ORG CODE% LOAD_A% = LOAD%ELITE A FILE Produces the binary file ELTA.bin that gets loaded by elite-bcfs.asm.JMP S% ; Jump to S% to decrypt and run the game ; ; This instruction would be used to start the game if ; the game binary was loaded with a BRUN command with no ; execution address, which is not the case here, so ; perhaps it is left over from developmentName: ENTRY [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: An entry point at the start of the game binaryContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file.log SKIP 1 FOR I%, 1, 255 EQUB HI(INT($2000 * LOG(I%) / LOG(2) + 0.5)) NEXTName: log [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Maths (Arithmetic) Summary: Binary logarithm table (high byte)Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * DVID4 uses log * FMLTU uses log * LL28 uses log * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) uses log * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) uses log
At byte n, the table contains the high byte of: $2000 * log10(n) / log10(2) = 32 * 256 * log10(n) / log10(2) where log10 is the logarithm to base 10. The change-of-base formula says that: log2(n) = log10(n) / log10(2) so byte n contains the high byte of: 32 * log2(n) * 256.logL SKIP 1 FOR I%, 1, 255 EQUB LO(INT($2000 * LOG(I%) / LOG(2) + 0.5)) NEXTName: logL [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Maths (Arithmetic) Summary: Binary logarithm table (low byte)Context: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * DVID4 uses logL * FMLTU uses logL * LL28 uses logL * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) uses logL * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) uses logL
Byte n contains the low byte of: 32 * log2(n) * 256.alogh FOR I%, 0, 255 EQUB HI(INT(2^((I% / 2 + 128) / 16) + 0.5)) NEXTName: alogh [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Maths (Arithmetic) Summary: Binary antilogarithm tableContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * DVID4 uses alogh * FMLTU uses alogh * LL28 uses alogh * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) uses alogh * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) uses alogh
At byte n, the table contains: 2^((n / 2 + 128) / 16) / 256 which equals: 2^(n / 32 + 8) / 256.SCTBX1 FOR I%, 0, 255 EQUB (I% + 8) MOD 7 NEXTName: SCTBX1 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Lookup table for converting a pixel x-coordinate to the bit number within the pixel row byte that corresponds to this pixel Deep dive: Drawing pixels in the Apple II versionContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * CPIX uses SCTBX1 * HLOIN uses SCTBX1 * letter2 uses SCTBX1 * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) uses SCTBX1 * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) uses SCTBX1 * PIXEL uses SCTBX1
The SCTBX1 and SCTBX2 tables can be used to convert a pixel x-coordinate into the byte number and bit number within that byte of the pixel in screen memory. Given a pixel x-coordinate X in the range 0 to 255, the tables split this into factors of 7, as follows: X = (7 * SCTBX2,X) + SCTBX1,X - 8 Because each byte in screen memory contains seven pixels, this means SCTBX2,X is the byte number on the pixel row. And because the seven pixel bits inside that byte are ordered on-screen as bit 0, then bit 1, then bit 2 up to bit 6, SCTBX1,X is the bit number within that byte..SCTBX2 FOR I%, 0, 255 EQUB (I% + 8) DIV 7 NEXTName: SCTBX2 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Drawing the screen Summary: Lookup table for converting a pixel x-coordinate to the byte number in the pixel row that corresponds to this pixel Deep dive: Drawing pixels in the Apple II versionContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * CPIX uses SCTBX2 * HLOIN uses SCTBX2 * letter2 uses SCTBX2 * LOIN (Part 2 of 7) uses SCTBX2 * LOIN (Part 5 of 7) uses SCTBX2 * PIXEL uses SCTBX2
The SCTBX1 and SCTBX2 tables can be used to convert a pixel x-coordinate into the byte number and bit number within that byte of the pixel in screen memory. Given a pixel x-coordinate X in the range 0 to 255, the tables split this into factors of 7, as follows: X = (7 * SCTBX2,X) + SCTBX1,X - 8 Because each byte in screen memory contains seven pixels, this means SCTBX2,X is the byte number on the pixel row. And because the seven pixel bits inside that byte are ordered on-screen as bit 0, then bit 1, then bit 2 up to bit 6, SCTBX1,X is the bit number within that byte..wtable EQUD $9B9A9796 ; NIBL DFB $96,$97,$9A EQUD $A69F9E9D ; DFB $9B,$9D,$9E EQUD $ADACABA7 ; DFB $9F,$A6,$A7 EQUD $B3B2AFAE ; DFB $AB,$AC,$AD EQUD $B7B6B5B4 ; DFB $AE,$AF,$B2 EQUD $BCBBBAB9 ; DFB $B3,$B4,$B5 EQUD $CBBFBEBD ; DFB $B6,$B7,$B9 EQUD $D3CFCECD ; DFB $BA,$BB,$BC EQUD $DAD9D7D6 ; DFB $BD,$BE,$BF EQUD $DEDDDCDB ; DFB $CB,$CD,$CE EQUD $E7E6E5DF ; DFB $CF,$D3,$D6 EQUD $ECEBEAE9 ; DFB $D7,$D9,$DA EQUD $F2EFEEED ; DFB $DB,$DC,$DD EQUD $F6F5F4F3 ; DFB $DE,$DF,$E5 EQUD $FBFAF9F7 ; DFB $E6,$E7,$E9 EQUD $FFFEFDFC ; DFB $EA,$EB,$EC ; DFB $ED,$EE,$EF ; DFB $F2,$F3,$F4 ; DFB $F5,$F6,$F7 ; DFB $F9,$FA,$FB ; DFB $FC,$FD,$FE ; DFB $FFName: wtable [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Save and load Summary: 6-bit to 7-bit nibble conversion table Deep dive: File operations with embedded Apple DOSContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * write uses wtable
This table is identical to the NIBL table in Apple DOS 3.3. The original DOS 3.3 source code for this table in is shown in the comments. Elite uses different label names to the original DOS 3.3 source, but the code is the same. This code forms part of the RWTS ("read/write track-sector") layer from Apple DOS, which was written by Randy Wigginton and Steve Wozniak. It implements the low-level functions to read and write Apple disks, and is included in Elite so the game can use the memory that's normally allocated to DOS for its own use..COMC SKIP 1 ; The shape (i.e. thickness) of the dot on the compass ; ; ; * 0 = do not draw a dot on the compass ; ; * $30 = the object in the compass is in front of us, ; so the dot is two pixels high and white ; ; * $60 = the object in the compass is behind us, so ; the dot is one pixel high and white ; ; [Show more]Name: Option variables [Show more] Type: Workspace Address: $4543 to $4562 Category: Workspaces Summary: Variables that are predominantly used to store the game optionsContext: See this workspace on its own page References: No direct references to this workspace in this source file; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BEGIN ; * DOT ; * SP2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.dials SKIP 14 ; Current dashboard indicator values ; ; The current value of each of the indicators on the ; dashboard, so we can check whether an indicator's ; value has changed when updating it ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DIS1 ; * DIS5 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.mscol SKIP 4 ; Current missile indicator colours ; ; The current colour of each of the missile indicators ; on the dashboard, so we can check whether an ; indicator's colour has changed when updating it ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * MSBAR ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.DFLAG SKIP 1 ; This byte appears to be unused .DNOIZ SKIP 1 ; Sound on/off configuration setting ; ; * 0 = sound is on (default) ; ; * Non-zero = sound is off ; ; Toggled by pressing "S" when paused, see the DK4 ; routine for details ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * CLICK ; * DK4 ; * LASNOISE ; * SOBEEP ; * SOBLIP ; * SOBOMB ; * SOEXPL ; * SOHISS ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.DAMP SKIP 1 ; Keyboard damping configuration setting ; ; * 0 = damping is enabled (default) ; ; * $FF = damping is disabled ; ; Toggled by pressing "D" when paused, see the DKS3 ; routine for details ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * cntr ; * DK4 ; * DKS3 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.DJD SKIP 1 ; Keyboard auto-recentre configuration setting ; ; * 0 = auto-recentre is enabled (default) ; ; * $FF = auto-recentre is disabled ; ; Toggled by pressing "A" when paused, see the DKS3 ; routine for details ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * REDU2 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.PATG SKIP 1 ; Configuration setting to show the author names on the ; start-up screen and enable manual hyperspace mis-jumps ; ; * 0 = no author names or manual mis-jumps (default) ; ; * $FF = show author names and allow manual mis-jumps ; ; Toggled by pressing "X" when paused, see the DKS3 ; routine for details ; ; This needs to be turned on for manual mis-jumps to be ; possible. To do a manual mis-jump, first toggle the ; author display by pausing the game and pressing "X", ; and during the next hyperspace, hold down TAB to ; force a mis-jump. See routine ee5 for the "AND PATG" ; instruction that implements this logic ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * Main game loop (Part 5 of 6) ; * TITLE ; * TT18 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.FLH SKIP 1 ; Flashing console bars configuration setting ; ; * 0 = static bars (default) ; ; * $FF = flashing bars ; ; Toggled by pressing "F" when paused, see the DKS3 ; routine for details ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * DIALS (Part 1 of 4) ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.JSTGY IF _IB_DISK EQUB $FF ; Reverse joystick Y-channel configuration setting ; ; * 0 = reversed Y-channel ; ; * $FF = standard Y-channel (default) ; ; Toggled by pressing "Y" when paused, see the DKS3 ; routine for details ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * RDKEY ; * RESET ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveELIF _SOURCE_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK SKIP 1 ; Reverse joystick Y-channel configuration setting ; ; * 0 = reversed Y-channel ; ; * $FF = standard Y-channel (default) ; ; Toggled by pressing "Y" when paused, see the DKS3 ; routine for details ENDIF .JSTE SKIP 1 ; Reverse both joystick channels configuration setting ; ; * 0 = standard channels (default) ; ; * $FF = reversed channels ; ; Toggled by pressing "J" when paused, see the DKS3 ; routine for details ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * RDS1 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.JSTK SKIP 1 ; Keyboard or joystick configuration setting ; ; * 0 = keyboard (default) ; ; * $FF = joystick ; ; Toggled by pressing "K" when paused, see the DKS3 ; routine for details ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * RDKEY ; * TITLE ; * TT17 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.UPTOG SKIP 1 ; Upper case configuration setting ; ; * 0 = only display upper case letters (default) ; ; * $FF = display upper and lower case letters ; ; Toggled by pressing "U" when paused, see the DK4 ; routine for details ; ; Note that in the source disk variants, the two values ; are the other way around: ; ; * 0 = display upper and lower case letters (default) ; ; * $FF = only display upper case letters ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * RR5 ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.DISK SKIP 1 ; The configuration setting for toggle key "T", which ; isn't actually used but is still updated by pressing ; "T" while the game is paused. This is a configuration ; option from the Commodore 64 version of Elite that ; lets you switch between tape and disk ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * BEGIN ; * DK4 ; * FILEPR ; * OTHERFILEPR ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned above.MULIE SKIP 1 ; A flag to record whether the RESET routine is being ; being called from within the TITLE routine, when the ; title screen is being displayed, as we don't want to ; stop the title music from playing when this is the ; case ; ; * 0 = the RESET routine is not currently being run ; from the call in the TITLE routine, so the ; RESET, RES2 and stopbd routines should stop ; any music that is playing ; ; * $FF = the RESET routine is currently being run ; from the call in the TITLE routine, so ; prevent it from stopping the title music ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * TITLE ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveIF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK .fireButtonMask EQUB %00001011 ; This value is applied to the joystick fire button soft ; switches in the TITLE routine, where it disables the ; ability to configure joysticks by pressing a fire ; button ; ; There is some code in the game loader that changes ; this value, but that code is never called so this ; value is never changed ; ; This means the joystick fire button does not select ; joysticks from the title screen - it's all a bit odd ; ; [Show more]; ; This variable is used by the following: ; ; * TITLE ; ; This list only includes code that refers to the ; variable by name; there may be other references to ; this memory location that don't use this label, and ; these will not be mentioned aboveENDIF.TGINT EQUS "DAXFYJKUT" ; The configuration keys in the same order as their ; configuration bytes (starting from DAMP)Name: TGINT [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Keyboard Summary: The keys used to toggle configuration settings when the game is pausedContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * DKS3 uses TGINTRTS ; The checksum byte goes here, at S%-1. In the original ; source this byte is set by the first call to ZP in the ; Big Code File, though in the BeebAsm version this is ; populated by .S% IF _SOURCE_DISK CLD ; Clear the D flag to make sure we are in binary mode ENDIF ; We now copy a block of memory from STORE to CODE2 ; ; In the released game, this copies the SCRN file into ; the first part of screen memory, to repair the loading ; screen (including the dashboard) that gets corrupted ; by the loading process in elite-loader.asm ; ; We need to do this as the dashboard remains intact in ; memory for the duration of the game, so it mustn't be ; corrupted ; ; In the source disk variant, this copying process forms ; part of the development process ; ; As part of the build, the elite-transfer.asm source ; takes the assembled game and produces two binaries, ; ELA and ELB, which contain the two parts of the game ; binary (ELA contains CODE2, ELB contains CODE1) ; ; The ELA binary also contains a routine that copies the ; the second block of the game binary (from CODE2 ; onwards) into bank-switched RAM at $D000 ; ; The ELA routine is run by both the source disk variant ; and the released game when ELA is loaded, so they both ; copy the game into bank-switched RAM; in the released ; game, nothing is done with the code in bank-switched ; RAM, but in the source disk, the code here copies the ; second block of the game binary back to the execution ; address of $9000 ; ; The idea is to enable code to be developed on a BBC ; Micro before transmitting it to an attached Apple II ; for testing ; ; To do this, we start by transmitting the ELA binary to ; the Apple II, and when it arrives we call its embedded ; routine to copy CODE2 into bank-switched RAM at $D000 ; ; We then transmit ELB to the Apple II, which loads ; CODE1 into memory, where we can run the following to ; move CODE2 out of bank-switched RAM and into the right ; place to run it, leaving both parts of the game binary ; in memory which we can then execute ; ; See the transfer source code in elite-transfer.asm ; and the original code in S.APMAKES and A.TESTER for ; details LDA #LO(STORE) ; Set SC(1 0) = STORE STA SC ; LDA #HI(STORE) ; So SC(1 0) contains the address where the dashboard STA SC+1 ; image was loaded LDA #LO(CODE2) ; Set P(1 0) = CODE2 STA P ; LDA #HI(CODE2) ; So P(1 0) contains the address where we want to store STA P+1 ; the dashboard image in screen memory IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK LDX #7 ; Set X = 7 so we copy eight pages of memory from ; SC(1 0) to P(1 0) in the following loop ELIF _SOURCE_DISK LDA $C08B ; Set RAM bank 1 to read RAM and write RAM by reading ; the RDWRBSR1 soft switch, with bit 3 set (bank 1), ; bit 1 set (read RAM) and bit 0 set (write RAM) ; ; So this enables bank-switched RAM at $D000 LDX #($C0-$90) ; We want to copy all the data from $D000 into main ; memory between $9000 and $BFFF, so set X to the number ; of pages to copy from SC(1 0) to P(1 0) in the ; following loop ENDIF LDY #0 ; Set Y = 0 to use as a byte counter .Sept3 LDA (SC),Y ; Copy the Y-th byte of SC(1 0) to the Y-th byte of STA (P),Y ; P(1 0) INY ; Increment the byte counter BNE Sept3 ; Loop back until we have copied a whole page of bytes INC SC+1 ; Increment the high bytes of SC(1 0) and P(1 0) so they INC P+1 ; point to the next page in memory DEX ; Decrement the page counter IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK BPL Sept3 ; Loop back until we have copied X + 1 pages ELIF _SOURCE_DISK BNE Sept3 ; Loop back until we have copied X pages ENDIF IF _SOURCE_DISK LDA $C081 ; Set ROM bank 2 to read ROM and write RAM by reading ; the WRITEBSR2 soft switch, with bit 3 clear (bank 2), ; bit 1 clear (read ROM) and bit 0 set (write RAM) ENDIF JSR DEEOR ; Decrypt the main game code between $1300 and $9FFF ;JSR Checksum ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK LDA #$30 ; This modifies the RDKEY routine so the BPL at nokeys2 STA nokeys2+4 ; jumps to nofast+2 rather than nojoyst NOP ; NOP ; This ensures that when we are configured to use the ; keyboard rather than the joystick, we skip all the ; joystick scanning code in RDKEY ; ; If this modification is not applied, the original code ; will still scan the joystick fire button, even if ; joysticks are not configured, so this fix stops this ; from happening ENDIF JSR COLD ; Initialise the screen mode, clear memory and set up ; interrupt handlers JMP BEGIN ; Jump to BEGIN to start the gameName: S% [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Loader Summary: Checksum, decrypt and unscramble the main game code, and start the gameContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ENTRY calls S%.DEEOR LDA #LO(G%-1) ; Set FRIN(1 0) = G%-1 as the low address of the STA FRIN ; decryption block, so we decrypt from the start of the LDA #HI(G%-1) ; DOENTRY routine STA FRIN+1 LDA #HI(R%-1) ; Set (A Y) to R% as the high address of the decryption LDY #LO(R%-1) ; block, so we decrypt to the end of the first block of ; game code at R% (so we decrypt from DOENTRY to the end ; of the ELITE C section) LDX #KEY1 ; Set X = KEY1 as the decryption seed (the value used to ; encrypt the code, which is done in IF _REMOVE_CHECKSUMS NOP ; If we have disabled checksums, skip the call to DEEORS NOP ; and return from the subroutine to skip the second call RTS ; below ELSE JSR DEEORS ; Call DEEORS to decrypt between DOENTRY and F% ENDIF LDA #LO(QQ18-1) ; Set FRIN(1 0) = QQ18-1 as the low address of the STA FRIN ; decryption block LDA #HI(QQ18-1) STA FRIN+1 LDA #$1F ; Set (A Y) = $1FFF as the high address of the LDY #$FF ; decryption block LDX #KEY2 ; Set X = KEY2 as the decryption seed (the value used to ; encrypt the code, which is done in ; Fall through into DEEORS to decrypt between XX21 and ; $B1FFName: DEEOR [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Utility routines Summary: Unscramble the main codeContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * S% calls DEEOR
The main game code and data are encrypted. This routine decrypts the game code in two parts: between G% and R%, and between QQ18 and $1FFF. In the BeebAsm version, the encryption is done by, but in the original this would have been done by the BBC BASIC build scripts..DEEORS STX T ; Store the decryption seed in T as our starting point STA SC+1 ; Set SC(1 0) = (A 0) to point to the start of page A, LDA #0 ; so we can use SC(1 0) + Y as our pointer to the next STA SC ; byte to decrypt .DEEORL LDA (SC),Y ; Set A to the Y-th byte of SC(1 0) SEC ; Set A = A - T SBC T STA (SC),Y ; Update the Y-th byte of SC to the new value in A STA T ; Update T with the new value in A TYA ; Set A to the current byte index in Y BNE P%+4 ; If A <> 0 then decrement the high byte of SC(1 0) to DEC SC+1 ; point to the previous page DEY ; Decrement the byte pointer CPY FRIN ; Loop back to decrypt the next byte, until Y = the low BNE DEEORL ; byte of FRIN(1 0), at which point we have decrypted a ; whole page LDA SC+1 ; Check whether SC(1 0) matches FRIN(1 0) and loop back CMP FRIN+1 ; to decrypt the next byte until it does, at which point BNE DEEORL ; we have decrypted the whole block RTS ; Return from the subroutine IF _4AM_CRACK EQUB $B7, $AA ; These bytes appear to be unused, though there is a EQUB $45, $03 ; comment in the original source that says "red ; herring", so this would appear to be a red herring ; aimed at confusing any crackers ELIF _IB_DISK OR _SOURCE_DISK EQUB $B7, $AA ; These bytes appear to be unused, though there is a EQUB $45, $23 ; comment in the original source that says "red ; herring", so this would appear to be a red herring ; aimed at confusing any crackers ENDIFName: DEEORS [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Utility routines Summary: Decrypt a multi-page block of memoryContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DEEOR calls DEEORS
Arguments: FRIN(1 0) The start address of the block to decrypt (A Y) The end address of the block to decrypt X The decryption seed.G% SKIP 0 ; The game code is scrambled from here to F% (or, as the ; original source code puts it, "mutilated")Name: G% [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Utility routines Summary: Denotes the start of the main game code, from ELITE A to ELITE KContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * DEEOR uses G%.DOENTRY JSR RES2 ; Reset a number of flight variables and workspaces JSR LAUN ; Show the space station docking tunnel LDA #0 ; Reduce the speed to 0 STA DELTA ;STA ALPHA ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;STA BETA ; source ;STA ALP1 ;STA BET1 STA GNTMP ; Cool down the lasers completely STA QQ22+1 ; Reset the on-screen hyperspace counter LDA #$FF ; Recharge the forward and aft shields STA FSH STA ASH STA ENERGY ; Recharge the energy banks ;JSR HALL ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source LDY #44 ; Wait for 44 delay loops JSR DELAY LDA TP ; Fetch bits 0 and 1 of TP, and if they are non-zero AND #%00000011 ; (i.e. mission 1 is either in progress or has been BNE EN1 ; completed), skip to EN1 LDA TALLY+1 ; If the high byte of TALLY is zero (so we have a combat BEQ EN4 ; rank below Competent, or we are Competent but have not ; yet earned a grand total of at least 256 kill points), ; jump to EN4 as we are not yet good enough to qualify ; for a mission LDA GCNT ; Fetch the galaxy number into A, and if any of bits 1-7 LSR A ; are set (i.e. A > 1), jump to EN4 as mission 1 can BNE EN4 ; only be triggered in the first two galaxies JMP BRIEF ; If we get here then mission 1 hasn't started, we have ; reached a combat rank of at least Competent plus 128 ; kill points, and we are in galaxy 0 or 1 (shown ; in-game as galaxy 1 or 2), so it's time to start ; mission 1 by calling BRIEF .EN1 ; If we get here then mission 1 is either in progress or ; has been completed CMP #%00000011 ; If bits 0 and 1 are not both set, then jump to EN2 BNE EN2 JMP DEBRIEF ; Bits 0 and 1 are both set, so mission 1 is both in ; progress and has been completed, which means we have ; only just completed it, so jump to DEBRIEF to end the ; mission get our reward .EN2 ; Mission 1 has been completed, so now to check for ; mission 2 LDA GCNT ; Fetch the galaxy number into A CMP #2 ; If this is not galaxy 2 (shown in-game as galaxy 3), BNE EN4 ; jump to EN4 as we can only start mission 2 in the ; third galaxy LDA TP ; Extract bits 0-3 of TP into A AND #%00001111 CMP #%00000010 ; If mission 1 is complete and no longer in progress, BNE EN3 ; and mission 2 is not yet started, then bits 0-3 of TP ; will be %0010, so this jumps to EN3 if this is not the ; case LDA TALLY+1 ; If the high byte of TALLY is < 5 (so we have a combat CMP #5 ; rank that is less than 3/8 of the way from Dangerous BCC EN4 ; to Deadly), jump to EN4 as our rank isn't high enough ; for mission 2 JMP BRIEF2 ; If we get here, mission 1 is complete and no longer in ; progress, mission 2 hasn't started, we have reached a ; combat rank of 3/8 of the way from Dangerous to ; Deadly, and we are in galaxy 2 (shown in-game as ; galaxy 3), so it's time to start mission 2 by calling ; BRIEF2 .EN3 CMP #%00000110 ; If mission 1 is complete and no longer in progress, BNE EN5 ; and mission 2 has started but we have not yet been ; briefed and picked up the plans, then bits 0-3 of TP ; will be %0110, so this jumps to EN5 if this is not the ; case LDA QQ0 ; Set A = the current system's galactic x-coordinate CMP #215 ; If A <> 215 then jump to EN4 BNE EN4 LDA QQ1 ; Set A = the current system's galactic y-coordinate CMP #84 ; If A <> 84 then jump to EN4 BNE EN4 JMP BRIEF3 ; If we get here, mission 1 is complete and no longer in ; progress, mission 2 has started but we have not yet ; picked up the plans, and we have just arrived at ; Ceerdi at galactic coordinates (215, 84), so we jump ; to BRIEF3 to get a mission brief and pick up the plans ; that we need to carry to Birera .EN5 CMP #%00001010 ; If mission 1 is complete and no longer in progress, BNE EN4 ; and mission 2 has started and we have picked up the ; plans, then bits 0-3 of TP will be %1010, so this ; jumps to EN5 if this is not the case LDA QQ0 ; Set A = the current system's galactic x-coordinate CMP #63 ; If A <> 63 then jump to EN4 BNE EN4 LDA QQ1 ; Set A = the current system's galactic y-coordinate CMP #72 ; If A <> 72 then jump to EN4 BNE EN4 JMP DEBRIEF2 ; If we get here, mission 1 is complete and no longer in ; progress, mission 2 has started and we have picked up ; the plans, and we have just arrived at Birera at ; galactic coordinates (63, 72), so we jump to DEBRIEF2 ; to end the mission and get our reward .EN4 ;LDA CASH+2 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;CMP #$C4 ; source ;BCC EN6 ; ;LDA TP ;AND #$10 ;BNE EN6 ; ;JMP TBRIEF ; ;.EN6 JMP BAY ; If we get here them we didn't start or any missions, ; so jump to BAY to go to the docking bay (i.e. show the ; Status Mode screen)Name: DOENTRY [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Flight Summary: Dock at the space station and work out any mission progression Deep dive: The Constrictor mission The Thargoid Plans missionContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main flight loop (Part 9 of 16) calls DOENTRY.BRKBK LDA #LO(BRBR) ; Set BRKV to point to the BRBR routine, disabling SEI ; interrupts while we make the change and re-enabling STA BRKV ; them once we are done LDA #HI(BRBR) STA BRKV+1 CLI RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: BRKBK [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Set the standard BRKV handler for the gameContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
This routine is unused in this version of Elite (it is left over from the 6502 Second Processor version).;.TRIBDIR ; These instructions are commented out in the original ; ; source ;EQUB 0 ;EQUB 1 ;EQUB $FF ;EQUB 0Name: TRIBDIR [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Missions Summary: The low byte of the four 16-bit directions in which Trumble sprites can moveContext: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file;.TRIBDIRH ; These instructions are commented out in the original ; ; source ;EQUB 0 ;EQUB 0 ;EQUB $FF ;EQUB 0Name: TRIBDIRH [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Missions Summary: The high byte of the four 16-bit directions in which Trumble sprites can moveContext: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file.SPMASK EQUW $04FB ; These bytes are unused and are left over from the EQUW $08F7 ; Commodore 64 version EQUW $10EF EQUW $20DF EQUW $40BF EQUW $807FName: SPMASK [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Missions Summary: Masks for updating sprite bits in VIC+$10 for the top bit of the 9-bit x-coordinates of the Trumble spritesContext: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file.M% LDA K% ; We want to seed the random number generator with a ; pretty random number, so fetch the contents of K%, ; which is the x_lo coordinate of the planet. This value ; will be fairly unpredictable, so it's a pretty good ; candidate STA RAND ; Store the seed in the first byte of the four-byte ; random number seed that's stored in RAND ;LDA TRIBCT ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;BEQ NOMVETR ; source ;JMP MVTRIBS ; ;.NOMVETRName: Main flight loop (Part 1 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Seed the random number generator Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Generating random numbersContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DEATH calls via M% * Main game loop (Part 2 of 6) calls via M%
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Seed the random number generator
Other entry points: M% The entry point for the main flight loopLDX JSTX ; Set X to the current rate of roll in JSTX JSR cntr ; Apply keyboard damping twice (if enabled) so the roll JSR cntr ; rate in X creeps towards the centre by 2 ; The roll rate in JSTX increases if we press ">" (and ; the RL indicator on the dashboard goes to the right) ; ; This rolls our ship to the right (clockwise), but we ; actually implement this by rolling everything else ; to the left (anti-clockwise), so a positive roll rate ; in JSTX translates to a negative roll angle alpha TXA ; Set A and Y to the roll rate but with the sign bit EOR #%10000000 ; flipped (i.e. set them to the sign we want for alpha) TAY AND #%10000000 ; Extract the flipped sign of the roll rate and store STA ALP2 ; in ALP2 (so ALP2 contains the sign of the roll angle ; alpha) STX JSTX ; Update JSTX with the damped value that's still in X EOR #%10000000 ; Extract the correct sign of the roll rate and store STA ALP2+1 ; in ALP2+1 (so ALP2+1 contains the flipped sign of the ; roll angle alpha) TYA ; Set A to the roll rate but with the sign bit flipped BPL P%+7 ; If the value of A is positive, skip the following ; three instructions EOR #%11111111 ; A is negative, so change the sign of A using two's CLC ; complement so that A is now positive and contains ADC #1 ; the absolute value of the roll rate, i.e. |JSTX| LSR A ; Divide the (positive) roll rate in A by 4 LSR A CMP #8 ; If A >= 8, skip the following instruction BCS P%+3 LSR A ; A < 8, so halve A again STA ALP1 ; Store A in ALP1, so we now have: ; ; ALP1 = |JSTX| / 8 if |JSTX| < 32 ; ; ALP1 = |JSTX| / 4 if |JSTX| >= 32 ; ; This means that at lower roll rates, the roll angle is ; reduced closer to zero than at higher roll rates, ; which gives us finer control over the ship's roll at ; lower roll rates ; ; Because JSTX is in the range -127 to +127, ALP1 is ; in the range 0 to 31 ORA ALP2 ; Store A in ALPHA, but with the sign set to ALP2 (so STA ALPHA ; ALPHA has a different sign to the actual roll rate) LDX JSTY ; Set X to the current rate of pitch in JSTY JSR cntr ; Apply keyboard damping so the pitch rate in X creeps ; towards the centre by 1 TXA ; Set A and Y to the pitch rate but with the sign bit EOR #%10000000 ; flipped TAY AND #%10000000 ; Extract the flipped sign of the pitch rate into A STX JSTY ; Update JSTY with the damped value that's still in X STA BET2+1 ; Store the flipped sign of the pitch rate in BET2+1 EOR #%10000000 ; Extract the correct sign of the pitch rate and store STA BET2 ; it in BET2 TYA ; Set A to the pitch rate but with the sign bit flipped BPL P%+4 ; If the value of A is positive, skip the following ; instruction EOR #%11111111 ; A is negative, so flip the bits ADC #4 ; Add 4 to the (positive) pitch rate, so the maximum ; value is now up to 131 (rather than 127) LSR A ; Divide the (positive) pitch rate in A by 16 LSR A LSR A LSR A CMP #3 ; If A >= 3, skip the following instruction BCS P%+3 LSR A ; A < 3, so halve A again STA BET1 ; Store A in BET1, so we now have: ; ; BET1 = |JSTY| / 32 if |JSTY| < 48 ; ; BET1 = |JSTY| / 16 if |JSTY| >= 48 ; ; This means that at lower pitch rates, the pitch angle ; is reduced closer to zero than at higher pitch rates, ; which gives us finer control over the ship's pitch at ; lower pitch rates ; ; Because JSTY is in the range -131 to +131, BET1 is in ; the range 0 to 8 ORA BET2 ; Store A in BETA, but with the sign set to BET2 (so STA BETA ; BETA has the same sign as the actual pitch rate)Name: Main flight loop (Part 2 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Calculate the alpha and beta angles from the current pitch and roll of our ship Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Pitching and rollingContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Calculate the alpha and beta angles from the current pitch and roll Here we take the current rate of pitch and roll, as set by the joystick or keyboard, and convert them into alpha and beta angles that we can use in the matrix functions to rotate space around our ship. The alpha angle covers roll, while the beta angle covers pitch (there is no yaw in this version of Elite). The angles are in radians, which allows us to use the small angle approximation when moving objects in the sky (see the MVEIT routine for more on this). Also, the signs of the two angles are stored separately, in both the sign and the flipped sign, as this makes calculations easier.LDA KY2 ; If Space is being pressed, keep going, otherwise jump BEQ MA17 ; down to MA17 to skip the following LDA DELTA ; The "go faster" key is being pressed, so first we CMP #40 ; fetch the current speed from DELTA into A, and if BCS MA17 ; A >= 40, we are already going at full pelt, so jump ; down to MA17 to skip the following INC DELTA ; We can go a bit faster, so increment the speed in ; location DELTA .MA17 LDA KY1 ; If "?" is being pressed, keep going, otherwise jump BEQ MA4 ; down to MA4 to skip the following DEC DELTA ; The "slow down" key is being pressed, so we decrement ; the current ship speed in DELTA BNE MA4 ; If the speed is still greater than zero, jump to MA4 INC DELTA ; Otherwise we just braked a little too hard, so bump ; the speed back up to the minimum value of 1 .MA4 LDA KY15 ; If "U" is being pressed and the number of missiles AND NOMSL ; in NOMSL is non-zero, keep going, otherwise jump down BEQ MA20 ; to MA20 to skip the following LDY #GREEN ; The "disarm missiles" key is being pressed, so call JSR ABORT ; ABORT to disarm the missile and update the missile ; indicators on the dashboard to green (Y = #GREEN) JSR BOOP ; Call the BOOP routine to make a low, long beep to ; indicate the missile is now disarmed LDA #0 ; Set MSAR to 0 to indicate that no missiles are STA MSAR ; currently armed .MA20 LDA MSTG ; If MSTG is positive (i.e. it does not have bit 7 set), BPL MA25 ; then it indicates we already have a missile locked on ; a target (in which case MSTG contains the ship number ; of the target), so jump to MA25 to skip targeting. Or ; to put it another way, if MSTG = $FF, which means ; there is no current target lock, keep going LDA KY14 ; If "T" is being pressed, keep going, otherwise jump BEQ MA25 ; down to MA25 to skip the following LDX NOMSL ; If the number of missiles in NOMSL is zero, jump down BEQ MA25 ; to MA25 to skip the following STA MSAR ; The "target missile" key is being pressed and we have ; at least one missile, so set MSAR = $FF to denote that ; our missile is currently armed (we know A has the ; value $FF, as we just loaded it from MSTG and checked ; that it was negative) LDY #WHITE ; Change the leftmost missile indicator to white JSR MSBAR ; on the missile bar (this call changes the leftmost ; indicator because we set X to the number of missiles ; in NOMSL above, and the indicators are numbered from ; right to left, so X is the number of the leftmost ; indicator) .MA25 LDA KY16 ; If "M" is being pressed, keep going, otherwise jump BEQ MA24 ; down to MA24 to skip the following LDA MSTG ; If MSTG = $FF then there is no target lock, so jump to BMI MA64 ; MA64 to skip the following (also skipping the checks ; for "B", ESCAPE, "J" and "E") JSR FRMIS ; The "fire missile" key is being pressed and we have ; a missile lock, so call the FRMIS routine to fire ; the missile .MA24 LDA KY12 ; If "B" is being pressed, keep going, otherwise jump BEQ MA76 ; down to MA76 to skip the following IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK LDA BOMB ; If we already set off our energy bomb, then BOMB is BMI MA76 ; negative, so this skips to MA76 if our energy bomb is ; already going off ENDIF ASL BOMB ; The "energy bomb" key is being pressed, so double ; the value in BOMB. If we have an energy bomb fitted, ; BOMB will contain $7F (%01111111) before this shift ; and will contain $FE (%11111110) after the shift; if ; we don't have an energy bomb fitted, BOMB will still ; contain 0. The bomb explosion is dealt with in the ; MAL1 routine below - this just registers the fact that ; we've set the bomb ticking BEQ MA76 ; If BOMB now contains 0, then the bomb is not going off ; any more (or it never was), so skip the following ; instruction JSR BOMBON ; Call BOMBON to set up and display a new energy bomb ; zig-zag lightning bolt .MA76 LDA KY20 ; If "P" is being pressed, keep going, otherwise skip BEQ MA78 ; the next two instructions LDA #0 ; The "cancel docking computer" key is bring pressed, STA auto ; so turn it off by setting auto to 0 ;JSR stopbd ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source .MA78 LDA KY13 ; If ESCAPE is being pressed and we have an escape pod AND ESCP ; fitted, keep going, otherwise jump to noescp to skip BEQ noescp ; the following instructions LDA MJ ; If we are in witchspace, we can't launch our escape BNE noescp ; pod, so jump down to noescp JMP ESCAPE ; The button is being pressed to launch an escape pod ; and we have an escape pod fitted, so jump to ESCAPE to ; launch it, and exit the main flight loop using a tail ; call .noescp LDA KY18 ; If "J" is being pressed, keep going, otherwise skip BEQ P%+5 ; the next instruction JSR WARP ; Call the WARP routine to do an in-system jump LDA KY17 ; If "E" is being pressed and we have an E.C.M. fitted, AND ECM ; keep going, otherwise jump down to MA64 to skip the BEQ MA64 ; following LDA ECMA ; If ECMA is non-zero, that means an E.C.M. is already BNE MA64 ; operating and is counting down (this can be either ; our E.C.M. or an opponent's), so jump down to MA64 to ; skip the following (as we can't have two E.C.M. ; systems operating at the same time) DEC ECMP ; The E.C.M. button is being pressed and nobody else ; is operating their E.C.M., so decrease the value of ; ECMP to make it non-zero, to denote that our E.C.M. ; is now on JSR ECBLB2 ; Call ECBLB2 to light up the E.C.M. indicator bulb on ; the dashboard, set the E.C.M. countdown timer to 32, ; and start making the E.C.M. sound .MA64 LDA KY19 ; If "C" is being pressed, and we have a docking AND DKCMP ; computer fitted, keep going, otherwise jump down to BEQ MA68 ; MA68 to skip the following IF _SOURCE_DISK_BUILD OR _SOURCE_DISK_ELT_FILES ;EOR KLO+$29 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;BEQ MA68 ; source ELIF _SOURCE_DISK_CODE_FILES EOR KLO+$29 ; This code is left over from the Commodore 64 version BEQ MA68 ; ; It corrects for phantom key presses of the "C" key, ; which isn't a problem on the Apple II, so this code ; was removed for the release version ; ; There is a comment in the original source of "kill ; phantom Cs" that seems to confirm this ENDIF STA auto ; Set auto to the non-zero value of A, so the docking ; computer is activated ;JSR startbd ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source .MA68 LDA #0 ; Set LAS = 0, to switch the laser off while we do the STA LAS ; following logic STA DELT4 ; Take the 16-bit value (DELTA 0) - i.e. a two-byte LDA DELTA ; number with DELTA as the high byte and 0 as the low LSR A ; byte - and divide it by 4, storing the 16-bit result ROR DELT4 ; in DELT4(1 0). This has the effect of storing the LSR A ; current speed * 64 in the 16-bit location DELT4(1 0) ROR DELT4 STA DELT4+1 LDA LASCT ; If LASCT is zero, keep going, otherwise the laser is BNE MA3 ; a pulse laser that is between pulses, so jump down to ; MA3 to skip the following LDA KY7 ; If "A" is being pressed, keep going, otherwise jump BEQ MA3 ; down to MA3 to skip the following LDA GNTMP ; If the laser temperature >= 242 then the laser has CMP #242 ; overheated, so jump down to MA3 to skip the following BCS MA3 LDX VIEW ; If the current space view has a laser fitted (i.e. the LDA LASER,X ; laser power for this view is greater than zero), then BEQ MA3 ; keep going, otherwise jump down to MA3 to skip the ; following ; If we get here, then the "fire" button is being ; pressed, our laser hasn't overheated and isn't already ; being fired, and we actually have a laser fitted to ; the current space view, so it's time to hit me with ; those laser beams PHA ; Store the current view's laser power on the stack AND #%01111111 ; Set LAS and LAS2 to bits 0-6 of the laser power STA LAS STA LAS2 JSR LASNOISE ; Call the LASNOISE routine to make the sound of our ; laser firing JSR LASLI ; Call LASLI to draw the laser lines PLA ; Restore the current view's laser power into A BPL ma1 ; If the laser power has bit 7 set, then it's an "always ; on" laser rather than a pulsing laser, so keep going, ; otherwise jump down to ma1 to skip the following ; instruction LDA #0 ; This is an "always on" laser (i.e. a beam laser or a ; military laser), so set A = 0, which will be stored in ; LASCT to denote that this is not a pulsing laser .ma1 AND #%11111010 ; LASCT will be set to 0 for beam lasers, and to the STA LASCT ; laser power AND %11111010 for pulse lasers, which ; comes to 10 (as pulse lasers have a power of 15). See ; MA23 below for more on laser pulsing and LASCTName: Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Scan for flight keys and process the results Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop The key loggerContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Scan for flight keys and process the results Flight keys are logged in the key logger at location KY1 onwards, with a non-zero value in the relevant location indicating a key press. The key presses that are processed are as follows: * Space and "?" to speed up and slow down * "U", "T" and "M" to disarm, arm and fire missiles * "B" to fire an energy bomb * ESCAPE to launch an escape pod * "J" to initiate an in-system jump * "E" to deploy E.C.M. anti-missile countermeasures * "C" to use the docking computer * "A" to fire lasers.MA3 LDX #0 ; We're about to work our way through all the ships in ; our local bubble of universe, so set a counter in X, ; starting from 0, to refer to each ship slot in turn .MAL1 STX XSAV ; Store the current slot number in XSAV LDA FRIN,X ; Fetch the contents of this slot into A. If it is 0 BNE P%+5 ; then this slot is empty and we have no more ships to JMP MA18 ; process, so jump to MA18 below, otherwise A contains ; the type of ship that's in this slot, so skip over the ; JMP MA18 instruction and keep going STA TYPE ; Store the ship type in TYPE JSR GINF ; Call GINF to fetch the address of the ship data block ; for the ship in slot X and store it in INF. The data ; block is in the K% workspace, which is where all the ; ship data blocks are stored ; Next we want to copy the ship data block from INF to ; the zero-page workspace at INWK, so we can process it ; more efficiently LDY #NI%-1 ; There are NI% bytes in each ship data block (and in ; the INWK workspace, so we set a counter in Y so we can ; loop through them .MAL2 LDA (INF),Y ; Load the Y-th byte of INF and store it in the Y-th STA INWK,Y ; byte of INWK DEY ; Decrement the loop counter BPL MAL2 ; Loop back for the next byte until we have copied the ; last byte from INF to INWK LDA TYPE ; If the ship type is negative then this indicates a BMI MA21 ; planet or sun, so jump down to MA21, as the next bit ; sets up a pointer to the ship blueprint, and then ; checks for energy bomb damage, and neither of these ; apply to planets and suns ASL A ; Set Y = ship type * 2 TAY LDA XX21-2,Y ; The ship blueprints at XX21 start with a lookup STA XX0 ; table that points to the individual ship blueprints, ; so this fetches the low byte of this particular ship ; type's blueprint and stores it in XX0 LDA XX21-1,Y ; Fetch the high byte of this particular ship type's STA XX0+1 ; blueprint and store it in XX0+1Name: Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: Copy the ship's data block from K% to the zero-page workspace at INWK Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Ship data blocksContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * KS1 calls via MAL1 * Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) calls via MAL1
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Start looping through all the ships in the local bubble, and for each one: * Copy the ship's data block from K% to INWK * Set XX0 to point to the ship's blueprint (if this is a ship)
Other entry points: MAL1 Marks the beginning of the ship analysis loop, so we can jump back here from part 12 of the main flight loop to work our way through each ship in the local bubble. We also jump back here when a ship is removed from the bubble, so we can continue processing from the next shipLDA BOMB ; If we set off our energy bomb (see MA24 above), then BPL MA21 ; BOMB is now negative, so this skips to MA21 if our ; energy bomb is not going off CPY #2*SST ; If the ship in Y is the space station, jump to BA21 BEQ MA21 ; as energy bombs are useless against space stations CPY #2*THG ; If the ship in Y is a Thargoid, jump to BA21 as energy BEQ MA21 ; bombs have no effect against Thargoids CPY #2*CON ; If the ship in Y is the Constrictor, jump to BA21 BCS MA21 ; as energy bombs are useless against the Constrictor ; (the Constrictor is the target of mission 1, and it ; would be too easy if it could just be blown out of ; the sky with a single key press) LDA INWK+31 ; If the ship we are checking has bit 5 set in its ship AND #%00100000 ; byte #31, then it is already exploding, so jump to BNE MA21 ; BA21 as ships can't explode more than once ASL INWK+31 ; The energy bomb is killing this ship, so set bit 7 of SEC ; the ship byte #31 to indicate that it has now been ROR INWK+31 ; killed LDX TYPE ; Set X to the type of the ship that was killed so the ; following call to EXNO2 can award us the correct ; number of fractional kill points JSR EXNO2 ; Call EXNO2 to process the fact that we have killed a ; ship (so increase the kill tally, make an explosion ; sound and possibly display "RIGHT ON COMMANDER!")Name: Main flight loop (Part 5 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: If an energy bomb has been set off, potentially kill this ship Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loopContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Continue looping through all the ships in the local bubble, and for each one: * If an energy bomb has been set off and this ship can be killed, kill it and increase the kill tally.MA21 JSR MVEIT ; Call MVEIT to move the ship we are processing in space ; Now that we are done processing this ship, we need to ; copy the ship data back from INWK to the correct place ; in the K% workspace. We already set INF in part 4 to ; point to the ship's data block in K%, so we can simply ; do the reverse of the copy we did before, this time ; copying from INWK to INF LDY #NI%-1 ; Set a counter in Y so we can loop through the NI% ; bytes in the ship data block .MAL3 LDA INWK,Y ; Load the Y-th byte of INWK and store it in the Y-th STA (INF),Y ; byte of INF DEY ; Decrement the loop counter BPL MAL3 ; Loop back for the next byte, until we have copied the ; last byte from INWK back to INFName: Main flight loop (Part 6 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: Move the ship in space and copy the updated INWK data block back to K% Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Program flow of the ship-moving routine Ship data blocksContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Continue looping through all the ships in the local bubble, and for each one: * Move the ship in space * Copy the updated ship's data block from INWK back to K%LDA INWK+31 ; Fetch the status of this ship from bits 5 (is ship AND #%10100000 ; exploding?) and bit 7 (has ship been killed?) from ; ship byte #31 into A JSR MAS4 ; Or this value with x_hi, y_hi and z_hi BNE MA65 ; If this value is non-zero, then either the ship is ; far away (i.e. has a non-zero high byte in at least ; one of the three axes), or it is already exploding, ; or has been flagged as being killed - in which case ; jump to MA65 to skip the following, as we can't dock ; scoop or collide with it LDA INWK ; Set A = (x_lo OR y_lo OR z_lo), and if bit 7 of the ORA INWK+3 ; result is set, the ship is still a fair distance ORA INWK+6 ; away (further than 127 in at least one axis), so jump BMI MA65 ; to MA65 to skip the following, as it's too far away to ; dock, scoop or collide with LDX TYPE ; If the current ship type is negative then it's either BMI MA65 ; a planet or a sun, so jump down to MA65 to skip the ; following, as we can't dock with it or scoop it CPX #SST ; If this ship is the space station, jump to ISDK to BEQ ISDK ; check whether we are docking with it AND #%11000000 ; If bit 6 of (x_lo OR y_lo OR z_lo) is set, then the BNE MA65 ; ship is still a reasonable distance away (further than ; 63 in at least one axis), so jump to MA65 to skip the ; following, as it's too far away to dock, scoop or ; collide with CPX #MSL ; If this ship is a missile, jump down to MA65 to skip BEQ MA65 ; the following, as we can't scoop or dock with a ; missile, and it has its own dedicated collision ; checks in the TACTICS routine LDA BST ; If we have fuel scoops fitted then BST will be $FF, ; otherwise it will be 0 AND INWK+5 ; Ship byte #5 contains the y_sign of this ship, so a ; negative value here means the canister is below us, ; which means the result of the AND will be negative if ; the canister is below us and we have a fuel scoop ; fitted BPL MA58 ; If the result is positive, then we either have no ; scoop or the canister is above us, and in both cases ; this means we can't scoop the item, so jump to MA58 ; to process a collisionName: Main flight loop (Part 7 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: Check whether we are docking, scooping or colliding with it Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loopContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Continue looping through all the ships in the local bubble, and for each one: * Check how close we are to this ship and work out if we are docking, scooping or colliding with itCPX #OIL ; If this is a cargo canister, jump to oily to randomly BEQ oily ; decide the canister's contents LDY #0 ; Fetch byte #0 of the ship's blueprint LDA (XX0),Y LSR A ; Shift it right four times, so A now contains the high LSR A ; nibble (i.e. bits 4-7) LSR A LSR A BEQ MA58 ; If A = 0, jump to MA58 to skip all the docking and ; scooping checks ; Only the Thargon, alloy plate, splinter and escape pod ; have non-zero high nibbles in their blueprint byte #0 ; so if we get here, our ship is one of those, and the ; high nibble gives the market item number of the item ; when scooped, less 1 ADC #1 ; Add 1 to the high nibble to get the market item ; number BNE slvy2 ; Skip to slvy2 so we scoop the ship as a market item .oily JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers and reduce A to a AND #7 ; random number in the range 0-7 .slvy2 ; By the time we get here, we are scooping, and A ; contains the type of item we are scooping (a random ; number 0-7 if we are scooping a cargo canister, 3 if ; we are scooping an escape pod, or 16 if we are ; scooping a Thargon). These numbers correspond to the ; relevant market items (see QQ23 for a list), so a ; cargo canister can contain anything from food to ; computers, while escape pods contain slaves, and ; Thargons become alien items when scooped JSR tnpr1 ; Call tnpr1 with the scooped cargo type stored in A ; to work out whether we have room in the hold for one ; tonne of this cargo (A is set to 1 by this call, and ; the C flag contains the result) LDY #78 ; This instruction has no effect, so presumably it used ; to do something, but didn't get removed BCS MA59 ; If the C flag is set then we have no room in the hold ; for the scooped item, so jump down to MA59 make a ; sound to indicate failure, before destroying the ; canister LDY QQ29 ; Scooping was successful, so set Y to the type of ; item we just scooped, which we stored in QQ29 above ADC QQ20,Y ; Add A (which we set to 1 above) to the number of items STA QQ20,Y ; of type Y in the cargo hold, as we just successfully ; scooped one canister of type Y TYA ; Print recursive token 48 + Y as an in-flight token, ADC #208 ; which will be in the range 48 ("FOOD") to 64 ("ALIEN JSR MESS ; ITEMS"), so this prints the scooped item's name ASL NEWB ; The item has now been scooped, so set bit 7 of its SEC ; NEWB flags to indicate this ROR NEWB .MA65 JMP MA26 ; If we get here, then the ship we are processing was ; too far away to be scooped, docked or collided with, ; so jump to MA26 to skip over the collision routines ; and move on to missile targetingName: Main flight loop (Part 8 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: Process us potentially scooping this item Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loopContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Continue looping through all the ships in the local bubble, and for each one: * Process us potentially scooping this item.ISDK LDA K%+NI%+36 ; 1. Fetch the NEWB flags (byte #36) of the second ship AND #%00000100 ; in the ship data workspace at K%, which is reserved BNE MA62 ; for the sun or the space station (in this case it's ; the latter), and if bit 2 is set, meaning the station ; is hostile, jump down to MA62 to fail docking (so ; trying to dock at a station that we have annoyed does ; not end well) LDA INWK+14 ; 2. If nosev_z_hi < 214, jump down to MA62 to fail CMP #214 ; docking, as the angle of approach is greater than 26 BCC MA62 ; degrees JSR SPS1 ; Call SPS1 to calculate the vector to the planet and ; store it in XX15 LDA XX15+2 ; Set A to the z-axis of the vector ; This version of Elite omits check 3 (which would check ; the sign of the z-axis) CMP #89 ; 4. If z-axis < 89, jump to MA62 to fail docking, as BCC MA62 ; we are not in the 22.0 degree safe cone of approach LDA INWK+16 ; 5. If |roofv_x_hi| < 80, jump to MA62 to fail docking, AND #%01111111 ; as the slot is more than 36.6 degrees from horizontal CMP #80 BCC MA62 .GOIN ; If we arrive here, we just docked successfully ;JSR stopbd ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source JMP DOENTRY ; Go to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode ; screen) .MA62 ; If we arrive here, docking has just failed LDA DELTA ; If the ship's speed is < 5, jump to MA67 to register CMP #5 ; some damage, but not a huge amount BCC MA67 JMP DEATH ; Otherwise we have just crashed into the station, so ; process our deathName: Main flight loop (Part 9 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: If it is a space station, check whether we are successfully docking with it Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Docking checksContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ESCAPE calls via GOIN
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Process docking with a space station
Other entry points: GOIN We jump here from part 3 of the main flight loop if the docking computer is activated by pressing "C".MA59 ; If we get here then scooping failed JSR EXNO3 ; Make the sound of the cargo canister being destroyed ; and fall through into MA60 to remove the canister ; from our local bubble .MA60 ; If we get here then scooping was successful ASL INWK+31 ; Set bit 7 of the scooped or destroyed item, to denote SEC ; that it has been killed and should be removed from ROR INWK+31 ; the local bubble .MA61 BNE MA26 ; Jump to MA26 to skip over the collision routines and ; to move on to missile targeting (this BNE is ; effectively a JMP as A will never be zero) .MA67 ; If we get here then we have collided with something, ; but not fatally LDA #1 ; Set the speed in DELTA to 1 (i.e. a sudden stop) STA DELTA LDA #5 ; Set the amount of damage in A to 5 (a small dent) and BNE MA63 ; jump down to MA63 to process the damage (this BNE is ; effectively a JMP as A will never be zero) .MA58 ; If we get here, we have collided with something in a ; potentially fatal way ASL INWK+31 ; Set bit 7 of the ship we just collided with, to SEC ; denote that it has been killed and should be removed ROR INWK+31 ; from the local bubble LDA INWK+35 ; Load A with the energy level of the ship we just hit SEC ; Set the amount of damage in A to 128 + A / 2, so ROR A ; this is quite a big dent, and colliding with higher ; energy ships will cause more damage .MA63 JSR OOPS ; The amount of damage is in A, so call OOPS to reduce ; our shields, and if the shields are gone, there's a ; chance of cargo loss or even death JSR EXNO3 ; Make the sound of colliding with the other ship and ; fall through into MA26 to try targeting a missileName: Main flight loop (Part 10 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: Remove if scooped, or process collisions Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loopContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Continue looping through all the ships in the local bubble, and for each one: * Remove scooped item after both successful and failed scooping attempts * Process collisions.MA26 LDA NEWB ; If bit 7 of the ship's NEWB flags is clear, skip the BPL P%+5 ; following instruction JSR SCAN ; Bit 7 of the ship's NEWB flags is set, which means the ; ship has docked or been scooped, so we draw the ship ; on the scanner, which has the effect of removing it LDA QQ11 ; If this is not a space view, jump to MA15 to skip BNE MA15 ; missile and laser locking JSR PLUT ; Call PLUT to update the geometric axes in INWK to ; match the view (front, rear, left, right) JSR HITCH ; Call HITCH to see if this ship is in the crosshairs, BCC MA8 ; in which case the C flag will be set (so if there is ; no missile or laser lock, we jump to MA8 to skip the ; following) LDA MSAR ; We have missile lock, so check whether the leftmost BEQ MA47 ; missile is currently armed, and if not, jump to MA47 ; to process laser fire, as we can't lock an unarmed ; missile JSR BEEP ; We have missile lock and an armed missile, so call ; the BEEP subroutine to make a short, high beep LDX XSAV ; Call ABORT2 to store the details of this missile LDY #RED ; lock, with the targeted ship's slot number in X JSR ABORT2 ; (which we stored in XSAV at the start of this ship's ; loop at MAL1), and set the colour of the missile ; indicator to the colour in Y (#RED) .MA47 ; If we get here then the ship is in our sights, but ; we didn't lock a missile, so let's see if we're ; firing the laser LDA LAS ; If we are firing the laser then LAS will contain the BEQ MA8 ; laser power (which we set in MA68 above), so if this ; is zero, jump down to MA8 to skip the following LDX #15 ; We are firing our laser and the ship in INWK is in JSR EXNO ; the crosshairs, so call EXNO to make the sound of ; us making a laser strike on another ship LDA TYPE ; Did we just hit the space station? If so, jump to CMP #SST ; MA14+2 to make the station hostile, skipping the BEQ MA14+2 ; following as we can't destroy a space station CMP #CON ; If the ship we hit is less than #CON - i.e. it's not BCC BURN ; a Constrictor, Cougar, Dodo station or the Elite logo, ; jump to BURN to skip the following LDA LAS ; Set A to the power of the laser we just used to hit ; the ship (i.e. the laser in the current view) CMP #(Armlas AND 127) ; If the laser is not a military laser, jump to MA14+2 BNE MA14+2 ; to skip the following, as only military lasers have ; any effect on the Constrictor or Cougar LSR LAS ; Divide the laser power of the current view by 4, so LSR LAS ; the damage inflicted on the super-ship is a quarter of ; the damage our military lasers would inflict on a ; normal ship .BURN LDA INWK+35 ; Fetch the hit ship's energy from byte #35 and subtract SEC ; our current laser power, and if the result is greater SBC LAS ; than zero, the other ship has survived the hit, so BCS MA14 ; jump down to MA14 to make it angry ASL INWK+31 ; Set bit 7 of the ship byte #31 to indicate that it has SEC ; now been killed ROR INWK+31 LDA TYPE ; Did we just kill an asteroid? If not, jump to nosp, CMP #AST ; otherwise keep going BNE nosp LDA LAS ; Did we kill the asteroid using mining lasers? If not, CMP #Mlas ; jump to nosp, otherwise keep going BNE nosp JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers LDX #SPL ; Set X to the ship type for a splinter AND #3 ; Reduce the random number in A to the range 0-3 JSR SPIN2 ; Call SPIN2 to spawn A items of type X (i.e. spawn ; 0-3 splinters) .nosp LDY #PLT ; Randomly spawn some alloy plates JSR SPIN LDY #OIL ; Randomly spawn some cargo canisters JSR SPIN LDX TYPE ; Set X to the type of the ship that was killed so the ; following call to EXNO2 can award us the correct ; number of fractional kill points JSR EXNO2 ; Call EXNO2 to process the fact that we have killed a ; ship (so increase the kill tally, make an explosion ; sound and so on) .MA14 STA INWK+35 ; Store the hit ship's updated energy in ship byte #35 LDA TYPE ; Call ANGRY to make this ship hostile, now that we JSR ANGRY ; have hit itName: Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: Process missile lock and firing our laser Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Flipping axes between space viewsContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Continue looping through all the ships in the local bubble, and for each one: * If this is not the front space view, flip the axes of the ship's coordinates in INWK * Process missile lock * Process our laser firing.MA8 JSR LL9 ; Call LL9 to draw the ship we're processing on-screen .MA15 LDY #35 ; Fetch the ship's energy from byte #35 and copy it to LDA INWK+35 ; byte #35 in INF (so the ship's data in K% gets STA (INF),Y ; updated) LDA NEWB ; If bit 7 of the ship's NEWB flags is set, which means BMI KS1S ; the ship has docked or been scooped, jump to KS1S to ; skip the following, as we can't get a bounty for a ; ship that's no longer around LDA INWK+31 ; If bit 7 of the ship's byte #31 is clear, then the BPL MAC1 ; ship hasn't been killed by energy bomb, collision or ; laser fire, so jump to MAC1 to skip the following AND #%00100000 ; If bit 5 of the ship's byte #31 is clear then the BEQ MAC1 ; ship is no longer exploding, so jump to MAC1 to skip ; the following LDA NEWB ; Extract bit 6 of the ship's NEWB flags, so A = 64 if AND #%01000000 ; bit 6 is set, or 0 if it is clear. Bit 6 is set if ; this ship is a cop, so A = 64 if we just killed a ; policeman, otherwise it is 0 ORA FIST ; Update our FIST flag ("fugitive/innocent status") to STA FIST ; at least the value in A, which will instantly make us ; a fugitive if we just shot the sheriff, but won't ; affect our status if the enemy wasn't a copper LDA DLY ; If we already have an in-flight message on-screen (in ORA MJ ; which case DLY > 0), or we are in witchspace (in BNE KS1S ; which case MJ > 0), jump to KS1S to skip showing an ; on-screen bounty for this kill LDY #10 ; Fetch byte #10 of the ship's blueprint, which is the LDA (XX0),Y ; low byte of the bounty awarded when this ship is BEQ KS1S ; killed (in Cr * 10), and if it's zero jump to KS1S as ; there is no on-screen bounty to display TAX ; Put the low byte of the bounty into X INY ; Fetch byte #11 of the ship's blueprint, which is the LDA (XX0),Y ; high byte of the bounty awarded (in Cr * 10), and put TAY ; it into Y JSR MCASH ; Call MCASH to add (Y X) to the cash pot LDA #0 ; Print control code 0 (current cash, right-aligned to JSR MESS ; width 9, then " CR", newline) as an in-flight message .KS1S JMP KS1 ; Process the killing of this ship (which removes this ; ship from its slot and shuffles all the other ships ; down to close up the gap) .MAC1 LDA TYPE ; If the ship we are processing is a planet or sun, BMI MA27 ; jump to MA27 to skip the following two instructions JSR FAROF ; If the ship we are processing is a long way away (its BCC KS1S ; distance in any one direction is > 224, jump to KS1S ; to remove the ship from our local bubble, as it's just ; left the building .MA27 LDY #31 ; Fetch the ship's explosion/killed state from byte #31 LDA INWK+31 ; and copy it to byte #31 in INF (so the ship's data in STA (INF),Y ; K% gets updated) LDX XSAV ; We're done processing this ship, so fetch the ship's ; slot number, which we saved in XSAV back at the start ; of the loop INX ; Increment the slot number to move on to the next slot JMP MAL1 ; And jump back up to the beginning of the loop to get ; the next ship in the local bubble for processingName: Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: Draw the ship, remove if killed, loop back Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Drawing shipsContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Continue looping through all the ships in the local bubble, and for each one: * Draw the ship * Process removal of killed ships * Loop back up to MAL1 to move onto the next ship in the local bubble.MA18 LDA BOMB ; If we set off our energy bomb (see MA24 above), then BPL MA77 ; BOMB is now negative, so this skips to MA21 if our ; energy bomb is not going off JSR BOMBEFF2 ; Call BOMBEFF2 to erase the energy bomb zig-zag ; lightning bolt that we drew in part 3, make the sound ; of the energy bomb going off, draw a new lightning ; bolt, and repeat the process four times so the bolt ; flashes ASL BOMB ; We set off our energy bomb, so rotate BOMB to the ; left by one place. BOMB was rotated left once already ; during this iteration of the main loop, back at MA24, ; so if this is the first pass it will already be ; %11111110, and this will shift it to %11111100 - so ; if we set off an energy bomb, it stays activated ; (BOMB > 0) for four iterations of the main loop BMI MA77 ; If the result has bit 7 set, skip the following ; instruction as the bomb is still going off JSR BOMBOFF ; Our energy bomb has finished going off, so call ; BOMBOFF to draw the zig-zag lightning bolt, which ; erases it from the screen .MA77 LDA MCNT ; Fetch the main loop counter and calculate MCNT mod 8, AND #7 ; jumping to MA22 if it is non-zero (so the following BNE MA22 ; code only runs every 8 iterations of the main loop) LDX ENERGY ; Fetch our ship's energy levels and skip to b if bit 7 BPL b ; is not set, i.e. only charge the shields from the ; energy banks if they are at more than 50% charge LDX ASH ; Call SHD to recharge our aft shield and update the JSR SHD ; shield status in ASH STX ASH LDX FSH ; Call SHD to recharge our forward shield and update JSR SHD ; the shield status in FSH STX FSH .b SEC ; Set A = ENERGY + ENGY + 1, so our ship's energy LDA ENGY ; level goes up by 2 if we have an energy unit fitted, ADC ENERGY ; otherwise it goes up by 1 BCS paen1 ; If the value of A did not overflow (the maximum STA ENERGY ; energy level is $FF), then store A in ENERGY .paen1Name: Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Show energy bomb effect, charge shields and energy banks Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Scheduling tasks with the main loop counterContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Show energy bomb effect (if applicable) * Charge shields and energy banks (every 7 iterations of the main loop)LDA MJ ; If we are in witchspace, jump down to MA23S to skip BNE MA23S ; the following, as there are no space stations in ; witchspace LDA MCNT ; Fetch the main loop counter and calculate MCNT mod 32, AND #31 ; jumping to MA93 if it is on-zero (so the following BNE MA93 ; code only runs every 32 iterations of the main loop) LDA SSPR ; If we are inside the space station safe zone, jump to BNE MA23S ; MA23S to skip the following, as we already have a ; space station and don't need another TAY ; Set Y = A = 0 (A is 0 as we didn't branch with the ; previous BNE instruction) JSR MAS2 ; Call MAS2 to calculate the largest distance to the BNE MA23S ; planet in any of the three axes, and if it's ; non-zero, jump to MA23S to skip the following, as we ; are too far from the planet to bump into a space ; station ; We now want to spawn a space station, so first we ; need to set up a ship data block for the station in ; INWK that we can then pass to NWSPS to add a new ; station to our bubble of universe. We do this by ; copying the planet data block from K% to INWK so we ; can work on it, but we only need the first 29 bytes, ; as we don't need to worry about bytes #29 to #35 ; for planets (as they don't have rotation counters, ; AI, explosions, missiles, a ship line heap or energy ; levels) LDX #28 ; So we set a counter in X to copy 29 bytes from K%+0 ; to K%+28 .MAL4 LDA K%,X ; Load the X-th byte of K% and store in the X-th byte STA INWK,X ; of the INWK workspace DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BPL MAL4 ; Loop back for the next byte until we have copied the ; first 28 bytes of K% to INWK ; We now check the distance from our ship (at the ; origin) towards the point where we will spawn the ; space station if we are close enough ; ; This point is calculated by starting at the planet's ; centre and adding 2 * nosev, which takes us to a point ; above the planet's surface, at an altitude that ; matches the planet's radius ; ; This point pitches and rolls around the planet as the ; nosev vector rotates with the planet, and if our ship ; is within a distance of (192 0) from this point in all ; three axes, then we spawn the space station at this ; point, with the station's slot facing towards the ; planet, along the nosev vector ; ; This works because in the following, we calculate the ; station's coordinates one axis at a time, and store ; the results in the INWK block, so by the time we have ; calculated and checked all three, the ship data block ; is set up with the correct spawning coordinates INX ; Set X = 0 (as we ended the above loop with X as $FF) LDY #9 ; Call MAS1 with X = 0, Y = 9 to do the following: JSR MAS1 ; ; (x_sign x_hi x_lo) += (nosev_x_hi nosev_x_lo) * 2 ; ; A = |x_sign| BNE MA23S ; If A > 0, jump to MA23S to skip the following, as we ; are too far from the planet in the x-direction to ; bump into a space station LDX #3 ; Call MAS1 with X = 3, Y = 11 to do the following: LDY #11 ; JSR MAS1 ; (y_sign y_hi y_lo) += (nosev_y_hi nosev_y_lo) * 2 ; ; A = |y_sign| BNE MA23S ; If A > 0, jump to MA23S to skip the following, as we ; are too far from the planet in the y-direction to ; bump into a space station LDX #6 ; Call MAS1 with X = 6, Y = 13 to do the following: LDY #13 ; JSR MAS1 ; (z_sign z_hi z_lo) += (nosev_z_hi nosev_z_lo) * 2 ; ; A = |z_sign| BNE MA23S ; If A > 0, jump to MA23S to skip the following, as we ; are too far from the planet in the z-direction to ; bump into a space station LDA #192 ; Call FAROF2 to compare x_hi, y_hi and z_hi with 192, JSR FAROF2 ; which will set the C flag if all three are < 192, or ; clear the C flag if any of them are >= 192 BCC MA23S ; Jump to MA23S if any one of x_hi, y_hi or z_hi are ; >= 192 (i.e. they must all be < 192 for us to be near ; enough to the planet to bump into a space station) JSR WPLS ; Call WPLS to remove the sun from the screen, as we ; can't have both the sun and the space station at the ; same time JSR NWSPS ; Add a new space station to our local bubble of ; universe .MA23S JMP MA23 ; Jump to MA23 to skip the following planet and sun ; altitude checksName: Main flight loop (Part 14 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Spawn a space station if we are close enough to the planet Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Scheduling tasks with the main loop counter Ship data blocks The space station safe zoneContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Spawn a space station if we are close enough to the planet (every 32 iterations of the main loop).MA22 LDA MJ ; If we are in witchspace, jump down to MA23S to skip BNE MA23S ; the following, as there are no planets or suns to ; bump into in witchspace LDA MCNT ; Fetch the main loop counter and calculate MCNT mod 32, AND #31 ; which tells us the position of this loop in each block ; of 32 iterations .MA93 CMP #10 ; If this is the tenth iteration in this block of 32, BNE MA29 ; do the following, otherwise jump to MA29 to skip the ; planet altitude check and move on to the sun distance ; check LDA #50 ; If our energy bank status in ENERGY is >= 50, skip CMP ENERGY ; printing the following message (so the message is BCC P%+6 ; only shown if our energy is low) ASL A ; Print recursive token 100 ("ENERGY LOW{beep}") as an JSR MESS ; in-flight message LDY #$FF ; Set our altitude in ALTIT to $FF, the maximum STY ALTIT INY ; Set Y = 0 JSR m ; Call m to calculate the maximum distance to the ; planet in any of the three axes, returned in A BNE MA23 ; If A > 0 then we are a fair distance away from the ; planet in at least one axis, so jump to MA23 to skip ; the rest of the altitude check JSR MAS3 ; Set A = x_hi^2 + y_hi^2 + z_hi^2, so using Pythagoras ; we now know that A now contains the square of the ; distance between our ship (at the origin) and the ; centre of the planet at (x_hi, y_hi, z_hi) BCS MA23 ; If the C flag was set by MAS3, then the result ; overflowed (was greater than $FF) and we are still a ; fair distance from the planet, so jump to MA23 as we ; haven't crashed into the planet SBC #36 ; Subtract 36 from x_hi^2 + y_hi^2 + z_hi^2 ; ; When we do the 3D Pythagoras calculation, we only use ; the high bytes of the coordinates, so that's x_hi, ; y_hi and z_hi and ; ; The planet radius is (0 96 0), as defined in the ; PLANET routine, so the high byte is 96 ; ; When we square the coordinates above and add them, ; the result gets divided by 256 (otherwise the result ; wouldn't fit into one byte), so if we do the same for ; the planet's radius, we get: ; ; 96 * 96 / 256 = 36 ; ; So for the planet, the equivalent figure to test the ; sum of the _hi bytes against is 36, so A now contains ; the high byte of our altitude above the planet ; surface, squared BCC MA28 ; If A < 0 then jump to MA28 as we have crashed into ; the planet STA R ; We are getting close to the planet, so we need to JSR LL5 ; work out how close. We know from the above that A ; contains our altitude squared, so we store A in R ; and call LL5 to calculate: ; ; Q = SQRT(R Q) = SQRT(A Q) ; ; Interestingly, Q doesn't appear to be set to 0 for ; this calculation, so presumably this doesn't make a ; difference LDA Q ; Store the result in ALTIT, our altitude STA ALTIT BNE MA23 ; If our altitude is non-zero then we haven't crashed, ; so jump to MA23 to skip to the next section .MA28 JMP DEATH ; If we get here then we just crashed into the planet ; or got too close to the sun, so jump to DEATH to start ; the funeral preparations and return from the main ; flight loop using a tail call .MA29 CMP #15 ; If this is the 15th iteration in this block of 32, BNE MA33 ; do the following, otherwise jump to MA33 to skip the ; docking computer manoeuvring LDA auto ; If auto is zero, then the docking computer is not BEQ MA23 ; activated, so jump to MA23 to skip to the next ; section LDA #123 ; Set A = 123 and jump down to MA34 to print token 123 BNE MA34 ; ("DOCKING COMPUTERS ON") as an in-flight message .MA33 CMP #20 ; If this is the 20th iteration in this block of 32, BNE MA23 ; do the following, otherwise jump to MA23 to skip the ; sun altitude check LDA #30 ; Set CABTMP to 30, the cabin temperature in deep space STA CABTMP ; (i.e. one notch on the dashboard bar) LDA SSPR ; If we are inside the space station safe zone, jump to BNE MA23 ; MA23 to skip the following, as we can't have both the ; sun and space station at the same time, so we clearly ; can't be flying near the sun LDY #NI% ; Set Y to NI%, which is the offset in K% for the sun's ; data block, as the second block at K% is reserved for ; the sun (or space station) JSR MAS2 ; Call MAS2 to calculate the largest distance to the BNE MA23 ; sun in any of the three axes, and if it's non-zero, ; jump to MA23 to skip the following, as we are too far ; from the sun for scooping or temperature changes JSR MAS3 ; Set A = x_hi^2 + y_hi^2 + z_hi^2, so using Pythagoras ; we now know that A now contains the square of the ; distance between our ship (at the origin) and the ; heart of the sun at (x_hi, y_hi, z_hi) EOR #%11111111 ; Invert A, so A is now small if we are far from the ; sun and large if we are close to the sun, in the ; range 0 = far away to $FF = extremely close, ouch, ; hot, hot, hot! ADC #30 ; Add the minimum cabin temperature of 30, so we get ; one of the following: ; ; * If the C flag is clear, A contains the cabin ; temperature, ranging from 30 to 255, that's hotter ; the closer we are to the sun ; ; * If the C flag is set, the addition has rolled over ; and the cabin temperature is over 255 STA CABTMP ; Store the updated cabin temperature BCS MA28 ; If the C flag is set then jump to MA28 to die, as ; our temperature is off the scale CMP #224 ; If the cabin temperature < 224 then jump to MA23 to BCC MA23 ; skip fuel scooping, as we aren't close enough ;CMP #$F0 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;BCC nokilltr ; source ; ;LDA #5 ;JSR SETL1 ; ;LDA VIC+$15 ;AND #$3 ;STA VIC+$15 ; ;LDA #4 ;JSR SETL1 ; ;LSR TRIBBLE+1 ;ROR TRIBBLE ; ;.nokilltr LDA BST ; If we don't have fuel scoops fitted, jump to BA23 to BEQ MA23 ; skip fuel scooping, as we can't scoop without fuel ; scoops LDA DELT4+1 ; We are now successfully fuel scooping, so it's time LSR A ; to work out how much fuel we're scooping. Fetch the ; high byte of DELT4, which contains our current speed ; divided by 4, and halve it to get our current speed ; divided by 8 (so it's now a value between 1 and 5, as ; our speed is normally between 1 and 40). This gives ; us the amount of fuel that's being scooped in A, so ; the faster we go, the more fuel we scoop, and because ; the fuel levels are stored as 10 * the fuel in light ; years, that means we just scooped between 0.1 and 0.5 ; light years of free fuel ADC QQ14 ; Set A = A + the current fuel level * 10 (from QQ14) CMP #70 ; If A > 70 then set A = 70 (as 70 is the maximum fuel BCC P%+4 ; level, or 7.0 light years) LDA #70 STA QQ14 ; Store the updated fuel level in QQ14 LDA #160 ; Set A to token 160 ("FUEL SCOOPS ON") .MA34 JSR MESS ; Print the token in A as an in-flight messageName: Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Perform altitude checks with the planet and sun and process fuel scooping if appropriate Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop Scheduling tasks with the main loop counterContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Perform an altitude check with the planet (every 32 iterations of the main loop, on iteration 10 of each 32) * Perform an altitude check with the sun and process fuel scooping (every 32 iterations of the main loop, on iteration 20 of each 32).MA23 LDA LAS2 ; If the current view has no laser, jump to MA16 to skip BEQ MA16 ; the following LDA LASCT ; If LASCT >= 8, jump to MA16 to skip the following, so CMP #8 ; for a pulse laser with a LASCT between 8 and 10, the BCS MA16 ; laser stays on, but for a LASCT of 7 or less it gets ; turned off and stays off until LASCT reaches zero and ; the next pulse can start (if the fire button is still ; being pressed) ; ; For pulse lasers, LASCT gets set to 10 in ma1 above, ; and it decrements every vertical sync (50 times a ; second), so this means it pulses five times a second, ; with the laser being on for the first 3/10 of each ; pulse and off for the rest of the pulse ; ; If this is a beam laser, LASCT is 0 so we always keep ; going here. This means the laser doesn't pulse, but it ; does get drawn and removed every cycle, in a slightly ; different place each time, so the beams still flicker ; around the screen JSR LASLI2 ; Redraw the existing laser lines, which has the effect ; of removing them from the screen LDA #0 ; Set LAS2 to 0 so if this is a pulse laser, it will STA LAS2 ; skip over the above until the next pulse (this has no ; effect if this is a beam laser) .MA16 LDA ECMP ; If our E.C.M is not on, skip to MA69, otherwise keep BEQ MA69 ; going to drain some energy JSR DENGY ; Call DENGY to deplete our energy banks by 1 BEQ MA70 ; If we have no energy left, jump to MA70 to turn our ; E.C.M. off .MA69 LDA ECMA ; If an E.C.M is going off (ours or an opponent's) then BEQ MA66 ; keep going, otherwise skip to MA66 LDY #20 ; Set Y = 20 to pass to the SOBLIP routine below ORA #192 ; Set X to the E.C.M. counter in ECMA plus 192, to pass TAX ; to the SOBLIP routine as the period of the E.C.M. ; sound ; ; ECMA counts down from 32 to 1 as the E.C.M. goes off, ; so this sets X in the range 224 to 193, so the pitch ; of the E.C.M. sound rises from low to high as the ; sound progresses JSR SOBLIP ; Call the SOBLIP routine with Y = 20 to make the sound ; of the E.C.M. DEC ECMA ; Decrement the E.C.M. countdown timer, and if it has BNE MA66 ; reached zero, keep going, otherwise skip to MA66 .MA70 JSR ECMOF ; If we get here then either we have either run out of ; energy, or the E.C.M. timer has run down, so switch ; off the E.C.M. .MA66 LDA QQ11 ; If this is not a space view (i.e. QQ11 is non-zero) BNE oh ; then jump to oh to return from the main flight loop ; (as oh is an RTS) JMP STARS ; This is a space view, so jump to the STARS routine to ; process the stardust, and return from the main flight ; loop using a tail call ;JMP PBFL ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; sourceName: Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: Process laser pulsing, E.C.M. energy drain, call stardust routine Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loopContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Process laser pulsing * Process E.C.M. energy drain * Jump to the stardust routine if we are in a space view * Return from the main flight loop.SPIN JSR DORND ; Fetch a random number, and jump to oh if it is BPL oh ; positive (50% chance) TYA ; Copy the cargo type from Y into A and X TAX LDY #0 ; Fetch the first byte of the hit ship's blueprint, AND (XX0),Y ; which determines the maximum number of bits of ; debris shown when the ship is destroyed, and AND ; with the random number we just fetched AND #15 ; Reduce the random number in A to the range 0-15 .SPIN2 STA CNT ; Store the result in CNT, so CNT contains a random ; number between 0 and the maximum number of bits of ; debris that this ship will release when destroyed ; (to a maximum of 15 bits of debris) .spl BEQ oh ; We're going to go round a loop using CNT as a counter ; so this checks whether the counter is zero and jumps ; to oh when it gets there (which might be straight ; away) LDA #0 ; Call SFS1 to spawn the specified cargo from the now JSR SFS1 ; deceased parent ship, giving the spawned canister an ; AI flag of 0 (no AI, no E.C.M., non-hostile) DEC CNT ; Decrease the loop counter BNE spl+2 ; Jump back up to the LDA $0 instruction above (this BPL ; is effectively a JMP as CNT will never be negative) .oh RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: SPIN [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Randomly spawn cargo from a destroyed shipContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) calls SPIN * Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16) calls via oh * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) calls via SPIN2
Arguments: Y The type of cargo to consider spawning (typically #PLT or #OIL)
Other entry points: oh Contains an RTS SPIN2 Remove any randomness: spawn cargo of a specific type (given in X), and always spawn the number given in A.BOMBOFF LDA QQ11 ; If the current view is non-zero (i.e. not a space BNE BOMBR1 ; view), return from the subroutine (as BOMBR1 contains ; an RTS) LDY #1 ; We now want to loop through the 10 (BOMBTBX, BOMBTBY) ; coordinates, drawing a total of 9 lines between them ; to make the lightning effect, so set an index in Y ; to point to the end-point for each line, starting with ; the second coordinate pair LDA BOMBTBX ; Store the first coordinate pair from (BOMBTBX, STA XX12 ; BOMBTBY) in (XX12, XX12+1) LDA BOMBTBY STA XX12+1 .BOMBL1 JSR CLICK ; Toggle the state of the speaker (i.e. move it in or ; out) to make a single click LDA XX12 ; Set (X1, Y1) = (XX12, XX12+1) STA X1 ; LDA XX12+1 ; so the start point for this line STA Y1 LDA BOMBTBX,Y ; Set X2 = Y-th x-coordinate from BOMBTBX STA X2 STA XX12 ; Set XX12 = X2 LDA BOMBTBY,Y ; Set Y2 = Y-th y-coordinate from BOMBTBY, so we now STA Y2 ; have: ; ; (X2, Y2) = Y-th coordinate from (BOMBTBX, BOMBTBY) STA XX12+1 ; Set XX12+1 = Y2, so we now have ; ; (XX12, XX12+1) = (X2, Y2) ; ; so in the next loop iteration, the start point of the ; line will be the end point of this line, making the ; zig-zag lines all join up like a lightning bolt JSR LOIN ; Draw a line from (X1, Y1) to (X2, Y2) INY ; Increment the loop counter CPY #10 ; If Y < 10, loop back until we have drawn all the lines BCC BOMBL1 .BOMBR1 RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: BOMBOFF [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Draw the zig-zag lightning bolt for the energy bombContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BOMBEFF2 calls BOMBOFF * BOMBON calls BOMBOFF * LOOK1 calls BOMBOFF * Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16) calls BOMBOFF.BOMBEFF2 JSR P%+3 ; This pair of JSRs runs the following code four times JSR BOMBEFF .BOMBEFF JSR SOBOMB ; Make the sound of an energy bomb going off JSR BOMBOFF ; Our energy bomb is going off, so call BOMBOFF to draw ; the current zig-zag lightning bolt, which will erase ; it from the screen ; Fall through into BOMBON to set up and display a new ; zig-zag lightning boltName: BOMBEFF2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Erase the energy bomb zig-zag lightning bolt, make the sound of the energy bomb going off, draw a new bolt and repeat four timesContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16) calls BOMBEFF2.BOMBON LDY #0 ; We first need to generate 10 random coordinates for a ; zig-zag lightning bolt, with the x-coordinates in the ; table at BOMBTBX and the y-coordinates in the table at ; BOMBTBY, so set a counter in Y as an index to point at ; each coordinate as we create them ; ; Note that we generate the points from right to left, ; so that's high x-coordinate to low x-coordinate .BOMBL2 JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers and reduce A to a AND #127 ; random number in the range 0-127 ADC #3 ; Add 3 so A is now in the range 3-130, so the smallest ; possible value gives a y-coordinate just below the top ; border, and the highest possible value gives a ; y-coordinate that's around two-thirds of the way down ; the space view STA BOMBTBY,Y ; Store A in the Y-th byte of BOMBTBY, as the ; y-coordinate of the Y-th point in our lightning bolt TXA ; Fetch the random number from X into A and reduce it to AND #31 ; the range 0-31 CLC ; Add the Y-th value from BOMBPOS table, which contains ADC BOMBPOS,Y ; the smallest possible x-coordinate for the Y-th point ; (so the coordinates in the bolt will step along the ; screen from right to left, but with varying step ; sizes) STA BOMBTBX,Y ; Store A in the Y-th byte of BOMBTBX, as the ; x-coordinate of the Y-th point in our lightning bolt INY ; Increment the loop index CPY #10 ; Loop back to generate the next coordinate until we BCC BOMBL2 ; have generated all ten LDX #0 ; Set BOMBTBX+9 = 0, so the lightning bolt starts at the STX BOMBTBX+9 ; left edge of the screen DEX ; Set BOMBTBX = 255, so the lightning bolt ends at the STX BOMBTBX ; right edge of the screen BCS BOMBOFF ; Call BOMBOFF to draw the newly generated zig-zag ; lightning bolt and return from the subroutine using a ; tail call (this BCS is effectively a JMP as we passed ; through the BCC above)Name: BOMBON [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Drawing lines Summary: Randomise and draw the energy bomb's zig-zag lightning bolt linesContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) calls BOMBON.BOMBPOS EQUB 224 EQUB 224 EQUB 192 EQUB 160 EQUB 128 EQUB 96 EQUB 64 EQUB 32 EQUB 0 EQUB 0Name: BOMBPOS [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Drawing lines Summary: A set of x-coordinates that are used as the basis for the energy bomb's zig-zag lightning boltContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * BOMBON uses BOMBPOS.BOMBTBX SKIP 10.BOMBTBY SKIP 10.MT27 LDA #217 ; Set A = 217, so when we fall through into MT28, the ; 217 gets added to the current galaxy number, so the ; extended token that is printed is 217-219 (as this is ; only called in galaxies 0 through 2) BNE P%+4 ; Skip the next instructionName: MT27 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print the captain's name during mission briefings Deep dive: Extended text tokens The Constrictor missionContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT27
This routine prints the following tokens, depending on the galaxy number: * Token 217 ("CURRUTHERS") in galaxy 0 * Token 218 ("FOSDYKE SMYTHE") in galaxy 1 * Token 219 ("FORTESQUE") in galaxy 2 This is used when printing extended token 213 as part of the mission briefings, which looks like this when printed: Commander {commander name}, I am Captain {mission captain's name} of Her Majesty's Space Navy where {mission captain's name} is replaced by one of the names above..MT28 LDA #220 ; Set A = galaxy number in GCNT + 220, which is in the CLC ; range 220-221, as this is only called in galaxies 0 ADC GCNT ; and 1 BNE DETOK ; Jump to DETOK to print extended token 220-221, ; returning from the subroutine using a tail call (this ; BNE is effectively a JMP as A is never zero)Name: MT28 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print the location hint during the mission 1 briefing Deep dive: Extended text tokens The Constrictor missionContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT28
This routine prints the following tokens, depending on the galaxy number: * Token 220 ("WAS LAST SEEN AT {single cap}REESDICE") in galaxy 0 * Token 221 ("IS BELIEVED TO HAVE JUMPED TO THIS GALAXY") in galaxy 1 This is used when printing extended token 10 as part of the mission 1 briefing, which looks like this when printed: It went missing from our ship yard on Xeer five months ago and {mission 1 location hint} where {mission 1 location hint} is replaced by one of the names above..DETOK3 PHA ; Store A on the stack, so we can retrieve it later TAX ; Copy the token number from A into X TYA ; Store Y on the stack PHA LDA V ; Store V(1 0) on the stack PHA LDA V+1 PHA LDA #LO(RUTOK) ; Set V to the low byte of RUTOK STA V LDA #HI(RUTOK) ; Set A to the high byte of RUTOK BNE DTEN ; Call DTEN to print token number X from the RUTOK ; table and restore the values of A, Y and V(1 0) from ; the stack, returning from the subroutine using a tail ; call (this BNE is effectively a JMP as A is never ; zero)Name: DETOK3 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print an extended recursive token from the RUTOK token table Deep dive: Extended system descriptions Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * PDESC calls DETOK3
Arguments: A The recursive token to be printed, in the range 0-255
Returns: A A is preserved Y Y is preserved V(1 0) V(1 0) is preserved.DETOK PHA ; Store A on the stack, so we can retrieve it later TAX ; Copy the token number from A into X TYA ; Store Y on the stack PHA LDA V ; Store V(1 0) on the stack PHA LDA V+1 PHA LDA #LO(TKN1) ; Set V to the low byte of TKN1 STA V LDA #HI(TKN1) ; Set A to the high byte of TKN1, so when we fall ; through into DTEN, V(1 0) gets set to the address of ; the TKN1 token table .DTEN STA V+1 ; Set the high byte of V(1 0) to A, so V(1 0) now points ; to the start of the token table to use LDY #0 ; First, we need to work our way through the table until ; we get to the token that we want to print. Tokens are ; delimited by #VE, and VE EOR VE = 0, so we work our ; way through the table in, counting #VE delimiters ; until we have passed X of them, at which point we jump ; down to DTL2 to do the actual printing. So first, we ; set a counter Y to point to the character offset as we ; scan through the table .DTL1 LDA (V),Y ; Load the character at offset Y in the token table, ; which is the next character from the token table EOR #VE ; Tokens are stored in memory having been EOR'd with ; #VE, so we repeat the EOR to get the actual character ; in this token BNE DT1 ; If the result is non-zero, then this is a character ; in a token rather than the delimiter (which is #VE), ; so jump to DT1 DEX ; We have just scanned the end of a token, so decrement ; X, which contains the token number we are looking for BEQ DTL2 ; If X has now reached zero then we have found the token ; we are looking for, so jump down to DTL2 to print it .DT1 INY ; Otherwise this isn't the token we are looking for, so ; increment the character pointer BNE DTL1 ; If Y hasn't just wrapped around to 0, loop back to ; DTL1 to process the next character INC V+1 ; We have just crossed into a new page, so increment ; V+1 so that V points to the start of the new page BNE DTL1 ; Jump back to DTL1 to process the next character (this ; BNE is effectively a JMP as V+1 won't reach zero ; before we reach the end of the token table) .DTL2 INY ; We just detected the delimiter byte before the token ; that we want to print, so increment the character ; pointer to point to the first character of the token, ; rather than the delimiter BNE P%+4 ; If Y hasn't just wrapped around to 0, skip the next ; instruction INC V+1 ; We have just crossed into a new page, so increment ; V+1 so that V points to the start of the new page LDA (V),Y ; Load the character at offset Y in the token table, ; which is the next character from the token we want to ; print EOR #VE ; Tokens are stored in memory having been EOR'd with ; #VE, so we repeat the EOR to get the actual character ; in this token BEQ DTEX ; If the result is zero, then this is the delimiter at ; the end of the token to print (which is #VE), so jump ; to DTEX to return from the subroutine, as we are done ; printing JSR DETOK2 ; Otherwise call DETOK2 to print this part of the token JMP DTL2 ; Jump back to DTL2 to process the next character .DTEX PLA ; Restore V(1 0) from the stack, so it is preserved STA V+1 ; through calls to this routine PLA STA V PLA ; Restore Y from the stack, so it is preserved through TAY ; calls to this routine PLA ; Restore A from the stack, so it is preserved through ; calls to this routine RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: DETOK [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print an extended recursive token from the TKN1 token table Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BRIS calls DETOK * BRP calls DETOK * DETOK2 calls DETOK * dockEd calls DETOK * FILEPR calls DETOK * GTNMEW calls DETOK * HME2 calls DETOK * LOD calls DETOK * MT17 calls DETOK * MT28 calls DETOK * OTHERFILEPR calls DETOK * PDESC calls DETOK * STATUS calls DETOK * SVE calls DETOK * TITLE calls DETOK * TT210 calls DETOK * TT214 calls DETOK * DETOK3 calls via DTEN
Arguments: A The recursive token to be printed, in the range 1-255
Returns: A A is preserved Y Y is preserved V(1 0) V(1 0) is preserved
Other entry points: DTEN Print recursive token number X from the token table pointed to by (A V), used to print tokens from the RUTOK table via calls to DETOK3.DETOK2 CMP #32 ; If A < 32 then this is a jump token, so skip to DT3 to BCC DT3 ; process it BIT DTW3 ; If bit 7 of DTW3 is clear, then extended tokens are BPL DT8 ; enabled, so jump to DT8 to process them ; If we get there then this is not a jump token and ; extended tokens are not enabled, so we can call the ; standard text token routine at TT27 to print the token TAX ; Copy the token number from A into X TYA ; Store Y on the stack PHA LDA V ; Store V(1 0) on the stack PHA LDA V+1 PHA TXA ; Copy the token number from X back into A JSR TT27 ; Call TT27 to print the text token JMP DT7 ; Jump to DT7 to restore V(1 0) and Y from the stack and ; return from the subroutine .DT8 ; If we get here then this is not a jump token and ; extended tokens are enabled CMP #'[' ; If A < ASCII "[" (i.e. A <= ASCII "Z", or 90) then BCC DTS ; this is a printable ASCII character, so jump down to ; DTS to print it CMP #129 ; If A < 129, so A is in the range 91-128, jump down to BCC DT6 ; DT6 to print a randomised token from the MTIN table CMP #215 ; If A < 215, so A is in the range 129-214, jump to BCC DETOK ; DETOK as this is a recursive token, returning from the ; subroutine using a tail call ; If we get here then A >= 215, so this is a two-letter ; token from the extended TKN2/QQ16 table SBC #215 ; Subtract 215 to get a token number in the range 0-12 ; (the C flag is set as we passed through the BCC above, ; so this subtraction is correct) ASL A ; Set A = A * 2, so it can be used as a pointer into the ; two-letter token tables at TKN2 and QQ16 PHA ; Store A on the stack, so we can restore it for the ; second letter below TAX ; Fetch the first letter of the two-letter token from LDA TKN2,X ; TKN2, which is at TKN2 + X JSR DTS ; Call DTS to print it PLA ; Restore A from the stack and transfer it into X TAX LDA TKN2+1,X ; Fetch the second letter of the two-letter token from ; TKN2, which is at TKN2 + X + 1, and fall through into ; DTS to print it .DTS CMP #'A' ; If A < ASCII "A", jump to DT9 to print this as ASCII BCC DT9 BIT DTW6 ; If bit 7 of DTW6 is set, then lower case has been BMI DT10 ; enabled by jump token 13, {lower case}, so jump to ; DT10 to apply the lower case and single cap masks BIT DTW2 ; If bit 7 of DTW2 is set, then we are not currently BMI DT5 ; printing a word, so jump to DT5 so we skip the setting ; of lower case in Sentence Case (which we only want to ; do when we are already printing a word) .DT10 ORA DTW1 ; Convert the character to lower case if DTW1 is ; %00100000 (i.e. if we are in {sentence case} mode) .DT5 AND DTW8 ; Convert the character to upper case if DTW8 is ; %11011111 (i.e. after a {single cap} token) .DT9 JMP DASC ; Jump to DASC to print the ASCII character in A, ; returning from the routine using a tail call .DT3 ; If we get here then the token number in A is in the ; range 1 to 32, so this is a jump token that should ; call the corresponding address in the jump table at ; JMTB TAX ; Copy the token number from A into X TYA ; Store Y on the stack PHA LDA V ; Store V(1 0) on the stack PHA LDA V+1 PHA TXA ; Copy the token number from X back into A ASL A ; Set A = A * 2, so it can be used as a pointer into the ; jump table at JMTB, though because the original range ; of values is 1-32, so the doubled range is 2-64, we ; need to take the offset into the jump table from ; JMTB-2 rather than JMTB TAX ; Copy the doubled token number from A into X LDA JMTB-2,X ; Set DTM(2 1) to the X-th address from the table at STA DTM+1 ; JTM-2, which modifies the JSR DASC instruction at LDA JMTB-1,X ; label DTM below so that it calls the subroutine at the STA DTM+2 ; relevant address from the JMTB table TXA ; Copy the doubled token number from X back into A LSR A ; Halve A to get the original token number .DTM IF _IB_DISK JSR MT19 ; Call MT19 to capitalise the next letter (i.e. set ; Sentence Case for this word only) ELIF _SOURCE_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK JSR DASC ; Call the relevant JMTB subroutine, as this instruction ; will have been modified by the above to point to the ; relevant address ENDIF .DT7 PLA ; Restore V(1 0) from the stack, so it is preserved STA V+1 ; through calls to this routine PLA STA V PLA ; Restore Y from the stack, so it is preserved through TAY ; calls to this routine RTS ; Return from the subroutine .DT6 ; If we get here then the token number in A is in the ; range 91-128, which means we print a randomly picked ; token from the token range given in the corresponding ; entry in the MTIN table STA SC ; Store the token number in SC TYA ; Store Y on the stack PHA LDA V ; Store V(1 0) on the stack PHA LDA V+1 PHA JSR DORND ; Set X to a random number TAX LDA #0 ; Set A to 0, so we can build a random number from 0 to ; 4 in A plus the C flag, with each number being equally ; likely CPX #51 ; Add 1 to A if X >= 51 ADC #0 CPX #102 ; Add 1 to A if X >= 102 ADC #0 CPX #153 ; Add 1 to A if X >= 153 ADC #0 CPX #204 ; Set the C flag if X >= 204 LDX SC ; Fetch the token number from SC into X, so X is now in ; the range 91-128 ADC MTIN-91,X ; Set A = MTIN-91 + token number (91-128) + random (0-4) ; = MTIN + token number (0-37) + random (0-4) JSR DETOK ; Call DETOK to print the extended recursive token in A JMP DT7 ; Jump to DT7 to restore V(1 0) and Y from the stack and ; return from the subroutine using a tail callName: DETOK2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print an extended text token (1-255) Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DETOK calls DETOK2 * PDESC calls DETOK2 * MT18 calls via DTS
Arguments: A The token to be printed (1-255)
Returns: A A is preserved Y Y is preserved V(1 0) V(1 0) is preserved
Other entry points: DTS Print a single letter in the correct case.MT1 LDA #%00000000 ; Set A = %00000000, so when we fall through into MT2, ; both DTW1 and DTW6 get set to %00000000 EQUB $2C ; Skip the next instruction by turning it into ; $2C $A9 $20, or BIT $20A9, which does nothing apart ; from affect the flagsName: MT1 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Switch to ALL CAPS when printing extended tokens Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT1
This routine sets the following: * DTW1 = %00000000 (do not change case to lower case) * DTW6 = %00000000 (lower case is not enabled).MT2 LDA #%00100000 ; Set DTW1 = %00100000 STA DTW1 LDA #00000000 ; Set DTW6 = %00000000 STA DTW6 RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: MT2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Switch to Sentence Case when printing extended tokens Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT2 * TTX66 calls MT2
This routine sets the following: * DTW1 = %00100000 (apply lower case to the second letter of a word onwards) * DTW6 = %00000000 (lower case is not enabled).MT8 LDA #6 ; Set A = 6 to denote column 6 IF _IB_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK STA XC ; Move the text cursor to column 6 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK JSR DOXC ; Move the text cursor to column 6 ENDIF LDA #%11111111 ; Set all the bits in DTW2 STA DTW2 RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: MT8 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Tab to column 6 and start a new word when printing extended tokens Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT8
This routine sets the following: * XC = 6 (tab to column 6) * DTW2 = %11111111 (we are not currently printing a word).MT9 LDA #1 ; Move the text cursor to column 1 STA XC JMP TT66 ; Jump to TT66 to clear the screen and set the current ; view type to 1, returning from the subroutine using a ; tail callName: MT9 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Clear the screen and set the current view type to 1 Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT9
This routine sets the following: * XC = 1 (tab to column 1) before calling TT66 to clear the screen and set the view type to 1..MT13 LDA #%10000000 ; Set DTW6 = %10000000 STA DTW6 LDA #%00100000 ; Set DTW1 = %00100000 STA DTW1 RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: MT13 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Switch to lower case when printing extended tokens Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT13 * MT29 calls MT13
This routine sets the following: * DTW1 = %00100000 (apply lower case to the second letter of a word onwards) * DTW6 = %10000000 (lower case is enabled).MT6 LDA #%10000000 ; Set bit 7 of QQ17 to switch standard tokens to STA QQ17 ; Sentence Case LDA #%11111111 ; Set A = %11111111, so when we fall through into MT5, ; DTW3 gets set to %11111111 and calls to DETOK print ; standard tokens EQUB $2C ; Skip the next instruction by turning it into ; $2C $A9 $00, or BIT $00A9, which does nothing apart ; from affect the flagsName: MT6 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Switch to standard tokens in Sentence Case Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT6
This routine sets the following: * QQ17 = %10000000 (set Sentence Case for standard tokens) * DTW3 = %11111111 (print standard tokens).MT5 LDA #%00000000 ; Set DTW3 = %00000000, so that calls to DETOK print STA DTW3 ; extended tokens RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: MT5 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Switch to extended tokens Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT5
This routine sets the following: * DTW3 = %00000000 (print extended tokens).MT14 LDA #%10000000 ; Set A = %10000000, so when we fall through into MT15, ; DTW4 gets set to %10000000 EQUB $2C ; Skip the next instruction by turning it into ; $2C $A9 $00, or BIT $00A9, which does nothing apart ; from affect the flagsName: MT14 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Switch to justified text when printing extended tokens Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HME2 calls MT14 * JMTB calls MT14 * PDESC calls MT14
This routine sets the following: * DTW4 = %10000000 (justify text, print buffer on carriage return) * DTW5 = 0 (reset line buffer size).MT15 LDA #0 ; Set DTW4 = %00000000 STA DTW4 ASL A ; Set DTW5 = 0 (even when we fall through from MT14 with STA DTW5 ; A set to %10000000) RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: MT15 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Switch to left-aligned text when printing extended tokens Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * HME2 calls MT15 * JMTB calls MT15 * MESS calls MT15
This routine sets the following: * DTW4 = %00000000 (do not justify text, print buffer on carriage return) * DTW5 = 0 (reset line buffer size).MT17 LDA QQ17 ; Set QQ17 = %10111111 to switch to Sentence Case AND #%10111111 STA QQ17 LDA #3 ; Print control code 3 (selected system name) into the JSR TT27 ; line buffer LDX DTW5 ; Load the last character of the line buffer BUF into A LDA BUF-1,X ; (as DTW5 contains the buffer size, so character DTW5-1 ; is the last character in the buffer BUF) JSR VOWEL ; Test whether the character is a vowel, in which case ; this will set the C flag BCC MT171 ; If the character is not a vowel, skip the following ; instruction DEC DTW5 ; The character is a vowel, so decrement DTW5, which ; removes the last character from the line buffer (i.e. ; it removes the trailing vowel from the system name) .MT171 LDA #153 ; Print extended token 153 ("IAN"), returning from the JMP DETOK ; subroutine using a tail callName: MT17 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print the selected system's adjective, e.g. Lavian for Lave Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT17
The adjective for the current system is generated by taking the system name, removing the last character if it is a vowel, and adding "-ian" to the end, so: * Lave gives Lavian (as in "Lavian tree grub") * Leesti gives Leestian (as in "Leestian Evil Juice") This routine is called by jump token 17, {system name adjective}, and it can only be used when justified text is being printed - i.e. following jump token 14, {justify} - because the routine needs to use the line buffer to work..MT18 JSR MT19 ; Call MT19 to capitalise the next letter (i.e. set ; Sentence Case for this word only) JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers and reduce A to a AND #3 ; random number in the range 0-3 TAY ; Copy the random number into Y, so we can use Y as a ; loop counter to print 1-4 words (i.e. Y+1 words) .MT18L JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers and reduce A to an even AND #62 ; random number in the range 0-62 (as bit 0 of 62 is 0) TAX ; Copy the random number into X, so X contains the table ; offset of a random extended two-letter token from 0-31 ; which we can now use to pick a token from the combined ; tables at TKN2+2 and QQ16 (we intentionally exclude ; the first token in TKN2, which contains a newline) LDA TKN2+2,X ; Print the first letter of the token at TKN2+2 + X JSR DTS LDA TKN2+3,X ; Print the second letter of the token at TKN2+2 + X JSR DTS DEY ; Decrement the loop counter BPL MT18L ; Loop back to MT18L to print another two-letter token ; until we have printed Y+1 of them RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: MT18 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Print a random 1-8 letter word in Sentence Case Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * JMTB calls MT18.MT19 LDA #%11011111 ; Set DTW8 = %11011111 STA DTW8 RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: MT19 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Capitalise the next letter Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * DETOK2 calls MT19 * JMTB calls MT19 * MT18 calls MT19
This routine sets the following: * DTW8 = %11011111 (capitalise the next letter).VOWEL ORA #%00100000 ; Set bit 5 of the character to make it lower case CMP #'a' ; If the letter is a vowel, jump to VRTS to return from BEQ VRTS ; the subroutine with the C flag set (as the CMP will CMP #'e' ; set the C flag if the comparison is equal) BEQ VRTS CMP #'i' BEQ VRTS CMP #'o' BEQ VRTS CMP #'u' BEQ VRTS CLC ; The character is not a vowel, so clear the C flag .VRTS ;RTS ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source ; Fall through into WHITETEXT to return from the ; subroutineName: VOWEL [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Test whether a character is a vowelContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: This subroutine is called as follows: * MT17 calls VOWEL
Arguments: A The character to be tested
Returns: C flag The C flag is set if the character is a vowel, otherwise it is clear.WHITETEXT ;LDA #32 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;JSR DOVDU19 ; source ; ;LDA #RED ;JMP DOCOL RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: WHITETEXT [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Switch to white textContext: See this subroutine on its own page References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file
This subroutine has no effect in this version of Elite..JMTB EQUW MT1 ; Token 1: Switch to ALL CAPS EQUW MT2 ; Token 2: Switch to Sentence Case EQUW TT27 ; Token 3: Print the selected system name EQUW TT27 ; Token 4: Print the commander's name EQUW MT5 ; Token 5: Switch to extended tokens EQUW MT6 ; Token 6: Switch to standard tokens, in Sentence Case EQUW DASC ; Token 7: Beep EQUW MT8 ; Token 8: Tab to column 6 EQUW MT9 ; Token 9: Clear screen, tab to column 1, view type = 1 EQUW DASC ; Token 10: Line feed EQUW NLIN4 ; Token 11: Draw box around title (line at pixel row 19) EQUW DASC ; Token 12: Carriage return EQUW MT13 ; Token 13: Switch to lower case EQUW MT14 ; Token 14: Switch to justified text EQUW MT15 ; Token 15: Switch to left-aligned text EQUW MT16 ; Token 16: Print the character in DTW7 (drive number) EQUW MT17 ; Token 17: Print system name adjective in Sentence Case EQUW MT18 ; Token 18: Randomly print 1 to 4 two-letter tokens EQUW MT19 ; Token 19: Capitalise first letter of next word only EQUW DASC ; Token 20: Unused EQUW CLYNS ; Token 21: Clear a space near the bottom of the screen EQUW PAUSE ; Token 22: Display ship and wait for key press EQUW MT23 ; Token 23: Move to row 10, white text, set lower case EQUW PAUSE2 ; Token 24: Wait for a key press EQUW BRIS ; Token 25: Show incoming message screen, wait 2 seconds EQUW MT26 ; Token 26: Fetch line input from keyboard (filename) EQUW MT27 ; Token 27: Print mission captain's name (217-219) EQUW MT28 ; Token 28: Print mission 1 location hint (220-221) EQUW MT29 ; Token 29: Column 6, white text, lower case in words EQUW FILEPR ; Token 30: Display currently selected media (disk/tape) EQUW OTHERFILEPR ; Token 31: Display the non-selected media (disk/tape) EQUW DASC ; Token 32: UnusedName: JMTB [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Text Summary: The extended token table for jump tokens 1-32 (DETOK) Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * DETOK2 uses JMTB.TKN2 EQUB 12, 10 ; Token 215 = {crlf} EQUS "AB" ; Token 216 EQUS "OU" ; Token 217 EQUS "SE" ; Token 218 EQUS "IT" ; Token 219 EQUS "IL" ; Token 220 EQUS "ET" ; Token 221 EQUS "ST" ; Token 222 EQUS "ON" ; Token 223 EQUS "LO" ; Token 224 EQUS "NU" ; Token 225 EQUS "TH" ; Token 226 EQUS "NO" ; Token 227Name: TKN2 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Text Summary: The extended two-letter token lookup table Deep dive: Extended text tokensContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * DETOK2 uses TKN2 * MT18 uses TKN2
Two-letter token lookup table for extended tokens 215-227..QQ16 EQUS "AL" ; Token 128 EQUS "LE" ; Token 129 EQUS "XE" ; Token 130 EQUS "GE" ; Token 131 EQUS "ZA" ; Token 132 EQUS "CE" ; Token 133 EQUS "BI" ; Token 134 EQUS "SO" ; Token 135 EQUS "US" ; Token 136 EQUS "ES" ; Token 137 EQUS "AR" ; Token 138 EQUS "MA" ; Token 139 EQUS "IN" ; Token 140 EQUS "DI" ; Token 141 EQUS "RE" ; Token 142 EQUS "A?" ; Token 143 EQUS "ER" ; Token 144 EQUS "AT" ; Token 145 EQUS "EN" ; Token 146 EQUS "BE" ; Token 147 EQUS "RA" ; Token 148 EQUS "LA" ; Token 149 EQUS "VE" ; Token 150 EQUS "TI" ; Token 151 EQUS "ED" ; Token 152 EQUS "OR" ; Token 153 EQUS "QU" ; Token 154 EQUS "AN" ; Token 155 EQUS "TE" ; Token 156 EQUS "IS" ; Token 157 EQUS "RI" ; Token 158 EQUS "ON" ; Token 159Name: QQ16 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Text Summary: The two-letter token lookup table Deep dive: Printing text tokensContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * TT43 uses QQ16
Two-letter token lookup table for tokens 128-159. These two-letter tokens can also be used in the extended text token system, by adding 100 to the token number. So the extended two-letter token 228 is "AL", the same as the standard two-letter token 128. In this system, the last four tokens are not available, as they would have numbers greater than 255.EQUS ":0.E." ; The drive part of this string (the "0") is updated ; with the chosen drive in the GTNMEW routine, but the ; directory part (the "E") is fixed. The variable is ; followed directly by the commander file at NA%, which ; starts with the commander name, so the full string at ; NA%-5 is in the format ":0.E.jameson", which gives the ; full filename of the commander file .NA% IF _IB_DISK EQUS "JAMESON" ; The current commander name EQUB 13 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK EQUS "jameson" ; The current commander name EQUB 13 ENDIF IF _IB_DISK EQUB $00, $14 ; Placeholders for bytes #0 to #52 EQUB $AD, $4A ; EQUB $5A, $48 ; This contains data that is left over from the cracking EQUB $02, $53 ; process, where the game was extracted from memory EQUB $B7, $00 ; while it was running EQUB $00, $03 EQUB $E8, $46 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $0F, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $16, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $00 EQUB $00, $03 EQUB $00 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK SKIP 53 ; Placeholders for bytes #0 to #52 ENDIF EQUB 16 ; AVL+0 = Market availability of food, #53 EQUB 15 ; AVL+1 = Market availability of textiles, #54 EQUB 17 ; AVL+2 = Market availability of radioactives, #55 EQUB 0 ; AVL+3 = Market availability of slaves, #56 EQUB 3 ; AVL+4 = Market availability of liquor/Wines, #57 EQUB 28 ; AVL+5 = Market availability of luxuries, #58 EQUB 14 ; AVL+6 = Market availability of narcotics, #59 EQUB 0 ; AVL+7 = Market availability of computers, #60 EQUB 0 ; AVL+8 = Market availability of machinery, #61 EQUB 10 ; AVL+9 = Market availability of alloys, #62 EQUB 0 ; AVL+10 = Market availability of firearms, #63 EQUB 17 ; AVL+11 = Market availability of furs, #64 EQUB 58 ; AVL+12 = Market availability of minerals, #65 EQUB 7 ; AVL+13 = Market availability of gold, #66 EQUB 9 ; AVL+14 = Market availability of platinum, #67 EQUB 8 ; AVL+15 = Market availability of gem-stones, #68 EQUB 0 ; AVL+16 = Market availability of alien items, #69 SKIP 3 ; Placeholders for bytes #70 to #72 EQUB 128 ; SVC = Save count, #73Name: NA% [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Save and load Summary: The data block for the last saved commander.CHK2 IF _IB_DISK EQUB $03 EOR $A9 ; The checksum value for the default commander, EOR'd ; with $A9 to make it harder to tamper with the checksum ; byte, #74 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK EQUB 0 ; Placeholder for the checksum in byte #74 ENDIFName: CHK2 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Save and load Summary: Second checksum byte for the saved commander data file Deep dive: Commander save files The competition codeContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * DFAULT uses CHK2 * SVE uses CHK2
Second commander checksum byte. If the default commander is changed, a new checksum will be calculated and inserted by the script. The offset of this byte within a saved commander file is also shown (it's at byte #74)..CHK3 IF _IB_DISK EQUB $27 ; The third checksum value for the default commander, ; #75 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK EQUB 0 ; Placeholder for the checksum in byte #75 ENDIFName: CHK3 [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Save and load Summary: Third checksum byte for the saved commander data file Deep dive: Commander save files The competition codeContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * DFAULT uses CHK3 * MUTILATE uses CHK3 * SVE uses CHK3
Commander checksum byte for the Apple II and Commodore 64 versions only. If the default commander is changed, a new checksum will be calculated and inserted by the script. The offset of this byte within a saved commander file is also shown (it's at byte #75)..CHK IF _IB_DISK EQUB $03 ; The checksum value for the default commander, #76 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK EQUB 0 ; Placeholder for the checksum in byte #76 ENDIF SKIP 20 ; These bytes appear to be unusedName: CHK [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Save and load Summary: First checksum byte for the saved commander data file Deep dive: Commander save files The competition codeContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * DFAULT uses CHK * SVE uses CHK
Commander checksum byte. If the default commander is changed, a new checksum will be calculated and inserted by the script. The offset of this byte within a saved commander file is also shown (it's at byte #76)..S1% EQUS ":0.E."Name: S1% [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Save and load Summary: The drive and directory number used when saving or loading a commander file Deep dive: Commander save filesContext: See this variable on its own page References: No direct references to this variable in this source file
This is a BBC Micro drive and directory string. It is not used in this version of Elite and is left over from the BBC Micro version..NA2% EQUS "JAMESON" ; The current commander name, which defaults to JAMESON EQUB 13 ; ; The commander name can be up to seven characters (the ; DFS limit for filenames), and is terminated by a ; carriage return ; NA%+8 is the start of the commander data block ; ; This block contains the last saved commander data ; block. As the game is played it uses an identical ; block at location TP to store the current commander ; state, and that block is copied here when the game is ; saved. Conversely, when the game starts up, the block ; here is copied to TP, which restores the last saved ; commander when we die ; ; The initial state of this block defines the default ; commander. Q% can be set to TRUE to give the default ; commander lots of credits and equipment EQUB 0 ; TP = Mission status, #0 EQUB 20 ; QQ0 = Current system X-coordinate (Lave), #1 EQUB 173 ; QQ1 = Current system Y-coordinate (Lave), #2 EQUW $5A4A ; QQ21 = Seed s0 for system 0, galaxy 0 (Tibedied), #3-4 EQUW $0248 ; QQ21 = Seed s1 for system 0, galaxy 0 (Tibedied), #5-6 EQUW $B753 ; QQ21 = Seed s2 for system 0, galaxy 0 (Tibedied), #7-8 IF Q% EQUD $00CA9A3B ; CASH = Amount of cash (100,000,000 Cr), #9-12 ELSE EQUD $E8030000 ; CASH = Amount of cash (100 Cr), #9-12 ENDIF EQUB 70 ; QQ14 = Fuel level, #13 EQUB %10000000 AND Q% ; COK = Competition flags, #14 EQUB 0 ; GCNT = Galaxy number, 0-7, #15 IF Q% EQUB Armlas ; LASER = Front laser, #16 ELSE EQUB POW ; LASER = Front laser, #16 ENDIF EQUB POW AND Q% ; LASER = Rear laser, #16 EQUB (POW+128) AND Q% ; LASER+2 = Left laser, #18 EQUB Mlas AND Q% ; LASER+3 = Right laser, #19 EQUW 0 ; These bytes appear to be unused (they were originally ; used for up/down lasers, but they were dropped), ; #20-21 EQUB 22 + (15 AND Q%) ; CRGO = Cargo capacity, #22 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+0 = Amount of food in cargo hold, #23 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+1 = Amount of textiles in cargo hold, #24 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+2 = Amount of radioactives in cargo hold, #25 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+3 = Amount of slaves in cargo hold, #26 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+4 = Amount of liquor/Wines in cargo hold, #27 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+5 = Amount of luxuries in cargo hold, #28 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+6 = Amount of narcotics in cargo hold, #29 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+7 = Amount of computers in cargo hold, #30 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+8 = Amount of machinery in cargo hold, #31 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+9 = Amount of alloys in cargo hold, #32 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+10 = Amount of firearms in cargo hold, #33 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+11 = Amount of furs in cargo hold, #34 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+12 = Amount of minerals in cargo hold, #35 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+13 = Amount of gold in cargo hold, #36 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+14 = Amount of platinum in cargo hold, #37 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+15 = Amount of gem-stones in cargo hold, #38 EQUB 0 ; QQ20+16 = Amount of alien items in cargo hold, #39 EQUB Q% ; ECM = E.C.M. system, #40 EQUB Q% ; BST = Fuel scoops ("barrel status"), #41 EQUB Q% AND 127 ; BOMB = Energy bomb, #42 EQUB Q% AND 1 ; ENGY = Energy/shield level, #43 EQUB Q% ; DKCMP = Docking computer, #44 EQUB Q% ; GHYP = Galactic hyperdrive, #45 EQUB Q% ; ESCP = Escape pod, #46 EQUD 0 ; These four bytes appear to be unused, #47-50 EQUB 3 + (Q% AND 1) ; NOMSL = Number of missiles, #51 EQUB 0 ; FIST = Legal status ("fugitive/innocent status"), #52 EQUB 16 ; AVL+0 = Market availability of food, #53 EQUB 15 ; AVL+1 = Market availability of textiles, #54 EQUB 17 ; AVL+2 = Market availability of radioactives, #55 EQUB 0 ; AVL+3 = Market availability of slaves, #56 EQUB 3 ; AVL+4 = Market availability of liquor/Wines, #57 EQUB 28 ; AVL+5 = Market availability of luxuries, #58 EQUB 14 ; AVL+6 = Market availability of narcotics, #59 EQUB 0 ; AVL+7 = Market availability of computers, #60 EQUB 0 ; AVL+8 = Market availability of machinery, #61 EQUB 10 ; AVL+9 = Market availability of alloys, #62 EQUB 0 ; AVL+10 = Market availability of firearms, #63 EQUB 17 ; AVL+11 = Market availability of furs, #64 EQUB 58 ; AVL+12 = Market availability of minerals, #65 EQUB 7 ; AVL+13 = Market availability of gold, #66 EQUB 9 ; AVL+14 = Market availability of platinum, #67 EQUB 8 ; AVL+15 = Market availability of gem-stones, #68 EQUB 0 ; AVL+16 = Market availability of alien items, #69 EQUB 0 ; QQ26 = Random byte that changes for each visit to a ; system, for randomising market prices, #70 EQUW 20000 AND Q% ; TALLY = Number of kills, #71-72 EQUB 128 ; SVC = Save count, #73 ;.CHK2 ; This label is commented out in the original source EQUB $AA ; The CHK2 checksum value for the default commander ;.CHK3 ; This label is commented out in the original source EQUB $27 ; The CHK3 checksum value for the default commander ;.CHK ; This label is commented out in the original source EQUB $03 ; The CHK checksum value for the default commander SKIP 12 ; These bytes appear to be unused .NAEND% SKIP 4 ; These bytes appear to be unusedName: NA2% [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Save and load Summary: The data block for the default commander Deep dive: Commander save files The competition codeContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * JAMESON uses NA2%
Contains the default commander data, with the name at NA% and the data at NA%+8 onwards. The size of the data block is given in NT% (which also includes the two checksum bytes that follow this block). This block is initially set up with the default commander, which can be maxed out for testing purposes by setting Q% to TRUE. The commander's name is stored at NA%, and can be up to 7 characters long (the DFS filename limit). It is terminated with a carriage return character, ASCII 13. The offset of each byte within a saved commander file is also shown as #0, #1 and so on, so the kill tally, for example, is in bytes #71 and #72 of the saved file. The related variable name from the current commander block is also shown..scacol EQUB 0 ; This byte appears to be unused EQUB BLUE ; Missile EQUB BLUE ; Coriolis space station EQUB RED ; Escape pod EQUB RED ; Alloy plate EQUB RED ; Cargo canister EQUB RED ; Boulder EQUB RED ; Asteroid EQUB RED ; Splinter EQUB CYAN ; Shuttle EQUB CYAN ; Transporter EQUB CYAN ; Cobra Mk III EQUB MAG ; Python EQUB MAG ; Boa EQUB MAG ; Anaconda EQUB RED ; Rock hermit (asteroid) EQUB CYAN ; Viper EQUB CYAN ; Sidewinder EQUB CYAN ; Mamba EQUB CYAN ; Krait EQUB CYAN ; Adder EQUB CYAN ; Gecko EQUB CYAN ; Cobra Mk I EQUB BLUE ; Worm EQUB CYAN ; Cobra Mk III (pirate) EQUB CYAN ; Asp Mk II EQUB MAG ; Python (pirate) EQUB CYAN ; Fer-de-lance EQUB CYAN ; Moray EQUB FUZZY ; Thargoid EQUB CYAN ; Thargon EQUB CYAN ; Constrictor EQUB 0 ; These bytes appear to be unused EQUB CYAN EQUD 0Name: scacol [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Drawing ships Summary: Ship colours on the scannerContext: See this variable on its own page References: This variable is used as follows: * SCAN uses scacolPRINT "ELITE A" PRINT "Assembled at ", ~CODE% PRINT "Ends at ", ~P% PRINT "Code size is ", ~(P% - CODE%) PRINT "Execute at ", ~LOAD% PRINT "Reload at ", ~LOAD_A% PRINT "S.ELTA ", ~CODE%, " ", ~P%, " ", ~LOAD%, " ", ~LOAD_A% SAVE "3-assembled-output/ELTA.bin", CODE%, P%, LOAD%Save ELTA.bin
Subroutine ABORT (category: Dashboard)
Disarm missiles and update the dashboard indicators
Subroutine ABORT2 (category: Dashboard)
Set/unset the lock target for a missile and update the dashboard
Subroutine ANGRY (category: Tactics)
Make a ship hostile
Configuration variable AST
Ship type for an asteroid
Configuration variable Armlas
Military laser power
Subroutine BAY (category: Status)
Go to the docking bay (i.e. show the Status Mode screen)
Subroutine BEEP (category: Sound)
Make a short, high beep
Subroutine BEGIN (category: Loader)
Initialise the configuration variables and start the game
Configuration variable BLUE
Offset into the MASKT table for blue
Subroutine BOMBEFF2 (category: Drawing lines)
Erase the energy bomb zig-zag lightning bolt, make the sound of the energy bomb going off, draw a new bolt and repeat four times
Subroutine BOMBOFF (category: Drawing lines)
Draw the zig-zag lightning bolt for the energy bomb
Subroutine BOMBON (category: Drawing lines)
Randomise and draw the energy bomb's zig-zag lightning bolt lines
Variable BOMBPOS (category: Drawing lines)
A set of x-coordinates that are used as the basis for the energy bomb's zig-zag lightning bolt
Variable BOMBTBX (category: Drawing lines)
This is where we store the x-coordinates for the energy bomb's zig-zag lightning bolt
Variable BOMBTBY (category: Drawing lines)
This is where we store the y-coordinates for the energy bomb's zig-zag lightning bolt
Subroutine BOOP (category: Sound)
Make a long, low beep
Subroutine BRBR (category: Utility routines)
The standard BRKV handler for the game
Subroutine BRIEF (category: Missions)
Start mission 1 and show the mission briefing
Subroutine BRIEF2 (category: Missions)
Start mission 2
Subroutine BRIEF3 (category: Missions)
Receive the briefing and plans for mission 2
Subroutine BRIS (category: Missions)
Clear the screen, display "INCOMING MESSAGE" and wait for 2 seconds
Configuration variable BRKV
The break vector that we intercept to enable us to handle and display system errors
Configuration variable BUF
The line buffer used by DASC to print justified text
Label BURN in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16)
Subroutine CLICK (category: Sound)
Toggle the state of the speaker (i.e. move it in or out) to make a single click
Subroutine CLYNS (category: Drawing the screen)
Clear two character rows near the bottom of the screen
Configuration variable CODE2
The address where the loading screen in SCRN is copied to when the game starts to repair the loading screen and leave an intact dashboard in screen memory for the duration of the game
Subroutine COLD (category: Loader)
Initialise the screen mode, clear memory and set up interrupt handlers
Configuration variable CON
Ship type for a Constrictor
Configuration variable CYAN
Ships that are set to a scanner colour of CYAN in the scacol table will actually be shown in white
Subroutine DEATH (category: Start and end)
Display the death screen
Subroutine DEBRIEF (category: Missions)
Finish mission 1
Subroutine DEBRIEF2 (category: Missions)
Finish mission 2
Subroutine DEEOR (category: Utility routines)
Unscramble the main code
Subroutine DEEORS (category: Utility routines)
Decrypt a multi-page block of memory
Subroutine DELAY (category: Utility routines)
Wait for a specified time, measured in loop iterations
Subroutine DENGY (category: Flight)
Drain some energy from the energy banks
Subroutine DETOK (category: Text)
Print an extended recursive token from the TKN1 token table
Subroutine DETOK2 (category: Text)
Print an extended text token (1-255)
Subroutine DOENTRY (category: Flight)
Dock at the space station and work out any mission progression
Subroutine DORND (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Generate random numbers
Subroutine DOXC (category: Text)
Move the text cursor to a specific column
Variable DTW1 (category: Text)
A mask for applying the lower case part of Sentence Case to extended text tokens
Variable DTW2 (category: Text)
A flag that indicates whether we are currently printing a word
Variable DTW3 (category: Text)
A flag for switching between standard and extended text tokens
Variable DTW4 (category: Text)
Flags that govern how justified extended text tokens are printed
Variable DTW5 (category: Text)
The size of the justified text buffer at BUF
Variable DTW6 (category: Text)
A flag to denote whether printing in lower case is enabled for extended text tokens
Variable DTW8 (category: Text)
A mask for capitalising the next letter in an extended text token
Subroutine ECBLB2 (category: Dashboard)
Start up the E.C.M. (light up the indicator, start the countdown and make the E.C.M. sound)
Subroutine ECMOF (category: Dashboard)
Switch off the E.C.M. and turn off the dashboard bulb
Subroutine ESCAPE (category: Flight)
Launch our escape pod
Subroutine EXNO (category: Sound)
Make the sound of a laser strike on another ship
Subroutine EXNO2 (category: Status)
Process us making a kill
Subroutine EXNO3 (category: Sound)
Make the sound of a collision, or an exploding cargo canister or missile
Subroutine FAROF (category: Maths (Geometry))
Compare x_hi, y_hi and z_hi with 224
Subroutine FAROF2 (category: Maths (Geometry))
Compare x_hi, y_hi and z_hi with A
Subroutine FILEPR (category: Save and load)
Display the currently selected media (disk or tape)
Subroutine FRMIS (category: Tactics)
Fire a missile from our ship
Configuration variable FUZZY
Offset into the MASKT table for the colour we use to show Thargoids on the scanner
Variable G% (category: Utility routines)
Denotes the start of the main game code, from ELITE A to ELITE K
Subroutine GINF (category: Universe)
Fetch the address of a ship's data block into INF
Configuration variable GREEN
Offset into the MASKT table for green
Subroutine HITCH (category: Tactics)
Work out if the ship in INWK is in our crosshairs
Label ISDK in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 9 of 16)
Variable JMTB (category: Text)
The extended token table for jump tokens 1-32 (DETOK)
Workspace K% (category: Workspaces)
Ship data blocks and ship line heaps
Configuration variable KEY1
The seed for encrypting CODE1 and CODE2 from G% to R%, where CODE1 is the portion of ELTA-ELTK up to memory location $9000, and CODE2 is the portion from $9000 onwards
Configuration variable KEY2
The seed for encrypting DATA from WORDS to $2000, which is the whole data file
Subroutine KS1 (category: Universe)
Remove the current ship from our local bubble of universe
Label KS1S in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16)
Subroutine LASLI (category: Drawing lines)
Draw the laser lines for when we fire our lasers
Subroutine LASNOISE (category: Sound)
Make the sound of our laser firing or the sound of us being hit by lasers
Subroutine LAUN (category: Drawing circles)
Make the launch sound and draw the launch tunnel
Subroutine LL5 (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Calculate Q = SQRT(R Q)
Subroutine LL9 (Part 1 of 12) (category: Drawing ships)
Draw ship: Check if ship is exploding, check if ship is in front
Subroutine LOIN (Part 1 of 7) (category: Drawing lines)
Draw a line: Calculate the line gradient in the form of deltas
Label MA14 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16)
Label MA15 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16)
Label MA16 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16)
Label MA17 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label MA18 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16)
Label MA20 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label MA21 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 6 of 16)
Label MA22 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16)
Label MA23 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16)
Label MA23S in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 14 of 16)
Label MA24 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label MA25 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label MA26 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16)
Label MA27 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16)
Label MA28 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16)
Label MA29 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16)
Label MA3 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16)
Label MA33 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16)
Label MA34 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16)
Label MA4 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label MA47 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16)
Label MA58 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 10 of 16)
Label MA59 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 10 of 16)
Label MA62 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 9 of 16)
Label MA63 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 10 of 16)
Label MA64 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label MA65 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 8 of 16)
Label MA66 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16)
Label MA67 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 10 of 16)
Label MA68 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label MA69 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16)
Label MA70 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 16 of 16)
Label MA76 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label MA77 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16)
Label MA78 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label MA8 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16)
Label MA93 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 15 of 16)
Label MAC1 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 12 of 16)
Configuration variable MAG
Ships that are set to a scanner colour of MAG in the scacol table will actually be shown in white
Entry point MAL1 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16) (category: Main loop)
Marks the beginning of the ship analysis loop, so we can jump back here from part 12 of the main flight loop to work our way through each ship in the local bubble. We also jump back here when a ship is removed from the bubble, so we can continue processing from the next ship
Label MAL2 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 4 of 16)
Label MAL3 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 6 of 16)
Label MAL4 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 14 of 16)
Subroutine MAS1 (category: Maths (Geometry))
Add an orientation vector coordinate to an INWK coordinate
Subroutine MAS2 (category: Maths (Geometry))
Calculate a cap on the maximum distance to the planet or sun
Subroutine MAS3 (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Calculate A = x_hi^2 + y_hi^2 + z_hi^2 in the K% block
Subroutine MAS4 (category: Maths (Geometry))
Calculate a cap on the maximum distance to a ship
Subroutine MCASH (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Add an amount of cash to the cash pot
Subroutine MESS (category: Flight)
Display an in-flight message
Subroutine MSBAR (category: Dashboard)
Draw a specific indicator in the dashboard's missile bar
Configuration variable MSL
Ship type for a missile
Subroutine MT1 (category: Text)
Switch to ALL CAPS when printing extended tokens
Subroutine MT13 (category: Text)
Switch to lower case when printing extended tokens
Subroutine MT14 (category: Text)
Switch to justified text when printing extended tokens
Subroutine MT15 (category: Text)
Switch to left-aligned text when printing extended tokens
Subroutine MT16 (category: Text)
Print the character in variable DTW7
Subroutine MT17 (category: Text)
Print the selected system's adjective, e.g. Lavian for Lave
Subroutine MT18 (category: Text)
Print a random 1-8 letter word in Sentence Case
Subroutine MT19 (category: Text)
Capitalise the next letter
Subroutine MT2 (category: Text)
Switch to Sentence Case when printing extended tokens
Subroutine MT23 (category: Text)
Move to row 9 and switch to lower case when printing extended tokens
Subroutine MT26 (category: Text)
Fetch a line of text from the keyboard
Subroutine MT27 (category: Text)
Print the captain's name during mission briefings
Subroutine MT28 (category: Text)
Print the location hint during the mission 1 briefing
Subroutine MT29 (category: Text)
Move to row 5 and switch to lower case when printing extended tokens
Subroutine MT5 (category: Text)
Switch to extended tokens
Subroutine MT6 (category: Text)
Switch to standard tokens in Sentence Case
Subroutine MT8 (category: Text)
Tab to column 6 and start a new word when printing extended tokens
Subroutine MT9 (category: Text)
Clear the screen and set the current view type to 1
Variable MTIN (category: Text)
Lookup table for random tokens in the extended token table (0-37)
Subroutine MVEIT (Part 1 of 9) (category: Moving)
Move current ship: Tidy the orientation vectors
Configuration variable Mlas
Mining laser power
Configuration variable NI%
The number of bytes in each ship's data block (as stored in INWK and K%)
Subroutine NLIN4 (category: Drawing lines)
Draw a horizontal line at pixel row 19 to box in a title
Subroutine NWSPS (category: Universe)
Add a new space station to our local bubble of universe
Configuration variable OIL
Ship type for a cargo canister
Subroutine OOPS (category: Flight)
Take some damage
Subroutine OTHERFILEPR (category: Save and load)
Display the non-selected media (disk or tape)
Subroutine PAUSE (category: Missions)
Wait until a key is pressed for the Constrictor mission briefing and then clear the text view to show the briefing text
Subroutine PAUSE2 (category: Keyboard)
Wait until a key is pressed, ignoring any existing key press
Configuration variable PLT
Ship type for an alloy plate
Subroutine PLUT (category: Flight)
Flip the coordinate axes for the four different views
Configuration variable POW
Pulse laser power
Configuration variable Q%
Set Q% to TRUE to max out the default commander, FALSE for the standard default commander
Configuration variable QQ18
The address of the text token table, as set in elite-data.asm
Configuration variable R%
The address of the last byte of game code
Configuration variable RED
Offset into the MASKT table for red
Subroutine RES2 (category: Start and end)
Reset a number of flight variables and workspaces
Configuration variable RUTOK
The address of the extended system description token table, as set in elite-data.asm
Subroutine S% (category: Loader)
Checksum, decrypt and unscramble the main game code, and start the game
Subroutine SCAN (category: Dashboard)
Display the current ship on the scanner
Subroutine SFS1 (category: Universe)
Spawn a child ship from the current (parent) ship
Subroutine SHD (category: Flight)
Charge a shield and drain some energy from the energy banks
Subroutine SOBLIP (category: Sound)
Make the sound of the hyperspace drive being engaged, or the sound of the E.C.M.
Subroutine SOBOMB (category: Sound)
Make the sound of an energy bomb going off
Subroutine SPIN (category: Universe)
Randomly spawn cargo from a destroyed ship
Configuration variable SPL
Ship type for a splinter
Subroutine SPS1 (category: Maths (Geometry))
Calculate the vector to the planet and store it in XX15
Configuration variable SST
Ship type for a Coriolis space station
Subroutine STARS (category: Stardust)
The main routine for processing the stardust
Configuration variable STORE
The address where the SCRN file is stored during the load proces, so it can be used to repair the loading screen (including the dashboard) that gets corrupted by the loading process in elite-loader.asm
Configuration variable THG
Ship type for a Thargoid
Configuration variable TKN1
The address of the extended token table, as set in elite-data.asm
Variable TKN2 (category: Text)
The extended two-letter token lookup table
Subroutine TT27 (category: Text)
Print a text token
Subroutine TT66 (category: Drawing the screen)
Clear the screen and set the current view type
Configuration variable VE
The obfuscation byte used to hide the extended tokens table from crackers viewing the binary code
Subroutine VOWEL (category: Text)
Test whether a character is a vowel
Subroutine WARP (category: Flight)
Perform an in-system jump
Configuration variable WHITE
Offset into the MASKT table for white
Subroutine WPLS (category: Drawing suns)
Remove the sun from the screen
Temporary storage, used to store the address of a ship blueprint. For example, it is used when we add a new ship to the local bubble in routine NWSHP, and it contains the address of the current ship's blueprint as we loop through all the nearby ships in the main flight loop
Configuration variable XX21
The address of the ship blueprints lookup table, as set in elite-data.asm
Label b in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16)
Subroutine cntr (category: Dashboard)
Apply damping to the pitch or roll dashboard indicator
Label ma1 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label noescp in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16)
Label nosp in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16)
Label oily in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 8 of 16)
Label paen1 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 13 of 16)
Label slvy2 in subroutine Main flight loop (Part 8 of 16)
Subroutine tnpr1 (category: Market)
Work out if we have space for one tonne of cargo