L,X ; LDA Q7L,X ; SENSE WPROT FLAG. BMI write6 ; BMI WEXIT ; IF HIGH, THEN ERR. LDA buffr2+256 ; LDA NBUF2 STA ztemp0 ; STA WTEMP ; FOR ZERO-PAGE ACCESS. LDA #$FF ; LDA #$FF ; SYNC DATA. STA Q7H,X ; STA Q7H,X ; (5) WRITE 1ST NIBL. ORA Q6L,X ; ORA Q6L,X ; (4) PHA ; PHA (3) PLA ; PLA (4) ; CRITICAL TIMING! NOP ; NOP (2) LDY #4 ; LDY #4 ; (2) FOR 5 NIBLS. .write2 PHA ; WSYNC PHA (3) ; EXACT TIMING. PLA ; PLA (4) ; EXACT TIMING. JSR wbyte2 ; JSR WNIBL7 ; (13,9,6) WRITE SYNC. DEY ; DEY (2) BNE write2 ; BNE WSYNC ; (2*) MUST NOT CROSS PAGE! LDA #$D5 ; LDA #$D5 ; (2) 1ST DATA MARK. JSR wbyte ; JSR WNIBL9 ; (15,9,6) LDA #$AA ; LDA #$AA ; (2) 2ND DATA MARK. JSR wbyte ; JSR WNIBL9 ; (15,9,6) LDA #$AD ; LDA #$AD ; (2) 3RD DATA MARK. JSR wbyte ; JSR WNIBL9 ; (15,9,6) TYA ; TYA (2) ; CLEAR CHKSUM. LDY #$56 ; LDY #$56 ; (2) NBUF2 INDEX. BNE write4 ; BNE WDATA1 ; (3) ALWAYS. NO PAGE ; CROSS!! .write3 LDA buffr2+256,Y ; WDATA0 LDA NBUF2,Y ; (4) PRIOR 6-BIT NIBL. .write4 EOR buffr2+255,Y ; WDATA1 EOR NBUF2-1,Y ; (5) XOR WITH CURRENT. ; * (NBUF2 MUST BE ON PAGE BOUNDARY FOR TIMING!!) TAX ; TAX (2) ; INDEX TO 7-BIT NIBL. LDA wtable,X ; LDA NIBL,X ; (4) MUST NOT CROSS PAGE! LDX ztemp1 ; LDX SLOTZ ; (3) CRITICAL TIMING! STA Q6H,X ; STA Q6H,X ; (5) WRITE NIBL. LDA Q6L,X ; LDA Q6L,X ; (4) DEY ; DEY (2) ; NEXT NIBL. BNE write3 ; BNE WDATA0 ; (2*) MUST NOT CROSS PAGE! LDA ztemp0 ; LDA WTEMP ; (3) PRIOR NIBL FROM BUF6. NOP ; NOP (2) ; CRITICAL TIMING. .write5 EOR buffr2,Y ; WDATA2 EOR NBUF1,Y ; (4) XOR NBUF1 NIBL. TAX ; TAX (2) ; INDEX TO 7-BIT NIBL. LDA wtable,X ; LDA NIBL,X ; (4) LDX slot16 ; LDX SLOTABS ; (4) TIMING CRITICAL. STA Q6H,X ; STA Q6H,X ; (5) WRITE NIBL. LDA Q6L,X ; LDA Q6L,X ; (4) LDA buffr2,Y ; LDA NBUF1,Y ; (4) PRIOR 6-BIT NIBL. INY ; INY (2) ; NEXT NBUF1 NIBL. BNE write5 ; BNE WDATA2 ; (2*) MUST NOT CROSS PAGE! TAX ; TAX (2) ; LAST NIBL AS CHKSUM. LDA wtable,X ; LDA NIBL,X ; (4) INDEX TO 7-BIT NIBL. LDX ztemp1 ; LDX SLOTZ ; (3) JSR wbyte3 ; JSR WNIBL ; (6,9,6) WRITE CHKSUM. LDA #$DE ; LDA #$DE ; (2) DM4, BIT SLIP MARK. JSR wbyte ; JSR WNIBL9 ; (15,9,6) WRITE IT. LDA #$AA ; LDA #$AA ; (2) DM5, BIT SLIP MARK. JSR wbyte ; JSR WNIBL9 ; (15,9,6) WRITE IT. LDA #$EB ; LDA #$EB ; (2) DM6, BIT SLIP MARK. JSR wbyte ; JSR WNIBL9 ; (15,9,6) WRITE IT. LDA #$FF ; LDA #$FF ; (2) TURN-OFF BYTE. JSR wbyte ; JSR WNIBL9 ; (15,9,9) WRITE IT. LDA Q7L,X ; LDA Q7L,X ; OUT OF WRITE MODE. .write6 LDA Q6L,X ; WEXIT LDA Q6L,X ; TO READ MODE. RTS ; RTS RETURN ; FROM WRITE.