.seek STX ztemp0 ; SEEK STX SLOTTEMP ; SAVE X-REG ; STA TRKN ; SAVE TARGET TRACK ASL A ; This is an extra instruction that doubles the track ; number in A CMP curtrk ; CMP CURTRK ; ON DESIRED TRACK? BEQ step3 ; BEQ SEEKRTS ; YES, RETURN STA ztemp1 ; This is the second instruction from above, which has ; been moved here (STA TRKN) ; ; This saves the now-doubled track number in ztemp1 LDA #0 ; LDA #$0 STA ztemp2 ; STA TRKCNT ; HALFTRACK COUNT. .seek2 LDA curtrk ; SEEK2 LDA CURTRK ; SAVE CURTRK FOR STA ztemp3 ; STA PRIOR ; DELAYED TURNOFF. SEC ; SEC SBC ztemp1 ; SBC TRKN ; DELTA-TRACKS. BEQ seek7 ; BEQ SEEKEND ; BR IF CURTRK=DESTINATION BCS seek3 ; BCS OUT ; (MOVE OUT, NOT IN) EOR #$FF ; EOR #$FF ; CALC TRKS TO GO. INC curtrk ; INC CURTRK ; INCR CURRENT TRACK (IN). BCC seek4 ; BCC MINTST ; (ALWAYS TAKEN) .seek3 ADC #$FE ; OUT ADC #$FE ; CALC TRKS TO GO. DEC curtrk ; DEC CURTRK ; DECR CURRENT TRACK (OUT). .seek4 CMP ztemp2 ; MINTST CMP TRKCNT BCC seek5 ; BCC MAXTST ; AND 'TRKS MOVED'. LDA ztemp2 ; LDA TRKCNT .seek5 CMP #12 ; MAXTST CMP #$C BCS seek6 ; BCS STEP2 ; IF TRKCNT>$B LEAVE Y ALONE ; (Y=$B). TAY ; STEP TAY ; ELSE SET ACCELERATION INDEX ; IN Y .seek6 ; STEP2 EQU * SEC ; SEC ; CARRY SET=PHASE ON JSR step ; JSR SETPHASE ; PHASE ON LDA armtab,Y ; LDA ONTABLE,Y ; FOR 'ONTIME'. JSR armwat ; JSR MSWAIT ; (100 USEC INTERVALS) ; * LDA ztemp3 ; LDA PRIOR CLC ; CLC ; CARRY CLEAR=PHASE OFF JSR step2 ; JSR CLRPHASE ; PHASE OFF LDA armtb2,Y ; LDA OFFTABLE,Y ; THEN WAIT 'OFFTIME'. JSR armwat ; JSR MSWAIT ; (100 USEC INTERVALS) INC ztemp2 ; INC TRKCNT ; 'TRACKS MOVED' COUNT. BNE seek2 ; BNE SEEK2 ; (ALWAYS TAKEN) ; * .seek7 ; SEEKEND EQU * ; END OF SEEKING JSR armwat ; JSR MSWAIT ; A=0: WAIT 25 MS SETTLE CLC ; CLC ; AND TURN OFF PHASE ; * ; * TURN HEAD STEPPER PHASE ON/OFF ; * .step ; SETPHASE EQU * LDA curtrk ; LDA CURTRK ; GET CURRENT PHASE .step2 ; CLRPHASE EQU * AND #3 ; AND #3 ; MASK FOR 1 OF 4 PHASES ROL A ; ROL A ; DOUBLE FOR PHASE INDEX ORA ztemp0 ; ORA SLOTTEMP TAX ; TAX LDA phsoff,X ; LDA PHASEOFF,X ; FLIP THE PHASE LDX ztemp0 ; LDX SLOTTEMP ; RESTORE X-REG .step3 RTS ; SEEKRTS RTS ; AND RETURNName: seek [Show more] Type: Subroutine Category: Save and load Summary: Fast seek routine Deep dive: File operations with embedded Apple DOSContext: See this subroutine in context in the source code References: This subroutine is called as follows: * rwts calls seek * trytrk calls seek
This routine is almost identical to the SEEK routine in Apple DOS 3.3. There is one extra instruction and one moved instruction when compared to the original DOS. These extra instructions double the track number in A. For a detailed look at how DOS works, see the book "Beneath Apple DOS" by Don Worth and Pieter Lechner. In particular, see chapter 4 for the layout of the VTOC, catalog sector, file entry and track/sector list. Elite uses different label names to the original DOS 3.3 source, but the code is the same. This code forms part of the RWTS ("read/write track-sector") layer from Apple DOS, which was written by Randy Wigginton and Steve Wozniak. It implements the low-level functions to read and write Apple disks, and is included in Elite so the game can use the memory that's normally allocated to DOS for its own use.
Arguments: A The track number
Variable armtab (category: Save and load)
Phase-on time table in 100-usec intervals
Variable armtb2 (category: Save and load)
Phase-off time table in 100-usec intervals
Subroutine armwat (category: Save and load)
Implement the arm move delay
Variable curtrk in workspace Disk operations workspace
The current track before performing a seek in the RWTS code
Configuration variable phsoff = $C080
Disk controller I/O soft switch for turning the stepper motor phase 0 off (PHASEOFF)
Label seek2 is local to this routine
Label seek3 is local to this routine
Label seek4 is local to this routine
Label seek5 is local to this routine
Label seek6 is local to this routine
Label seek7 is local to this routine
Label step is local to this routine
Label step2 is local to this routine
Label step3 is local to this routine