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Text: RR5

[Apple II version]

Name: RR5 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print a character in the text screen mode
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * CHPR calls RR5

Arguments: A The character to print X The text column to print at (the x-coordinate) Y The line number to print on (the y-coordinate)
.RR5 IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK BIT UPTOG ; If bit 7 of UPTOG is set, jump to RR7 to skip the BMI RR7 ; following, so we print both upper and lower case ; letters ELIF _SOURCE_DISK BIT UPTOG ; If bit 7 of UPTOG is clear, jump to RR7 to skip the BPL RR7 ; following, so we print both upper and lower case ; letters (so in the source disk variants, the default ; setting is to display upper case letters only) ENDIF CMP #'[' ; If the character in A is less than ASCII '[' then it BCC RR7 ; is already an upper case letter, so jump to RR7 to ; skip the following SBC #$20 ; This is a lower case letter, so subtract $20 to ; convert it to the upper case letter equivalent .RR7 ORA #128 ; Set bit 7 of the character number so that we print it ; in normal video (i.e. white characters on a black ; background) PHA ; Store the character to print on the stack so we can ; retrieve it below LDA cellocl,Y ; Use the cellocl lookup table to fetch the low byte of STA SC ; the address of text row Y in text screen memory and ; store it in the low byte of SC(1 0) TYA ; Set A = 4 + (Y mod 8) / 2 AND #7 ; LSR A ; This calculation converts the text row number into the CLC ; high byte of the address of character row Y in text ADC #4 ; screen memory, so it's a way of calculating the HI() STA SC+1 ; equivalent of the cellocl table TXA ; Copy X into Y, so Y contains the text column where we TAY ; want to print the character PLA ; Set A to the character to print on the stack, which we ; put on the stack above STA (SC),Y ; Print the character in A into column X on the text row ; at SC(1 0) JMP RR6 ; Jump back into the CHPR routine to move the text ; cursor along and return from the subroutine