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Universe: TT24

[Apple II version]

Name: TT24 [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Universe Summary: Calculate system data from the system seeds Deep dive: Generating system data Galaxy and system seeds
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * TT111 calls TT24

Calculate system data from the seeds in QQ15 and store them in the relevant locations. Specifically, this routine calculates the following from the three 16-bit seeds in QQ15 (using only s0_hi, s1_hi and s1_lo): QQ3 = economy (0-7) QQ4 = government (0-7) QQ5 = technology level (0-14) QQ6 = population * 10 (1-71) QQ7 = productivity (96-62480) The ranges of the various values are shown in brackets. Note that the radius and type of inhabitant are calculated on-the-fly in the TT25 routine when the system data gets displayed, so they aren't calculated here.
.TT24 LDA QQ15+1 ; Fetch s0_hi and extract bits 0-2 to determine the AND #%00000111 ; system's economy, and store in QQ3 STA QQ3 LDA QQ15+2 ; Fetch s1_lo and extract bits 3-5 to determine the LSR A ; system's government, and store in QQ4 LSR A LSR A AND #%00000111 STA QQ4 LSR A ; If government isn't anarchy or feudal, skip to TT77, BNE TT77 ; as we need to fix the economy of anarchy and feudal ; systems so they can't be rich LDA QQ3 ; Set bit 1 of the economy in QQ3 to fix the economy ORA #%00000010 ; for anarchy and feudal governments STA QQ3 .TT77 LDA QQ3 ; Now to work out the tech level, which we do like this: EOR #%00000111 ; CLC ; flipped_economy + (s1_hi AND %11) + (government / 2) STA QQ5 ; ; or, in terms of memory locations: ; ; QQ5 = (QQ3 EOR %111) + (QQ15+3 AND %11) + (QQ4 / 2) ; ; We start by setting QQ5 = QQ3 EOR %111 LDA QQ15+3 ; We then take the first 2 bits of s1_hi (QQ15+3) and AND #%00000011 ; add it into QQ5 ADC QQ5 STA QQ5 LDA QQ4 ; And finally we add QQ4 / 2 and store the result in LSR A ; QQ5, using LSR then ADC to divide by 2, which rounds ADC QQ5 ; up the result for odd-numbered government types STA QQ5 ASL A ; Now to work out the population, like so: ASL A ; ADC QQ3 ; (tech level * 4) + economy + government + 1 ADC QQ4 ; ADC #1 ; or, in terms of memory locations: STA QQ6 ; ; QQ6 = (QQ5 * 4) + QQ3 + QQ4 + 1 LDA QQ3 ; Finally, we work out productivity, like this: EOR #%00000111 ; ADC #3 ; (flipped_economy + 3) * (government + 4) STA P ; * population LDA QQ4 ; * 8 ADC #4 ; STA Q ; or, in terms of memory locations: JSR MULTU ; ; QQ7 = (QQ3 EOR %111 + 3) * (QQ4 + 4) * QQ6 * 8 ; ; We do the first step by setting P to the first ; expression in brackets and Q to the second, and ; calling MULTU, so now (A P) = P * Q. The highest this ; can be is 10 * 11 (as the maximum values of economy ; and government are 7), so the high byte of the result ; will always be 0, so we actually have: ; ; P = P * Q ; = (flipped_economy + 3) * (government + 4) LDA QQ6 ; We now take the result in P and multiply by the STA Q ; population to get the productivity, by setting Q to JSR MULTU ; the population from QQ6 and calling MULTU again, so ; now we have: ; ; (A P) = P * population ASL P ; Next we multiply the result by 8, as a 16-bit number, ROL A ; so we shift both bytes to the left three times, using ASL P ; the C flag to carry bits from bit 7 of the low byte ROL A ; into bit 0 of the high byte ASL P ROL A STA QQ7+1 ; Finally, we store the productivity in two bytes, with LDA P ; the low byte in QQ7 and the high byte in QQ7+1 STA QQ7 RTS ; Return from the subroutine