.SCR1 RTS ; Return from the subroutine .SCAN ;LDA QQ11 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;BNE SCR1 ; source LDA INWK+31 ; Fetch the ship's scanner flag from byte #31 AND #%00010000 ; If bit 4 is clear then the ship should not be shown BEQ SCR1 ; on the scanner, so return from the subroutine (as SCR1 ; contains an RTS) LDX TYPE ; Fetch the ship's type from TYPE into X BMI SCR1 ; If this is the planet or the sun, then the type will ; have bit 7 set and we don't want to display it on the ; scanner, so return from the subroutine (as SCR1 ; contains an RTS) LDA scacol,X ; Set A to the scanner colour for this ship type from ; the X-th entry in the scacol table STA COL ; Store the scanner colour in COL so it can be used to ; draw this ship in the correct colour LDA INWK+1 ; If any of x_hi, y_hi and z_hi have a 1 in bit 6 or 7, ORA INWK+4 ; then the ship is too far away to be shown on the ORA INWK+7 ; scanner, so return from the subroutine (as SCR1 AND #%11000000 ; contains an RTS) BNE SCR1 ; If we get here, we know x_hi, y_hi and z_hi are all ; 63 (%00111111) or less ; Now, we convert the x_hi coordinate of the ship into ; the screen x-coordinate of the dot on the scanner, ; using the following: ; ; X1 = 123 + (x_sign x_hi) LDA INWK+1 ; Set A = x_hi CLC ; Clear the C flag so we can do addition below LDX INWK+2 ; Set X = x_sign BPL SC2 ; If x_sign is positive, skip the following EOR #%11111111 ; x_sign is negative, so flip the bits in A and add 1 ADC #1 ; to make it a negative number (bit 7 will now be set ; as we confirmed above that bits 6 and 7 are clear). So ; this gives A the sign of x_sign and gives it a value ; range of -63 (%11000001) to 0 CLC ; Clear the C flag so we can do addition below .SC2 ADC #125 ; Set X1 = 125 + (x_sign x_hi) AND #%11111110 ; STA X1 ; and if the result is odd, subtract 1 to make it even TAX ; Set X = X1 - 2 DEX ; DEX ; So X contains the x-coordinate that's two pixels to ; left of the top of the stick, so we can draw the dot ; at the end of the stick by simply drawing a dot at ; x-coordinate X at the correct end of the stick ; Next, we convert the z_hi coordinate of the ship into ; the y-coordinate of the base of the ship's stick, ; like this: ; ; SC = 220 - (z_sign z_hi) / 4 ; ; though the following code actually does it like this: ; ; SC = 255 - (35 + z_hi / 4) LDA INWK+7 ; Set A = z_hi / 4 LSR A ; LSR A ; So A is in the range 0-15 CLC ; Clear the C flag for the addition below LDY INWK+8 ; Set Y = z_sign BPL SC3 ; If z_sign is positive, skip the following EOR #%11111111 ; z_sign is negative, so flip the bits in A and set the SEC ; C flag. As above, this makes A negative, this time ; with a range of -16 (%11110000) to -1 (%11111111). And ; as we are about to do an ADC, the SEC effectively adds ; another 1 to that value, giving a range of -15 to 0 .SC3 ADC #91 ; Set A = 91 + A to give a number in the range 76 to 106 EOR #%11111111 ; Flip all the bits and store in Y2, so Y2 is in the STA Y2 ; range 149 to 179, with a higher z_hi giving a lower Y2 ; Now for the stick height, which we calculate using the ; following: ; ; A = - (y_sign y_hi) / 2 LDA INWK+4 ; Set A = y_hi / 2 LSR A CLC ; Clear the C flag LDY INWK+5 ; Set Y = y_sign BMI SCD6 ; If y_sign is negative, skip the following, as we ; already have a positive value in A EOR #%11111111 ; y_sign is positive, so flip the bits in A and set the SEC ; C flag. This makes A negative, and as we are about to ; do an ADC below, the SEC effectively adds another 1 to ; that value to implement two's complement negation, so ; we don't need to add another 1 here .SCD6 ; We now have all the information we need to draw this ; ship on the scanner, namely: ; ; X1 = the screen x-coordinate of the ship's dot ; ; A = the screen height of the ship's stick, with the ; correct sign for adding to the base of the stick ; to get the dot's y-coordinate ; ; First, though, we have to make sure the dot is inside ; the dashboard, by moving it if necessary ADC Y2 ; Set A = Y2 + A, so A now contains the y-coordinate of ; the end of the stick, plus the length of the stick, to ; give us the screen y-coordinate of the dot ;BPL ld246 ; This instruction is commented out in the original ; source CMP #146 ; If A >= 146, skip the following instruction, as 146 is BCS P%+4 ; the minimum allowed value of A LDA #146 ; A < 146, so set A to 146, the minimum allowed value ; for the y-coordinate of our ship's dot CMP #191 ; If A < 191, skip the following instruction, as 190 is BCC P%+4 ; the maximum allowed value of A .ld246 LDA #190 ; A >= 191, so set A to 190, the maximum allowed value ; for the y-coordinate of our ship's dot JSR CPIX ; Draw a single pixel at screen coordinate (X, A), at ; the start of the line, to draw the ship dot ; ; Because this is a colour pixel that is two pixels to ; the left of the top of the stick, this means the pixel ; byte will contains pixels of the form %101 (with the ; dot on the left and the stick on the right), so this ; will actually draw a two-pixel dash to the left of the ; top of the stick, rather than a lone colour pixel JMP VLOIN ; Draw a vertical line from (X1, Y1) to (X1, Y2) for the ; ship stick and return from the subroutine using a tail ; callName: SCAN [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Dashboard Summary: Display the current ship on the scanner Deep dive: The 3D scannerContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * ESCAPE calls SCAN * Main flight loop (Part 11 of 16) calls SCAN * MVEIT (Part 2 of 9) calls SCAN * MVEIT (Part 9 of 9) calls SCAN * WPSHPS calls SCAN
This is used both to display a ship on the scanner, and to erase it again.
Arguments: INWK The ship's data block
Subroutine CPIX (category: Drawing pixels)
Draw a colour pixel
Label SC2 is local to this routine
Label SC3 is local to this routine
Label SCD6 is local to this routine
Label SCR1 is local to this routine
Subroutine VLOIN (category: Drawing lines)
Draw a vertical line from (X1, Y1) to (X1, Y2)
Variable scacol (category: Drawing ships)
Ship colours on the scanner