.wbyte CLC ; WNIBL9 CLC (2) ; 9 CYCLES, THEN WRITE. .wbyte2 PHA ; WNIBL7 PHA (3) ; 7 CYCLES, THEN WRITE. PLA ; PLA (4) .wbyte3 STA Q6H,X ; WNIBL STA Q6H,X ; (5) NIBL WRITE SUB. ORA Q6L,X ; ORA Q6L,X ; (4) CLOBBERS ACC, NOT ; CARRY. RTS ; RTSName: wbyte [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Write one byte to disk Deep dive: File operations with embedded Apple DOSContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * write calls wbyte * write calls via wbyte2 * write calls via wbyte3
This routine is identical to the WNIBL9 routine in Apple DOS 3.3. For a detailed look at how DOS works, see the book "Beneath Apple DOS" by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner. In particular, see chapter 4 for the layout of the VTOC, catalog sector, file entry and track/sector list. Elite uses different label names to the original DOS 3.3 source, but the code is the same. This code forms part of the RWTS ("read/write track-sector") layer from Apple DOS, which was written by Randy Wigginton and Steve Wozniak. It implements the low-level functions to read and write Apple disks, and is included in Elite so the game can use the memory that's normally allocated to DOS for its own use.
Other entry points: wbyte2 Wait for seven cycles before writing instead of nine (this is WNIBL7 in the original source) wbyte3 Write straight away without waiting (this is WNIBL in the original source)
Configuration variable Q6H = $C08D
Disk controller I/O soft switch for loading the data latch (Q6H)
Configuration variable Q6L = $C08C
Disk controller I/O soft switch for strobing the data latch for I/O (Q6L)