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Text: letter

[Apple II version]

Name: letter [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Text Summary: Draw a character in the high-resolution screen mode using the game font
Context: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * CHPR calls letter

Arguments: X The pixel x-coordinate of the letter we want to draw YC The y-coordinate of the character as a text row number
.letter ; If we get here, then the character to print is an ; ASCII character in the range 32-95. The quickest way ; to display text on-screen is to poke the character ; pixel by pixel, directly into screen memory, so ; that's what the rest of this routine does ; ; The first step, then, is to get hold of the bitmap ; definition for the character we want to draw on the ; screen (i.e. we need the pixel shape of this ; character) ; ; The Apple II version of Elite uses its own unique font ; which is embedded into this source code at page FONT, ; so page 0 of the font is at FONT, page 1 is at ; FONT+$100, and page 2 at FONT+$200 ; ; The following code reads the relevant character ; bitmap from the copied font bitmaps at FONT and pokes ; those values into the correct position in screen ; memory, thus printing the character on-screen ; ; It's a long way from 10 PRINT "Hello world!":GOTO 10 ; The following logic is easier to follow if we look ; at the three character number ranges in binary: ; ; Bit # 76543210 ; ; 32 = %00100000 Page 0 of bitmap definitions ; 63 = %00111111 ; ; 64 = %01000000 Page 1 of bitmap definitions ; 95 = %01011111 ; ; 96 = %01100000 Page 2 of bitmap definitions ; 125 = %01111101 ; ; We'll refer to this below LDY #HI(FONT)-1 ; Set Y to point to the page before the first font page, ; which is HI(FONT) - 1 ASL A ; If bit 6 of the character is clear (A is 32-63) ASL A ; then skip the following instruction BCC P%+4 LDY #HI(FONT)+1 ; A is 64-126, so set Y to point to the after the first ; font page, which is HI(FONT) + 1 ASL A ; If bit 5 of the character is clear (A is 64-95) BCC RR9 ; then skip the following instruction INY ; Increment Y ; By this point, we started with Y = FONT-1, and then ; we did the following: ; ; If A = 32-63: skip then INX so Y = FONT ; If A = 64-95: Y = FONT+1 then skip so Y = FONT+1 ; If A = 96-126: Y = FONT+1 then INX so Y = FONT+2 ; ; In other words, Y points to the relevant page. But ; what about the value of A? That gets shifted to the ; left three times during the above code, which ; multiplies the number by 8 but also drops bits 7, 6 ; and 5 in the process. Look at the above binary ; figures and you can see that if we cleared bits 5-7, ; then that would change 32-53 to 0-31... but it would ; do exactly the same to 64-95 and 96-125. And because ; we also multiply this figure by 8, A now points to ; the start of the character's definition within its ; page (because there are 8 bytes per character ; definition) ; ; Or, to put it another way, Y contains the high byte ; (the page) of the address of the definition that we ; want, while A contains the low byte (the offset into ; the page) of the address .RR9 ;CLC ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;ADC #LO(FONT) ; source STA P ; Set the low byte of P(1 0) to A ;BCC P%+3 ; These instructions are commented out in the original ;INY ; source STY P+1 ; Set the high byte of P(1 0) to Y, so P(1 0) = (Y A) ; Fall through into letter2 to draw the character at ; address P(1 0) in the high-resolution screen mode