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Maths (Arithmetic): TIS1

[Apple II version]

Name: TIS1 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Arithmetic) Summary: Calculate (A ?) = (-X * A + (S R)) / 96 Deep dive: Shift-and-subtract division
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TIDY calls TIS1

Calculate the following expression between sign-magnitude numbers, ignoring the low byte of the result: (A ?) = (-X * A + (S R)) / 96 This uses the same shift-and-subtract algorithm as TIS2, just with the quotient A hard-coded to 96.
Returns: Q Gets set to the value of argument X
.TIS1 STX Q ; Set Q = X EOR #%10000000 ; Flip the sign bit in A JSR MAD ; Set (A X) = Q * A + (S R) ; = X * -A + (S R) .DVID96 TAX ; Set T to the sign bit of the result AND #%10000000 STA T TXA ; Set A to the high byte of the result with the sign bit AND #%01111111 ; cleared, so (A ?) = |X * A + (S R)| ; The following is identical to TIS2, except Q is ; hard-coded to 96, so this does A = A / 96 LDX #254 ; Set T1 to have bits 1-7 set, so we can rotate through STX T1 ; 7 loop iterations, getting a 1 each time, and then ; getting a 0 on the 8th iteration... and we can also ; use T1 to catch our result bits into bit 0 each time .DVL3 ASL A ; Shift A to the left CMP #96 ; If A < 96 skip the following subtraction BCC DV4 SBC #96 ; Set A = A - 96 ; ; Going into this subtraction we know the C flag is ; set as we passed through the BCC above, and we also ; know that A >= 96, so the C flag will still be set ; once we are done .DV4 ROL T1 ; Rotate the counter in T1 to the left, and catch the ; result bit into bit 0 (which will be a 0 if we didn't ; do the subtraction, or 1 if we did) BCS DVL3 ; If we still have set bits in T1, loop back to DVL3 to ; do the next iteration of 7 LDA T1 ; Fetch the result from T1 into A ORA T ; Give A the sign of the result that we stored above RTS ; Return from the subroutine