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Maths (Geometry): SCALEY2

[Apple II version]

Name: SCALEY2 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Maths (Geometry) Summary: Scale the y-coordinate in A to 0.75 * A
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * SCALEX calls SCALEY2 * TT105 calls SCALEY2 * TT14 calls SCALEY2 * TT23 calls SCALEY2

This routine (and the related SCALEY and SCALEX routines) are called from various places in the code to scale the value in A. This code is different in the Apple II and BBC Master versions, and allows coordinates to be scaled correctly on different platforms. The original source contains the comment "SCALE Scans by 3/4 to fit in". In the Apple version, the scaling routines scale screen coordinates in the system charts by 3/4 in each direction. This enables the charts to fit into the smaller screen size when compared to the BBC Micro versions, while still leaving the dashboard on-screen (the Commodore 64 version also has a smaller screen, but it removes the dashboard from the screen to make more room). The scaling routines do the following: * SCALEX scales an x-coordinate to 32 + 0.75 * x * SCALEY scales a y-coordinate to 0.375 * y * SCALEY2 scales a y-coordinate to 0.75 * y
Returns: C flag The C flag is cleared
.SCALEY2 STA T3 ; Set A = (A / 4) - A LSR A ; = -0.75 * A LSR A ; SEC ; This also clears the C flag, as the subtraction will SBC T3 ; underflow EOR #$FF ; Negate A, so A = 0.75 * A ADC #1 ; ; The addition works because we cleared the C flag ; above, and the ADC also clears the C flag, as the ; addition will never overflow RTS ; Return from the subroutine