.CHK IF _IB_DISK EQUB $03 ; The checksum value for the default commander, #76 ELIF _SOURCE_DISK OR _4AM_CRACK EQUB 0 ; Placeholder for the checksum in byte #76 ENDIF SKIP 20 ; These bytes appear to be unusedName: CHK [Show more] Type: Variable Category: Save and load Summary: First checksum byte for the saved commander data file Deep dive: Commander save files The competition codeContext: See this variable in context in the source code References: This variable is used as follows: * DFAULT uses CHK * SVE uses CHK
Commander checksum byte. If the default commander is changed, a new checksum will be calculated and inserted by the elite-checksum.py script. The offset of this byte within a saved commander file is also shown (it's at byte #76).