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Elite D source

[Apple II version]

ELITE D FILE Produces the binary file ELTD.bin that gets loaded by elite-bcfs.asm.
CODE_D% = P% LOAD_D% = LOAD% + P% - CODE%
Name: SCALEY [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Geometry) Summary: Scale the y-coordinate in A to 0.375 * A
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT103 calls SCALEY * TT14 calls SCALEY * TT22 calls SCALEY

This routine (and the related SCALEY2 and SCALEX routines) are called from various places in the code to scale the value in A. This code is different in the Apple II and BBC Master versions, and allows coordinates to be scaled correctly on different platforms. In the Apple version, the scaling routines scale screen coordinates in the system charts by 3/4 in each direction. This enables the charts to fit into the smaller screen size when compared to the BBC Micro versions, while still leaving the dashboard on-screen (the Commodore 64 version also has a smaller screen, but it removes the dashboard from the screen to make more room). The scaling routines do the following: * SCALEX scales an x-coordinate to 32 + 0.75 * x * SCALEY scales a y-coordinate to 0.375 * y * SCALEY2 scales a y-coordinate to 0.75 * y
.SCALEY LSR A ; Halve the value in A ; Fall through into SCALEY2 to scale the y-coordinate in ; A to 0.75 * A, to give a final scaling of 0.375 * A
Name: SCALEY2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Geometry) Summary: Scale the y-coordinate in A to 0.75 * A
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SCALEX calls SCALEY2 * TT105 calls SCALEY2 * TT14 calls SCALEY2 * TT23 calls SCALEY2

This routine (and the related SCALEY and SCALEX routines) are called from various places in the code to scale the value in A. This code is different in the Apple II and BBC Master versions, and allows coordinates to be scaled correctly on different platforms. The original source contains the comment "SCALE Scans by 3/4 to fit in". In the Apple version, the scaling routines scale screen coordinates in the system charts by 3/4 in each direction. This enables the charts to fit into the smaller screen size when compared to the BBC Micro versions, while still leaving the dashboard on-screen (the Commodore 64 version also has a smaller screen, but it removes the dashboard from the screen to make more room). The scaling routines do the following: * SCALEX scales an x-coordinate to 32 + 0.75 * x * SCALEY scales a y-coordinate to 0.375 * y * SCALEY2 scales a y-coordinate to 0.75 * y
Returns: C flag The C flag is cleared
.SCALEY2 STA T3 ; Set A = (A / 4) - A LSR A ; = -0.75 * A LSR A ; SEC ; This also clears the C flag, as the subtraction will SBC T3 ; underflow EOR #$FF ; Negate A, so A = 0.75 * A ADC #1 ; ; The addition works because we cleared the C flag ; above, and the ADC also clears the C flag, as the ; addition will never overflow RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: SCALEX [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Geometry) Summary: Scale the x-coordinate in A to 32 + 0.75 * A
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT103 calls SCALEX * TT14 calls SCALEX * TT22 calls SCALEX

This routine (and the related SCALEY and SCALEY2 routines) are called from various places in the code to scale the value in A. This code is different in the Apple II and BBC Master versions, and allows coordinates to be scaled correctly on different platforms. In the Apple version, the scaling routines scale screen coordinates in the system charts by 3/4 in each direction. This enables the charts to fit into the smaller screen size when compared to the BBC Micro versions, while still leaving the dashboard on-screen (the Commodore 64 version also has a smaller screen, but it removes the dashboard from the screen to make more room). The scaling routines do the following: * SCALEX scales an x-coordinate to 32 + 0.75 * x * SCALEY scales a y-coordinate to 0.375 * y * SCALEY2 scales a y-coordinate to 0.75 * y
.SCALEX JSR SCALEY2 ; Set A = 0.75 * A ADC #32 ; Set A = A + 32 ; = 32 + 0.75 * A ; ; The addition works because SCALEY2 clears the C flag RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: DVLOIN [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Draw a vertical line from (A, GCYT) to (A, GCYB)
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT22 calls DVLOIN
.DVLOIN STA X1 ; Draw a vertical line from (A, GCYT) to (A, GCYB) LDA #GCYT STA Y1 LDA #GCYB STA Y2 JMP VLOIN
Name: tnpr1 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Work out if we have space for one tonne of cargo
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main flight loop (Part 8 of 16) calls tnpr1

Given a market item, work out whether there is room in the cargo hold for one tonne of this item. For standard tonne canisters, the limit is given by the type of cargo hold we have, with a standard cargo hold having a capacity of 20t and an extended cargo bay being 35t. For items measured in kg (gold, platinum), g (gem-stones) and alien items, the individual limit on each of these is 200 units.
Arguments: A The type of market item (see QQ23 for a list of market item numbers)
Returns: A A = 1 C flag Returns the result: * Set if there is no room for this item * Clear if there is room for this item
.tnpr1 STA QQ29 ; Store the type of market item in QQ29 LDA #1 ; Set the number of units of this market item to 1 ; Fall through into tnpr to work out whether there is ; room in the cargo hold for A tonnes of the item of ; type QQ29
Name: tnpr [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Work out if we have space for a specific amount of cargo
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT219 calls tnpr

Given a market item and an amount, work out whether there is room in the cargo hold for this item. For standard tonne canisters, the limit is given by the type of cargo hold we have, with a standard cargo hold having a capacity of 20t and an extended cargo bay being 35t. For items measured in kg (gold, platinum), g (gem-stones) and alien items, the individual limit on each of these is 200 units.
Arguments: A The number of units of this market item QQ29 The type of market item (see QQ23 for a list of market item numbers)
Returns: A A is preserved C flag Returns the result: * Set if there is no room for this item * Clear if there is room for this item
.tnpr PHA ; Store A on the stack LDX #12 ; If QQ29 > 12 then jump to kg below, as this cargo CPX QQ29 ; type is gold, platinum, gem-stones or alien items, BCC kg ; and they have different cargo limits to the standard ; tonne canisters .Tml ; Here we count the tonne canisters we have in the hold ; and add to A to see if we have enough room for A more ; tonnes of cargo, using X as the loop counter, starting ; with X = 12 ADC QQ20,X ; Set A = A + the number of tonnes we have in the hold ; of market item number X. Note that the first time we ; go round this loop, the C flag is set (as we didn't ; branch with the BCC above, so the effect of this loop ; is to count the number of tonne canisters in the hold, ; and add 1 DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BPL Tml ; Loop back to add in the next market item in the hold, ; until we have added up all market items from 12 ; (minerals) down to 0 (food) ADC TRIBBLE+1 ; Add the high byte of the number of Trumbles in the ; hold, as 256 Trumbles take up one tonne of cargo space CMP CRGO ; If A < CRGO then the C flag will be clear (we have ; room in the hold) ; ; If A >= CRGO then the C flag will be set (we do not ; have room in the hold) ; ; This works because A contains the number of canisters ; plus 1, while CRGO contains our cargo capacity plus 2, ; so if we actually have "a" canisters and a capacity ; of "c", then: ; ; A < CRGO means: a+1 < c+2 ; a < c+1 ; a <= c ; ; So this is why the value in CRGO is 2 higher than the ; actual cargo bay size, i.e. it's 22 for the standard ; 20-tonne bay, and 37 for the large 35-tonne bay PLA ; Restore A from the stack RTS ; Return from the subroutine .kg ; Here we count the number of items of this type that ; we already have in the hold, and add to A to see if ; we have enough room for A more units LDY QQ29 ; Set Y to the item number we want to add ADC QQ20,Y ; Set A = A + the number of units of this item that we ; already have in the hold CMP #200 ; Is the result greater than 200 (the limit on ; individual stocks of gold, platinum, gem-stones and ; alien items)? ; ; If so, this sets the C flag (no room) ; ; Otherwise it is clear (we have room) PLA ; Restore A from the stack RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: DOXC [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Move the text cursor to a specific column
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BRIEF calls DOXC * crlf calls DOXC * dockEd calls DOXC * ee3 calls DOXC * EQSHP calls DOXC * MT8 calls DOXC * plf2 calls DOXC * qv calls DOXC * STATUS calls DOXC * TT151 calls DOXC * TT163 calls DOXC * TT208 calls DOXC * TT210 calls DOXC * TT213 calls DOXC * TT219 calls DOXC * TT25 calls DOXC

Arguments: A The text column
.DOXC STA XC ; Store the new text column in XC RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: DOYC [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Move the text cursor to a specific row
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ee3 calls DOYC * qv calls DOYC * TT219 calls DOYC

Arguments: A The text row
.DOYC STA YC ; Store the new text row in YC RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: INCYC [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Move the text cursor to the next row
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * EQSHP calls INCYC * NLIN calls INCYC * qv calls INCYC
.INCYC INC YC ; Move the text cursor to the next row RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: TRADEMODE [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Clear the screen and set up a trading screen
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * EQSHP calls TRADEMODE * STATUS calls TRADEMODE * TT167 calls TRADEMODE * TT208 calls TRADEMODE * TT213 calls TRADEMODE * TT219 calls TRADEMODE * TT25 calls TRADEMODE

Arguments: A The type of the new current view (see QQ11 for a list of view types)
.TRADEMODE JSR TT66 ; Clear the screen and set the current view type in ; QQ11 to A JMP FLKB ; Call FLKB to flush the keyboard buffer and return from ; the subroutine using a tail call RTS ; Return from the subroutine (though this instruction ; has no effect as we already returned using a tail ; call)
Name: TT20 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Twist the selected system's seeds four times Deep dive: Twisting the system seeds Galaxy and system seeds
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HME2 calls TT20 * TT111 calls TT20 * TT22 calls TT20 * TT23 calls TT20

Twist the three 16-bit seeds in QQ15 (selected system) four times, to generate the next system.
.TT20 JSR P%+3 ; This line calls the line below as a subroutine, which ; does two twists before returning here, and then we ; fall through to the line below for another two ; twists, so the net effect of these two consecutive ; JSR calls is four twists, not counting the ones ; inside your head as you try to follow this process JSR P%+3 ; This line calls TT54 as a subroutine to do a twist, ; and then falls through into TT54 to do another twist ; before returning from the subroutine
Name: TT54 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Twist the selected system's seeds Deep dive: Twisting the system seeds Galaxy and system seeds
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * cpl calls TT54

This routine twists the three 16-bit seeds in QQ15 once. If we start with seeds s0, s1 and s2 and we want to work out their new values after we perform a twist (let's call the new values s0´, s1´ and s2´), then: s0´ = s1 s1´ = s2 s2´ = s0 + s1 + s2 So given an existing set of seeds in s0, s1 and s2, we can get the new values s0´, s1´ and s2´ simply by doing the above sums. And if we want to do the above in-place without creating three new s´ variables, then we can do the following: tmp = s0 + s1 s0 = s1 s1 = s2 s2 = tmp + s1 So this is what we do in this routine, where each seed is a 16-bit number.
.TT54 LDA QQ15 ; X = tmp_lo = s0_lo + s1_lo CLC ADC QQ15+2 TAX LDA QQ15+1 ; Y = tmp_hi = s1_hi + s1_hi + C ADC QQ15+3 TAY LDA QQ15+2 ; s0_lo = s1_lo STA QQ15 LDA QQ15+3 ; s0_hi = s1_hi STA QQ15+1 LDA QQ15+5 ; s1_hi = s2_hi STA QQ15+3 LDA QQ15+4 ; s1_lo = s2_lo STA QQ15+2 CLC ; s2_lo = X + s1_lo TXA ADC QQ15+2 STA QQ15+4 TYA ; s2_hi = Y + s1_hi + C ADC QQ15+3 STA QQ15+5 RTS ; The twist is complete so return from the subroutine
Name: TT146 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Print the distance to the selected system in light years
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls TT146 * TT25 calls TT146

If it is non-zero, print the distance to the selected system in light years. If it is zero, just move the text cursor down a line. Specifically, if the distance in QQ8 is non-zero, print token 31 ("DISTANCE"), then a colon, then the distance to one decimal place, then token 35 ("LIGHT YEARS"). If the distance is zero, move the cursor down one line.
.TT146 LDA QQ8 ; Take the two bytes of the 16-bit value in QQ8 and ORA QQ8+1 ; OR them together to check whether there are any BNE TT63 ; non-zero bits, and if so, jump to TT63 to print the ; distance INC YC ; The distance is zero, so we just move the text cursor RTS ; in YC down by one line and return from the subroutine .TT63 LDA #191 ; Print recursive token 31 ("DISTANCE") followed by JSR TT68 ; a colon LDX QQ8 ; Load (Y X) from QQ8, which contains the 16-bit LDY QQ8+1 ; distance we want to show SEC ; Set the C flag so that the call to pr5 will include a ; decimal point, and display the value as (Y X) / 10 JSR pr5 ; Print (Y X) to 5 digits, including a decimal point LDA #195 ; Set A to the recursive token 35 (" LIGHT YEARS") and ; fall through into TT60 to print the token followed ; by a paragraph break
Name: TT60 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print a text token and a paragraph break
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT213 calls TT60 * TT25 calls TT60

Print a text token (i.e. a character, control code, two-letter token or recursive token). Then print a paragraph break (a blank line between paragraphs) by moving the cursor down a line, setting Sentence Case, and then printing a newline.
Arguments: A The text token to be printed
.TT60 JSR TT27 ; Print the text token in A and fall through into TTX69 ; to print the paragraph break
Name: TTX69 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print a paragraph break
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT25 calls TTX69

Print a paragraph break (a blank line between paragraphs) by moving the cursor down a line, setting Sentence Case, and then printing a newline.
.TTX69 INC YC ; Move the text cursor down a line ;JSR INCYC ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; ; source ; Fall through into TT69 to set Sentence Case and print ; a newline
Name: TT69 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Set Sentence Case and print a newline
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT210 calls TT69
.TT69 LDA #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of QQ17 to switch to Sentence Case STA QQ17 ; Fall through into TT67 to print a newline
Name: TT67 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print a newline
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * EQSHP calls TT67 * NWDAV4 calls TT67 * plf calls TT67 * SVE calls TT67 * TT208 calls TT67 * TT219 calls TT67
.TT67 ;INC YC ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source LDA #12 ; Load a newline character into A JMP TT27 ; Print the text token in A and return from the ; subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT70 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Display "MAINLY " and jump to TT72
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT25 calls TT70

This subroutine is called by TT25 when displaying a system's economy.
.TT70 LDA #173 ; Print recursive token 13 ("MAINLY ") JSR TT27 JMP TT72 ; Jump to TT72 to continue printing system data as part ; of routine TT25
Name: spc [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print a text token followed by a space
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * dn calls spc * EQSHP calls spc * qv calls spc * STATUS calls spc * TT25 calls spc

Print a text token (i.e. a character, control code, two-letter token or recursive token) followed by a space.
Arguments: A The text token to be printed
.spc JSR TT27 ; Print the text token in A JMP TT162 ; Print a space and return from the subroutine using a ; tail call
Name: TT25 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Show the Data on System screen Deep dive: Generating system data Galaxy and system seeds
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls TT25 * TT70 calls via TT72

Other entry points: TT72 Used by TT70 to re-enter the routine after displaying "MAINLY" for the economy type
.TT25 LDA #1 ; Clear the screen and set up a trading screen with a JSR TRADEMODE ; view type in QQ11 of 1 LDA #9 ; Move the text cursor to column 9 JSR DOXC LDA #163 ; Print recursive token 3 ("DATA ON {selected system JSR NLIN3 ; name}" on the top row JSR TTX69 ; Print a paragraph break and set Sentence Case JSR TT146 ; If the distance to this system is non-zero, print ; "DISTANCE", then the distance, "LIGHT YEARS" and a ; paragraph break, otherwise just move the cursor down ; a line LDA #194 ; Print recursive token 34 ("ECONOMY") followed by JSR TT68 ; a colon LDA QQ3 ; The system economy is determined by the value in QQ3, ; so fetch it into A. First we work out the system's ; prosperity as follows: ; ; QQ3 = 0 or 5 = %000 or %101 = Rich ; QQ3 = 1 or 6 = %001 or %110 = Average ; QQ3 = 2 or 7 = %010 or %111 = Poor ; QQ3 = 3 or 4 = %011 or %100 = Mainly CLC ; If (QQ3 + 1) >> 1 = %10, i.e. if QQ3 = %011 or %100 ADC #1 ; (3 or 4), then call TT70, which prints "MAINLY " and LSR A ; jumps down to TT72 to print the type of economy CMP #%00000010 BEQ TT70 LDA QQ3 ; If (QQ3 + 1) >> 1 < %10, i.e. if QQ3 = %000, %001 or BCC TT71 ; %010 (0, 1 or 2), then jump to TT71 with A set to the ; original value of QQ3 SBC #5 ; Here QQ3 = %101, %110 or %111 (5, 6 or 7), so subtract CLC ; 5 to bring it down to 0, 1 or 2 (the C flag is already ; set so the SBC will be correct) .TT71 ADC #170 ; A is now 0, 1 or 2, so print recursive token 10 + A. JSR TT27 ; This means that: ; ; QQ3 = 0 or 5 prints token 10 ("RICH ") ; QQ3 = 1 or 6 prints token 11 ("AVERAGE ") ; QQ3 = 2 or 7 prints token 12 ("POOR ") .TT72 LDA QQ3 ; Now to work out the type of economy, which is LSR A ; determined by bit 2 of QQ3, as follows: LSR A ; ; QQ3 bit 2 = 0 = Industrial ; QQ3 bit 2 = 1 = Agricultural ; ; So we fetch QQ3 into A and set A = bit 2 of QQ3 using ; two right shifts (which will work as QQ3 is only a ; 3-bit number) CLC ; Print recursive token 8 + A, followed by a paragraph ADC #168 ; break and Sentence Case, so: JSR TT60 ; ; QQ3 bit 2 = 0 prints token 8 ("INDUSTRIAL") ; QQ3 bit 2 = 1 prints token 9 ("AGRICULTURAL") LDA #162 ; Print recursive token 2 ("GOVERNMENT") followed by JSR TT68 ; a colon LDA QQ4 ; The system's government is determined by the value in ; QQ4, so fetch it into A CLC ; Print recursive token 17 + A, followed by a paragraph ADC #177 ; break and Sentence Case, so: JSR TT60 ; ; QQ4 = 0 prints token 17 ("ANARCHY") ; QQ4 = 1 prints token 18 ("FEUDAL") ; QQ4 = 2 prints token 19 ("MULTI-GOVERNMENT") ; QQ4 = 3 prints token 20 ("DICTATORSHIP") ; QQ4 = 4 prints token 21 ("COMMUNIST") ; QQ4 = 5 prints token 22 ("CONFEDERACY") ; QQ4 = 6 prints token 23 ("DEMOCRACY") ; QQ4 = 7 prints token 24 ("CORPORATE STATE") LDA #196 ; Print recursive token 36 ("TECH.LEVEL") followed by a JSR TT68 ; colon LDX QQ5 ; Fetch the tech level from QQ5 and increment it, as it INX ; is stored in the range 0-14 but the displayed range ; should be 1-15 CLC ; Call pr2 to print the technology level as a JSR pr2 ; three-digit number without a decimal point (by ; clearing the C flag) JSR TTX69 ; Print a paragraph break and set Sentence Case LDA #192 ; Print recursive token 32 ("POPULATION") followed by a JSR TT68 ; colon SEC ; Call pr2 to print the population as a three-digit LDX QQ6 ; number with a decimal point (by setting the C flag), JSR pr2 ; so the number printed will be population / 10 LDA #198 ; Print recursive token 38 (" BILLION"), followed by a JSR TT60 ; paragraph break and Sentence Case LDA #'(' ; Print an opening bracket JSR TT27 LDA QQ15+4 ; Now to calculate the species, so first check bit 7 of BMI TT75 ; s2_lo, and if it is set, jump to TT75 as this is an ; alien species LDA #188 ; Bit 7 of s2_lo is clear, so print recursive token 28 JSR TT27 ; ("HUMAN COLONIAL") JMP TT76 ; Jump to TT76 to print "S)" and a paragraph break, so ; the whole species string is "(HUMAN COLONIALS)" .TT75 LDA QQ15+5 ; This is an alien species, and we start with the first LSR A ; adjective, so fetch bits 2-7 of s2_hi into A and push LSR A ; onto the stack so we can use this later PHA AND #%00000111 ; Set A = bits 0-2 of A (so that's bits 2-4 of s2_hi) CMP #3 ; If A >= 3, jump to TT205 to skip the first adjective, BCS TT205 ADC #227 ; Otherwise A = 0, 1 or 2, so print recursive token JSR spc ; 67 + A, followed by a space, so: ; ; A = 0 prints token 67 ("LARGE") and a space ; A = 1 prints token 68 ("FIERCE") and a space ; A = 2 prints token 69 ("SMALL") and a space .TT205 PLA ; Now for the second adjective, so restore A to bits LSR A ; 2-7 of s2_hi, and throw away bits 2-4 to leave LSR A ; A = bits 5-7 of s2_hi LSR A CMP #6 ; If A >= 6, jump to TT206 to skip the second adjective BCS TT206 ADC #230 ; Otherwise A = 0 to 5, so print recursive token JSR spc ; 70 + A, followed by a space, so: ; ; A = 0 prints token 70 ("GREEN") and a space ; A = 1 prints token 71 ("RED") and a space ; A = 2 prints token 72 ("YELLOW") and a space ; A = 3 prints token 73 ("BLUE") and a space ; A = 4 prints token 74 ("BLACK") and a space ; A = 5 prints token 75 ("HARMLESS") and a space .TT206 LDA QQ15+3 ; Now for the third adjective, so EOR the high bytes of EOR QQ15+1 ; s0 and s1 and extract bits 0-2 of the result: AND #%00000111 ; STA QQ19 ; A = (s0_hi EOR s1_hi) AND %111 ; ; storing the result in QQ19 so we can use it later CMP #6 ; If A >= 6, jump to TT207 to skip the third adjective BCS TT207 ADC #236 ; Otherwise A = 0 to 5, so print recursive token JSR spc ; 76 + A, followed by a space, so: ; ; A = 0 prints token 76 ("SLIMY") and a space ; A = 1 prints token 77 ("BUG-EYED") and a space ; A = 2 prints token 78 ("HORNED") and a space ; A = 3 prints token 79 ("BONY") and a space ; A = 4 prints token 80 ("FAT") and a space ; A = 5 prints token 81 ("FURRY") and a space .TT207 LDA QQ15+5 ; Now for the actual species, so take bits 0-1 of AND #%00000011 ; s2_hi, add this to the value of A that we used for CLC ; the third adjective, and take bits 0-2 of the result ADC QQ19 AND #%00000111 ADC #242 ; A = 0 to 7, so print recursive token 82 + A, so: JSR TT27 ; ; A = 0 prints token 82 ("RODENT") ; A = 1 prints token 83 ("FROG") ; A = 2 prints token 84 ("LIZARD") ; A = 3 prints token 85 ("LOBSTER") ; A = 4 prints token 86 ("BIRD") ; A = 5 prints token 87 ("HUMANOID") ; A = 6 prints token 88 ("FELINE") ; A = 7 prints token 89 ("INSECT") .TT76 LDA #'S' ; Print an "S" to pluralise the species JSR TT27 LDA #')' ; And finally, print a closing bracket, followed by a JSR TT60 ; paragraph break and Sentence Case, to end the species ; section LDA #193 ; Print recursive token 33 ("GROSS PRODUCTIVITY"), JSR TT68 ; followed by a colon LDX QQ7 ; Fetch the 16-bit productivity value from QQ7 into LDY QQ7+1 ; (Y X) JSR pr6 ; Print (Y X) to 5 digits with no decimal point JSR TT162 ; Print a space LDA #0 ; Set QQ17 = 0 to switch to ALL CAPS STA QQ17 LDA #'M' ; Print "M" JSR TT27 LDA #226 ; Print recursive token 66 (" CR"), followed by a JSR TT60 ; paragraph break and Sentence Case LDA #250 ; Print recursive token 90 ("AVERAGE RADIUS"), followed JSR TT68 ; by a colon ; The average radius is calculated like this: ; ; ((s2_hi AND %1111) + 11) * 256 + s1_hi ; ; or, in terms of memory locations: ; ; ((QQ15+5 AND %1111) + 11) * 256 + QQ15+3 ; ; Because the multiplication is by 256, this is the ; same as saying a 16-bit number, with high byte: ; ; (QQ15+5 AND %1111) + 11 ; ; and low byte: ; ; QQ15+3 ; ; so we can set this up in (Y X) and call the pr5 ; routine to print it out LDA QQ15+5 ; Set A = QQ15+5 LDX QQ15+3 ; Set X = QQ15+3 AND #%00001111 ; Set Y = (A AND %1111) + 11 CLC ADC #11 TAY JSR pr5 ; Print (Y X) to 5 digits, not including a decimal ; point, as the C flag will be clear (as the maximum ; radius will always fit into 16 bits) JSR TT162 ; Print a space LDA #'k' ; Print "km" JSR TT26 LDA #'m' JSR TT26 JSR TTX69 ; Print a paragraph break and set Sentence Case ; By this point, ZZ contains the current system number ; which PDESC requires. It gets put there in the TT102 ; routine, which calls TT111 to populate ZZ before ; calling TT25 (this routine) JMP PDESC ; Jump to PDESC to print the system's extended ; description, returning from the subroutine using a ; tail call RTS ; Return from the subroutine (though this instruction ; has no effect as we already returned using a tail ; call)
Name: TT24 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Calculate system data from the system seeds Deep dive: Generating system data Galaxy and system seeds
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT111 calls TT24

Calculate system data from the seeds in QQ15 and store them in the relevant locations. Specifically, this routine calculates the following from the three 16-bit seeds in QQ15 (using only s0_hi, s1_hi and s1_lo): QQ3 = economy (0-7) QQ4 = government (0-7) QQ5 = technology level (0-14) QQ6 = population * 10 (1-71) QQ7 = productivity (96-62480) The ranges of the various values are shown in brackets. Note that the radius and type of inhabitant are calculated on-the-fly in the TT25 routine when the system data gets displayed, so they aren't calculated here.
.TT24 LDA QQ15+1 ; Fetch s0_hi and extract bits 0-2 to determine the AND #%00000111 ; system's economy, and store in QQ3 STA QQ3 LDA QQ15+2 ; Fetch s1_lo and extract bits 3-5 to determine the LSR A ; system's government, and store in QQ4 LSR A LSR A AND #%00000111 STA QQ4 LSR A ; If government isn't anarchy or feudal, skip to TT77, BNE TT77 ; as we need to fix the economy of anarchy and feudal ; systems so they can't be rich LDA QQ3 ; Set bit 1 of the economy in QQ3 to fix the economy ORA #%00000010 ; for anarchy and feudal governments STA QQ3 .TT77 LDA QQ3 ; Now to work out the tech level, which we do like this: EOR #%00000111 ; CLC ; flipped_economy + (s1_hi AND %11) + (government / 2) STA QQ5 ; ; or, in terms of memory locations: ; ; QQ5 = (QQ3 EOR %111) + (QQ15+3 AND %11) + (QQ4 / 2) ; ; We start by setting QQ5 = QQ3 EOR %111 LDA QQ15+3 ; We then take the first 2 bits of s1_hi (QQ15+3) and AND #%00000011 ; add it into QQ5 ADC QQ5 STA QQ5 LDA QQ4 ; And finally we add QQ4 / 2 and store the result in LSR A ; QQ5, using LSR then ADC to divide by 2, which rounds ADC QQ5 ; up the result for odd-numbered government types STA QQ5 ASL A ; Now to work out the population, like so: ASL A ; ADC QQ3 ; (tech level * 4) + economy + government + 1 ADC QQ4 ; ADC #1 ; or, in terms of memory locations: STA QQ6 ; ; QQ6 = (QQ5 * 4) + QQ3 + QQ4 + 1 LDA QQ3 ; Finally, we work out productivity, like this: EOR #%00000111 ; ADC #3 ; (flipped_economy + 3) * (government + 4) STA P ; * population LDA QQ4 ; * 8 ADC #4 ; STA Q ; or, in terms of memory locations: JSR MULTU ; ; QQ7 = (QQ3 EOR %111 + 3) * (QQ4 + 4) * QQ6 * 8 ; ; We do the first step by setting P to the first ; expression in brackets and Q to the second, and ; calling MULTU, so now (A P) = P * Q. The highest this ; can be is 10 * 11 (as the maximum values of economy ; and government are 7), so the high byte of the result ; will always be 0, so we actually have: ; ; P = P * Q ; = (flipped_economy + 3) * (government + 4) LDA QQ6 ; We now take the result in P and multiply by the STA Q ; population to get the productivity, by setting Q to JSR MULTU ; the population from QQ6 and calling MULTU again, so ; now we have: ; ; (A P) = P * population ASL P ; Next we multiply the result by 8, as a 16-bit number, ROL A ; so we shift both bytes to the left three times, using ASL P ; the C flag to carry bits from bit 7 of the low byte ROL A ; into bit 0 of the high byte ASL P ROL A STA QQ7+1 ; Finally, we store the productivity in two bytes, with LDA P ; the low byte in QQ7 and the high byte in QQ7+1 STA QQ7 RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: TT22 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Charts Summary: Show the Long-range Chart Deep dive: A sense of scale
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls TT22 * TT114 calls TT22
.TT22 LDA #64 ; Clear the top part of the screen, draw a border box, JSR TT66 ; and set the current view type in QQ11 to 32 (Long- ; range Chart) LDA #7 ; Move the text cursor to column 7 STA XC JSR TT81 ; Set the seeds in QQ15 to those of system 0 in the ; current galaxy (i.e. copy the seeds from QQ21 to QQ15) LDA #199 ; Print recursive token 39 ("GALACTIC CHART{galaxy JSR TT27 ; number right-aligned to width 3}") LDA #GCYT-1 ; Draw a screen-wide horizontal line at pixel row JSR NLIN5 ; GCYT-1, to act as the bottom of the title box and the ; top border of the chart LDA #GCYB+1 ; Draw a horizontal line from x-coordinate 31 to 228 on STA Y1 ; pixel row GCYB+1 for the bottom edge of the chart, so LDA #31 ; the chart itself is 128 * 0.75 pixels high STA X1 LDA #228 STA X2 JSR HLOIN LDA #30 ; Draw a vertical line from (30, GCYT) to (30, GCYB), JSR DVLOIN ; for the left edge of the chart LDA #226 ; Draw a vertical line from (226, GCYT) to (226, GCYB), JSR DVLOIN ; for the right edge of the chart JSR TT14 ; Call TT14 to draw a circle with crosshairs at the ; current system's galactic coordinates LDX #0 ; We're now going to plot each of the galaxy's systems, ; so set up a counter in X for each system, starting at ; 0 and looping through to 255 .TT83 STX XSAV ; Store the counter in XSAV LDA QQ15+3 ; Fetch the s1_hi seed into A, which gives us the ; galactic x-coordinate of this system JSR SCALEX ; Call SCALEX to reduce the size of the chart to ; three-quarters of the original size, so it can fit ; into the Apple's screen mode, which is smaller than ; the original BBC Micro screen TAX ; Copy the scaled x-coordinate into X LDA #255 ; Set ZZ = 255 so the call to PIXEL below draws each STA ZZ ; system as a single-height two-pixel dash LDA QQ15+1 ; Fetch the s0_hi seed into A, which gives us the ; galactic y-coordinate of this system JSR SCALEY ; We halve the y-coordinate because the galaxy in ; in Elite is rectangular rather than square, and is ; twice as wide (x-axis) as it is high (y-axis), so the ; chart is 256 pixels wide and 128 high ; ; The call to SCALEY halves the y-coordinate, and then ; reduces the result to three-quarters of the original ; value, so we can fit the chart into the Apple's screen ; mode, which is smaller than the original BBC Micro ; screen CLC ; Add GCYT to the scaled y-coordinate in A (so the top ADC #GCYT ; of the chart is on pixel row GCYT) JSR PIXEL ; Call PIXEL to draw a point at (X, A), with the size of ; the point dependent on the distance specified in ZZ, ; so as we set ZZ to 255 earlier, this will draw the ; system as a single-height two-pixel dash JSR TT20 ; We want to move on to the next system, so call TT20 ; to twist the three 16-bit seeds in QQ15 LDX XSAV ; Restore the loop counter from XSAV INX ; Increment the counter BNE TT83 ; If X > 0 then we haven't done all 256 systems yet, so ; loop back up to TT83 LDA QQ9 ; Set QQ19 to the selected system's x-coordinate JSR SCALEX ; STA QQ19 ; The call to SCALEX reduces the size of the chart to ; three-quarters of the original size, so it can fit ; into the Apple's screen mode, which is smaller than ; the original BBC Micro screen LDA QQ10 ; Set QQ19+1 to the selected system's y-coordinate JSR SCALEY ; STA QQ19+1 ; ; The call to SCALEY halves the value in A (as the chart ; is half as tall as it is wide), and then it reduces ; the result to three-quarters of the original value, so ; we can fit the chart into the Apple's screen mode, ; which is smaller than the original BBC Micro screen LDA #4 ; Set QQ19+2 to size 4 for the crosshairs size STA QQ19+2 LDA #GREEN ; Switch to stripe 3-1-3-1, which is white/yellow in the STA COL ; chart view ; Fall through into TT15 to draw crosshairs of size 4 at ; the selected system's coordinates
Name: TT15 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Draw a set of crosshairs
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SIGHT calls TT15 * TT103 calls TT15 * TT105 calls TT15 * TT14 calls TT15

For all views except the Short-range Chart, the centre is drawn 24 pixels to the right of the y-coordinate given.
Arguments: QQ19 The pixel x-coordinate of the centre of the crosshairs QQ19+1 The pixel y-coordinate of the centre of the crosshairs QQ19+2 The size of the crosshairs
.TT15 LDA #GCYT ; Set A to GCYT, which we will use as the minimum ; screen indent for the crosshairs (i.e. the minimum ; distance from the top-left corner of the screen) LDX QQ11 ; If the current view is not the Short-range Chart, BPL TT178 ; which is the only view with bit 7 set, then jump to ; TT178 to skip the following instruction LDA #0 ; This is the Short-range Chart, so set A to 0, so the ; crosshairs can go right up against the screen edges .TT178 STA QQ19+5 ; Set QQ19+5 to A, which now contains the correct indent ; for this view LDA QQ19 ; Set A = crosshairs x-coordinate - crosshairs size SEC ; to get the x-coordinate of the left edge of the SBC QQ19+2 ; crosshairs BIT QQ11 ; If bit 7 of QQ11 is set, then this this is the BMI TT84 ; Short-range Chart, so jump to TT84 to skip the ; following CMP #34 ; This is the Long-range Chart, so clip the x-coordinate BCS TT84 ; of the left edge of the crosshairs so that it is at LDA #34 ; least 34 (so it doesn't go off the left edge of the ; chart) .TT84 STA X1 ; Set X1 = A (the x-coordinate of the left edge of the ; crosshairs) LDA QQ19 ; Set A = crosshairs x-coordinate + crosshairs size + 2 CLC ; to get the x-coordinate of the right edge of the ADC #2 ; crosshairs ADC QQ19+2 BIT QQ11 ; If bit 7 of QQ11 is set, then this this is the BMI TT85 ; Short-range Chart, so jump to TT85 to skip the ; following CMP #224 ; This is the Long-range Chart, so clip the x-coordinate BCC TT85 ; of the right edge of the crosshairs so that it is no LDA #224 ; more than 224 (so it doesn't go off the right edge of ; the chart) .TT85 STA X2 ; Set X2 = A (the x-coordinate of the right edge of the ; crosshairs) LDA QQ19+1 ; Set Y1 = crosshairs y-coordinate + indent to get the CLC ; y-coordinate of the centre of the crosshairs ADC QQ19+5 STA Y1 JSR HLOIN ; Draw a horizontal line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y1), ; which will draw from the left edge of the crosshairs ; to the right edge, through the centre of the ; crosshairs LDA QQ19+1 ; Set A = crosshairs y-coordinate - crosshairs size SEC ; to get the y-coordinate of the top edge of the SBC QQ19+2 ; crosshairs BCS TT86 ; If the above subtraction didn't underflow, then A is ; correct, so skip the next instruction LDA #0 ; The subtraction underflowed, so set A to 0 so the ; crosshairs don't spill out of the top of the screen .TT86 CLC ; Set Y1 = A + indent to get the y-coordinate of the top ADC QQ19+5 ; edge of the indented crosshairs STA Y1 LDA QQ19+1 ; Set A = crosshairs y-coordinate + crosshairs size CLC ; + indent to get the y-coordinate of the bottom edge ADC QQ19+2 ; of the indented crosshairs ADC QQ19+5 CMP #GCYB ; If A < GCYB then skip the following, as the crosshairs BCC TT87 ; won't spill out of the bottom of the screen LDX QQ11 ; A >= 152, so we need to check whether this will fit in ; this view, so fetch the view type BMI TT87 ; If this is the Short-range Chart then the y-coordinate ; is fine, so skip to TT87 LDA #GCYB ; Otherwise this is the Long-range Chart, so we need to ; clip the crosshairs at a maximum y-coordinate of GCYB .TT87 STA Y2 ; Set Y2 = A (the y-coordinate of the bottom edge of the ; crosshairs) LDA QQ19 ; Set X1 = the x-coordinate of the centre of the STA X1 ; crosshairs JMP VLOIN ; Draw a vertical line from (X1, Y1) to (X1, Y2), which ; will draw from the top edge of the crosshairs to the ; bottom edge, through the centre of the crosshairs, ; and returning from the subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT14 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing circles Summary: Draw a circle with crosshairs on a chart
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT22 calls TT14 * TT23 calls TT14

Draw a circle with crosshairs at the current system's galactic coordinates.
.TT126 LDA #105 ; Set QQ19 = 105, for the x-coordinate of the centre of STA QQ19 ; the fixed circle on the Short-range Chart LDA #75 ; Set QQ19+1 = 75, for the y-coordinate of the centre of STA QQ19+1 ; the fixed circle on the Short-range Chart LDA #16 ; Set QQ19+2 = 16, the size of the crosshairs on the STA QQ19+2 ; Short-range Chart LDA #GREEN ; Switch to stripe 3-1-3-1, which is white/yellow in the STA COL ; chart view JSR TT15 ; Draw the set of crosshairs defined in QQ19, at the ; exact coordinates as this is the Short-range Chart LDA QQ14 ; Set K to the fuel level from QQ14, so this can act as JSR SCALEY2 ; the circle's radius (70 being a full tank) STA K ; ; The call to SCALEY2 reduces the size of the chart to ; three-quarters of the original size, so it can fit ; into the Apple's screen mode, which is smaller than ; the original BBC Micro screen JMP TT128 ; Jump to TT128 to draw a circle with the centre at the ; same coordinates as the crosshairs, (QQ19, QQ19+1), ; and radius K that reflects the current fuel levels, ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call .TT14 LDA QQ11 ; If the current view is the Short-range Chart, which BMI TT126 ; is the only view with bit 7 set, then jump up to TT126 ; to draw the crosshairs and circle for that view ; Otherwise this is the Long-range Chart, so we draw the ; crosshairs and circle for that view instead LDA QQ14 ; Set K to the fuel level from QQ14 divided by 4, so LSR A ; this can act as the circle's radius (70 being a full JSR SCALEY ; tank, which divides down to a radius of 17) STA K ; ; The call to SCALEY halves the value in A (to give a ; total division by 4), and then it reduces the result ; to three-quarters of the original value, so we can fit ; the chart into the Apple's screen mode, which is ; smaller than the original BBC Micro screen LDA QQ0 ; Set QQ19 to the x-coordinate of the current system, JSR SCALEX ; which will be the centre of the circle and crosshairs STA QQ19 ; we draw ; ; The call to SCALEX reduces the size of the chart to ; three-quarters of the original size, so it can fit ; into the Apple's screen mode, which is smaller than ; the original BBC Micro screen LDA QQ1 ; Set QQ19+1 to the y-coordinate of the current system, JSR SCALEY ; which will again be the centre of the circle and STA QQ19+1 ; crosshairs we draw ; ; Again, the call to SCALEY halves and scales the value ; in A (see the comment above) LDA #7 ; Set QQ19+2 = 7, the size of the crosshairs on the STA QQ19+2 ; Long-range Chart LDA #GREEN ; Switch to colour green STA COL JSR TT15 ; Draw the set of crosshairs defined in QQ19, which will ; be drawn 24 pixels to the right of QQ19+1 LDA QQ19+1 ; Add GCYT to the y-coordinate of the crosshairs in CLC ; QQ19+1 so that the centre of the circle matches the ADC #GCYT ; centre of the crosshairs STA QQ19+1 ; Fall through into TT128 to draw a circle with the ; centre at the same coordinates as the crosshairs, ; (QQ19, QQ19+1), and radius K that reflects the ; current fuel levels
Name: TT128 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing circles Summary: Draw a circle on a chart Deep dive: Drawing circles
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT14 calls TT128

Draw a circle with the centre at (QQ19, QQ19+1) and radius K.
Arguments: QQ19 The x-coordinate of the centre of the circle QQ19+1 The y-coordinate of the centre of the circle K The radius of the circle
.TT128 LDA QQ19 ; Set K3 = the x-coordinate of the centre STA K3 LDA QQ19+1 ; Set K4 = the y-coordinate of the centre STA K4 LDX #0 ; Set the high bytes of K3(1 0) and K4(1 0) to 0 STX K4+1 STX K3+1 ;STX LSX ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source INX ; Set LSP = 1 to reset the ball line heap STX LSP LDX #2 ; Set STP = 2, the step size for the circle STX STP JMP CIRCLE2 ; Jump to CIRCLE2 to draw a circle with the centre at ; (K3(1 0), K4(1 0)) and radius K, returning from the ; subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT219 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Show the Buy Cargo screen
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls TT219 * gnum calls via BAY2 * TT210 calls via BAY2

Other entry points: BAY2 Jump into the main loop at FRCE, setting the key "pressed" to the Inventory key
.TT219 LDA #2 ; Clear the screen and set up a trading screen with a JSR TRADEMODE ; view type in QQ11 of 2 (Buy Cargo screen) JSR TT163 ; Print the column headers for the prices table LDA #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of QQ17 to switch to Sentence Case, with the STA QQ17 ; next letter in capitals LDA #0 ; We're going to loop through all the available market STA QQ29 ; items, so we set up a counter in QQ29 to denote the ; current item and start it at 0 .TT220 JSR TT151 ; Call TT151 to print the item name, market price and ; availability of the current item, and set QQ24 to the ; item's price / 4, QQ25 to the quantity available and ; QQ19+1 to byte #1 from the market prices table for ; this item LDA QQ25 ; If there are some of the current item available, jump BNE TT224 ; to TT224 below to see if we want to buy any JMP TT222 ; Otherwise there are none available, so jump down to ; TT222 to skip this item .TQ4 LDY #176 ; Set Y to the recursive token 16 ("QUANTITY") .Tc JSR TT162 ; Print a space TYA ; Print the recursive token in Y followed by a question JSR prq ; mark .TTX224 JSR dn2 ; Call dn2 to make a short, high beep and delay for 1 ; second .TT224 JSR CLYNS ; Clear two text rows at the bottom of the screen, and ; move the text cursor to the first cleared row LDA #204 ; Print recursive token 44 ("QUANTITY OF ") JSR TT27 LDA QQ29 ; Print recursive token 48 + QQ29, which will be in the CLC ; range 48 ("FOOD") to 64 ("ALIEN ITEMS"), so this ADC #208 ; prints the current item's name JSR TT27 LDA #'/' ; Print "/" JSR TT27 JSR TT152 ; Print the unit ("t", "kg" or "g") for the current item ; (as the call to TT151 above set QQ19+1 with the ; appropriate value) LDA #'?' ; Print "?" JSR TT27 JSR TT67 ; Print a newline LDX #0 ; These instructions have no effect, as they are STX R ; repeated at the start of gnum, which we call next. LDX #12 ; Perhaps they were left behind when code was moved from STX T1 ; here into gnum, and weren't deleted? .TT223K ; This label is a duplicate of a label in the gnum ; routine, so this could also be a remnant from code ; that got moved into the gnum subroutine ; ; In the original source this label is TT223, but ; because BeebAsm doesn't allow us to redefine labels, ; I have renamed it to TT223K JSR gnum ; Call gnum to get a number from the keyboard, which ; will be the quantity of this item we want to purchase, ; returning the number entered in A and R BCS TQ4 ; If gnum set the C flag, the number entered is greater ; than the quantity available, so jump up to TQ4 to ; display a "Quantity?" error, beep, clear the number ; and try again STA P ; Otherwise we have a valid purchase quantity entered, ; so store the amount we want to purchase in P JSR tnpr ; Call tnpr to work out whether there is room in the ; cargo hold for this item LDY #206 ; Set Y to recursive token 46 (" CARGO{sentence case}") ; to pass to the Tc routine if we call it LDA R ; If R = 0, then we didn't enter a number above, so skip BEQ P%+4 ; the following instruction BCS Tc ; If the C flag is set, then there is no room in the ; cargo hold, jump up to Tc to print a "Cargo?" error, ; beep, clear the number and try again LDA QQ24 ; There is room in the cargo hold, so now to check STA Q ; whether we have enough cash, so fetch the item's ; price / 4, which was returned in QQ24 by the call ; to TT151 above and store it in Q JSR GCASH ; Call GCASH to calculate: ; ; (Y X) = P * Q * 4 ; ; which will be the total price of this transaction ; (as P contains the purchase quantity and Q contains ; the item's price / 4) JSR LCASH ; Subtract (Y X) cash from the cash pot in CASH LDY #197 ; If the C flag is clear, we didn't have enough cash, BCC Tc ; so set Y to the recursive token 37 ("CASH") and jump ; up to Tc to print a "Cash?" error, beep, clear the ; number and try again LDY QQ29 ; Fetch the current market item number from QQ29 into Y LDA R ; Set A to the number of items we just purchased (this ; was set by gnum above) PHA ; Store the quantity just purchased on the stack CLC ; Add the number purchased to the Y-th byte of QQ20, ADC QQ20,Y ; which contains the number of items of this type in STA QQ20,Y ; our hold (so this transfers the bought items into our ; cargo hold) LDA AVL,Y ; Subtract the number of items from the Y-th byte of SEC ; AVL, which contains the number of items of this type SBC R ; that are available on the market STA AVL,Y PLA ; Restore the quantity just purchased BEQ TT222 ; If we didn't buy anything, jump to TT222 to skip the ; following instruction JSR dn ; Call dn to print the amount of cash left in the cash ; pot, then make a short, high beep to confirm the ; purchase, and delay for 1 second .TT222 LDA QQ29 ; Move the text cursor to row QQ29 + 5 (where QQ29 is CLC ; the item number, starting from 0) ADC #5 JSR DOYC LDA #0 ; Move the text cursor to column 0 JSR DOXC INC QQ29 ; Increment QQ29 to point to the next item LDA QQ29 ; If QQ29 >= 17 then jump to BAY2 as we have done the CMP #17 ; last item BCS BAY2 JMP TT220 ; Otherwise loop back to TT220 to print the next market ; item .BAY2 ;LDA #$10 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;STA COL2 ; source LDA #f9 ; Jump into the main loop at FRCE, setting the key JMP FRCE ; "pressed" to "9" (so we show the Inventory screen)
Name: gnum [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Get a number from the keyboard
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * EQSHP calls gnum * TT210 calls gnum * TT219 calls gnum

Get a number from the keyboard, up to the maximum number in QQ25, for the buying and selling of cargo and equipment. Pressing "Y" will return the maximum number (i.e. buy/sell all items), while pressing "N" will abort the sale and return a 0. Pressing a key with an ASCII code less than ASCII "0" will return a 0 in A (so that includes pressing Space or Return), while pressing a key with an ASCII code greater than ASCII "9" will jump to the Inventory screen (so that includes all letters and most punctuation).
Arguments: QQ25 The maximum number allowed
Returns: A The number entered R Also contains the number entered C flag Set if the number is too large (> QQ25), clear otherwise
.gnum ;LDA #MAG2 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;STA COL2 ; source LDX #0 ; We will build the number entered in R, so initialise STX R ; it with 0 LDX #12 ; We will check for up to 12 key presses, so set a STX T1 ; counter in T1 .TT223 JSR TT217 ; Scan the keyboard until a key is pressed, and return ; the key's ASCII code in A (and X) LDX R ; If R is non-zero then skip to NWDAV2, as we are BNE NWDAV2 ; already building a number CMP #'Y' ; If "Y" was pressed, jump to NWDAV1 to return the BEQ NWDAV1 ; maximum number allowed (i.e. buy/sell the whole stock) CMP #'N' ; If "N" was pressed, jump to NWDAV3 to return from the BEQ NWDAV3 ; subroutine with a result of 0 (i.e. abort transaction) .NWDAV2 STA Q ; Store the key pressed in Q SEC ; Subtract ASCII "0" from the key pressed, to leave the SBC #'0' ; numeric value of the key in A (if it was a number key) BCC OUT ; If A < 0, jump to OUT to load the current number and ; return from the subroutine, as the key pressed was ; RETURN (or some other character with a value less than ; ASCII "0") CMP #10 ; If A >= 10, jump to BAY2 to display the Inventory BCS BAY2 ; screen, as the key pressed was a letter or other ; non-digit and is greater than ASCII "9" STA S ; Store the numeric value of the key pressed in S LDA R ; Fetch the result so far into A CMP #26 ; If A >= 26, where A is the number entered so far, then BCS OUT ; adding a further digit will make it bigger than 256, ; so jump to OUT to return from the subroutine with the ; result in R (i.e. ignore the last key press) ASL A ; Set A = (A * 2) + (A * 8) = A * 10 STA T ASL A ASL A ADC T ADC S ; Add the pressed digit to A and store in R, so R now STA R ; contains its previous value with the new key press ; tacked onto the end CMP QQ25 ; If the result in R = the maximum allowed in QQ25, jump BEQ TT226 ; to TT226 to print the key press and keep looping (the ; BEQ is needed because the BCS below would jump to OUT ; if R >= QQ25, which we don't want) BCS OUT ; If the result in R > QQ25, jump to OUT to return from ; the subroutine with the result in R .TT226 LDA Q ; Print the character in Q (i.e. the key that was JSR TT26 ; pressed, as we stored the ASCII value in Q earlier) DEC T1 ; Decrement the loop counter BNE TT223 ; Loop back to TT223 until we have checked for 12 digits .OUT ;LDA #$10 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;STA COL2 ; source LDA R ; Set A to the result we have been building in R RTS ; Return from the subroutine .NWDAV1 ; If we get here then "Y" was pressed, so we return the ; maximum number allowed, which is in QQ25 JSR TT26 ; Print the character for the key that was pressed LDA QQ25 ; Set R = QQ25, so we return the maximum value allowed STA R JMP OUT ; Jump to OUT to return from the subroutine .NWDAV3 ; If we get here then "N" was pressed, so we return 0 JSR TT26 ; Print the character for the key that was pressed LDA #0 ; Set R = 0, so we return 0 STA R JMP OUT ; Jump to OUT to return from the subroutine
Name: NWDAV4 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Print an "ITEM?" error, make a beep and rejoin the TT210 routine
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT210 calls NWDAV4
.NWDAV4 JSR TT67 ; Print a newline LDA #176 ; Print recursive token 127 ("ITEM") followed by a JSR prq ; question mark JSR dn2 ; Call dn2 to make a short, high beep and delay for 1 ; second LDY QQ29 ; Fetch the item number we are selling from QQ29 JMP NWDAVxx ; Jump back into the TT210 routine that called NWDAV4
Name: TT208 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Show the Sell Cargo screen
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls TT208
.TT208 LDA #4 ; Clear the screen and set up a trading screen with a JSR TRADEMODE ; view type in QQ11 of 4 (Sell Cargo screen) LDA #10 ; Move the text cursor to column 10 JSR DOXC LDA #205 ; Print recursive token 45 ("SELL") JSR TT27 LDA #206 ; Print recursive token 46 (" CARGO{sentence case}") JSR NLIN3 ; draw a horizontal line at pixel row 19 to box in the ; title JSR TT67 ; Print a newline ; Fall through into TT210 to show the Inventory screen ; with the option to sell
Name: TT210 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Show a list of current cargo in our hold, optionally to sell
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT213 calls TT210 * NWDAV4 calls via NWDAVxx

Show a list of current cargo in our hold, either with the ability to sell (the Sell Cargo screen) or without (the Inventory screen), depending on the current view.
Arguments: QQ11 The current view: * 4 = Sell Cargo * 8 = Inventory
Other entry points: NWDAVxx Used to rejoin this routine from the call to NWDAV4
.TT210 LDY #0 ; We're going to loop through all the available market ; items and check whether we have any in the hold (and, ; if we are in the Sell Cargo screen, whether we want ; to sell any items), so we set up a counter in Y to ; denote the current item and start it at 0 .TT211 STY QQ29 ; Store the current item number in QQ29 .NWDAVxx LDX QQ20,Y ; Fetch into X the amount of the current item that we BEQ TT212 ; have in our cargo hold, which is stored in QQ20+Y, ; and if there are no items of this type in the hold, ; jump down to TT212 to skip to the next item TYA ; Set Y = Y * 4, so this will act as an index into the ASL A ; market prices table at QQ23 for this item (as there ASL A ; are four bytes per item in the table) TAY LDA QQ23+1,Y ; Fetch byte #1 from the market prices table for the STA QQ19+1 ; current item and store it in QQ19+1, for use by the ; call to TT152 below TXA ; Store the amount of item in the hold (in X) on the PHA ; stack JSR TT69 ; Call TT69 to set Sentence Case and print a newline CLC ; Print recursive token 48 + QQ29, which will be in the LDA QQ29 ; range 48 ("FOOD") to 64 ("ALIEN ITEMS"), so this ADC #208 ; prints the current item's name JSR TT27 LDA #14 ; Move the text cursor to column 14, for the item's JSR DOXC ; quantity PLA ; Restore the amount of item in the hold into X TAX STA QQ25 ; Store the amount of this item in the hold in QQ25 CLC ; Print the 8-bit number in X to 3 digits, without a JSR pr2 ; decimal point JSR TT152 ; Print the unit ("t", "kg" or "g") for the market item ; whose byte #1 from the market prices table is in ; QQ19+1 (which we set up above) LDA QQ11 ; If the current view type in QQ11 is not 4 (Sell Cargo CMP #4 ; screen), jump to TT212 to skip the option to sell BNE TT212 ; items ;JSR TT162 ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source LDA #205 ; Print recursive token 45 ("SELL") JSR TT27 LDA #206 ; Print extended token 206 ("{all caps}(Y/N)?") JSR DETOK JSR gnum ; Call gnum to get a number from the keyboard, which ; will be the number of the item we want to sell, ; returning the number entered in A and R, and setting ; the C flag if the number is bigger than the available ; amount of this item in QQ25 BEQ TT212 ; If no number was entered, jump to TT212 to move on to ; the next item BCS NWDAV4 ; If the number entered was too big, jump to NWDAV4 to ; print an "ITEM?" error, make a beep and rejoin the ; routine at NWDAVxx above LDA QQ29 ; We are selling this item, so fetch the item number ; from QQ29 LDX #255 ; Set QQ17 = 255 to disable printing STX QQ17 JSR TT151 ; Call TT151 to set QQ24 to the item's price / 4 (the ; routine doesn't print the item details, as we just ; disabled printing) LDY QQ29 ; Subtract R (the number of items we just asked to buy) LDA QQ20,Y ; from the available amount of this item in QQ20, as we SEC ; just bought them SBC R STA QQ20,Y LDA R ; Set P to the amount of this item we just bought STA P LDA QQ24 ; Set Q to the item's price / 4 STA Q JSR GCASH ; Call GCASH to calculate ; ; (Y X) = P * Q * 4 ; ; which will be the total price we make from this sale ; (as P contains the quantity we're selling and Q ; contains the item's price / 4) JSR MCASH ; Add (Y X) cash to the cash pot in CASH LDA #0 ; We've made the sale, so set the amount STA QQ17 ; Set QQ17 = 0, which enables printing again .TT212 LDY QQ29 ; Fetch the item number from QQ29 into Y, and increment INY ; Y to point to the next item CPY #17 ; Loop back to TT211 to print the next item in the hold BCC TT211 ; until Y = 17 (at which point we have done the last ; item) LDA QQ11 ; If the current view type in QQ11 is not 4 (Sell Cargo CMP #4 ; screen), skip the next two instructions and move on to BNE P%+8 ; printing the number of Trumbles JSR dn2 ; This is the Sell Cargo screen, so call dn2 to make a ; short, high beep and delay for 1 second JMP BAY2 ; And then jump to BAY2 to display the Inventory ; screen, as we have finished selling cargo JSR TT69 ; Call TT69 to set Sentence Case and print a newline LDA TRIBBLE ; If there are any Trumbles in the hold, skip the ORA TRIBBLE+1 ; following RTS and continue on (in the Master version, BNE P%+3 ; there are never any Trumbles, so this value will ; always be zero) .zebra RTS ; There are no Trumbles in the hold, so return from the ; subroutine ; If we get here then we have Trumbles in the hold, so ; we print out the number (though we never get here in ; the Master version) CLC ; Clear the C flag, so the call to TT11 below doesn't ; include a decimal point LDA #0 ; Set A = 0, for the call to TT11 below, so we don't pad ; out the number of Trumbles LDX TRIBBLE ; Fetch the number of Trumbles into (Y X) LDY TRIBBLE+1 JSR TT11 ; Call TT11 to print the number of Trumbles in (Y X), ; with no decimal point JSR DORND ; Print out a random extended token from 111 to 114, all AND #3 ; of which are blank in this version of Elite CLC ADC #111 JSR DETOK LDA #198 ; Print extended token 198, which is blank, but would JSR DETOK ; contain the text "LITTLE TRUMBLE" if the Trumbles ; mission was enabled LDA TRIBBLE+1 ; If we have more than 256 Trumbles, skip to DOANS BNE DOANS LDX TRIBBLE ; If we have exactly one Trumble, return from the DEX ; subroutine (as zebra contains an RTS) BEQ zebra .DOANS LDA #'s' ; We have more than one Trumble, so print an 's' and JMP DASC ; return from the subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT213 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Show the Inventory screen
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls TT213
.TT213 LDA #8 ; Clear the screen and set up a trading screen with a JSR TRADEMODE ; view type in QQ11 of 4 (Inventory screen) LDA #11 ; Move the text cursor to column 11 to print the screen JSR DOXC ; title LDA #164 ; Print recursive token 4 ("INVENTORY{crlf}") followed JSR TT60 ; by a paragraph break and Sentence Case JSR NLIN4 ; Draw a horizontal line at pixel row 19 to box in the ; title. The authors could have used a call to NLIN3 ; instead and saved the above call to TT60, but you ; just can't optimise everything JSR fwl ; Call fwl to print the fuel and cash levels on two ; separate lines LDA CRGO ; If our ship's cargo capacity is < 26 (i.e. we do not CMP #26 ; have a cargo bay extension), skip the following two BCC P%+7 ; instructions LDA #107 ; We do have a cargo bay extension, so print recursive JSR TT27 ; token 107 ("LARGE CARGO{sentence case} BAY") JMP TT210 ; Jump to TT210 to print the contents of our cargo bay ; and return from the subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT214 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Keyboard Summary: Ask a question with a "Y/N?" prompt and return the response
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

Arguments: A The text token to print before the "Y/N?" prompt
Returns: C flag Set if the response was "yes", clear otherwise
.TT214 ;.TT214 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ; ; source ;PHA ;JSR TT162 ;PLA .TT221 JSR TT27 ; Print the text token in A LDA #206 ; Print extended token 206 ("{all caps}(Y/N)?") JSR DETOK JSR TT217 ; Scan the keyboard until a key is pressed, and return ; the key's ASCII code in A and X ORA #%00100000 ; Set bit 5 in the value of the key pressed, which ; converts it to lower case CMP #'y' ; If "y" was pressed, jump to TT218 BEQ TT218 LDA #'n' ; Otherwise jump to TT26 to print "n" and return from JMP TT26 ; the subroutine using a tail call (so all other ; responses apart from "y" indicate a no) .TT218 JSR TT26 ; Print the character in A, i.e. print "y" SEC ; Set the C flag to indicate a "yes" response RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: TT16 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Charts Summary: Move the crosshairs on a chart
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls TT16

Move the chart crosshairs by the amount in X and Y.
Arguments: X The amount to move the crosshairs in the x-axis Y The amount to move the crosshairs in the y-axis
.TT16 TXA ; Push the change in X onto the stack (let's call this PHA ; the x-delta) DEY ; Negate the change in Y and push it onto the stack TYA ; (let's call this the y-delta) EOR #$FF PHA JSR WSCAN ; Call WSCAN to wait for 15 * 256 loop iterations JSR TT103 ; Draw small crosshairs at coordinates (QQ9, QQ10), ; which will erase the crosshairs currently there PLA ; Store the y-delta in QQ19+3 and fetch the current STA QQ19+3 ; y-coordinate of the crosshairs from QQ10 into A, ready LDA QQ10 ; for the call to TT123 JSR TT123 ; Call TT123 to move the selected system's galactic ; y-coordinate by the y-delta, putting the new value in ; QQ19+4 LDA QQ19+4 ; Store the updated y-coordinate in QQ10 (the current STA QQ10 ; y-coordinate of the crosshairs) STA QQ19+1 ; This instruction has no effect, as QQ19+1 is ; overwritten below, both in TT103 and TT105 PLA ; Store the x-delta in QQ19+3 and fetch the current STA QQ19+3 ; x-coordinate of the crosshairs from QQ10 into A, ready LDA QQ9 ; for the call to TT123 JSR TT123 ; Call TT123 to move the selected system's galactic ; x-coordinate by the x-delta, putting the new value in ; QQ19+4 LDA QQ19+4 ; Store the updated x-coordinate in QQ9 (the current STA QQ9 ; x-coordinate of the crosshairs) STA QQ19 ; This instruction has no effect, as QQ19 is overwritten ; below, both in TT103 and TT105 ; Now we've updated the coordinates of the crosshairs, ; fall through into TT103 to redraw them at their new ; location
Name: TT103 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Charts Summary: Draw a small set of crosshairs on a chart
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * hm calls TT103 * HME2 calls TT103 * TT102 calls TT103 * TT16 calls TT103 * TT23 calls TT103

Draw a small set of crosshairs on a galactic chart at the coordinates in (QQ9, QQ10).
.TT103 LDA #GREEN ; Switch to stripe 3-1-3-1, which is white/yellow in the STA COL ; chart view LDA QQ11 ; Fetch the current view type into A BMI TT105 ; If this is the Short-range Chart screen, jump to TT105 LDA QQ9 ; Store the crosshairs x-coordinate in QQ19 JSR SCALEX ; STA QQ19 ; The call to SCALEX reduces the size of the chart to ; three-quarters of the original size, so it can fit ; into the Apple's screen mode, which is smaller than ; the original BBC Micro screen LDA QQ10 ; Store the crosshairs y-coordinate in QQ19 JSR SCALEY ; STA QQ19+1 ; The call to SCALEY halves the value in A (as the chart ; is half as tall as it is wide), and then it reduces ; the result to three-quarters of the original value, so ; we can fit the chart into the Apple's screen mode, ; which is smaller than the original BBC Micro screen LDA #4 ; Set QQ19+2 to 4 denote crosshairs of size 4 STA QQ19+2 JMP TT15 ; Jump to TT15 to draw crosshairs of size 4 at the ; crosshairs coordinates, returning from the subroutine ; using a tail call
Name: TT123 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Charts Summary: Move galactic coordinates by a signed delta
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT16 calls TT123 * TT105 calls via TT180

Move an 8-bit galactic coordinate by a certain distance in either direction (i.e. a signed 8-bit delta), but only if it doesn't cause the coordinate to overflow. The coordinate is in a single axis, so it's either an x-coordinate or a y-coordinate.
Arguments: A The galactic coordinate to update QQ19+3 The delta (can be positive or negative)
Returns: QQ19+4 The updated coordinate after moving by the delta (this will be the same as A if moving by the delta overflows)
Other entry points: TT180 Contains an RTS
.TT123 STA QQ19+4 ; Store the original coordinate in temporary storage at ; QQ19+4 CLC ; Set A = A + QQ19+3, so A now contains the original ADC QQ19+3 ; coordinate, moved by the delta LDX QQ19+3 ; If the delta is negative, jump to TT124 BMI TT124 BCC TT125 ; If the C flag is clear, then the above addition didn't ; overflow, so jump to TT125 to return the updated value RTS ; Otherwise the C flag is set and the above addition ; overflowed, so do not update the return value .TT124 BCC TT180 ; If the C flag is clear, then because the delta is ; negative, this indicates the addition (which is ; effectively a subtraction) underflowed, so jump to ; TT180 to return from the subroutine without updating ; the return value .TT125 STA QQ19+4 ; Store the updated coordinate in QQ19+4 .TT180 RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: TT105 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Charts Summary: Draw crosshairs on the Short-range Chart, with clipping
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT103 calls TT105

Check whether the crosshairs are close enough to the current system to appear on the Short-range Chart, and if so, draw them.
.TT105 LDA QQ9 ; Set A = QQ9 - QQ0, the horizontal distance between the SEC ; crosshairs (QQ9) and the current system (QQ0) SBC QQ0 CMP #29 ; If the horizontal distance in A < 29, then the BCC TT179 ; crosshairs are close enough to the current system to ; appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT179 to ; check the vertical distance CMP #227 ; If the horizontal distance in A < -29, then the BCC TT180 ; crosshairs are too far from the current system to ; appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT180 to ; return from the subroutine (as TT180 contains an RTS) .TT179 ASL A ; Set QQ19 = 105 + A * 4 ASL A ; CLC ; 105 is the x-coordinate of the centre of the chart, ADC #105*4/3 ; so this sets QQ19 to the screen pixel x-coordinate JSR SCALEY2 ; STA QQ19 ; ; The call to SCALEY2 reduces the size of the chart to ; three-quarters of the original size, so it can fit ; into the Apple's screen mode, which is smaller than ; the original BBC Micro screen ; ; The 105 is multiplied by 4/3 to counteract the scaling ; by 3/4 in SCALEY2, so the 105 part is not scaled, only ; the x-delta element is LDA QQ10 ; Set A = QQ10 - QQ1, the vertical distance between the SEC ; crosshairs (QQ10) and the current system (QQ1) SBC QQ1 CMP #35 ; If the vertical distance in A is < 35, then the BCC P%+6 ; crosshairs are close enough to the current system to ; appear in the Short-range Chart, so skip the next two ; instructions CMP #230 ; If the horizontal distance in A is < -26, then the BCC TT180 ; crosshairs are too far from the current system to ; appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT180 to ; return from the subroutine (as TT180 contains an RTS) ASL A ; Set QQ19+1 = 99 + A * 2 CLC ; ADC #99 ; 90 is the y-coordinate of the centre of the chart, JSR SCALEY2 ; so this sets QQ19+1 to the screen pixel x-coordinate STA QQ19+1 ; of the crosshairs ; ; The call to SCALEY2 reduces the size of the chart to ; three-quarters of the original size, so it can fit ; into the Apple's screen mode, which is smaller than ; the original BBC Micro screen LDA #8 ; Set QQ19+2 to 8 denote crosshairs of size 8 STA QQ19+2 LDA #GREEN ; Switch to stripe 3-1-3-1, which is white/yellow in the STA COL ; chart view JMP TT15 ; Jump to TT15 to draw crosshairs of size 8 at the ; crosshairs coordinates, returning from the subroutine ; using a tail call
Name: TT23 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Charts Summary: Show the Short-range Chart
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls TT23 * TT114 calls TT23
.TT23 LDA #128 ; Clear the top part of the screen, draw a border box, JSR TT66 ; and set the current view type in QQ11 to 128 (Short- ; range Chart) LDA #7 ; Move the text cursor to column 7 STA XC LDA #190 ; Print recursive token 30 ("SHORT RANGE CHART") and JSR NLIN3 ; draw a horizontal line at pixel row 19 to box in the ; title JSR TT14 ; Call TT14 to draw a circle with crosshairs at the ; current system's galactic coordinates JSR TT103 ; Draw small crosshairs at coordinates (QQ9, QQ10), ; i.e. at the selected system JSR TT81 ; Set the seeds in QQ15 to those of system 0 in the ; current galaxy (i.e. copy the seeds from QQ21 to QQ15) LDA #0 ; Set A = 0, which we'll use below to zero out the INWK ; workspace STA XX20 ; We're about to start working our way through each of ; the galaxy's systems, so set up a counter in XX20 for ; each system, starting at 0 and looping through to 255 LDX #24 ; First, though, we need to zero out the 25 bytes at ; INWK so we can use them to work out which systems have ; room for a label, so set a counter in X for 25 bytes .EE3 STA INWK,X ; Set the X-th byte of INWK to zero DEX ; Decrement the counter BPL EE3 ; Loop back to EE3 for the next byte until we've zeroed ; all 25 bytes ; We now loop through every single system in the galaxy ; and check the distance from the current system whose ; coordinates are in (QQ0, QQ1). We get the galactic ; coordinates of each system from the system's seeds, ; like this: ; ; x = s1_hi (which is stored in QQ15+3) ; y = s0_hi (which is stored in QQ15+1) ; ; so the following loops through each system in the ; galaxy in turn and calculates the distance between ; (QQ0, QQ1) and (s1_hi, s0_hi) to find the closest one .TT182 LDA QQ15+3 ; Set A = s1_hi - QQ0, the horizontal distance between SEC ; (s1_hi, s0_hi) and (QQ0, QQ1) SBC QQ0 BCS TT184 ; If a borrow didn't occur, i.e. s1_hi >= QQ0, then the ; result is positive, so jump to TT184 and skip the ; following two instructions EOR #$FF ; Otherwise negate the result in A, so A is always ADC #1 ; positive (i.e. A = |s1_hi - QQ0|) .TT184 CMP #29 ; If the horizontal distance in A is >= 29, then this BCS TT187s ; system is too far away from the current system to ; appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT187 via ; TT187s to move on to the next system LDA QQ15+1 ; Set A = s0_hi - QQ1, the vertical distance between SEC ; (s1_hi, s0_hi) and (QQ0, QQ1) SBC QQ1 BCS TT186 ; If a borrow didn't occur, i.e. s0_hi >= QQ1, then the ; result is positive, so jump to TT186 and skip the ; following two instructions EOR #$FF ; Otherwise negate the result in A, so A is always ADC #1 ; positive (i.e. A = |s0_hi - QQ1|) .TT186 CMP #40 ; If the vertical distance in A is >= 40, then this BCS TT187s ; system is too far away from the current system to ; appear in the Short-range Chart, so jump to TT187 via ; TT187s to move on to the next system ; This system should be shown on the Short-range Chart, ; so now we need to work out where the label should go, ; and set up the various variables we need to draw the ; system's filled circle on the chart LDA QQ15+3 ; Set A = s1_hi - QQ0, the horizontal distance between SEC ; this system and the current system, where |A| < 20. SBC QQ0 ; Let's call this the x-delta, as it's the horizontal ; difference between the current system at the centre of ; the chart, and this system (and this time we keep the ; sign of A, so it can be negative if it's to the left ; of the chart's centre, or positive if it's to the ; right) ASL A ; Set XX12 = 105 + x-delta * 4 ASL A ; ADC #105*4/3 ; 105 is the x-coordinate of the centre of the chart, JSR SCALEY2 ; so this sets XX12 to the centre 104 +/- 76, the pixel STA XX12 ; x-coordinate of this system ; ; The call to SCALEY2 reduces the size of the chart to ; three-quarters of the original size, so it can fit ; into the Apple's screen mode, which is smaller than ; the original BBC Micro screen ; ; The 105 is multiplied by 4/3 to counteract the scaling ; by 3/4 in SCALEY2, so the 105 part is not scaled, only ; the x-delta element is LSR A ; Move the text cursor to column x-delta / 2 + 1 LSR A ; which will be in the range 1-10 LSR A CLC ADC #1 STA XC LDA QQ15+1 ; Set A = s0_hi - QQ1, the vertical distance between SEC ; this system and the current system, where |A| < 38. SBC QQ1 ; Let's call this the y-delta, as it's the vertical ; difference between the current system at the centre of ; the chart, and this system (and this time we keep the ; sign of A, so it can be negative if it's above the ; chart's centre, or positive if it's below) ASL A ; Set K4 = 99 + y-delta * 2 ADC #99 ; JSR SCALEY2 ; 99 is the y-coordinate of the centre of the chart, STA K4 ; so this sets K4 to the centre 99 +/- 74, to give the ; scaled pixel y-coordinate of this system ; ; The call to SCALEY2 reduces the size of the chart to ; three-quarters of the original size, so it can fit ; into the Apple's screen mode, which is smaller than ; the original BBC Micro screen LSR A ; Set Y = A >> 3 LSR A ; = K4 div 8 LSR A ; TAY ; So Y now contains the number of the character row ; that contains this system ; Now to see if there is room for this system's label. ; Ideally we would print the system name on the same ; text row as the system, but we only want to print one ; label per row, to prevent overlap, so now we check ; this system's row, and if that's already occupied, ; the row above, and if that's already occupied, the ; row below... and if that's already occupied, we give ; up and don't print a label for this system LDX INWK,Y ; If the value in INWK+Y is 0 (i.e. the text row BEQ EE4 ; containing this system does not already have another ; system's label on it), jump to EE4 to store this ; system's label on this row INY ; If the value in INWK+Y+1 is 0 (i.e. the text row below LDX INWK,Y ; the one containing this system does not already have BEQ EE4 ; another system's label on it), jump to EE4 to store ; this system's label on this row DEY ; If the value in INWK+Y-1 is 0 (i.e. the text row above DEY ; the one containing this system does not already have LDX INWK,Y ; another system's label on it), fall through into to BNE ee1 ; EE4 to store this system's label on this row, ; otherwise jump to ee1 to skip printing a label for ; this system (as there simply isn't room) .EE4 STY YC ; Now to print the label, so move the text cursor to row ; Y (which contains the row where we can print this ; system's label) CPY #3 ; If Y < 3, then the system would clash with the chart BCC TT187 ; title, so jump to TT187 to skip showing the system CPY #17 ; If Y > 17, then the label will be off the bottom of BCS TT187 ; the chart, so jump to TT187 to skip showing the system TYA ; Store Y on the stack so it can be preserved across the PHA ; call to readdistnce LDA QQ15+3 ; Set A = s1_hi, so A contains the galactic x-coordinate ; of the system we are displaying on the chart JSR readdistnce ; Call readdistnce to calculate the distance between the ; system with galactic coordinates (A, QQ15+1) - i.e. ; the system we are displaying - and the current system ; at (QQ0, QQ1), returning the result in QQ8(1 0) PLA ; Restore Y from the stack TAY LDA QQ8+1 ; If the high byte of the distance in QQ8(1 0) is BNE TT187 ; non-zero, jump to TT187 to skip showing the system as ; it is too far away from the current system LDA QQ8 ; If the low byte of the distance in QQ8(1 0) is >= 70, CMP #70 ; jump to TT187 to skip showing the system as it is too ; far away from the current system .TT187s BCS TT187 ; If we get here from the instruction above, we jump to ; TT187 if QQ8(1 0) >= 70, so we only show systems that ; are within distance 70 (i.e. 7 light years) of the ; current system ; ; If we jump here from elsewhere with a BCS TT187s, we ; jump straight on to TT187 LDA #$FF ; Store $FF in INWK+Y, to denote that this row is now STA INWK,Y ; occupied so we don't try to print another system's ; label on this row LDA #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of QQ17 to switch to Sentence Case STA QQ17 JSR cpl ; Call cpl to print out the system name for the seeds ; in QQ15 (which now contains the seeds for the current ; system) .ee1 LDA #0 ; Now to plot the star, so set the high bytes of K, K3 STA K3+1 ; and K4 to 0 STA K4+1 STA K+1 LDA XX12 ; Set the low byte of K3 to XX12, the pixel x-coordinate STA K3 ; of this system LDA QQ15+5 ; Fetch s2_hi for this system from QQ15+5, extract bit 0 AND #1 ; and add 2 to get the size of the star, which we store ADC #2 ; in K. This will be either 2, 3 or 4, depending on the STA K ; value of bit 0, and whether the C flag is set (which ; will vary depending on what happens in the above call ; to cpl). Incidentally, the planet's average radius ; also uses s2_hi, bits 0-3 to be precise, but that ; doesn't mean the two sizes affect each other ; We now have the following: ; ; K(1 0) = radius of star (2, 3 or 4) ; ; K3(1 0) = pixel x-coordinate of system ; ; K4(1 0) = pixel y-coordinate of system ; ; which we can now pass to the SUN routine to draw a ; small "sun" on the Short-range Chart for this system JSR FLFLLS ; Call FLFLLS to reset the LSO block JSR SUN ; Call SUN to plot a sun with radius K at pixel ; coordinate (K3, K4) JSR FLFLLS ; Call FLFLLS to reset the LSO block .TT187 JSR TT20 ; We want to move on to the next system, so call TT20 ; to twist the three 16-bit seeds in QQ15 INC XX20 ; Increment the counter BEQ P%+5 ; If X = 0 then we have done all 256 systems, so skip ; the next instruction to return from the subroutine JMP TT182 ; Otherwise jump back up to TT182 to process the next ; system ;LDA #0 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;STA dontclip ; source ; ;LDA #2*Y-1 ;STA Yx2M1 RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: TT81 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Set the selected system's seeds to those of system 0
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HME2 calls TT81 * TT111 calls TT81 * TT22 calls TT81 * TT23 calls TT81

Copy the three 16-bit seeds for the current galaxy's system 0 (QQ21) into the seeds for the selected system (QQ15) - in other words, set the selected system's seeds to those of system 0.
.TT81 LDX #5 ; Set up a counter in X to copy six bytes (for three ; 16-bit numbers) LDA QQ21,X ; Copy the X-th byte in QQ21 to the X-th byte in QQ15 STA QQ15,X DEX ; Decrement the counter BPL TT81+2 ; Loop back up to the LDA instruction if we still have ; more bytes to copy RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: TT111 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Set the current system to the nearest system to a point
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BR1 (Part 2 of 2) calls TT111 * Ghy calls TT111 * hm calls TT111 * HME2 calls TT111 * hyp1 calls TT111 * STATUS calls TT111 * TT102 calls TT111 * TT110 calls TT111 * TTX110 calls TT111 * TT23 calls via readdistnce

Given a set of galactic coordinates in (QQ9, QQ10), find the nearest system to this point in the galaxy, and set this as the currently selected system.
Arguments: QQ9 The x-coordinate near which we want to find a system QQ10 The y-coordinate near which we want to find a system
Returns: QQ8(1 0) The distance from the current system to the nearest system to the original coordinates QQ9 The x-coordinate of the nearest system to the original coordinates QQ10 The y-coordinate of the nearest system to the original coordinates QQ15 to QQ15+5 The three 16-bit seeds of the nearest system to the original coordinates ZZ The system number of the nearest system
Other entry points: TT111-1 Contains an RTS readdistnce Calculate the distance between the system with galactic coordinates (A, QQ15+1) and the system at (QQ0, QQ1), returning the result in QQ8(1 0)
.TT111 JSR TT81 ; Set the seeds in QQ15 to those of system 0 in the ; current galaxy (i.e. copy the seeds from QQ21 to QQ15) ; We now loop through every single system in the galaxy ; and check the distance from (QQ9, QQ10). We get the ; galactic coordinates of each system from the system's ; seeds, like this: ; ; x = s1_hi (which is stored in QQ15+3) ; y = s0_hi (which is stored in QQ15+1) ; ; so the following loops through each system in the ; galaxy in turn and calculates the distance between ; (QQ9, QQ10) and (s1_hi, s0_hi) to find the closest one LDY #127 ; Set Y = T = 127 to hold the shortest distance we've STY T ; found so far, which we initially set to half the ; distance across the galaxy, or 127, as our coordinate ; system ranges from (0,0) to (255, 255) LDA #0 ; Set A = U = 0 to act as a counter for each system in STA U ; the current galaxy, which we start at system 0 and ; loop through to 255, the last system .TT130 LDA QQ15+3 ; Set A = s1_hi - QQ9, the horizontal distance between SEC ; (s1_hi, s0_hi) and (QQ9, QQ10) SBC QQ9 BCS TT132 ; If a borrow didn't occur, i.e. s1_hi >= QQ9, then the ; result is positive, so jump to TT132 and skip the ; following two instructions EOR #$FF ; Otherwise negate the result in A, so A is always ADC #1 ; positive (i.e. A = |s1_hi - QQ9|) .TT132 LSR A ; Set S = A / 2 STA S ; = |s1_hi - QQ9| / 2 LDA QQ15+1 ; Set A = s0_hi - QQ10, the vertical distance between SEC ; (s1_hi, s0_hi) and (QQ9, QQ10) SBC QQ10 BCS TT134 ; If a borrow didn't occur, i.e. s0_hi >= QQ10, then the ; result is positive, so jump to TT134 and skip the ; following two instructions EOR #$FF ; Otherwise negate the result in A, so A is always ADC #1 ; positive (i.e. A = |s0_hi - QQ10|) .TT134 LSR A ; Set A = S + A / 2 CLC ; = |s1_hi - QQ9| / 2 + |s0_hi - QQ10| / 2 ADC S ; ; So A now contains the sum of the horizontal and ; vertical distances, both divided by 2 so the result ; fits into one byte, and although this doesn't contain ; the actual distance between the systems, it's a good ; enough approximation to use for comparing distances CMP T ; If A >= T, then this system's distance is bigger than BCS TT135 ; our "minimum distance so far" stored in T, so it's no ; closer than the systems we have already found, so ; skip to TT135 to move on to the next system STA T ; This system is the closest to (QQ9, QQ10) so far, so ; update T with the new "distance" approximation LDX #5 ; As this system is the closest we have found yet, we ; want to store the system's seeds in case it ends up ; being the closest of all, so we set up a counter in X ; to copy six bytes (for three 16-bit numbers) .TT136 LDA QQ15,X ; Copy the X-th byte in QQ15 to the X-th byte in QQ19, STA QQ19,X ; where QQ15 contains the seeds for the system we just ; found to be the closest so far, and QQ19 is temporary ; storage DEX ; Decrement the counter BPL TT136 ; Loop back to TT136 if we still have more bytes to ; copy LDA U ; Store the system number U in ZZ, so when we are done STA ZZ ; looping through all the candidates, the winner's ; number will be in ZZ .TT135 JSR TT20 ; We want to move on to the next system, so call TT20 ; to twist the three 16-bit seeds in QQ15 INC U ; Increment the system counter in U BNE TT130 ; If U > 0 then we haven't done all 256 systems yet, so ; loop back up to TT130 ; We have now finished checking all the systems in the ; galaxy, and the seeds for the closest system are in ; QQ19, so now we want to copy these seeds to QQ15, ; to set the selected system to this closest system LDX #5 ; So we set up a counter in X to copy six bytes (for ; three 16-bit numbers) .TT137 LDA QQ19,X ; Copy the X-th byte in QQ19 to the X-th byte in QQ15 STA QQ15,X DEX ; Decrement the counter BPL TT137 ; Loop back to TT137 if we still have more bytes to ; copy LDA QQ15+1 ; The y-coordinate of the system described by the seeds STA QQ10 ; in QQ15 is in QQ15+1 (s0_hi), so we copy this to QQ10 ; as this is where we store the selected system's ; y-coordinate LDA QQ15+3 ; The x-coordinate of the system described by the seeds STA QQ9 ; in QQ15 is in QQ15+3 (s1_hi), so we copy this to QQ9 ; as this is where we store the selected system's ; x-coordinate ; We have now found the closest system to (QQ9, QQ10) ; and have set it as the selected system, so now we ; need to work out the distance between the selected ; system and the current system .readdistnce SEC ; Set A = QQ9 - QQ0, the horizontal distance between SBC QQ0 ; the selected system's x-coordinate (QQ9) and the ; current system's x-coordinate (QQ0) BCS TT139 ; If a borrow didn't occur, i.e. QQ9 >= QQ0, then the ; result is positive, so jump to TT139 and skip the ; following two instructions EOR #$FF ; Otherwise negate the result in A, so A is always ADC #1 ; positive (i.e. A = |QQ9 - QQ0|) ; A now contains the difference between the two ; systems' x-coordinates, with the sign removed. We ; will refer to this as the x-delta ("delta" means ; change or difference in maths) .TT139 JSR SQUA2 ; Set (A P) = A * A ; = |QQ9 - QQ0| ^ 2 ; = x_delta ^ 2 STA K+1 ; Store (A P) in K(1 0) LDA P STA K LDA QQ15+1 ; Set A = QQ15+1 - QQ1, the vertical distance between ;LDA QQ10 ; the selected system's y-coordinate (QQ15+1) and the SEC ; current system's y-coordinate (QQ1) SBC QQ1 ; ; The LDA instruction is commented out in the original ; source BCS TT141 ; If a borrow didn't occur, i.e. QQ10 >= QQ1, then the ; result is positive, so jump to TT141 and skip the ; following two instructions EOR #$FF ; Otherwise negate the result in A, so A is always ADC #1 ; positive (i.e. A = |QQ10 - QQ1|) .TT141 LSR A ; Set A = A / 2 ; A now contains the difference between the two ; systems' y-coordinates, with the sign removed, and ; halved. We halve the value because the galaxy in ; in Elite is rectangular rather than square, and is ; twice as wide (x-axis) as it is high (y-axis), so to ; get a distance that matches the shape of the ; long-range galaxy chart, we need to halve the ; distance between the vertical y-coordinates. We will ; refer to this as the y-delta JSR SQUA2 ; Set (A P) = A * A ; = (|QQ10 - QQ1| / 2) ^ 2 ; = y_delta ^ 2 ; By this point we have the following results: ; ; K(1 0) = x_delta ^ 2 ; (A P) = y_delta ^ 2 ; ; so to find the distance between the two points, we ; can use Pythagoras - so first we need to add the two ; results together, and then take the square root PHA ; Store the high byte of the y-axis value on the stack, ; so we can use A for another purpose LDA P ; Set Q = P + K, which adds the low bytes of the two CLC ; calculated values ADC K STA Q PLA ; Restore the high byte of the y-axis value from the ; stack into A again ADC K+1 ; Set A = A + K+1, which adds the high bytes of the two ; calculated values BCC P%+4 ; If the above addition overflowed, set A = 255 LDA #255 STA R ; Store A in R, so we now have R = A + K+1, and: ; ; (R Q) = K(1 0) + (A P) ; = (x_delta ^ 2) + (y_delta ^ 2) JSR LL5 ; Set Q = SQRT(R Q), so Q now contains the distance ; between the two systems, in terms of coordinates ; We now store the distance to the selected system * 4 ; in the two-byte location QQ8, by taking (0 Q) and ; shifting it left twice, storing it in QQ8(1 0) LDA Q ; First we shift the low byte left by setting ASL A ; A = Q * 2, with bit 7 of A going into the C flag LDX #0 ; Now we set the high byte in QQ8+1 to 0 and rotate STX QQ8+1 ; the C flag into bit 0 of QQ8+1 ROL QQ8+1 ASL A ; And then we repeat the shift left of (QQ8+1 A) ROL QQ8+1 STA QQ8 ; And store A in the low byte, QQ8, so QQ8(1 0) now ; contains Q * 4. Given that the width of the galaxy is ; 256 in coordinate terms, the width of the galaxy ; would be 1024 in the units we store in QQ8 JMP TT24 ; Call TT24 to calculate system data from the seeds in ; QQ15 and store them in the relevant locations, so our ; new selected system is fully set up, and return from ; the subroutine using a tail call
Name: dockEd [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Print a message to say there is no hyperspacing allowed inside the station
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * hyp calls dockEd

Print "Docked" at the bottom of the screen to indicate we can't hyperspace when docked.
.dockEd JSR CLYNS ; Clear two text rows at the bottom of the screen, and ; move the text cursor to the first cleared row LDA #15 ; Move the text cursor to column 15 JSR DOXC ;LDA #RED ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;JSR DOCOL ; source LDA #205 ; Print extended token 205 ("DOCKED") and return from JMP DETOK ; the subroutine using a tail call
Name: hyp [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Start the hyperspace process
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls hyp * TTX110 calls via TTX111

Called when "H" or "G" is pressed during flight. Checks the following: * We are in space * We are not already in a hyperspace countdown If "G" is being pressed, we jump to Ghy to engage the galactic hyperdrive, otherwise we check that: * The selected system is not the current system * We have enough fuel to make the jump and if all the pre-jump checks are passed, we print the destination on-screen and start the countdown.
Other entry points: TTX111 Used to rejoin this routine from the call to TTX110
.hyp LDA QQ12 ; If we are docked (QQ12 = $FF) then jump to dockEd to BNE dockEd ; print an error message and return from the subroutine ; using a tail call (as we can't hyperspace when docked) LDA QQ22+1 ; Fetch QQ22+1, which contains the number that's shown ; on-screen during hyperspace countdown BEQ P%+3 ; If it is zero, skip the next instruction RTS ; The count is non-zero, so return from the subroutine ;LDA #CYAN ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;JSR DOCOL ; source LDA KL ; If "G" is being pressed, then the galactic hyperdrive CMP #'G' ; has been activated, so jump to Ghy to process it BEQ Ghy LDA QQ11 ; If the current view is 0 (i.e. the space view) then BEQ TTX110 ; jump to TTX110, which calls TT111 to set the current ; system to the nearest system to (QQ9, QQ10), and jumps ; back into this routine at TTX111 below AND #%11000000 ; If either bit 6 or 7 of the view type is set - so BNE P%+3 ; this is either the Short-range or Long-range Chart - ; then skip the following instruction RTS ; This is not a chart view, so return from the ; subroutine JSR hm ; This is a chart view, so call hm to redraw the chart ; crosshairs .TTX111 ; If we get here then the current view is either the ; space view or a chart LDA QQ8 ; If either byte of the distance to the selected system ORA QQ8+1 ; in QQ8 are zero, skip the next instruction to make a BNE P%+3 ; copy of the destination seeds in safehouse RTS ; The selected system is the same as the current system, ; so return from the subroutine LDX #5 ; We now want to copy those seeds into safehouse, so we ; so set a counter in X to copy 6 bytes .sob LDA QQ15,X ; Copy the X-th byte of QQ15 into the X-th byte of STA safehouse,X ; safehouse DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BPL sob ; Loop back to copy the next byte until we have copied ; all six seed bytes LDA #7 ; Move the text cursor to column 7 STA XC LDA #22 ; Set A = 22 to use as the text row for views that use ; the text screen mode, such as the trading screens LDY text ; If bit 7 of text is set then the current screen mode BMI P%+4 ; is the text mode, so skip the following instruction ; to leave A = 22 LDA #16 ; Set A = 16 to use as the text row for views that use ; the high-resolution screen mode, such as the space ; view STA YC ; Move the text cursor to row 16 (in the space view) or ; 22 (otherwise), which is in the middle of the bottom ; text row LDA #0 ; Set QQ17 = 0 to switch to ALL CAPS STA QQ17 LDA #189 ; Print recursive token 29 ("HYPERSPACE ") JSR TT27 LDA QQ8+1 ; If the high byte of the distance to the selected BNE goTT147 ; system in QQ8 is > 0, then it is definitely too far to ; jump (as our maximum range is 7.0 light years, or a ; value of 70 in QQ8(1 0)), so jump to TT147 via goTT147 ; to print "RANGE?" and return from the subroutine using ; a tail call LDA QQ14 ; Fetch our current fuel level from Q114 into A CMP QQ8 ; If our fuel reserves are greater than or equal to the BCS P%+5 ; distance to the selected system, then we have enough ; fuel for this jump, so skip the following instruction ; to start the hyperspace countdown .goTT147 JMP TT147 ; We don't have enough fuel to reach the destination, so ; jump to TT147 to print "RANGE?" and return from the ; subroutine using a tail call LDA #'-' ; Print a hyphen JSR TT27 JSR cpl ; Call cpl to print the name of the selected system ; Fall through into wW to start the hyperspace countdown
Name: wW [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Start a hyperspace countdown
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Ghy calls via wW2

Start the hyperspace countdown (for both inter-system hyperspace and the galactic hyperdrive).
Other entry points: wW2 Start the hyperspace countdown, starting the countdown from the value in A
.wW LDA #15 ; The hyperspace countdown starts from 15, so set A to ; 15 so we can set the two hyperspace counters .wW2 STA QQ22+1 ; Set the number in QQ22+1 to A, which is the number ; that's shown on-screen during the hyperspace countdown STA QQ22 ; Set the number in QQ22 to 15, which is the internal ; counter that counts down by 1 each iteration of the ; main game loop, and each time it reaches zero, the ; on-screen counter gets decremented, and QQ22 gets set ; to 5, so setting QQ22 to 15 here makes the first tick ; of the hyperspace counter longer than subsequent ticks TAX ; Print the 8-bit number in X (i.e. 15) at text location JMP ee3 ; (0, 1), padded to 5 digits, so it appears in the top ; left corner of the screen, and return from the ; subroutine using a tail call ;.hy5 ; This instruction and the hy5 label are commented out ; ; in the original - they can actually be found at the ;RTS ; end of the jmp routine below, so perhaps this is where ; they were originally, but the authors realised they ; could save a byte by using a tail call instead of an ; RTS?
Name: TTX110 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Set the current system to the nearest system and return to hyp
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * hyp calls TTX110
.TTX110 ; This routine is only called from the hyp routine, and ; it jumps back into hyp at label TTX111 JSR TT111 ; Call TT111 to set the current system to the nearest ; system to (QQ9, QQ10), and put the seeds of the ; nearest system into QQ15 to QQ15+5 JMP TTX111 ; Return to TTX111 in the hyp routine
Name: Ghy [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Perform a galactic hyperspace jump Deep dive: Twisting the system seeds Galaxy and system seeds
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * hyp calls Ghy

Engage the galactic hyperdrive. Called from the hyp routine above if CTRL-H is being pressed. This routine also updates the galaxy seeds to point to the next galaxy. Using a galactic hyperdrive rotates each seed byte to the left, rolling each byte left within itself like this: 01234567 -> 12345670 to get the seeds for the next galaxy. So after 8 galactic jumps, the seeds roll round to those of the first galaxy again. We always arrive in a new galaxy at galactic coordinates (96, 96), and then find the nearest system and set that as our location.
Other entry points: zZ+1 Contains an RTS
.Ghy LDX GHYP ; Fetch GHYP, which tells us whether we own a galactic BEQ zZ+1 ; hyperdrive, and if it is zero, which means we don't, ; return from the subroutine (as zZ+1 contains an RTS) INX ; We own a galactic hyperdrive, so X is $FF, so this ; instruction sets X = 0 ;STX QQ8 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;STX QQ8+1 ; source STX GHYP ; The galactic hyperdrive is a one-use item, so set GHYP ; to 0 so we no longer have one fitted STX FIST ; Changing galaxy also clears our criminal record, so ; set our legal status in FIST to 0 ("clean") LDA #2 ; Call wW2 with A = 2 to start the hyperspace countdown, JSR wW2 ; but starting the countdown from 2 LDX #5 ; To move galaxy, we rotate the galaxy's seeds left, so ; set a counter in X for the 6 seed bytes INC GCNT ; Increment the current galaxy number in GCNT LDA GCNT ; Clear bit 3 of GCNT, so we jump from galaxy 7 back AND #%11110111 ; to galaxy 0 (shown in-game as going from galaxy 8 back STA GCNT ; to the starting point in galaxy 1). We also retain any ; set bits in the high nibble, so if the galaxy number ; is manually set to 16 or higher, it will stay high ; (though the high nibble doesn't seem to get set by ; the game at any point, so it isn't clear what this is ; for, though Lave in galaxy 16 does show a unique ; system description override, so something is going on ; here...) .G1 LDA QQ21,X ; Load the X-th seed byte into A ASL A ; Set the C flag to bit 7 of the seed ROL QQ21,X ; Rotate the seed in memory, which will add bit 7 back ; in as bit 0, so this rolls the seed around on itself DEX ; Decrement the counter BPL G1 ; Loop back for the next seed byte, until we have ; rotated them all ;JSR DORND ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source, and would set A and X to random numbers, so ; perhaps the original plan was to arrive in each new ; galaxy in a random place? .zZ LDA #96 ; Set (QQ9, QQ10) to (96, 96), which is where we always STA QQ9 ; arrive in a new galaxy (the selected system will be STA QQ10 ; set to the nearest actual system later on) JSR TT110 ; Call TT110 to show the front space view JSR TT111 ; Call TT111 to set the current system to the nearest ; system to (QQ9, QQ10), and put the seeds of the ; nearest system into QQ15 to QQ15+5 ; ; This call fixes a bug in the cassette version, where ; the galactic hyperdrive will take us to coordinates ; (96, 96) in the new galaxy, even if there isn't ; actually a system there, so if we jump when we are ; low on fuel, it is possible to get stuck in the ; middle of nowhere when changing galaxy ; ; This call sets the current system correctly, so we ; always arrive at the nearest system to (96, 96) LDX #5 ; We now want to copy those seeds into safehouse, so we ; so set a counter in X to copy 6 bytes .dumdeedum LDA QQ15,X ; Copy the X-th byte of QQ15 into the X-th byte of STA safehouse,X ; safehouse DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BPL dumdeedum ; Loop back to copy the next byte until we have copied ; all six seed bytes LDX #0 ; Set the distance to the selected system in QQ8(1 0) STX QQ8 ; to 0 STX QQ8+1 LDA #116 ; Print recursive token 116 (GALACTIC HYPERSPACE ") JSR MESS ; as an in-flight message ; Fall through into jmp to set the system to the ; current system and return from the subroutine there
Name: jmp [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Set the current system to the selected system
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BR1 (Part 2 of 2) calls jmp * hyp1 calls jmp

Returns: (QQ0, QQ1) The galactic coordinates of the new system
Other entry points: hy5 Contains an RTS
.jmp LDA QQ9 ; Set the current system's galactic x-coordinate to the STA QQ0 ; x-coordinate of the selected system LDA QQ10 ; Set the current system's galactic y-coordinate to the STA QQ1 ; y-coordinate of the selected system .hy5 RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: ee3 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Print the hyperspace countdown in the top-left of the screen
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls ee3 * TTX66 calls ee3 * wW calls ee3

5 digits, left-padding with spaces for numbers with fewer than 3 digits (so numbers < 10000 are right-aligned), with no decimal point.
Arguments: X The number to print
.ee3 ;LDA #RED ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;JSR DOCOL ; source LDA #1 ; Move the text cursor to column 1 on row 1 JSR DOXC JSR DOYC LDY #0 ; Set Y = 0 for the high byte in pr6 CLC ; Call TT11 to print X to 3 digits with no decimal point LDA #3 ; and return from the subroutine using a tail call JMP TT11
Name: pr6 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print 16-bit number, left-padded to 5 digits, no point
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT25 calls pr6

Print the 16-bit number in (Y X) to 5 digits, left-padding with spaces for numbers with fewer than 3 digits (so numbers < 10000 are right-aligned), with no decimal point.
Arguments: X The low byte of the number to print Y The high byte of the number to print
.pr6 CLC ; Do not display a decimal point when printing ; Fall through into pr5 to print X to 5 digits
Name: pr5 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print a 16-bit number, left-padded to 5 digits, and optional point
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT146 calls pr5 * TT151 calls pr5 * TT25 calls pr5

Print the 16-bit number in (Y X) to 5 digits, left-padding with spaces for numbers with fewer than 3 digits (so numbers < 10000 are right-aligned). Optionally include a decimal point.
Arguments: X The low byte of the number to print Y The high byte of the number to print C flag If set, include a decimal point
.pr5 LDA #5 ; Set the number of digits to print to 5 JMP TT11 ; Call TT11 to print (Y X) to 5 digits and return from ; the subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT147 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Print an error when a system is out of hyperspace range
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * hyp calls TT147

Print "RANGE?" for when the hyperspace distance is too far
.TT147 LDA #202 ; Load A with token 42 ("RANGE") and fall through into ; prq to print it, followed by a question mark
Name: prq [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print a text token followed by a question mark
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * eq calls prq * EQSHP calls prq * NWDAV4 calls prq * qv calls prq * TT219 calls prq

Arguments: A The text token to be printed
Other entry points: prq+3 Print a question mark
.prq JSR TT27 ; Print the text token in A LDA #'?' ; Print a question mark and return from the JMP TT27 ; subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT151 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Print the name, price and availability of a market item Deep dive: Market item prices and availability Galaxy and system seeds
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT167 calls TT151 * TT210 calls TT151 * TT219 calls TT151

Arguments: A The number of the market item to print, 0-16 (see QQ23 for details of item numbers)
Returns: QQ19+1 Byte #1 from the market prices table for this item QQ24 The item's price / 4 QQ25 The item's availability
.TT151q ; We jump here from below if we are in witchspace PLA ; Restore the item number from the stack RTS ; Return from the subroutine .TT151 PHA ; Store the item number on the stack and in QQ19+4 STA QQ19+4 ASL A ; Store the item number * 4 in QQ19, so this will act as ASL A ; an index into the market prices table at QQ23 for this STA QQ19 ; item (as there are four bytes per item in the table) LDA MJ ; If we are in witchspace, we can't trade items, so jump BNE TT151q ; up to TT151q to return from the subroutine LDA #1 ; Set A = 1 to denote column 1 IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK STA XC ; Move the text cursor to column 1, for the item's name ELIF _SOURCE_DISK JSR DOXC ; Move the text cursor to column 1, for the item's name ENDIF PLA ; Restore the item number ADC #208 ; Print recursive token 48 + A, which will be in the JSR TT27 ; range 48 ("FOOD") to 64 ("ALIEN ITEMS"), so this ; prints the item's name LDA #14 ; Move the text cursor to column 14, for the price STA XC LDX QQ19 ; Fetch byte #1 from the market prices table (units and LDA QQ23+1,X ; economic_factor) for this item and store in QQ19+1 STA QQ19+1 LDA QQ26 ; Fetch the random number for this system visit and AND QQ23+3,X ; AND with byte #3 from the market prices table (mask) ; to give: ; ; A = random AND mask CLC ; Add byte #0 from the market prices table (base_price), ADC QQ23,X ; so we now have: STA QQ24 ; ; A = base_price + (random AND mask) JSR TT152 ; Call TT152 to print the item's unit ("t", "kg" or ; "g"), padded to a width of two characters JSR var ; Call var to set QQ19+3 = economy * |economic_factor| ; (and set the availability of alien items to 0) LDA QQ19+1 ; Fetch the byte #1 that we stored above and jump to BMI TT155 ; TT155 if it is negative (i.e. if the economic_factor ; is negative) LDA QQ24 ; Set A = QQ24 + QQ19+3 ADC QQ19+3 ; ; = base_price + (random AND mask) ; + (economy * |economic_factor|) ; ; which is the result we want, as the economic_factor ; is positive JMP TT156 ; Jump to TT156 to multiply the result by 4 .TT155 LDA QQ24 ; Set A = QQ24 - QQ19+3 SEC ; SBC QQ19+3 ; = base_price + (random AND mask) ; - (economy * |economic_factor|) ; ; which is the result we want, as economic_factor ; is negative .TT156 STA QQ24 ; Store the result in QQ24 and P STA P LDA #0 ; Set A = 0 and call GC2 to calculate (Y X) = (A P) * 4, JSR GC2 ; which is the same as (Y X) = P * 4 because A = 0 SEC ; We now have our final price, * 10, so we can call pr5 JSR pr5 ; to print (Y X) to 5 digits, including a decimal ; point, as the C flag is set LDY QQ19+4 ; We now move on to availability, so fetch the market ; item number that we stored in QQ19+4 at the start LDA #5 ; Set A to 5 so we can print the availability to 5 ; digits (right-padded with spaces) LDX AVL,Y ; Set X to the item's availability, which is given in ; the AVL table STX QQ25 ; Store the availability in QQ25 CLC ; Clear the C flag BEQ TT172 ; If none are available, jump to TT172 to print a tab ; and a "-" JSR pr2+2 ; Otherwise print the 8-bit number in X to 5 digits, ; right-aligned with spaces. This works because we set ; A to 5 above, and we jump into the pr2 routine just ; after the first instruction, which would normally ; set the number of digits to 3 JMP TT152 ; Print the unit ("t", "kg" or "g") for the market item, ; with a following space if required to make it two ; characters long, and return from the subroutine using ; a tail call .TT172 LDA #25 ; Set A = 25 to denote column 25 IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK STA XC ; Move the text cursor to column 25 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK JSR DOXC ; Move the text cursor to column 25 ENDIF LDA #'-' ; Print a "-" character by jumping to TT162+2, which BNE TT162+2 ; contains JMP TT27 (this BNE is effectively a JMP as A ; will never be zero), and return from the subroutine ; using a tail call
Name: TT152 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Print the unit ("t", "kg" or "g") for a market item
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT151 calls TT152 * TT210 calls TT152 * TT219 calls TT152

Print the unit ("t", "kg" or "g") for the market item whose byte #1 from the market prices table is in QQ19+1, right-padded with spaces to a width of two characters (so that's "t ", "kg" or "g ").
.TT152 LDA QQ19+1 ; Fetch the economic_factor from QQ19+1 AND #96 ; If bits 5 and 6 are both clear, jump to TT160 to BEQ TT160 ; print "t" for tonne, followed by a space, and return ; from the subroutine using a tail call CMP #32 ; If bit 5 is set, jump to TT161 to print "kg" for BEQ TT161 ; kilograms, and return from the subroutine using a tail ; call JSR TT16a ; Otherwise call TT16a to print "g" for grams, and fall ; through into TT162 to print a space and return from ; the subroutine
Name: TT162 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print a space
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * dn calls TT162 * EQSHP calls TT162 * spc calls TT162 * TT160 calls TT162 * TT219 calls TT162 * TT25 calls TT162 * TTX66 calls TT162 * TT151 calls via TT162+2 * TT163 calls via TT162+2

Other entry points: TT162+2 Jump to TT27 to print the text token in A
.TT162 LDA #' ' ; Load a space character into A JMP TT27 ; Print the text token in A and return from the ; subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT160 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Print "t" (for tonne) and a space
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT152 calls TT160
.TT160 LDA #'t' ; Load a "t" character into A JSR TT26 ; Print the character, using TT216 so that it doesn't ; change the character case BCC TT162 ; Jump to TT162 to print a space and return from the ; subroutine using a tail call (this BCC is effectively ; a JMP as the C flag is cleared by TT26)
Name: TT161 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Print "kg" (for kilograms)
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT152 calls TT161
.TT161 LDA #'k' ; Load a "k" character into A JSR TT26 ; Print the character, using TT216 so that it doesn't ; change the character case, and fall through into ; TT16a to print a "g" character
Name: TT16a [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Print "g" (for grams)
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT152 calls TT16a
.TT16a LDA #'g' ; Load a "g" character into A JMP TT26 ; Print the character, using TT216 so that it doesn't ; change the character case, and return from the ; subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT163 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Print the headers for the table of market prices
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT167 calls TT163 * TT219 calls TT163

Print the column headers for the prices table in the Buy Cargo and Market Price screens.
.TT163 LDA #17 ; Set A = 17 to denote column 17 IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK STA XC ; Move the text cursor in XC to column 17 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK JSR DOXC ; Move the text cursor in XC to column 17 ENDIF LDA #255 ; Print recursive token 95 token ("UNIT QUANTITY BNE TT162+2 ; {crlf} PRODUCT UNIT PRICE FOR SALE{crlf}{lf}") by ; jumping to TT162+2, which contains JMP TT27 (this BNE ; is effectively a JMP as A will never be zero), and ; return from the subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT167 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Show the Market Price screen
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls TT167
.TT167 LDA #16 ; Clear the screen and set up a trading screen with a JSR TRADEMODE ; view type in QQ11 of 32 (Market Price screen) LDA #5 ; Move the text cursor to column 5 STA XC LDA #167 ; Print recursive token 7 ("{current system name} MARKET JSR NLIN3 ; PRICES") and draw a horizontal line at pixel row 19 ; to box in the title LDA #3 ; Move the text cursor to row 3 STA YC JSR TT163 ; Print the column headers for the prices table LDA #6 ; Move the text cursor to row 6 STA YC LDA #0 ; We're going to loop through all the available market STA QQ29 ; items, so we set up a counter in QQ29 to denote the ; current item and start it at 0 .TT168 LDX #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of QQ17 to switch to Sentence Case, with the STX QQ17 ; next letter in capitals JSR TT151 ; Call TT151 to print the item name, market price and ; availability of the current item, and set QQ24 to the ; item's price / 4, QQ25 to the quantity available and ; QQ19+1 to byte #1 from the market prices table for ; this item INC YC ; Move the text cursor down one row INC QQ29 ; Increment QQ29 to point to the next item LDA QQ29 ; If QQ29 >= 17 then jump to TT168 as we have done the CMP #17 ; last item BCC TT168 RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: var [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Calculate QQ19+3 = economy * |economic_factor|
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * GVL calls var * TT151 calls var

Set QQ19+3 = economy * |economic_factor|, given byte #1 of the market prices table for an item. Also sets the availability of alien items to 0. This routine forms part of the calculations for market item prices (TT151) and availability (GVL).
Arguments: QQ19+1 Byte #1 of the market prices table for this market item (which contains the economic_factor in bits 0-5, and the sign of the economic_factor in bit 7)
.var LDA QQ19+1 ; Extract bits 0-5 from QQ19+1 into A, to get the AND #31 ; economic_factor without its sign, in other words: ; ; A = |economic_factor| LDY QQ28 ; Set Y to the economy byte of the current system STA QQ19+2 ; Store A in QQ19+2 CLC ; Clear the C flag so we can do additions below LDA #0 ; Set AVL+16 (availability of alien items) to 0, STA AVL+16 ; setting A to 0 in the process .TT153 ; We now do the multiplication by doing a series of ; additions in a loop, building the result in A. Each ; loop adds QQ19+2 (|economic_factor|) to A, and it ; loops the number of times given by the economy byte; ; in other words, because A starts at 0, this sets: ; ; A = economy * |economic_factor| DEY ; Decrement the economy in Y, exiting the loop when it BMI TT154 ; becomes negative ADC QQ19+2 ; Add QQ19+2 to A JMP TT153 ; Loop back to TT153 to do another addition .TT154 STA QQ19+3 ; Store the result in QQ19+3 RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: hyp1 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Process a jump to the system closest to (QQ9, QQ10)
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT18 calls via hyp1+3

Do a hyperspace jump to the system closest to galactic coordinates (QQ9, QQ10), and set up the current system's state to those of the new system.
Returns: (QQ0, QQ1) The galactic coordinates of the new system QQ2 to QQ2+6 The seeds of the new system EV Set to 0 QQ28 The new system's economy tek The new system's tech level gov The new system's government
Other entry points: hyp1+3 Jump straight to the system at (QQ9, QQ10) without first calculating which system is closest. We do this if we already know that (QQ9, QQ10) points to a system
.hyp1 JSR TT111 ; Select the system closest to galactic coordinates ; (QQ9, QQ10) JSR jmp ; Set the current system to the selected system LDX #5 ; We now want to copy the seeds for the selected system ; in QQ15 into QQ2, where we store the seeds for the ; current system, so set up a counter in X for copying ; 6 bytes (for three 16-bit seeds) .TT112 LDA safehouse,X ; Copy the X-th byte in safehouse to the X-th byte in STA QQ2,X ; QQ2 DEX ; Decrement the counter BPL TT112 ; Loop back to TT112 if we still have more bytes to ; copy INX ; Set X = 0 (as we ended the above loop with X = $FF) STX EV ; Set EV, the extra vessels spawning counter, to 0, as ; we are entering a new system with no extra vessels ; spawned LDA QQ3 ; Set the current system's economy in QQ28 to the STA QQ28 ; selected system's economy from QQ3 LDA QQ5 ; Set the current system's tech level in tek to the STA tek ; selected system's economy from QQ5 LDA QQ4 ; Set the current system's government in gov to the STA gov ; selected system's government from QQ4
Name: GVL [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Calculate the availability of market items Deep dive: Market item prices and availability Galaxy and system seeds
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

Calculate the availability for each market item and store it in AVL. This is called on arrival in a new system.
Other entry points: hyR Contains an RTS
.GVL JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers STA QQ26 ; Set QQ26 to the random byte that's used in the market ; calculations LDX #0 ; We are now going to loop through the market item STX XX4 ; availability table in AVL, so set a counter in XX4 ; (and X) for the market item number, starting with 0 .hy9 LDA QQ23+1,X ; Fetch byte #1 from the market prices table (units and STA QQ19+1 ; economic_factor) for item number X and store it in ; QQ19+1 JSR var ; Call var to set QQ19+3 = economy * |economic_factor| ; (and set the availability of alien items to 0) LDA QQ23+3,X ; Fetch byte #3 from the market prices table (mask) and AND QQ26 ; AND with the random number for this system visit ; to give: ; ; A = random AND mask CLC ; Add byte #2 from the market prices table ADC QQ23+2,X ; (base_quantity) so we now have: ; ; A = base_quantity + (random AND mask) LDY QQ19+1 ; Fetch the byte #1 that we stored above and jump to BMI TT157 ; TT157 if it is negative (i.e. if the economic_factor ; is negative) SEC ; Set A = A - QQ19+3 SBC QQ19+3 ; ; = base_quantity + (random AND mask) ; - (economy * |economic_factor|) ; ; which is the result we want, as the economic_factor ; is positive JMP TT158 ; Jump to TT158 to skip TT157 .TT157 CLC ; Set A = A + QQ19+3 ADC QQ19+3 ; ; = base_quantity + (random AND mask) ; + (economy * |economic_factor|) ; ; which is the result we want, as the economic_factor ; is negative .TT158 BPL TT159 ; If A < 0, then set A = 0, so we don't have negative LDA #0 ; availability .TT159 LDY XX4 ; Fetch the counter (the market item number) into Y AND #%00111111 ; Take bits 0-5 of A, i.e. A mod 64, and store this as STA AVL,Y ; this item's availability in the Y=th byte of AVL, so ; each item has a maximum availability of 63t INY ; Increment the counter into XX44, Y and A TYA STA XX4 ASL A ; Set X = counter * 4, so that X points to the next ASL A ; item's entry in the four-byte market prices table, TAX ; ready for the next loop CMP #63 ; If A < 63, jump back up to hy9 to set the availability BCC hy9 ; for the next market item .hyR RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: GTHG [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Spawn a Thargoid ship and a Thargon companion Deep dive: Fixing ship positions
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main game loop (Part 4 of 6) calls GTHG * MJP calls GTHG
.GTHG JSR Ze ; Call Ze to initialise INWK ; ; Note that because Ze uses the value of X returned by ; DORND, and X contains the value of A returned by the ; previous call to DORND, this does not set the new ship ; to a totally random location LDA #%11111111 ; Set the AI flag in byte #32 so that the ship has AI, STA INWK+32 ; is extremely and aggressively hostile, and has E.C.M. LDA #THG ; Call NWSHP to add a new Thargoid ship to our local JSR NWSHP ; bubble of universe LDA #TGL ; Call NWSHP to add a new Thargon ship to our local JMP NWSHP ; bubble of universe, and return from the subroutine ; using a tail call
Name: MJP [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Process a mis-jump into witchspace
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT18 calls MJP * TT18 calls via ptg * TT18 calls via RTS111

Process a mis-jump into witchspace (which happens very rarely). Witchspace has a strange, almost dust-free aspect to it, and it is populated by hostile Thargoids. Using our escape pod will be fatal, and our position on the galactic chart is in-between systems. It is a scary place... There is a 0.78% chance that this routine is called from TT18 instead of doing a normal hyperspace, or we can manually trigger a mis-jump by holding down TAB after first enabling the "author display" configuration option ("X") when paused.
Other entry points: ptg Called when the user manually forces a mis-jump RTS111 Contains an RTS
.ptg LSR COK ; Set bit 0 of the competition flags in COK, so that the SEC ; competition code will include the fact that we have ROL COK ; manually forced a mis-jump into witchspace .MJP ;JSR CATLOD ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source LDA #3 ; Clear the top part of the screen, draw a border box, JSR TT66 ; and set the current view type in QQ11 to 3 JSR LL164 ; Call LL164 to show the hyperspace tunnel and make the ; hyperspace sound for a second time (as we already ; called LL164 in TT18) JSR RES2 ; Reset a number of flight variables and workspaces, as ; well as setting Y to $FF STY MJ ; Set the mis-jump flag in MJ to $FF, to indicate that ; we are now in witchspace .MJP1 JSR GTHG ; Call GTHG to spawn a Thargoid ship and a Thargon ; companion IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK OR _SOURCE_DISK_BUILD OR _SOURCE_DISK_ELT_FILES LDA #2 ; Fetch the number of Thargoid ships from MANY+THG, and CMP MANY+THG ; if it is less than or equal to 2, loop back to MJP1 to BCS MJP1 ; spawn another one, until we have three Thargoids ELIF _SOURCE_DISK_CODE_FILES LDA #3 ; Fetch the number of Thargoid ships from MANY+THG, and CMP MANY+THG ; if it is greater than 3, loop back to MJP1 to spawn BCC MJP1 ; another one ; ; As we have only spawned one Thargoid by this point, ; this effectively limits the number of Thargoids in ; witchspace to just one, so perhaps this is the remains ; of a test that was reverted for the released game, ; as all the other variants spawn three Thargoids in ; witchspace ENDIF STA NOSTM ; Set NOSTM (the maximum number of stardust particles) ; to 3, so there are fewer bits of stardust in ; witchspace (normal space has a maximum of 18) LDX #0 ; Initialise the front space view JSR LOOK1 LDA QQ1 ; Fetch the current system's galactic y-coordinate in EOR #%00011111 ; QQ1 and flip bits 0-5, so we end up somewhere in the STA QQ1 ; vicinity of our original destination, but above or ; below it in the galactic chart RTS ; Return from the subroutine .RTS111 RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: TT18 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Try to initiate a jump into hyperspace
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls TT18

Try to go through hyperspace. Called from TT102 in the main loop when the hyperspace countdown has finished.
.TT18 LDA QQ14 ; Subtract the distance to the selected system (in QQ8) SEC ; from the amount of fuel in our tank (in QQ14) into A SBC QQ8 BCS P%+4 ; If the subtraction didn't overflow, skip the next ; instruction LDA #0 ; The subtraction overflowed, so set A = 0 so we don't ; end up with a negative amount of fuel STA QQ14 ; Store the updated fuel amount in QQ14 LDA QQ11 ; If the current view is not a space view, jump to ee5 BNE ee5 ; to skip the following JSR TT66 ; Clear the top part of the screen, draw a border box, ; and set the current view type in QQ11 to 0 (space ; view) JSR LL164 ; Call LL164 to show the hyperspace tunnel and make the ; hyperspace sound .ee5 JSR RDKEY ; Scan the keyboard for a key press and return the ASCII ; code of the key pressed in A and X (or 0 for no key ; press) CMP #9 ; If TAB is not being pressed, jump to nopatg to skip BNE nopatg ; the following LDA PATG ; If the game is configured to show the author's names ; on the start-up screen, then PATG will contain $FF, ; otherwise it will be 0 BMI ptg ; We only get here if we are holding down TAB, so this ; checks to see whether author names are configured, and ; if they are, then we have what we need to trigger a ; manual mis-jump, so jump to ptg to do a mis-jump (ptg ; not only mis-jumps, but updates the competition flags, ; so Firebird could tell from the competition code ; whether this feature had been used) .nopatg JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers CMP #253 ; If A >= 253 (0.78% chance) then jump to MJP to trigger BCS MJP ; a mis-jump into witchspace ;JSR TT111 ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source. It finds the closest system to coordinates ; (QQ9, QQ10), but we don't need to do this as the ; crosshairs will already be on a system by this point JSR hyp1+3 ; Jump straight to the system at (QQ9, QQ10) without ; first calculating which system is closest JSR RES2 ; Reset a number of flight variables and workspaces JSR SOLAR ; Halve our legal status, update the missile indicators, ; and set up data blocks and slots for the planet and ; sun ;JSR CATLOD ; These instructions are commented out in the original ; ; source ;JSR LOMOD LDA QQ11 ; If the current view in QQ11 is not a space view (0) or AND #%00111111 ; one of the charts (64 or 128), return from the BNE RTS111 ; subroutine (as RTS111 contains an RTS) JSR TTX66 ; Otherwise clear the screen and draw a border box LDA QQ11 ; If the current view is one of the charts, jump to BNE TT114 ; TT114 (from which we jump to the correct routine to ; display the chart) INC QQ11 ; This is a space view, so increment QQ11 to 1 ; Fall through into TT110 to show the front space view
Name: TT110 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Launch from a station or show the front space view
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Ghy calls TT110 * TT102 calls TT110

Launch the ship (if we are docked), or show the front space view (if we are already in space). Called when the launch button is pressed while docked, after we arrive in a new galaxy, or after a hyperspace if the current view is a space view.
.TT110 LDX QQ12 ; If we are not docked (QQ12 = 0) then jump to NLUNCH BEQ NLUNCH ; to skip the launch tunnel and setup process JSR LAUN ; Show the space station launch tunnel JSR RES2 ; Reset a number of flight variables and workspaces JSR TT111 ; Select the system closest to galactic coordinates ; (QQ9, QQ10) INC INWK+8 ; Increment z_sign ready for the call to SOS, so the ; planet appears at a z_sign of 1 in front of us when ; we launch JSR SOS1 ; Call SOS1 to set up the planet's data block and add it ; to FRIN, where it will get put in the first slot as ; it's the first one to be added to our local bubble of ; universe following the call to RES2 above LDA #128 ; For the space station, set z_sign to $80, so it's STA INWK+8 ; behind us ($80 is negative) INC INWK+7 ; And increment z_hi, so it's only just behind us JSR NWSPS ; Add a new space station to our local bubble of ; universe LDA #12 ; Set our launch speed in DELTA to 12 STA DELTA JSR BAD ; Call BAD to work out how much illegal contraband we ; are carrying in our hold (A is up to 40 for a ; standard hold crammed with contraband, up to 70 for ; an extended cargo hold full of narcotics and slaves) ORA FIST ; OR the value in A with our legal status in FIST to ; get a new value that is at least as high as both ; values, to reflect the fact that launching with a ; hold full of contraband can only make matters worse STA FIST ; Update our legal status with the new value LDA #255 ; Set the view type in QQ11 to 255 STA QQ11 JSR HFS1 ; Call HFS1 to draw 8 concentric rings to remove the ; launch tunnel that we drew above .NLUNCH LDX #0 ; Set QQ12 to 0 to indicate we are not docked STX QQ12 JMP LOOK1 ; Jump to LOOK1 to switch to the front view (X = 0), ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call
Name: TT114 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Charts Summary: Display either the Long-range or Short-range Chart
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT18 calls TT114

Display either the Long-range or Short-range Chart, depending on the current view setting. Called from TT18 once we know the current view is one of the charts.
Arguments: A The current view, loaded from QQ11
.TT114 BMI TT115 ; If bit 7 of the current view is set (i.e. the view is ; the Short-range Chart, 128), skip to TT115 below to ; jump to TT23 to display the chart JMP TT22 ; Otherwise the current view is the Long-range Chart, so ; jump to TT22 to display it .TT115 JMP TT23 ; Jump to TT23 to display the Short-range Chart
Name: LCASH [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Arithmetic) Summary: Subtract an amount of cash from the cash pot
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * eq calls LCASH * TT219 calls LCASH

Subtract (Y X) cash from the cash pot in CASH, but only if there is enough cash in the pot. As CASH is a four-byte number, this calculates: CASH(0 1 2 3) = CASH(0 1 2 3) - (0 0 Y X)
Returns: C flag If set, there was enough cash to do the subtraction If clear, there was not enough cash to do the subtraction
.LCASH STX T1 ; Subtract the least significant bytes: LDA CASH+3 ; SEC ; CASH+3 = CASH+3 - X SBC T1 STA CASH+3 STY T1 ; Then the second most significant bytes: LDA CASH+2 ; SBC T1 ; CASH+2 = CASH+2 - Y STA CASH+2 LDA CASH+1 ; Then the third most significant bytes (which are 0): SBC #0 ; STA CASH+1 ; CASH+1 = CASH+1 - 0 LDA CASH ; And finally the most significant bytes (which are 0): SBC #0 ; STA CASH ; CASH = CASH - 0 BCS TT113 ; If the C flag is set then the subtraction didn't ; underflow, so the value in CASH is correct and we can ; jump to TT113 to return from the subroutine with the ; C flag set to indicate success (as TT113 contains an ; RTS) ; Otherwise we didn't have enough cash in CASH to ; subtract (Y X) from it, so fall through into ; MCASH to reverse the sum and restore the original ; value in CASH, and returning with the C flag clear
Name: MCASH [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Arithmetic) Summary: Add an amount of cash to the cash pot
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DEBRIEF calls MCASH * EQSHP calls MCASH * Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) calls MCASH * refund calls MCASH * TT210 calls MCASH * LCASH calls via TT113

Add (Y X) cash to the cash pot in CASH. As CASH is a four-byte number, this calculates: CASH(0 1 2 3) = CASH(0 1 2 3) + (Y X)
Other entry points: TT113 Contains an RTS
.MCASH TXA ; Add the least significant bytes: CLC ; ADC CASH+3 ; CASH+3 = CASH+3 + X STA CASH+3 TYA ; Then the second most significant bytes: ADC CASH+2 ; STA CASH+2 ; CASH+2 = CASH+2 + Y LDA CASH+1 ; Then the third most significant bytes (which are 0): ADC #0 ; STA CASH+1 ; CASH+1 = CASH+1 + 0 LDA CASH ; And finally the most significant bytes (which are 0): ADC #0 ; STA CASH ; CASH = CASH + 0 CLC ; Clear the C flag, so if the above was done following ; a failed LCASH call, the C flag correctly indicates ; failure .TT113 RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: GCASH [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Arithmetic) Summary: Calculate (Y X) = P * Q * 4
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT210 calls GCASH * TT219 calls GCASH

Calculate the following multiplication of unsigned 8-bit numbers: (Y X) = P * Q * 4
.GCASH JSR MULTU ; Call MULTU to calculate (A P) = P * Q
Name: GC2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Arithmetic) Summary: Calculate (Y X) = (A P) * 4
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT151 calls GC2

Calculate the following multiplication of unsigned 16-bit numbers: (Y X) = (A P) * 4
.GC2 ASL P ; Set (A P) = (A P) * 4 ROL A ASL P ROL A TAY ; Set (Y X) = (A P) LDX P RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: EQSHP [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Equipment Summary: Show the Equip Ship screen
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT102 calls EQSHP * eq calls via err

Other entry points: err Beep, pause and go to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen) pres Given an item number A with the item name in recursive token Y, show an error to say that the item is already present, refund the cost of the item, and then beep and exit to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen)
.bay JMP BAY ; Go to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode ; screen) .EQSHP LDA #32 ; Clear the screen and set up a trading screen with a JSR TRADEMODE ; view type in QQ11 of 32 (Equip Ship screen) LDA #12 ; Set A = 12 to denote column 12 IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK STA XC ; Move the text cursor to column 12 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK JSR DOXC ; Move the text cursor to column 12 ENDIF LDA #207 ; Print recursive token 47 ("EQUIP") followed by a space JSR spc LDA #185 ; Print recursive token 25 ("SHIP") and draw a JSR NLIN3 ; horizontal line at pixel row 19 to box in the title LDA #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of QQ17 to switch to Sentence Case, with the STA QQ17 ; next letter in capitals JSR INCYC ; Move the text cursor down one line LDA tek ; Fetch the tech level of the current system from tek CLC ; and add 3 (the tech level is stored as 0-14, so A is ADC #3 ; now set to between 3 and 17) CMP #12 ; If A >= 12 then set A = 14, so A is now set to between BCC P%+4 ; 3 and 14 LDA #14 STA Q ; Set QQ25 = A (so QQ25 is in the range 3-14 and STA QQ25 ; represents number of the most advanced item available INC Q ; in this system, which we can pass to gnum below when ; asking which item we want to buy) ; ; Set Q = A + 1 (so Q is in the range 4-15 and contains ; QQ25 + 1, i.e. the highest item number on sale + 1) LDA #70 ; Set A = 70 - QQ14, where QQ14 contains the current SEC ; fuel in light years * 10, so this leaves the amount SBC QQ14 ; of fuel we need to fill 'er up (in light years * 10) ASL A ; The price of fuel is always 2 Cr per light year, so we STA PRXS ; double A and store it in PRXS, as the first price in ; the price list (which is reserved for fuel), and ; because the table contains prices as price * 10, it's ; in the right format (so tank containing 7.0 light ; years of fuel would be 14.0 Cr, or a PRXS value of ; 140) LDX #1 ; We are now going to work our way through the equipment ; price list at PRXS, printing out the equipment that is ; available at this station, so set a counter in X, ; starting at 1, to hold the number of the current item ; plus 1 (so the item number in X loops through 1-13) .EQL1 STX XX13 ; Store the current item number + 1 in XX13 JSR TT67 ; Print a newline LDX XX13 ; Print the current item number + 1 to 3 digits, left- CLC ; padding with spaces, and with no decimal point, so the JSR pr2 ; items are numbered from 1 JSR TT162 ; Print a space LDA XX13 ; Print recursive token 104 + XX13, which will be in the CLC ; range 105 ("FUEL") to 116 ("GALACTIC HYPERSPACE ") ADC #104 ; so this prints the current item's name JSR TT27 LDA XX13 ; Call prx-3 to set (Y X) to the price of the item with JSR prx-3 ; number XX13 - 1 (as XX13 contains the item number + 1) SEC ; Set the C flag so we will print a decimal point when ; we print the price LDA #25 ; Set A = 25 to denote column 25 IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK STA XC ; Move the text cursor to column 25 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK JSR DOXC ; Move the text cursor to column 25 ENDIF LDA #6 ; Print the number in (Y X) to 6 digits, left-padding JSR TT11 ; with spaces and including a decimal point, which will ; be the correct price for this item as (Y X) contains ; the price * 10, so the trailing zero will go after the ; decimal point (i.e. 5250 will be printed as 525.0) LDX XX13 ; Increment the current item number in XX13 INX CPX Q ; If X < Q, loop back up to print the next item on the BCC EQL1 ; list of equipment available at this station JSR CLYNS ; Clear two text rows at the bottom of the screen, and ; move the text cursor to the first cleared row LDA #127 ; Print recursive token 127 ("ITEM") followed by a JSR prq ; question mark JSR gnum ; Call gnum to get a number from the keyboard, which ; will be the number of the item we want to purchase, ; returning the number entered in A and R, and setting ; the C flag if the number is bigger than the highest ; item number in QQ25 BEQ bay ; If no number was entered, jump up to bay to go to the ; docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen) BCS bay ; If the number entered was too big, jump up to bay to ; go to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode ; screen) SBC #0 ; Set A to the number entered - 1 (because the C flag is ; clear), which will be the actual item number we want ; to buy PHA ; Store A on the stack so we can restore it after the ; following call to DOXC LDA #2 ; Set A = 2 to denote column 2 IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK STA XC ; Move the text cursor to column 2 INC YC ; Move the text cursor down one line ELIF _SOURCE_DISK JSR DOXC ; Move the text cursor to column 2 JSR INCYC ; Move the text cursor down one line ENDIF PLA ; Restore A from the stack PHA ; While preserving the value in A, call eq to subtract JSR eq ; the price of the item we want to buy (which is in A) PLA ; from our cash pot, but only if we have enough cash in ; the pot. If we don't have enough cash, exit to the ; docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen) BNE et0 ; If A is not 0 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not ; fuel), skip to et0 LDX #70 ; Set the current fuel level * 10 in QQ14 to 70, or 7.0 STX QQ14 ; light years (a full tank) .et0 CMP #1 ; If A is not 1 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et1 ; a missile), skip to et1 LDX NOMSL ; Fetch the current number of missiles from NOMSL into X INX ; Increment X to the new number of missiles LDY #124 ; Set Y to recursive token 124 ("ALL") CPX #5 ; If buying this missile would give us 5 missiles, this BCS pres ; is more than the maximum of 4 missiles that we can ; fit, so jump to pres to show the error "All Present", ; beep and exit to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status ; Mode screen) STX NOMSL ; Otherwise update the number of missiles in NOMSL JSR msblob ; Reset the dashboard's missile indicators so none of ; them are targeted LDA #1 ; Set A to 1 as the call to msblob will have overwritten ; the original value, and we still need it set ; correctly so we can continue through the conditional ; statements for all the other equipment .et1 LDY #107 ; Set Y to recursive token 107 ("LARGE CARGO{sentence ; case} BAY") CMP #2 ; If A is not 2 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et2 ; a large cargo bay), skip to et2 LDX #37 ; If our current cargo capacity in CRGO is 37, then we CPX CRGO ; already have a large cargo bay fitted, so jump to pres BEQ pres ; to show the error "Large Cargo Bay Present", beep and ; exit to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode ; screen) STX CRGO ; Otherwise we just scored ourselves a large cargo bay, ; so update our current cargo capacity in CRGO to 37 .et2 CMP #3 ; If A is not 3 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et3 ; an E.C.M. system), skip to et3 INY ; Increment Y to recursive token 108 ("E.C.M.SYSTEM") LDX ECM ; If we already have an E.C.M. fitted (i.e. ECM is BNE pres ; non-zero), jump to pres to show the error "E.C.M. ; System Present", beep and exit to the docking bay ; (i.e. show the Status Mode screen) DEC ECM ; Otherwise we just took delivery of a brand new E.C.M. ; system, so set ECM to $FF (as ECM was 0 before the DEC ; instruction) .et3 CMP #4 ; If A is not 4 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et4 ; an extra pulse laser), skip to et4 JSR qv ; Print a menu listing the four views, with a "View ?" ; prompt, and ask for a view number, which is returned ; in X (which now contains 0-3) LDA #POW ; Call refund with A set to the power of the new pulse JSR refund ; laser to install the new laser and process a refund if ; we already have a laser fitted to this view LDA #4 ; Set A to 4 as we just overwrote the original value, ; and we still need it set correctly so we can continue ; through the conditional statements for all the other ; equipment .et4 CMP #5 ; If A is not 5 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et5 ; an extra beam laser), skip to et5 JSR qv ; Print a menu listing the four views, with a "View ?" ; prompt, and ask for a view number, which is returned ; in X (which now contains 0-3) LDA #POW+128 ; Call refund with A set to the power of the new beam JSR refund ; laser to install the new laser and process a refund if ; we already have a laser fitted to this view .et5 LDY #111 ; Set Y to recursive token 107 ("FUEL SCOOPS") CMP #6 ; If A is not 6 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et6 ; a fuel scoop), skip to et6 LDX BST ; If we already have fuel scoops fitted (i.e. BST is BEQ ed9 ; zero), jump to ed9, otherwise fall through into pres ; to show the error "Fuel Scoops Present", beep and ; exit to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode ; screen) .pres ; If we get here we need to show an error to say that ; the item whose name is in recursive token Y is already ; present, and then process a refund for the cost of ; item number A STY K ; Store the item's name in K JSR prx ; Call prx to set (Y X) to the price of equipment item ; number A JSR MCASH ; Add (Y X) cash to the cash pot in CASH, as the station ; already took the money for this item in the JSR eq ; instruction above, but we can't fit the item, so need ; our money back LDA K ; Print the recursive token in K (the item's name) JSR spc ; followed by a space LDA #31 ; Print recursive token 145 ("PRESENT") JSR TT27 .err JSR dn2 ; Call dn2 to make a short, high beep and delay for 1 ; second JMP BAY ; Jump to BAY to go to the docking bay (i.e. show the ; Status Mode screen) .ed9 DEC BST ; We just bought a shiny new fuel scoop, so set BST to ; $FF (as BST was 0 before the jump to ed9 above) .et6 INY ; Increment Y to recursive token 112 ("E.C.M.SYSTEM") CMP #7 ; If A is not 7 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et7 ; an escape pod), skip to et7 LDX ESCP ; If we already have an escape pod fitted (i.e. ESCP is BNE pres ; non-zero), jump to pres to show the error "Escape Pod ; Present", beep and exit to the docking bay (i.e. show ; the Status Mode screen) DEC ESCP ; Otherwise we just bought an escape pod, so set ESCP ; to $FF (as ESCP was 0 before the DEC instruction) .et7 INY ; Increment Y to recursive token 113 ("ENERGY BOMB") CMP #8 ; If A is not 8 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et8 ; an energy bomb), skip to et8 LDX BOMB ; If we already have an energy bomb fitted (i.e. BOMB BNE pres ; is non-zero), jump to pres to show the error "Energy ; Bomb Present", beep and exit to the docking bay (i.e. ; show the Status Mode screen) LDX #$7F ; Otherwise we just bought an energy bomb, so set BOMB STX BOMB ; to $7F .et8 INY ; Increment Y to recursive token 114 ("ENERGY UNIT") CMP #9 ; If A is not 9 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE etA ; an energy unit), skip to etA LDX ENGY ; If we already have an energy unit fitted (i.e. ENGY is BNE pres ; non-zero), jump to pres to show the error "Energy Unit ; Present", beep and exit to the docking bay (i.e. show ; the Status Mode screen) INC ENGY ; Otherwise we just picked up an energy unit, so set ; ENGY to 1 (as ENGY was 0 before the INC instruction) .etA INY ; Increment Y to recursive token 115 ("DOCKING ; COMPUTERS") CMP #10 ; If A is not 10 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE etB ; a docking computer), skip to etB LDX DKCMP ; If we already have a docking computer fitted (i.e. BNE pres ; DKCMP is non-zero), jump to pres to show the error ; "Docking Computer Present", beep and exit to the ; docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen) DEC DKCMP ; Otherwise we just got hold of a docking computer, so ; set DKCMP to $FF (as DKCMP was 0 before the DEC ; instruction) .etB INY ; Increment Y to recursive token 116 ("GALACTIC ; HYPERSPACE ") CMP #11 ; If A is not 11 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et9 ; a galactic hyperdrive), skip to et9 LDX GHYP ; If we already have a galactic hyperdrive fitted (i.e. BNE pres ; GHYP is non-zero), jump to pres to show the error ; "Galactic Hyperspace Present", beep and exit to the ; docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen) DEC GHYP ; Otherwise we just splashed out on a galactic ; hyperdrive, so set GHYP to $FF (as GHYP was 0 before ; the DEC instruction) .et9 INY ; Increment Y to recursive token 117 ("MILITARY LASER") CMP #12 ; If A is not 12 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et10 ; a military laser), skip to et10 JSR qv ; Print a menu listing the four views, with a "View ?" ; prompt, and ask for a view number, which is returned ; in X (which now contains 0-3) LDA #Armlas ; Call refund with A set to the power of the new JSR refund ; military laser to install the new laser and process a ; refund if we already have a laser fitted to this view .et10 INY ; Increment Y to recursive token 118 ("MINING LASER") CMP #13 ; If A is not 13 (i.e. the item we've just bought is not BNE et11 ; a mining laser), skip to et11 JSR qv ; Print a menu listing the four views, with a "View ?" ; prompt, and ask for a view number, which is returned ; in X (which now contains 0-3) LDA #Mlas ; Call refund with A set to the power of the new mining JSR refund ; laser to install the new laser and process a refund if ; we already have a laser fitted to this view .et11 JSR dn ; We are done buying equipment, so print the amount of ; cash left in the cash pot, then make a short, high ; beep to confirm the purchase, and delay for 1 second JMP EQSHP ; Jump back up to EQSHP to show the Equip Ship screen ; again and see if we can't track down another bargain
Name: dn [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Market Summary: Print the amount of money we have left in the cash pot, then make a short, high beep and delay for 1 second
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * EQSHP calls dn * TT219 calls dn
.dn JSR TT162 ; Print a space LDA #119 ; Print recursive token 119 ("CASH:{cash} CR{crlf}") JSR spc ; followed by a space ; Fall through into dn2 to make a beep and delay for ; 1 second before returning from the subroutine
Name: dn2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Make a low, long beep and delay for 0.5 seconds
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * EQSHP calls dn2 * NWDAV4 calls dn2 * TT210 calls dn2 * TT219 calls dn2
.dn2 JSR BOOP ; Call the BOOP routine to make a low, long beep LDY #25 ; Wait for 25 delay loops and return from the subroutine JMP DELAY ; using a tail call
Name: eq [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Equipment Summary: Subtract the price of equipment from the cash pot
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * EQSHP calls eq

If we have enough cash, subtract the price of a specified piece of equipment from our cash pot and return from the subroutine. If we don't have enough cash, exit to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen).
Arguments: A The item number of the piece of equipment (0-11) as shown in the table at PRXS
.eq JSR prx ; Call prx to set (Y X) to the price of equipment item ; number A JSR LCASH ; Subtract (Y X) cash from the cash pot, but only if ; we have enough cash BCS c ; If the C flag is set then we did have enough cash for ; the transaction, so jump to c to return from the ; subroutine (as c contains an RTS) LDA #197 ; Otherwise we don't have enough cash to buy this piece JSR prq ; of equipment, so print recursive token 37 ("CASH") ; followed by a question mark JMP err ; Jump to err to beep, pause and go to the docking bay ; (i.e. show the Status Mode screen)
Name: prx [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Equipment Summary: Return the price of a piece of equipment
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * eq calls prx * EQSHP calls prx * refund calls prx * EQSHP calls via prx-3 * eq calls via c

This routine returns the price of equipment as listed in the table at PRXS.
Arguments: A The item number of the piece of equipment (0-13) as shown in the table at PRXS
Returns: (Y X) The item price in Cr * 10 (Y = high byte, X = low byte)
Other entry points: prx-3 Return the price of the item with number A - 1 c Contains an RTS
SEC ; Decrement A (for when this routine is called via SBC #1 ; prx-3) .prx ASL A ; Set Y = A * 2, so it can act as an index into the TAY ; PRXS table, which has two bytes per entry LDX PRXS,Y ; Fetch the low byte of the price into X LDA PRXS+1,Y ; Fetch the high byte of the price into A and transfer TAY ; it to X, so the price is now in (Y X) .c RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: qv [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Equipment Summary: Print a menu of the four space views, for buying lasers
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * EQSHP calls qv

Print a menu in the bottom-middle of the screen, at row 16, column 12, that lists the four available space views, like this: 0 Front 1 Rear 2 Left 3 Right Also print a "View ?" prompt and ask for a view number. The menu is shown when we choose to buy a new laser in the Equip Ship screen.
Returns: X The chosen view number (0-3)
.qv LDA tek ; If the current system's tech level is less than 8, CMP #8 ; skip the next two instructions, otherwise we clear the BCC P%+7 ; screen to prevent the view menu from clashing with the ; longer equipment menu available in higher tech systems LDA #32 ; Clear the screen and set the current view type in QQ11 JSR TT66 ; to 32 (Equip Ship screen) LDA #16 ; Set A = 16 to denote row 16 TAY ; Set Y to a counter going from 16 to 19 in the loop ; below IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK STA YC ; Move the text cursor to row 16 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK JSR DOYC ; Move the text cursor to row 16 ENDIF .qv1 LDA #12 ; Set A = 12 to denote column 12 IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK STA XC ; Move the text cursor to column 12 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK JSR DOXC ; Move the text cursor to column 12 ENDIF TYA ; Transfer the counter value from Y to A CLC ; Print ASCII character "0" - 16 + A, so as A goes from ADC #'0'-16 ; 16 to 19, this prints "0" through "3" followed by a JSR spc ; space LDA YC ; Print recursive text token 80 + YC, so as YC goes from CLC ; 16 to 19, this prints "FRONT", "REAR", "LEFT" and ADC #80 ; "RIGHT" JSR TT27 IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK INC YC ; Move the text cursor down a row, and increment the ; counter in YC at the same time ELIF _SOURCE_DISK JSR INCYC ; Move the text cursor down a row, and increment the ; counter in YC at the same time ENDIF LDY YC ; Update Y with the incremented counter in YC CPY #20 ; If Y < 20 then loop back up to qv1 to print the next BCC qv1 ; view in the menu JSR CLYNS ; Clear two text rows at the bottom of the screen, and ; move the text cursor to the first cleared row .qv2 LDA #175 ; Print recursive text token 15 ("VIEW ") followed by JSR prq ; a question mark JSR TT217 ; Scan the keyboard until a key is pressed, and return ; the key's ASCII code in A (and X) SEC ; Subtract ASCII "0" from the key pressed, to leave the SBC #'0' ; numeric value of the key in A (if it was a number key) CMP #4 ; If the number entered in A < 4, then it is a valid BCC qv3 ; view number, so jump down to qv3 as we are done JSR CLYNS ; Otherwise we didn't get a valid view number, so clear ; two text rows at the bottom of the screen, and ; move the text cursor to column 1 on row 21 JMP qv2 ; Jump back to qv2 to try again .qv3 TAX ; We have a valid view number, so transfer it to X RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: hm [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Charts Summary: Select the closest system and redraw the chart crosshairs
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * hyp calls hm * TT102 calls hm

Set the system closest to galactic coordinates (QQ9, QQ10) as the selected system, redraw the crosshairs on the chart accordingly (if they are being shown), and clear two text rows at the bottom of the screen.
.hm JSR TT103 ; Draw small crosshairs at coordinates (QQ9, QQ10), ; which will erase the crosshairs currently there JSR TT111 ; Select the system closest to galactic coordinates ; (QQ9, QQ10) JSR TT103 ; Draw small crosshairs at coordinates (QQ9, QQ10), ; which will draw the crosshairs at our current home ; system JMP CLYNS ; Clear two text rows at the bottom of the screen, move ; the text cursor to the cleared row, and return from ; the subroutine using a tail call
Name: refund [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Equipment Summary: Install a new laser, processing a refund if applicable
Context: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * EQSHP calls refund

Arguments: A The power of the new laser to be fitted X The view number for fitting the new laser (0-3)
Returns: A A is preserved X X is preserved
;.ref2 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ; ; source, but they would jump to pres in the EQSHP ;LDY #187 ; routine with Y = 187, which would show the error: ;JMP pres ; "LASER PRESENT" (this code was part of the refund ; ; bug in the BBC Micro disc version of Elite, which ;Belgium ; is why it is commented out) ; ; There is also a comment in the original source - the ; solitary word "Belgium" ; ; This is presumably a reference to the Hitchhiker's ; Guide to the Galaxy, which says that Belgium is the ; galaxy's most unspeakably rude word, so this no doubt ; reflects the authors' strong feelings on the refund ; bug .refund STA T1 ; Store A in T1 so we can retrieve it later LDA LASER,X ; If there is no laser in view X (i.e. the laser power BEQ ref3 ; is zero), jump to ref3 to skip the refund code ;CMP T1 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;BEQ ref2 ; source, but they would jump to ref2 above if we were ; trying to replace a laser with one of the same type ; (this code was part of the refund bug in the BBC Micro ; disc version of Elite, which is why it is commented ; out) LDY #4 ; If the current laser has power #POW (pulse laser), CMP #POW ; jump to ref1 with Y = 4 (the item number of a pulse BEQ ref1 ; laser in the table at PRXS) LDY #5 ; If the current laser has power #POW+128 (beam laser), CMP #POW+128 ; jump to ref1 with Y = 5 (the item number of a beam BEQ ref1 ; laser in the table at PRXS) LDY #12 ; If the current laser has power #Armlas (military CMP #Armlas ; laser), jump to ref1 with Y = 12 (the item number of a BEQ ref1 ; military laser in the table at PRXS) LDY #13 ; Otherwise this is a mining laser, so fall through into ; ref1 with Y = 13 (the item number of a mining laser in ; the table at PRXS) .ref1 ; We now want to refund the laser of type Y that we are ; exchanging for the new laser STX ZZ ; Store the view number in ZZ so we can retrieve it ; later TYA ; Copy the laser type to be refunded from Y to A JSR prx ; Call prx to set (Y X) to the price of equipment item ; number A JSR MCASH ; Call MCASH to add (Y X) to the cash pot LDX ZZ ; Retrieve the view number from ZZ .ref3 ; Finally, we install the new laser LDA T1 ; Retrieve the new laser's power from T1 into A STA LASER,X ; Set the laser view to the new laser's power RTS ; Return from the subroutine
Name: PRXS [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Equipment Summary: Equipment prices
Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * EQSHP uses PRXS * prx uses PRXS

Equipment prices are stored as 10 * the actual value, so we can support prices with fractions of credits (0.1 Cr). This is used for the price of fuel only.
.PRXS EQUW 1 ; 0 Fuel, calculated in EQSHP 140.0 Cr (full tank) EQUW 300 ; 1 Missile 30.0 Cr EQUW 4000 ; 2 Large Cargo Bay 400.0 Cr EQUW 6000 ; 3 E.C.M. System 600.0 Cr EQUW 4000 ; 4 Extra Pulse Lasers 400.0 Cr EQUW 10000 ; 5 Extra Beam Lasers 1000.0 Cr EQUW 5250 ; 6 Fuel Scoops 525.0 Cr EQUW 10000 ; 7 Escape Pod 1000.0 Cr EQUW 9000 ; 8 Energy Bomb 900.0 Cr EQUW 15000 ; 9 Energy Unit 1500.0 Cr EQUW 10000 ; 10 Docking Computer 1000.0 Cr EQUW 50000 ; 11 Galactic Hyperspace 5000.0 Cr EQUW 60000 ; 12 Extra Military Lasers 6000.0 Cr EQUW 8000 ; 13 Extra Mining Lasers 800.0 Cr
Save ELTD.bin
PRINT "ELITE D" PRINT "Assembled at ", ~CODE_D% PRINT "Ends at ", ~P% PRINT "Code size is ", ~(P% - CODE_D%) PRINT "Execute at ", ~LOAD% PRINT "Reload at ", ~LOAD_D% PRINT "S.ELTD ", ~CODE_D%, " ", ~P%, " ", ~LOAD%, " ", ~LOAD_D% SAVE "3-assembled-output/ELTD.bin", CODE_D%, P%, LOAD%