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Dashboard: MSBAR

[Apple II version]

Name: MSBAR [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Dashboard Summary: Draw a specific indicator in the dashboard's missile bar
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ABORT2 calls MSBAR * Main flight loop (Part 3 of 16) calls MSBAR * msblob calls MSBAR

Arguments: X The number of the missile indicator to update (counting from right to left, so indicator NOMSL is the leftmost indicator) Y The new colour of the missile indicator: * #BLACK = black (no missile) * #RED = red (armed and locked) * #WHITE = white (armed) * #GREEN = green (disarmed)
Returns: X X is preserved Y Y is set to 0 A The value of Y when the subroutine was called
.MSBAR TYA ; Store the new indicator colour in Y on the stack so we PHA ; can retrieve it after the call to MSBAR2 JSR MSBAR2 ; Call MSBAR2 below to draw this indicator using its ; previous value and colour, which will remove it from ; the screen as we draw indicators using EOR logic PLA ; Retrieve the new indicator colour from the stack and STA mscol-1,X ; store it in the mscol table, for use the next time ; the indicator is drawn ; ; We subtract 1 as the indicator number is in the range ; 1 to NOMSL (i.e. 1 to 4 if we have four missiles ; fitted) .MSBAR2 LDA mscol-1,X ; Set A to the previous colour of this indicator from ; the mscol table BEQ coolkey ; If the previous colour is the same as the new colour, ; jump to coolkey to clear the C flag and return from ; the subroutine, as we do not need to redraw the ; indicator STA COL ; Set the drawing colour to A LDA msloc-1,X ; Set X1 to the x-coordinate for indicator X, which we STA X1 ; fetch from the msloc table CLC ; Set X1 = X2 + 6 ADC #6 ; STA X2 ; So the indicator is six pixels across TXA ; Store the indicator number in X on the stack so we can PHA ; retrieve it after the calls to MSBARS LDA #184 ; Set Y1 = 184, the y-coordinate of the top line of the STA Y1 ; indicators JSR MSBARS ; Call MSBARS twice to draw four pixel lines to form the JSR MSBARS ; missile indicator, drawing from top to bottom PLA ; Restore the indicator number from the stack into X so TAX ; it is preserved TYA ; Set A to the value of Y when we called this routine, ; so we can return it from the subroutine LDY #0 ; Set Y = 0, so we can return it from the subroutine RTS ; Return from the subroutine