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Main loop: Main flight loop (Part 7 of 16)

[Apple II version]

Name: Main flight loop (Part 7 of 16) [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Main loop Summary: For each nearby ship: Check whether we are docking, scooping or colliding with it Deep dive: Program flow of the main game loop
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: No direct references to this subroutine in this source file

The main flight loop covers most of the flight-specific aspects of Elite. This section covers the following: * Continue looping through all the ships in the local bubble, and for each one: * Check how close we are to this ship and work out if we are docking, scooping or colliding with it
LDA INWK+31 ; Fetch the status of this ship from bits 5 (is ship AND #%10100000 ; exploding?) and bit 7 (has ship been killed?) from ; ship byte #31 into A JSR MAS4 ; Or this value with x_hi, y_hi and z_hi BNE MA65 ; If this value is non-zero, then either the ship is ; far away (i.e. has a non-zero high byte in at least ; one of the three axes), or it is already exploding, ; or has been flagged as being killed - in which case ; jump to MA65 to skip the following, as we can't dock ; scoop or collide with it LDA INWK ; Set A = (x_lo OR y_lo OR z_lo), and if bit 7 of the ORA INWK+3 ; result is set, the ship is still a fair distance ORA INWK+6 ; away (further than 127 in at least one axis), so jump BMI MA65 ; to MA65 to skip the following, as it's too far away to ; dock, scoop or collide with LDX TYPE ; If the current ship type is negative then it's either BMI MA65 ; a planet or a sun, so jump down to MA65 to skip the ; following, as we can't dock with it or scoop it CPX #SST ; If this ship is the space station, jump to ISDK to BEQ ISDK ; check whether we are docking with it AND #%11000000 ; If bit 6 of (x_lo OR y_lo OR z_lo) is set, then the BNE MA65 ; ship is still a reasonable distance away (further than ; 63 in at least one axis), so jump to MA65 to skip the ; following, as it's too far away to dock, scoop or ; collide with CPX #MSL ; If this ship is a missile, jump down to MA65 to skip BEQ MA65 ; the following, as we can't scoop or dock with a ; missile, and it has its own dedicated collision ; checks in the TACTICS routine LDA BST ; If we have fuel scoops fitted then BST will be $FF, ; otherwise it will be 0 AND INWK+5 ; Ship byte #5 contains the y_sign of this ship, so a ; negative value here means the canister is below us, ; which means the result of the AND will be negative if ; the canister is below us and we have a fuel scoop ; fitted BPL MA58 ; If the result is positive, then we either have no ; scoop or the canister is above us, and in both cases ; this means we can't scoop the item, so jump to MA58 ; to process a collision