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Market: TT210

[Apple II version]

Name: TT210 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Show a list of current cargo in our hold, optionally to sell
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT213 calls TT210 * NWDAV4 calls via NWDAVxx

Show a list of current cargo in our hold, either with the ability to sell (the Sell Cargo screen) or without (the Inventory screen), depending on the current view.
Arguments: QQ11 The current view: * 4 = Sell Cargo * 8 = Inventory
Other entry points: NWDAVxx Used to rejoin this routine from the call to NWDAV4
.TT210 LDY #0 ; We're going to loop through all the available market ; items and check whether we have any in the hold (and, ; if we are in the Sell Cargo screen, whether we want ; to sell any items), so we set up a counter in Y to ; denote the current item and start it at 0 .TT211 STY QQ29 ; Store the current item number in QQ29 .NWDAVxx LDX QQ20,Y ; Fetch into X the amount of the current item that we BEQ TT212 ; have in our cargo hold, which is stored in QQ20+Y, ; and if there are no items of this type in the hold, ; jump down to TT212 to skip to the next item TYA ; Set Y = Y * 4, so this will act as an index into the ASL A ; market prices table at QQ23 for this item (as there ASL A ; are four bytes per item in the table) TAY LDA QQ23+1,Y ; Fetch byte #1 from the market prices table for the STA QQ19+1 ; current item and store it in QQ19+1, for use by the ; call to TT152 below TXA ; Store the amount of item in the hold (in X) on the PHA ; stack JSR TT69 ; Call TT69 to set Sentence Case and print a newline CLC ; Print recursive token 48 + QQ29, which will be in the LDA QQ29 ; range 48 ("FOOD") to 64 ("ALIEN ITEMS"), so this ADC #208 ; prints the current item's name JSR TT27 LDA #14 ; Move the text cursor to column 14, for the item's JSR DOXC ; quantity PLA ; Restore the amount of item in the hold into X TAX STA QQ25 ; Store the amount of this item in the hold in QQ25 CLC ; Print the 8-bit number in X to 3 digits, without a JSR pr2 ; decimal point JSR TT152 ; Print the unit ("t", "kg" or "g") for the market item ; whose byte #1 from the market prices table is in ; QQ19+1 (which we set up above) LDA QQ11 ; If the current view type in QQ11 is not 4 (Sell Cargo CMP #4 ; screen), jump to TT212 to skip the option to sell BNE TT212 ; items ;JSR TT162 ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source LDA #205 ; Print recursive token 45 ("SELL") JSR TT27 LDA #206 ; Print extended token 206 ("{all caps}(Y/N)?") JSR DETOK JSR gnum ; Call gnum to get a number from the keyboard, which ; will be the number of the item we want to sell, ; returning the number entered in A and R, and setting ; the C flag if the number is bigger than the available ; amount of this item in QQ25 BEQ TT212 ; If no number was entered, jump to TT212 to move on to ; the next item BCS NWDAV4 ; If the number entered was too big, jump to NWDAV4 to ; print an "ITEM?" error, make a beep and rejoin the ; routine at NWDAVxx above LDA QQ29 ; We are selling this item, so fetch the item number ; from QQ29 LDX #255 ; Set QQ17 = 255 to disable printing STX QQ17 JSR TT151 ; Call TT151 to set QQ24 to the item's price / 4 (the ; routine doesn't print the item details, as we just ; disabled printing) LDY QQ29 ; Subtract R (the number of items we just asked to buy) LDA QQ20,Y ; from the available amount of this item in QQ20, as we SEC ; just bought them SBC R STA QQ20,Y LDA R ; Set P to the amount of this item we just bought STA P LDA QQ24 ; Set Q to the item's price / 4 STA Q JSR GCASH ; Call GCASH to calculate ; ; (Y X) = P * Q * 4 ; ; which will be the total price we make from this sale ; (as P contains the quantity we're selling and Q ; contains the item's price / 4) JSR MCASH ; Add (Y X) cash to the cash pot in CASH LDA #0 ; We've made the sale, so set the amount STA QQ17 ; Set QQ17 = 0, which enables printing again .TT212 LDY QQ29 ; Fetch the item number from QQ29 into Y, and increment INY ; Y to point to the next item CPY #17 ; Loop back to TT211 to print the next item in the hold BCC TT211 ; until Y = 17 (at which point we have done the last ; item) LDA QQ11 ; If the current view type in QQ11 is not 4 (Sell Cargo CMP #4 ; screen), skip the next two instructions and move on to BNE P%+8 ; printing the number of Trumbles JSR dn2 ; This is the Sell Cargo screen, so call dn2 to make a ; short, high beep and delay for 1 second JMP BAY2 ; And then jump to BAY2 to display the Inventory ; screen, as we have finished selling cargo JSR TT69 ; Call TT69 to set Sentence Case and print a newline LDA TRIBBLE ; If there are any Trumbles in the hold, skip the ORA TRIBBLE+1 ; following RTS and continue on (in the Master version, BNE P%+3 ; there are never any Trumbles, so this value will ; always be zero) .zebra RTS ; There are no Trumbles in the hold, so return from the ; subroutine ; If we get here then we have Trumbles in the hold, so ; we print out the number (though we never get here in ; the Master version) CLC ; Clear the C flag, so the call to TT11 below doesn't ; include a decimal point LDA #0 ; Set A = 0, for the call to TT11 below, so we don't pad ; out the number of Trumbles LDX TRIBBLE ; Fetch the number of Trumbles into (Y X) LDY TRIBBLE+1 JSR TT11 ; Call TT11 to print the number of Trumbles in (Y X), ; with no decimal point JSR DORND ; Print out a random extended token from 111 to 114, all AND #3 ; of which are blank in this version of Elite CLC ADC #111 JSR DETOK LDA #198 ; Print extended token 198, which is blank, but would JSR DETOK ; contain the text "LITTLE TRUMBLE" if the Trumbles ; mission was enabled LDA TRIBBLE+1 ; If we have more than 256 Trumbles, skip to DOANS BNE DOANS LDX TRIBBLE ; If we have exactly one Trumble, return from the DEX ; subroutine (as zebra contains an RTS) BEQ zebra .DOANS LDA #'s' ; We have more than one Trumble, so print an 's' and JMP DASC ; return from the subroutine using a tail call