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Universe: PDESC

[Apple II version]

Name: PDESC [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Print the system's extended description or a mission 1 directive Deep dive: Extended system descriptions Extended text tokens
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT25 calls PDESC

This prints a specific system's extended description. This is called the "pink volcanoes string" in a comment in the original source, and the "goat soup" recipe by Ian Bell on his website (where he also refers to the species string as the "pink felines" string). For some special systems, when you are docked at them, the procedurally generated extended description is overridden and a text token from the RUTOK table is shown instead. If mission 1 is in progress, then a number of systems along the route of that mission's story will show custom mission-related directives in place of that system's normal "goat soup" phrase.
Arguments: ZZ The system number (0-255)
.PDESC LDA QQ8 ; If either byte in QQ18(1 0) is non-zero, meaning that ORA QQ8+1 ; the distance from the current system to the selected BNE PD1 ; is non-zero, jump to PD1 to show the standard "goat ; soup" description LDA QQ12 ; If QQ12 does not have bit 7 set, which means we are BPL PD1 ; not docked, jump to PD1 to show the standard "goat ; soup" description ; If we get here, then the current system is the same as ; the selected system and we are docked, so now to check ; whether there is a special override token for this ; system LDY #NRU% ; Set Y as a loop counter as we work our way through the ; system numbers in RUPLA, starting at NRU% (which is ; the number of entries in RUPLA, 26) and working our ; way down to 1 .PDL1 LDA RUPLA-1,Y ; Fetch the Y-th byte from RUPLA-1 into A (we use ; RUPLA-1 because Y is looping from 26 to 1) CMP ZZ ; If A doesn't match the system whose description we BNE PD2 ; are printing (in ZZ), jump to PD2 to keep looping ; through the system numbers in RUPLA ; If we get here we have found a match for this system ; number in RUPLA LDA RUGAL-1,Y ; Fetch the Y-th byte from RUGAL-1 into A AND #%01111111 ; Extract bits 0-6 of A CMP GCNT ; If the result does not equal the current galaxy BNE PD2 ; number, jump to PD2 to keep looping through the system ; numbers in RUPLA LDA RUGAL-1,Y ; Fetch the Y-th byte from RUGAL-1 into A, once again BMI PD3 ; If bit 7 is set, jump to PD3 to print the extended ; token in A from the second table in RUTOK LDA TP ; Fetch bit 0 of TP into the C flag, and skip to PD1 if LSR A ; it is clear (i.e. if mission 1 is not in progress) to BCC PD1 ; print the "goat soup" extended description ; If we get here then mission 1 is in progress, so we ; print out the corresponding token from RUTOK JSR MT14 ; Call MT14 to switch to justified text LDA #1 ; Set A = 1 so that extended token 1 (an empty string) ; gets printed below instead of token 176, followed by ; the Y-th token in RUTOK EQUB $2C ; Skip the next instruction by turning it into ; $2C $A9 $B0, or BIT $B0A9, which does nothing apart ; from affect the flags .PD3 LDA #176 ; Print extended token 176 ("{lower case}{justify} JSR DETOK2 ; {single cap}") TYA ; Print the extended token in Y from the second table JSR DETOK3 ; in RUTOK LDA #177 ; Set A = 177 so when we jump to PD4 in the next ; instruction, we print token 177 (".{cr}{left align}") BNE PD4 ; Jump to PD4 to print the extended token in A and ; return from the subroutine using a tail call .PD2 DEY ; Decrement the byte counter in Y BNE PDL1 ; Loop back to check the next byte in RUPLA until we ; either find a match for the system in ZZ, or we fall ; through into the "goat soup" extended description ; routine .PD1 ; We now print the "goat soup" extended description LDX #3 ; We now want to seed the random number generator with ; the s1 and s2 16-bit seeds from the current system, so ; we get the same extended description for each system ; every time we call PDESC, so set a counter in X for ; copying 4 bytes .PDL1K ; This label is a duplicate of the label above ; ; In the original source this label is PDL1, but ; because BeebAsm doesn't allow us to redefine labels, ; I have renamed it to PDL1K LDA QQ15+2,X ; Copy QQ15+2 to QQ15+5 (s1 and s2) to RAND to RAND+3 STA RAND,X DEX ; Decrement the loop counter BPL PDL1K ; Loop back to PDL1K until we have copied all LDA #5 ; Set A = 5, so we print extended token 5 in the next ; instruction ("{lower case}{justify}{single cap}[86-90] ; IS [140-144].{cr}{left align}" .PD4 JMP DETOK ; Print the extended token given in A, and return from ; the subroutine using a tail call