.SOBOMB BIT DNOIZ ; If bit 7 of DNOIZ is non-zero, then sound is disabled, BMI SOUR ; so return from the subroutine (as SOUR contains an ; RTS) LDY #25 ; Set the length of the loop below to 25 clicks, so we ; make a total of 26 clicks in the following .SOHISS4 LDA $C030 ; Toggle the state of the speaker (i.e. move it in or ; out) by reading the SPEAKER soft switch JSR DORND ; Set A and X to random numbers AND #31 ; Reduce A to a random number in the range 0 to 31 ORA #$E0 ; Increase A to a random number in the range 224 to 255 TAX ; Set X to our random number in the range 224 to 255, ; which we now use as the period for our sound (so this ; is a low toned explosion sound with a random element ; of white noise, like a dissipated explosion) DEX ; Decrement the random number in X NOP ; Wait for two CPU cycles BNE P%-2 ; If X is non-zero then loop back to repeat the DEX and ; NOP instructions, so this waits for a total of 7 * X ; CPU cycles (as the DEX takes two cycles, the NOP takes ; another two cycles, a successful BNE takes three ; cycles, and we repeat these seven cycles X times) DEY ; Decrement the sound length in Y BNE SOHISS4 ; Loop back to make another click and wait for a random ; amount of time between clicks, until we have made a ; sound consisting of Y clicks LDA $C030 ; Toggle the state of the speaker (i.e. move it in or ; out) by reading the SPEAKER soft switch RTS ; Return from the subroutineName: SOBOMB [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Sound Summary: Make the sound of an energy bomb going off Deep dive: Sound effects in Apple II EliteContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * BOMBEFF2 calls SOBOMB
Variable DNOIZ in workspace Option variables
Sound on/off configuration setting
Subroutine DORND (category: Maths (Arithmetic))
Generate random numbers
Label SOHISS4 is local to this routine